Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was a good day. SS class went well. We had a good message. The meal was good - they even liked the cranberry salad. Lori and I went to a baby shower at church. It had a snowflake theme and had yummy refreshments - even homemade marshmallows. I let myself enjoy the food. After the shower I took Lori home and we got a good started on the funeral thank-you. It probably should have been done sooner but we found out it wasn't as hard to do as we thought. I have the ones that go to church cause we can put them in the church mialboxes and then I brought home the ones I knew I could find addresses for so will get them in the mail tomorrow.

    Today my friend and I walked after a week of not being able to get together. Then I've been home. I did 10 minutes of decluttering, 1 load of laundry, walking inside, straightened some rooms, worked on tax stuff and other things. It feels like a profitable day. Now the running around will start up again so things done here will slow down.

    I'm facebook friends with our local funeral home so I learned that my dad's "ladyfriend" passed away. I had just gone to see her last month and she was doing well so it was a bit of a shock. She was 90 but still living on her own.

    Going to try and talk Ralph into going to Thomas' basketball game tomorrow and also getting my new glasses - they've been ready since the 22nd.

    Anew, I like easy dinners. I can tell you'll enjoy your kitchen island. I bet you can picture yourself working at it.

    Sheryl, so glad your friends coming over switched John's mood. Tax season - she will be busy. Nice that her husband can take her in when the weather is bad. And I'm very glad it was not bad for you to walk while you were out choring.
    Oh my, what a dilema for your sister. The ER is not a fun to be. I hate to have it end when they seem so happy but better to figure out before it gets any more serious. My oldest sister would not date the guy she married until he quit smoking and he did. Simon will have to really get with it.
    An hour on the phone with your mom - fantastic. Does your voice hold up better now?

    I'll leave you guys now and finish my cup of tea - peach this time.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello everyone, it's just after 9 pm so I thought I would come in and post. My headache is finally gone but I can feel that if I don't pay attention it could come back so I will need to be careful about what I am doing. My headache came on from playing that Ticket to Ride game because I kept having to lift my head to try to see the board with my bifocals. I had forgotten to take my computer glasses with me and I don't like trifocals, so it's two pair of glasses for me, computer/reading and distance/reading pair. I have vertigo so progressives are out as well.

    Dinner was easy, I made a pasta salad with roasted bell pepper and onions, I also baked some bacon on parchment paper, removed it and then laid out the asparagus on the parchment coated it well, then I roasted in the bacon fat. I cut up the drained crispy bacon on top of the drained asparagus and boy was it good. The whole meal was probably not diet friendly but it was enjoyed by both of us. :wink: I'll post the pasta recipe in the recipes thread.

    I never received a call back from the granite place so I called today and was told they don't do that kind of work. They could have given me the courtesy to tell me that but when the gal answered the phone all she said was "hello". She did not identify herself or the name of the company so I don't think I would want to do business with them anyway. How unfortunate it is when companies just can't give courtesy. She told me this was her first day back in the office but the owner has been in all week last week so I suppose my needs weren't important enough, lol. Sadly, this is what it's like with a lot of the companies out here, just not customer oriented. It's surely the reason many of them close soon after opening.

    Sannferris-I'm glad your enjoying the ease of walking on the ice. That crunch sure sounds fun. :smiley:

    Arobed53-I love my island and already use it with boards stacked on top, then covered with plastic table cloth and my cutting board on top of that, it's the right height that way. I definitely liked getting everything I needed from the drawer tonight while cooking dinner, even the salad serving hands are in the drawer. I'll have to give it up when we take it all apart to paint the outside and inside of it though, but I will just put the drawer on the counter when the time comes.

    I'll come back later and chat some more, I hope you all have a great night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Brrrr, cold and freezing rain. I'll wait for the sun to fully come up before I head outside. I think my back concrete slab and walkway will be extremely slick.

    Anew, isn't it aggravating when the company doesn't bother to call back to let you know that they can not help you. It happens here too, so maddening. No common courtesy whatsoever.

    Long time ago, someone told me this Customer Service Motto:
    "We're NOT Happy until You're NOT Happy" Makes me laugh, but sadly, so true.

    Because of the weather, I'll probably stay home today, I will not take advantage of the senior discount at Fred Meyer this month. (The first Tuesday of every month, 10% off if you're 55 or older). I am so glad that I got the coffee pot before Christmas.
    I called my Primary doctor's office yesterday to make an appointment to get my follow-up pneumonia shot and left a message and did not get a call back. So, I will not be going there today. I thought I could put as many errands into one trip as possible, doctor and shopping at a discount.

    I am not starting up the woodstove this morning. Yesterday, John decided that the blower motor fan blades need cleaning. I had to stop him from trying to clean them while the stove was hot. So, today, before it gets hot, I'll see what he thinks he can do. It's a tight maneuver to get between the stove and the wall to work on the blower motor. But, at least, I won't be concerned that John will burn himself. He doesn't seem to realize risk anymore and tries bizarre things. Like I've said before, he's obsessed with "fixing" things even when they are not broken. He thinks he can "improve" them. He spent about an hour yesterday with a little shim trying to keep the fire poker assembly from rocking. I can't think of the correct name for it, it's the stand that holds the poker, a little shovel and a little broom. It does not set squarely on the floor and wobbles just a teeny tiny bit. I don't even notice it, but it apparently drives John nuts.

    Debora, my voice comes and goes and I did get very tired talking, but it's so nice to hear my Mom talking, I just continued. I had to repeat myself a lot until she knew what I was saying, maybe that's what took up the time.
    I talked to my sister yesterday, rather, I listened. She really needed to vent and told me more details about Simon. They had a really good and lengthy talk about his health on Sunday and she was able to get things off her chest and make him understand how important this is to her, AND to him. He drove home Sunday night and texted her yesterday morning that he was able to change his Wednesday doctor's appointment to yesterday afternoon. I am anxious to see what he found out from his doctor and what he will do about it. One major concern that Norma has is that Simon falls asleep all the time. He finally confessed that he does have sleep apnea and is suppose to use a machine at night to help him get a good night's sleep. He does not use the machine because it's too much hassle. Norma flipped, that's exactly what Don said and that led to more health issues and problems and his death. In regards to Simon's weight, Norma realizes that it will take time to lose 100 pounds, but she can tell a lot by what efforts he puts in this next month. In her mind, she's not making a decision until after the wedding, since we are all spending the weekend together at the hotel, she'll know if he's taking this seriously or not. So, she did not give him an ultimatum, she just told him her concerns and desires and she'll see what he does with that.

    It's still dark outside, so I'll get another mug of coffee and wait for the sun to come up.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Didn't do much this weekend. Got my car washed, went shopping for some pants (didn't find anything I wanted), went grocery shopping, picked up the house, did the laundry, hard boiled this week's eggs, made a pot of lentils for the week, and binge-watched some Little House on the Prairie episodes.

    Got lots of rain overnight and early this morning. By the time I got on the road to go to work some of the surface streets were starting to flood. Nothing serious, but it was dark out and it was hard to see the built up water on the road. It's just been drizzling since around 9 am.

    Dad said Cisco didn't appreciate the hard rain during their 5:30 am walk this morning. He said that dog did his business before they reached the end of the street, and then turned around to go home. He had his rain coat on, so just his head and hiney were soaked.

    I bruised my arm something awful the other day. Hit it on a door knob. Big ol' door knob-sized black and blue splotch on my left forearm. Makes typing on the computer a little painful because my arm rests on the table. I finally got the tailbone to feeling better, and now this. I'm just a clumsy mess.

    The soup-of-the-day at the Grille at work today is one of my favorites. Potato, cheddar, and bacon soup. I'm enjoying a bowl of that for lunch now. Loads of calories and sodium I'm sure, but it's super comforting on a cold rainy day. They always give you so much, so it will be two servings for me.

    I feel a little lost right now. The order for the wall calendars that the office distributes to us each year hasn't come in and the only calendar I have right now is in my computer. I like having one hanging on the wall in front of me. I have one at home and was going to bring it to the office today, but of course I forgot it this morning.

    Cisco did well with his Thunder Shirt when the fireworks went off at midnight on New Years. He wasn't tested anywhere near like he was on July 4th though. The neighborhood did well too by not over-doing it like they do on July 4th. That will be the the big test.

    I just looked out the window and it's raining pretty good again. It's probably gearing up for the commute home. At least that drive won't be in the dark.

    Sheryl, that's scary that John tried to fix the blower while the stove was still hot! I sure hope it works out with Norma and Simon. That's great that you were able to have a long conversion with your Mom!

    Debora, your Dad's "lady friend" lived a long life, but still shocking when she was doing so well when you last saw her. I wouldn't have thought it was too long getting the Thank You cards out, especially this time of year.

    Anew, your pasta salad, asparagus, bacon meal sounds really good. Yum! I hope you are feeling ok today. I totally agree about the poor customer service these days. In most cases, I lay the blame on the bosses/management who fail to properly train their staff.

    Back to work. Have a nice evening everyone. :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon, John stepped away from "his" computer (the Dell/Windows7) so I jumped in here for a moment. My morning chores went well, very routine. The concrete is wet, but no ice here. The morning news showed slick conditions on the streets, primarily the Portland West Hills. Of course, the elevation makes a world of difference. We are at 53 feet above sea level here, so much more mild conditions.

    Anyway, I went to "my" computer (the HP/Windows 8) in the bedroom and got really fed up with it. It has always been a problem and since I continually get notices that I can upgrade to Windows 10 for free, I finally clicked on it. I was waiting for Windows 10 to prove itself to be better, let other people test the waters. I have been told by enough friends now that they are happy with how Windows 10 works, and since I was ready to blow up Windows 8, I started the download at 10:30 this morning. It's still downloading, at 53% last time I looked, so this may take ALL DAY.

    Talked to my sister again this morning and Simon had his doctor's appointment and he is going to start Jenny Craig again. His doctor said that he needs to lose 100-125 pounds. Simon had previously used Jenny Craig and lost 70 pounds, but I don't know how long ago that was. Also, his doctor said get on the CPAP machine immediately, no need to do a sleep study, his doctor already knows that he NEEDS it. So, now we'll see what action Simon takes. He talks a good talk, time to walk the walk.

    I guess I'll go do the lunch dishes and clean the kitchen up.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm checking in with you on the HP computer, Windows 10. This will take some getting used to, it's different. It took from 10:30 this morning until 6:30 tonight to get it installed and up and running. Now, I have to find a tutorial to help me navigate. Since I installed it with a click from the internet and not a disk, I have no instructions.

    I'll sleep on it, see you tomorrow.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening. Ralph and I went to town tonight and finally got my new glasses. There was a bookstore a few doors down and my eyes did not do well there. I'm starting to get used to them now. So I suppose I'll be adjusted after a couple of day. We also took back the frosty mug I got him that cracked when Molly accidentally dropped it - a small drop but.. We were able to get our money back - less than $4 but still. Then we ended up at Taco Bell and home.

    Got another 10 minutes of decluttering today - harder decisions today. Seems like I did a lot of other things but not really interesting to list. Tomorrow I have the morning at home, my sister and I both have appointments we'll go to and then church in the evening. So the going begins for the week.

    Anew, don't push it so the headache stays gone. Sorry you had to do the checkup with the granite place. At least you know now. It's up to us to take care of lots of things now. Fun that you are able to use the island already and check out how it all works.

    Sheryl, sounds like you were meant to stay in today. You already have the coffeepot and are enjoying it and the doctor didn't call you back. Glad being outside hasn't been bad for you. Did John get what he wanted to do done? Smart to have it cool off.
    I think it says something that your mother was okay with you repeating yourself too cause she didn't like your voice at first so another win.
    Sounds like your sister has things going well and for her and Simon, I hope Simon can make the changes and stay with it.

    Marcie, ouch on the arm now. Be careful. I hear you on the calendar - it's a small change but still. Poor Cisco - rain's no fun even with a raincoat. Glad the thunder worked well this time. Do you feel less busy at work?

    Sheryl, not much comes with an instruction book anymore. We learn a lot by trial and error and if you're already got a message to us, you'll do okay. That's a long download. I still have windows vista and won't change till I have to change computer (and I hope that's a long time). :)

    I need to head for bed. I walk in the morning and I'm adjusting back to having to for sure get up after a week off (I did it Monday so know I can).

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I got so wrapped up in computer operating systems and then letting you know I didn't have to fight any ice, I forgot to tell you about the woodstove saga. I did not light a fire yesterday morning and when John got up, he proceeded to start a fire. I reminded him of the reason why I didn't. I almost didn't say anything, since he forgot, I'd let it go, but then I thought, why should I have suffered the cold morning for nothing!!!! So I mentioned that he wanted to clean the fan blades on the blower motor. He got a small paint brush and was able to brush inside the small opening, it's a little over 2" and commented that it's all riveted, so he can't take it off, YES!!!!! Can't take it apart. I'll take a photo and show it to you over on the other post. Then, he turned the blower on and a big puff of dust blew out, so he was happy. Started the fire and I think we're done with that project.

    As I was closing down the computer in the bedroom, I checked email one last time for the night and there was an email from my doctor's clinic. They made an appointment for me for tomorrow morning at 10:30. Nothing specified about a pneumonia shot, so I still have to call again today to confirm. I don't want to drive down there and not be able to get the shot, that's my only reason for going. I don't like being notified by email, what if I hadn't looked at it? Would I penalized for not showing up? They should have called me back.

    Isabella, I saw on my local morning news that San Diego is so flooded they showed a man paddle-boarding down a street. It looked like the water was rushing at a pretty good speed. How are you and Dan?

    Marcie, you've got to take better care of yourself. (ha ha ha, like you bruised yourself on purpose). These things keep happening, at least you know what you did. I find bruises now and wonder "where did that come from?"

    For those of you on FB, you probably saw Granny's two new great granddaughters. So precious, Seth and Jim Bob both had their first babies, 10 days apart. These cousins will grow up very close. I'll copy that photo and put it over on the photo post. It's a photo that Tricia took, very professional. She really has a way with newborns and travels all over the country for photo shoots. Amazing.
    I got an email from Granny and she's wondering if she will be babysitting these two, or if she's considered too old now. I told her that she's too busy now to babysit, with all the activities at her new complex, she's hardly ever in her apartment anymore. She tells me that she's doing so much better and so happy where she is now.

    Well, I'll grab my camera and get to the woodstove and see you over on the photo post.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Update on Windows 10, the simple answer...so far, not better than Windows 8.
    I found some on-line tutorials, so still tweaking my skills, but overall, I am not happy.

    The dress got delivered yesterday but unfortunately, too snug, so I'm returning it today for the next size bigger. It is beautiful though and will love it when it fits. The bust line was too tight and I couldn't get it zipped up into the bodice area. I believe that I've left myself enough time to return this one, get the exchange and get it hemmed. It came extremely long and I don't want to trip.
    So, after my appointment to get my shot, I'll drop it off at FedEx and still have the day to go shopping. Mainly grocery shopping, but I also may stop to look at new underwear. I believe I will need a strapless bra for this dress. If I can't find anything, I can always just leave the jacket on all the time, whether I get too warm or not. Nobody wants to see my bra straps.

    We're warming up and no snow, going to make it up into the 40's and just some sprinkles. I can handle that!

    That time of year again...getting all the paperwork ready for taxes. Over the weekend, I finished all the month-end stuff for December and now am doing all the year-end stuff for 2015. Getting all the IRS publications, forms and schedules. I do the farm partnership first, then I have the K-1's for John's and my individual 1040's. I do mine next because it's so much easier than John's, his is much more involved, inventory and accrual method of accounting. I'll have everything ready so as soon as we have received all the 1099's, I can fill it out and send it in. Probably in February, since corporations have the deadline of January 31st for 1099's, I have found that they wait til the last possible minute. Washington State does not have an income tax, so thank goodness, I don't have to deal with that. I can remember the nightmare that was California and Oregon. (Oregon is the worst).

    It's time to refill my mug and check out Facebook and see what's up over there.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    We've finally got some measurable rain here. It's been storming here all week. Heavy winds and rain. Dad has had to let water out of the pool twice so far. It poured down overnight, but luckily it had let up by the time I had to drive to work. They say it's not supposed to rain again until tomorrow, but I was just outside and it's drizzly. I'm starting to forget what the sun looks like!

    I stayed home from work yesterday. Was sick to my stomach and didn't feel well at all. I was feeling ill the day before, and it really hit yesterday. Still not feeling aces, but I came in to work. There's a virus going around. Hoping I don't have it. I think I may have gotten a total of 1 hour sleep last night. Had the chills, then sweating all night and just couldn't get to sleep.

    That ugly bruise on my forearm and turned a "lovely" shade of purple now. Well, at least it's healing up.

    I remembered to bring my wall calendar in to work this morning. Now I don't feel so lost!

    I flitted around Facebook for a little while last night, and I just can't believe what Christina has to endure. I feel so bad for her.

    Sheryl, I'm sorry the dress didn't fit. Glad you have time to order again. It's such a pretty dress. I've lived in CA all of my adult life and have never experienced a state that didn't have income tax!

    Debora, have you adjusted to your new eye glasses yet? I hope the weather has improved for your area by now. Yes, work has slowed back down to a normal pace. Still busy, but not frantic-busy anymore.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just thought I would share Alex's post from the MFP Forum Feedback post. A list of the "fixes" that are pending.
    Alex wrote: »
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    We will keep this discussion open for the first quarter of 2016 (January - March) and focus the opening description on bug fixes. While we have improvements that have been on the list for quite some time and these will remain on the future project list, our goal for this quarter is to focus on bug fixes. As new bugs are reported or as old bugs are fixed, we will update this list. When reporting message board or groups bugs or issues, please be sure to include the following details - whether you are having the issue on the web, from an IOS or Android app with OS version, and what browser (if relevant). Thanks!

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  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Went with my sister to her diabetes appointment - It's been a year since she was diagnosed. With the help of insulin, she has her numbers in a good place. She has more neuropathy in her feet than she would like but not sure you can do much about it. Mainly she was told to check her feet every night and moisturize them. My appointment was only about 10 minutes and then we both did our Wal-mart list. There was a light drizzle when we came home and then kept up. We picked up 4 kids in Potwin and took them to church - was also able to deliver the other nut cakes I had so they aren't a temptation - found out they are called Brazil nut fruit cake and doesn't look hard to make.

    Today it was back to taking Ava to speech. The room I usually wait in was being used so I went and walked for awhile in the gym and then sat on the steps. Mom went to Bible study so Ava came here until they picked her up. This afternoon is Willing Workers. I am president this year along with being on the project committee so a little more work. I also got the letter of when our farm books go in and it's next Monday so I'll focus on them tomorrow and leave some 4-H thing till the February meeting. Tonight I plan to finish my shopping before and after the meeting so I won't have to go back tomorrow.

    We go rain all night so muddy on the roads. There was also an earthquake about 10:30 but I didn't feel it. I haven't felt any of them yet. No sun today but the temp is staying around 40.

    Sheryl, so sorry the dress didn't fit but at least you have time to exchange it and you know you like it. Hope your shopping trip goes well. Yay on John being happy with the blower now.
    The pics Granny posted are cute. The girls wanted their babies to be close together so they got their wish. So glad she made the move she did and the place has worked out so well.
    Sorry windows 10 isn't better. I'll stay happy with what I have then. Guess you'll figure out what you have to when you need it. Amazing to me that you do the taxes - so many forms and stuff. Lots of details. I'm happy to hand it off and all the kids are too so they don't have to mess with the K-1.

    Marcie, glad you getting morning rain. Nice when it doesn't happen on your drive. We normally get more snow now but the rain adds up faster. Glad you're feeling better today. Yay on the wall calendar. Hope the bruise heals quickly. Sounds like we're both ready for the sun again. Doesn't take much for me to miss it.
    Yes, I'm getting used to my glasses. Reading is the biggest adjustment. I have to hold my books up a bit more, can't leave them lay in my lap. I haven't gotten the old ones out since the first night but they are still in my purse but that's my procrastinaion. Not as much done at home today but what I expected.

    Better load up the car and head for the church. I want to try and have the business before the program so the speaker is what we remember more - worth a try. We'll see if the others agree.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good early am, it's about 2:30 and I am of course quite bored to death, lol. I have a tv show on called Mysteries at the museum, it shows daily and it seems like lots of re-runs but I sure like it. They also have one called Mysteries at the castle I like watching, it's interesting that I can see museums around the world without even stepping into their doors. Of course it is only one thing within the specific museum or castle they talk about but it still makes it very interesting.

    I decided to keep that piece of slate for an outdoor table centerpiece to write on instead of trying to find another company to cut it down. I am positive it will be too heavy for me to lug (pull) around the kitchen. :smiley:

    I made homemade mayonnaise this evening, it sure came out well and it's probably the best I have ever tasted too. I was making those chicken with raisin and apple sandwiches tonight and didn't have any mayo so I decided to make some. I did not want to make a store run just for mayo and those sandwiches were really good using the homemade. Now I have about 30 ounces of mayo in the refrigerator in an airtight jar I have to figure out how to use up quickly, lol. I almost failed at it because it wasn't thickening, it wasn't breaking, and it was emulsified but it wasn't getting thick.

    I wound up finishing it off in the vitamix by starting with two more eggs, more mustard and rice vinegar in the mixer and added a small amount of the mayo that wouldn't thicken. When I had enough to put in the vitamix I put it on dial number 1 and slowly added more of the mayo mix, and once I had it all in I turned it up to ten, it took all of about 20 seconds for that last step. I wanted to avoid the vitamix because thick foods are not easy to get out of it which makes for lots of wasted food. It's the only thing I don't like about using it, but I sure like using it for thinner foods that will pour out of it. My immersion blender broke and I am positive it would have been a much better option than whipping it like I tried to do. Ahh well, all is well that ends well and I didn't wind up wasting eggs and grape seed oil, lol. I'm just glad I finally tackled my fear and made mayo in my own kitchen, lol.

    Mygnsac-I love Little House On The Prairie, and the Waltons too! The best TV shows around. There are younger generation kids watching the shows now and are disappointed when they find out they can't meet all the actors because the show was made so many years ago, lol. I was watching That 70's Show the other day and the mom (kitty) was wearing a wrap skirt but she had it on backward, lol. I laughed so hard at that, only because I made my own wrap skirts in the 70's and they were always worn with the wrap to the side, not on the back side like kitty was wearing it. Haha, I loved that, lol. I could swear that wrap skirt came about from The Walton's TV show and I think it was Mary Ellen that wore it in a couple of episodes. I see the clothes they were wearing and I see so many things I was wearing at that time, most of which my mom sewed, lol. I think I might have sewed my wrap dress in my single survival sewing class in high school.

    I am constantly hitting the door knobs and one day I hit my forearm on the side mirror of my friends car while I was carrying something and walked passed her car with my arms bent outward. I hit it so hard that it stopped me in my tracks, my back hurt instantly and the bruise I got on my arm was horrible. I could hardly lift the toothbrush. I hope your arm heals very quickly. I'm glad to hear Cisco did well with his fireworks t-shirt and I hope 4th of July will be good as well. It looks like the rain is wreaking havoc on California, stay safe out there and try to keep your eyes open for mud slides and flooding roads. Your soup of the day at the Grille sounded really good.

    Arobed53-Glad you picked up your glasses, how are they now? Hubby just got some new ones and he is quite pleased with his. I'm glad, because his are always expensive, lol. I am so loving my little island, I will have to give it up to paint and will be out of sorts for a couple of days when that happens, lol.

    Sannferris-No ice, that's good to hear! I am happy your hubby got that stove taken care of safely. Can he vacuum it out after he brushes it off to get the excess out instead of having it become a cloud of dust in your air? I refuse to give an email address to the doctors because I won't communicate with them via email. They do text me from time to time but I prefer a telephone call and let them know it's my preference and they are usually really good about it. Sorry your dress did not fit right. I know mine was huge at the top for me but I still had to go down a size and I still had to have it taken in at the top sides. I also wore a strapless bra with it too but I wound up keeping the jacket on all night, so if you are doing that you could get away with diaper pinning your bra straps to the dress straps to help keep them from showing.

    Mygnsac-Thanks for posting about the forum issues and their plans to fix things. How is that bug you got and how are you feeling now?

    Well, I am going to check out here, I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow (well today), lol.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I got wrapped up in FB first this morning and then went out to feed, I usually try to come here first. Anyway, yesterday was fruitful, but exhausting, but enjoyable grocery shopping. I always like grocery shopping, just not any other kind of shopping. I dropped of the dress at FedEx on my way to the clinic. I checked the tracking number this morning and it's on it's way, once they receive it, they will send out the other size. I would have guessed at size 18 in the first place except that the dress at Burlington was a size 16 and it fit so well, AND it's the same manufacturer, R & M Richards, that I ordered a size 16. Learning from my mistakes, however, I don't ever plan to order clothes on-line again, unless I'm forced to like in this case.

    I got my second pneumonia shot, in and out quickly, but later, as I was shopping, it was itching like crazy. As I semi-scratched it, trying to get relief without tearing out my skin, it grew in size, a big hard lump, and was extremely hot to the touch. After I came home, I called the clinic and the doctor said that the reaction "is not uncommon. It's a reaction to the solution that carries the vaccine". Use a hot compress and take Benadryl. Well, I didn't need to make it hotter, ha ha ha, and I don't have Benadryl, so I waited and it started getting better by bedtime. No more itching and a bit cooler, still hard as a rock, but I took Tylenol and slept pretty good. Woke up at my usual times with the normal night sweats and bathroom run, but my arm was fine. It's back to normal this morning.

    I found a strapless bra, with optional very thin straps that I can attach, which I probably will, so I'm set now on that. The problem with my existing bras is that I intentionally purchased very wide straps so it doesn't dig into my shoulders, even pinning them, they would show.

    I stopped at TJ's for a few things and Safeway to use my coupons that saved me a bundle. I got stocked up on fresh foods and pantry items. I bought a mango...not sure what to do with it, new to me, but one of the recipes that I have chosen to make this week calls for a mango salsa.
    So, like I said, very successful day, but I sure was tired.

    Time for a fresh mug of coffee.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Friday everyone. I'm sure glad to say bye-bye to this work-week!

    I got a good nights sleep and woke up feeling a lot better than I have the last few days. My energy level is up too, so hopefully I'll be a little more productive this weekend. Still feeling a bit dehydrated, so I'm drinking lots of water.

    Should be a pretty, sunny day today. The sun came out briefly at the end of the day yesterday, but today we should have a sunny day all day. We were in the low 30s this morning, and may hit high of 50 today. It was real foggy this morning, so not a good commute to work. Had to take it real slow and took nearly twice as long to get to work. The fog should burn off soon though. We're supposed to get more rain tomorrow and again on Monday.

    One of Dad's walking buddies, a 78 year old woman, hadn't shown up to walk with them in about 6 weeks, so yesterday he and his other walking buddy stopped by her house to check on her. It appears she took a bad fall 6 weeks ago and hurt her right arm, but didn't go see the doctor. Said she's been taking pain pills ever since, but it's too painful to go walking. When they looked at her arm it was twisted weirdly like it was broke. They tried to convince her to go to the doctor, but she was afraid they would put her in a cast up to the shoulder (a friend of hers had to get one of those last year and it was really hard on her). They got in touch with her daughter, and together with her they were able to convince her to go see the doctor. The arm was broke badly in two places, and as she feared, they had to re-break it and cast the entire arm, up to the shoulder. Poor lady. And of course, she's right-handed.

    In our ongoing efforts in getting my stubborn dog to enthusiastically eat his dog food (he grudgingly eats it right now...very slowly, sometimes one piece of kibble at a time, giving us the "why don't you love me" look after each bite :smirk: ), Dad found some dog food seasoning online the other day and ordered it. Its dried beef, celery, carrot, and other stuff like that. Sure smells good. So far it's been successful. Cisco loves the seasoning and is eating his food really well. I'm sure he'll eventually figure out some way to lick off the seasoning and leave the kibble behind. Simon, my cat, has been eating the same food for several years now and never complains about it. He needs to teach Cisco a thing or two.

    Anew, wow on making your own mayo! I'll bet it was yummy. And a chicken, apple, raisin sandwich sounds yummy too. I'm a Walton's fan too, especially the episodes before Richard Thomas (John Boy) left the show and Will Geer (Grandpa) died. I also enjoy watching That 70's Show when I run across it. Brings back lots of memories for me! That chalk board table is a neat idea. I have a wide mouth Vitamix, so it's usually pretty easy getting thick stuff out of it. The little that's left behind comes out easy for cleaning when I add a little water and a couple drops of dish soap and blend for a couple minutes (I always have to do that when I make nut butters). Since I live in a valley, one thing I don't have to worry about during the rainy season is mudslides. Just occasionally flooding of surface streets when it rains hard.

    Sheryl, I had a flu shot once that got irritated like your shot did. Very annoying. Glad it cleared up quickly for you. I know the feeling about differing clothes sizes. That's why I rarely order clothes online. Just never works out for me. I hope the replacement dress works out for you!

    Debora, glad to hear your sister's numbers are where they should be. I don't know how you find the time to do all the things you do. Just boggles my mind!

    Looks like break time is over. Take care, and have a great day everyone!
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    HI Ladies! Have enjoyed catching up and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Lots of health news on me but first, have you ever made potato chips in the microwave? DJ watched a youtube video and sliced the potato up and microwaved them with salt/pepper/garlic powder. They were too crunchy for me but did have a good flavor. He told me that he overcooked the first bunch but the next two were better :) He has been watching what he eats and trying to make good choices and has lost 13 pounds since early October. He hasn't had a growth spurt (he's 13) so when that occurs he will be in great shape!

    Wanted to let you know that I saw the Rheumatologist again yesterday. I don't have rheumatoid arthritis which I was so happy to hear. I do have a rare process called Chronic Post Streptococcal Reactive Arthritis. It is caused after a strep infection and your body settles in a joint and attacks it. The MD thinks that the shot made my body 'react' again which is why I have had so much pain. I am starting on a medicine that will decrease the inflammation and should help with getting my joint back to closer to my normal. I don't know if it is a life long chronic condition or a eventually get better thing. The MD told me so much info and I was trying to take it all in. Made me happy to know that at least I'm not crazy and there is actually something wrong with my hip! ;)

    Biggest problem with the medicine is that it causes massive (the doctor used massive, not me!) GI distress :( Hoping I don't have that side effect but am prepared as best I can be. I just hope it never happens at work--I can't get anywhere fast :neutral: .

    The flooding is over here although it's raining here and suppose to turn to snow tomorrow! The boys would be thrilled to finally see some snow ;) The cleanup of the flooding will take a long time especially in the hardest hit areas.

    Sheryl--glad that John 'fixed' the stove. Hoping that he doesn't get burned next time he wants to fix it! Sounds like your mom is doing great and that is so nice to hear :) Can't wait to see the pics of the correct fitting dress!

    Marcie-- sorry you hurt your arm, hope it's much better now! I've never heard of food additives for dog food, I'm sure Kringle would love that. She stills guzzles her food after 7 years and I'm grateful for that!!! :)

    Anew--hope your headache doesn't come roaring back! I am glad you like the island, I'm sure it will be even better once you have the top on :) Is home made mayo better for you? It sounds delicious!

    Aero-- I love reading about your decluttering. Are you following that book that everyone has been talking about? I love to get rid of stuff and have been trying to do a slow method too. With my hip issues I haven't been able to stand so I've been using a chair and getting rid of lower items!

    Happy Weekend!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Oh, Jannie, I am so happy for you that you got a diagnosis, finally. It's the worst, feeling so bad and not knowing why. I trust and pray that this is not a chronic condition and your doctor will find a solution for you. And, good luck on that massive GI distress, ewww.

    I believe that I have stepped into the next phase of dementia. I woke up to the front door being unlocked this morning and the screen door propped open like what we do when we're bringing in firewood. I don't think John brought in any more wood last night, but I don't know why else he would open the door after I went to bed. I always make sure everything is locked up and secure, but now, looks like he may be going outside after dark. Oh My, I was praying that he would not be a wanderer. I'm not ready yet to have someone come in and stay with us and John is far from needing to go to a facility. I just can not stay awake as late as he does.

    Well, as I type, I hear John getting up already, poo, there goes my morning "me" time for this morning.

    I'll try to get back later, there's football on tv today, so John may be occupied with that for a short time.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Sannferris-Maybe it's time for a tracking system that uses GPS?

    Check this one out, maybe insurance will help cover some of the cost.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone!

    We had massive rain storms this week. Also cold and windy. I know we needed the rain but it would have been nice if it had been a bit lighter over more time! Several areas of San Diego were very flooded. Especially Ocean Beach, Point Loma, and Mission Valley. Wednesday night was the worst storm yet with heavy rains and 70 mph winds. When we got up we discovered that 2 of the malaleuca trees on our back slope fell over due to the ground being SO saturated. Dan managed to find an emergency tree removal service that came out that day and removed them for $200 each. I guess it was the best of a bad situation. At least nothing else was damaged. Thank God Dan spent all that time for several months moving and changing all that rock and re-doing the drainage system. It REALLY paid off!!!! The rock area was a river running between the 2 houses.

    So has anyone watched the new season of Downton abbey? It was so nice to have it back! We really enjoyed it. We have our free concert at the library today. Hopefully Dan will want to go since it doesn't look like we will have rain yet. Maybe tonight or tomorrow.

    Anew, glad your headache has somewhat subsided. Hope it stays away. So glad your island is everything you wanted and more. It was a really good design! All your planning really paid off. I want to make my own mayo. Will you share your recipe? I hate when businesses don't return calls. The one thing we constantly stress to our production guys is even if you don't have an answer for the customer yet, call them back and tell them you don't have an answer - don't leave them dangling!!

    Sheryl, sorry to hear that Norma and Simon may have some issues. Seems like Norma is handling the situation correctly. Communication is the most important thing. As long as she lets him know how she feels and how his decisions are affecting them both, and as long as he is willing to take steps toward lifestyle changes, I think they will both be better off because of it. I wonder how old his CPAP machine is. From what I've heard those masks have come a long way and are much easier to bear with now. Maybe Simon should look into that.

    Sounds like your mom is doing so much better. Very happy to hear it. We still have windows 7 and will stick to that as long as we can. From what I've heard it was the last decent microsoft system. Scary that John may be going outside at night. Hopefully it was a fluke and he isn't starting the wandering thing. Can't wait until you get the dress again. We want to see a picture of you in it. Thanks for the info on Granny. I am extremely happy that things have turned around and she is so happy at her new apts!

    Debora, amazing that you are decluttering what with all the other stuff you do everyday! :) You should be very proud. I need to do some of that. Mostly with paperwork. Dan keeps asking me why I need all this paper and tells me that in this day and age I shouldn't need to save any paperwork stuff. It's mostly nutrition magazines and info I printed to remember. Also recipes I want to try. I really have to stop printing! :wink: I think it is a really good idea to try and do the business before the meeting so everyone will have the message fresh on their minds. How did it work out?

    Marcie, Glad the thunder shirt did well. We'll see how July 4th goes. I totally understand about the soup you had at work. It sounds wonderful. Last Sunday I made a big pot of split pea soup and a GIANT pot of chili (had to freeze half of it) and we ate soup and chili all week which was perfect since it was so cold and rainy. I also get what you mean about the calendar. We have been kinda living without a calendar this week. Dan and I had a calendar made of many of our favorite vacation pics thru Costco on line photo shop. We have done it for several years and really enjoy having our own pictures on the calendar. This year we got the smaller 8 X 11 for $10 instead of the 11 X 14 for $17 and Dan feels that it is too small for the kitchen so he ordered the 11 X 14 and we should have it next week. How is your arm doing? Hope it isn't as painful.

    Jannie, so happy to hear that you don't have rheumatoid arthritis. Hopefully what you have will not be chronic. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Hope the longer hours are going OK. Very proud of DJ for trying to be healthier and already losing a nice amount of weight!

    Well, we still haven't eaten yet today so I'd better go make breakfast - or is it lunch - ok, brunch! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    A quick good afternoon, John is watching some football.

    I'm watching Downton Abbey, can't get enough of it, already sad that this is the last season. I'm afraid that the last episode will be as hard to take as the closing of NM. It has become a part of my life and I feel like each character is a friend (or enemy). (No enemies from NM though).

    Isabella, so glad that the trees fell away from the house. It's a sad thing to lose trees, but when they do damage and displace you from your home, it's tragic. I have seen on the news, that we have had a lot of huge trees splitting houses in two in the Portland Hills. That would be about 15-20 miles from where I live.

    Thanks for the link, Anew. It may come to this, a tracking device on John. When his mom lived with us, she constantly tried to wander off, but fortunately, could not figure out how to open the big front gate. She would always walk the perimeter of the property and wonder how we got in and out. John can and does open the gate, so I will have to monitor his movements. I am still so very thankful that he has no desire to drive anymore, so at least I know he won't be driving off.

    I may have to wait for wedding photos to share the dress on me. I have tried to get John to take some photos and that's a disaster. He absolutely can't figure out the camera and can no longer understand instructions. Thursday night, I had him take photos of my swollen arm, since I couldn't do it one-handed. Comedy of errors and 15 minutes later, I finally got a couple photos. It was hard work with little return.

    John is out of his seat, I better go see where he's headed.