Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, had a crazy hectic week at work but not a bad week. I will be out of work on Monday because I will be taking my continuing education class for my notary renewal followed immediately by taking the test so they can renew my commission for another 4 years. I need to go and study but I had to check in with you all first. :)

    Our bible study is on summer hiatus but our bible study teacher and several of the other gals have birthdays while we're on break so we get together for lunch during the break. Well, that lunch is today. Yay! We will meet at a restaurant called Cenote Grill (Mexican food) at 11:00am. We all chip in and get our teacher a birthday gift. This year we got her an adult coloring book of the Psalms and an Amazon gift certificate. She is having knee surgery in a couple of days so these are something to keep her occupied while she is laid up. Then Dan and I have our free concert at the library to go to this afternoon so it should be a really fun day!

    Sheryl, so sorry to hear about your aunt. My prayers go out to her and your uncle. Bummer about another chicken being killed. Could it be a hawk? That would explain how the predator got in and out. They get the little bunnies around here all the time. I know we hate to think of little bunnies being dinner but it really helps to keep the population down or there would be way too many of them. Your trip to Harbor Freight sounds like some of Dan and my excursions. :smiley:

    Debora, sounds like you got a great deal on the couches. How scary about Ralph's back. Is it better now? Wow, you sure do have a lot of birthdays coming up very close together. I guess that's not too surprising with such a large family. Too funny about the cinnamon breads. It does help to follow the recipes sometimes. ;)

    Marcie, sorry to hear that you are still not doing too well. The fluid from the legs sounds scary. I had to look it up and after a quick search came upon info that it is called edema. There were several causes listed, some not so good, but interestingly one of them was that some medications can cause this and one of the medications was a type of blood sugar medication called thiazolidinediones. Hope your Dr. appointment isn't too far off so you can ask your doctor about the fluid. Poor little Cisco! Don't know why some people have to blow off crazy fire works. Especially in California, that can be so dangerous! I'm sure your area has a public fireworks display that they could attend instead. Although I guess the crowds could be intimidating. Is poor Cisco able to go out at night yet? Very good idea for your dad to ask the vet for other solutions at the next visit.

    Anew and Jannie, hope all is well and that we will hear from you soon!

    OK ladies, have a wonderful weekend.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Nice day here. Food is as done as can for tomorrow. And I did make the Prince Cabbage - will find out tomorrow if I like it. It's a slaw that has apples, pineapple and raisins in it. I didn't put the nuts in. Alan and both son-in-laws came out to help me move the furniture. 2 sofas and one love seat came in and 2 sofas left the house for the burn pile. Got things in place as I could. Maybe have to change things a bit more but need to live with the change to see how it goes. The chicken I got out of the freezer does not seem to be thawing very quickly so we'll see how it cooks. Two crockpots will have whole chickens with carrots under them and the other will have the potatoes. Got through quite a few emails so that was progress for me too.

    Isabella, nice that you only have to do a renewal every 4 years. Is it mostly review stuff for you or do you have to study hard? What a fun time for lunch. We bring snacks during the month when we have someone with a birthday. How was the free concert?

    Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all,

    Debora, it is mostly review stuff. I read the latest Notary handbook from the secretary of state, then take the class which will review everything again and go over any new laws and that is usually all it takes to be able to pass the test at the end of the class.

    I had the most excellent day yesterday!! The lunch was fantastic. I got to sit next to some of my favorite people (although everyone in the group is great), the waiter was the best ever (anticipated our needs without having to be asked for anything), and the food was wonderful! I got home just in time to pick Dan up and go to the free concert. The music was really enjoyable and the scheduled artist had a couple of surprise musicians join him that really rounded out the music beautifully. Couldn't have asked for a better day!

    I am going to go study for a bit before church. Have a great week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. A quick pop-in, going to be a busy day. Lots of errands to run and stop at oncology office for a blood test today.

    Got an email from my cousins, who will visiting us in 2 weeks, for directions to our house. I take driving home for granted, and with all the construction going on, I need to drive the route and see what the signs say these days. They added a new exit from the Interstate that is a more direct route, but I'm not sure how the sign is labeled. Also, the stupid city of Battle Ground changed the names of all their streets, so as you drive, the street will change names on you and then as you get back into the County, the street name changes back again. I just don't get it, why did the city feel the need to change street names?

    Isabella, it could have been a hawk, but this was a pretty big chicken. We also have eagles around here, however, usually the eagles fly away with their prey. We'll never really know. We also have lots of bunnies and even the crows get those. The crows will get the eggs and baby chicks, but I haven't seen one challenge a full grown chicken before.
    I'm sure you will do well on your Notary renewal. Probably nice to have a change in your regular work routine.

    Debora, you're right, doesn't take much to keep our men happy. Sounds like Ralph and John and very similar, age is creeping up on all of us, but I see it more and more in John, he's 76. A road trip for ice cream/to view chicken houses or to look at discount tools, or supposed Ghost Towns, it's always an adventure.

    I better get going, I have a whole list of things to do.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good Morning. Got a lot done yesterday and John went with me. Yay! As we were walking into Compass Oncology, I saw a woman walking out and as we neared each other, we both smiled and started with a usual greeting of "hi" and she said, "this is my last visit...last time to come in here". Wow, I congratulated her on recovery and said this is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you. She had been fighting cancer for 15 years and now, has no sign of it. What a journey, 15 years of treatment. That could possibly be me, although I'm feeling better and better, there is still follow up appointments every 3 months, CT scans every 6 months, and medication for years. Hard to believe that I've already been in treatment for 2 1/2 years.

    Since we were gone almost all day yesterday, I didn't call Mom, been two days now, I have to call today. I'm sure she's doing pretty much the same, but I should call anyway. I talked to Norma and she's so busy that she didn't have Mom over for dinner last week. Maybe this week, they have a doctor's appointment on Friday, but that usually wears Mom out and she just wants to go home afterward. Norma decided to cut back on her Blue Apron meals, so she went on the web site and entered to skip every other week. Didn't want the food to go to waste. She has so many activities that involve food, she doesn't need to cook very much at home. Tonight, Panera Bread is having a fund raiser for her church youth group, so she and friends will be having dinner there. Norma is so funny...she said "Blue Apron makes me feel like I'm cooking", I laughed and said "that's because you ARE cooking".

    Wow, I just had a bizarre event. I heard mumbling and crying and it was John, in bed. I couldn't understand what he was saying, but he was very upset. He didn't acknowledge that I was even there, so I assume he was dreaming. He calmed down and I'm going to assume that he won't even remember this, so I probably won't even mention it. But, it's hard, I don't know how to comfort him when he does this. I really can't say that everything will be alright, because more likely, it's just going to get worse.

    I guess I'll refill my mug and calm myself down, that shook me up.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We had a really nice weekend weather-wise. Didn't even get in to the 90s, and we didn't even have to turn on the AC. It was a nice break from the heat. Yesterday the heat returned though and we should be back in triple-digit weather in a couple days.

    As usual, though it's warm outside, I'm sitting here at my desk at work FREEZING and wearing a jacket and a scarf! The AC is 71 degrees and blows right down on me. Ugh. I'd like to find another desk to move to, but there just aren't any available right now.

    Cisco is finally back to normal and going outside at night again. Poor guy had a bad couple weeks with those noisy fireworks. His latest thing now is he gets in bed with me in the middle of the night and makes a nest for himself with my blanket. I think I'm going to have to put a stop to this. I keep waking up shivering because he's hogged all the covers!

    I decided on Saturday that I would go to Chevys (a mexican restaurant I like) for lunch when I was out and about running my errands. I was looking forward to their chicken fajitas. Got all the way over there and found they are shut down. There sure are a lot of businesses shutting down in this area. I can't keep up with them anymore. Sad.

    Debora, 28,000 steps in one day. Wow! Yeah, maybe pull back on that a bit when you start walking again. Sounds like you got a great deal on the furniture. It's nice being able to replace the old stuff now and then. I hope Ralph's back is still doing well after the episode the other day. The Prince Cabbage sounds yummy to me. How did it turn out?

    Sheryl, I can't believe it's been 2 1/2 years either. Time sure does pass quickly. I'm so glad you continue to do well. Sorry about the loss of the chicken. :'( I'm such a city girl. I would not do well in the country or on a farm where animals are taken like that. I cringe just seeing dead squirrels on the road. Hopefully Cookie will suppress her/his inner rooster! At least you guys didn't give him a girl's name. Cookie works for a she and a he. The baby sweater your friend's sister-in-law got for her dog sounds like a good plan. The thing with the Thundershirt is that you put it on and it fits the dog perfectly (not tight around the neck, chest or back end) and then you pull a strap around the dogs middle section to tighten that area only. Of course, my dog has to be difficult, and it just doesn't work on him.

    Isabella, I hope all went well with your notary education class yesterday. I work in the Secretary of State's office, but not the Notary section. About all I do for them is work on their webpage now and then, and post on our website the updated Notary handbooks each year. Sounds like you had a fun day planned on Saturday. A coloring book sounds like a great gift to wile away the time during recovery.

    I guess I'd better close and get back to work. Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, chatting has really slowed down here. John's up early again, so I'll be short again too.

    Marcie, our Chevy's closed down here in Vancouver also. The building was vacant for almost a year and finally they tore it down, now, they are building a Noodles and Co.

    This is really short, John is calling me already. Hope to pop in later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Woo hoo, it's finally Friday. It's been a long and busy work week. Lot's of work on the website this week.

    A memorial service for my co-worker who committed suicide last month was held on Tuesday. I wasn't feeling well enough to go, but a bunch of my other co-workers went. I'm told the service was beautiful, with lots of wonderful testimonials by his friends and family. I was happy to hear his little dog (who he adored) was taken in my one of his family members, so he has a new forever home.

    Well, they are finally replacing my ancient Blackberry at work for a Samsung Galaxy S5 smart phone. They've been phasing out the Blackberrys this year and finally got around to me. I should get it today. Something new I need to learn.

    I'm so tired this morning. Just kept tossing and turning all night and waking up every 15 minutes or so. One of the problems was the house was so freaking cold. I don't know what it is with Dad this year, but he seems to want to keep the house colder than we usually do in the summertime. After we went to bed last night, it was still around 90 degrees outside, so I left the A/C on, but I turned it up to 78 degrees so it wasn't running so much. Apparently he got up sometime in the night and turned it down to 76 degrees. I woke up freezing and finally put a coat on, grabbed the warm dog, and hugged on him for awhile! I think I need to adjust the vent in my bedroom. The cold air is blowing straight down on me, so maybe if I change the vent I can get it to blow away from me. Weird. I'm usually the hot-blooded one in the house who wants it cold.

    It got up to 104 degrees yesterday, but should "only" get to around 100 degrees today. When Dad took Cicso for his walk at dusk yesterday it was still hot outside and he told Cisco before they left that he would appreciate it if he would do his "business" quicker than he usually does. Cisco obeyed and pooped before they reached the end of the street. :)

    Well, I guess I'd better close and get this day started. If time permits, I'll probably pop down to the parking garage and take a quick nap during one of my breaks or lunch. I doubt time will permit though. Sigh.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Okay, I'm determined to chat tonight. I had good intentions of dropping in more often this week. After all, my calendar showed I would be home a lot this week. Well, yes and now. Monday I was home but I was getting things together for 4-H. We had our tour so started earlier and it was such a nice evening we visited as those who want to swam at the last stop. We had a nice group out. Tuesday I was at home and did enjoy it - got the 4-H calendars ready to mail to those not there and things like that. Derek and Thomas came by for lunch - last time cause the house Derek was building was done so made cookies for lunch too. In the evening Alan called to see if I could watch his kids the next afternoon and he wasn't sure how long. He and Katie went up to get some hog feeders. So Wednesday morning I went to church and worked on the Echoes, came home, ate and then the kids came at 1. I got to take them to their swimming lessons. They were each in a different class so was there for 2 hours but could visit with the other moms. They went to bed nicely but not all went to sleep right away. In fact, one of them was upstairs playing for awhile after I went to bed at 11. And he was the first one up Thursday morning.

    Alan came to get them around 10 so that gave me time to get ready for Bible study. I had the kids help pick up toys whenever we were changing activities so didn't have much to clean up. I was the facilitator for Bible study. It's a lot easier to tell kids to be quiet than it is to get adults to quit talking. Most of the evening was our DVD so it all worked out okay. Friday morning found me at Derek's at 7 am and was there till three. Deacon was with his birth aunt so only had 4 of the kids and they weren't always in the house. A neighbor took the girls to their swimming lesson and after lunch, T had a birthday party and the other two girls went to a neighbor's. I even napped a little after I put Madden down. :) When I got down there, I went and got Ralph and we went to town and did my shopping. Didn't get home till about 7:30 and fixed our salads and frozen pizza.

    Just after we finished eating, a friend called to tell us that a 61 year old man who grew up in our church and lives about 4 miles from us was flying his gyrocopter and crashed and was killed in a field about 3 miles away. The family didn't tell his father (91) until this morning since it was late by the time all was taken care of. There were three children in the family and all died in accidents of some kind. The other two were many years ago. Jim left a wife, two sons and a daughter-in-law behind. The comfort is that he's a Christian so we know where he is now and his wife said he was doing what he loved. Someone had snapped a picture as he flew away from the airport that evening so that will be a special memory.

    All the kids will be here for dinner tomorrow. It's the third Sunday and there are 6 July birthdays to celebrate. Two of them will not be here and Lori and family need to leave at 1:30 to take Thomas to camp to be a counselor so it will be busy a busy day. I'm having leftover wedding pork so that will go in one crockpot, one will have the corn and one will have potatoes.

    Isabella, you haven't popped in yet today. You must be having a busy weekend.

    Sheryl, getting close to time for your cousin's visit. I'm sure your excited. Have you told John they are coming. Ralph and John are close to the same age. Ralph will be 78 in November. Glad Blue Apron is flexible so Norma could change easily. She has a busy social life but it's good for her. Hope you haven't had any more bizarre moments with John. At least he did calm down.

    Marcie, yikes on being cold at home too. Guess you'll have to wear layers, even in the summer. Glad Cisco has settled back down. Ralph's back is doing fine now. And the Prince Cabbage was good. We did not have much leftover so I got the stuff to make it again. All of Alan's kids like cabbage - she said she makes a lot of cabbage hash (kind of like a bierock filling). She said she buys 6 cabbages a week - not that is way more than I could ever use. Hope you feeling more rested now.
    How's learning about your new phone going?

    This next week I have a haircut scheduled, a root canal to get done and a 4-H meeting and a baseball game on the calendar. Supposed to be hot all week - very hot they say.

    Oh yes, Julie finally got her house on the market and has the first showing tomorrow. She would love to have it sell quickly although Lori was told they could stay there during fair week if it hasn't sold so....

    Have a good rest of the weekend. Better head to bed so I can get up and get the things I need to do before church done.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning ladies, I went in to work yesterday at 7am until noon. I still didn't get as caught up as I had hoped but I wanted to spend some of my day with Dan. I am so swamped since I was off 2 Mondays in a row plus I have been given 2 additional tasks that one of the other girls can no longer handle since she is now in the billing dept. I didn't get any training on those tasks either but they are somewhat similar to what I am already doing so it isn't too big of a problem to figure it out as I go. At least I am at some semblance of sanity now so hopefully I won't feel so overwhelmed on Monday.

    When I got home Dan and I had lunch then we went to check out an office furniture store that was recommended to me to look for an office chair. The one I have at work is fairly new but it didn't turn out to be as good as I thought. This store sells both new and used furniture and the customer service is amazing! It is a family run business. The owner who helped us listened to what I wanted then had me test drive a few chairs. He really concentrated on the ergonomics of what I needed to be comfortable and healthy in a chair. We settled on a chair that is made in the USA (most chairs these days are made in China). $329 new but he is getting a used one in next Saturday that he will sell to me for $110 so I will call him next week to make sure he got the chair and we'll see how it goes. He also recommended I keep my chair a bit higher so I can reach my work station better then use a "foot stool" so my feet can touch. This set up felt good at the store so I will try that.

    Sheryl, I can't imagine how disconcerting it must have been for you when you heard John being so upset in bed. My heart breaks for both of you. It is so difficult when our men cry and we feel powerless to help them. Hopefully those situations will be few and far between and at least he was sleeping and won't remember. Wow, how amazing to see the woman who was finally done with her treatments. That will be you some day (hopefully sooner than 10 yrs)! :) I can't believe it has been 2 1/2 years and thank God you are doing so well.

    Debora, WOW! What a week! It made your usually busy week sound twice as busy. And next week doesn't show any signs of letting up! And a root canal to top it all off!! :/ I can't even imagine buying 6 cabbages a week. She must have a huge family. What did your prince cabbage have in it again? It is always so interesting to me that your entire meal is cooked in crockpots on Sundays. I wouldn't have thought to put corn or potatoes in crock pots. Sounds like it makes things so much easier to deal with.

    Marcie, you have a different profile pic. Is the pic of something specific or just a nice color collage? How are your legs feeling? Interesting that you work for the Secretary of State's office. I guess it is a branch of public office you don't really think much about until you get involved with them in some way like my notary renewal. I'm sure I passed but I won't get the results for 2 weeks. How are you coming along with your new phone? I've heard lots of good things about the Samsung Galaxy S5. My company switched all the guys from blackberries to iPhones a couple of years ago. It is crazy how the hotter it gets outside the colder it seems to get inside. Hope you figure out how to stop being freezed out. Did you adjust the vent in your bedroom?

    I forgot to mention that Friday our company had "employee appreciation day". They catered in sandwiches and salad from Panera, gave us each a cute certificate for some portion of our job (mine was telecommunications extraordinaire), and played a little game where they had pictures of different activities that represented something we may not know about each other and we had to guess who each picture represented. Then we were each given a mason jar with some of our favorite treats in it. It was very nice and fun.

    Well, I'd better go get ready for church. Have a wonderful week everyone! Hope it doesn't get too warm where you are! Should be in the low 90's here (sorry Marcie!).
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow, yesterday was crazy but good. I got up and got the food on, set the table and got ready for church. I've decided I'm going to try and bring my average steps up to 5000 a day this week so also walked a bit. Realized the doctor just said to wear the shoe, nothing on walking so starting the increase now. SS and church were good. I got the eggs for camp that I had put at church and we headed home. We ate by 12:45 which I thought was plenty of time but... We ate the meal. I got out the cake and one candle and we lit it 4 times and sang for each birthday person there, had the cake and ice cream. Then Thomas quickly opened his presents, Maggie did most of hers and then we herded Lori's family and Ralph out the door. (It didn't take them as long to drive to camp as mapquest said it would but better to be early than late). We then had the other two open their gifts. Lindsey's had not come so I'm glad she wasn't here. Her official birthday is Wednesday but she'll get the gift when it comes and it works out. Ralph called when they were ready to head home and I met them at a McDonalds. Lori had fun seeing the first camp she went too. I took them all the birthday presents cause she had room in the car now - she had picked up an order from Sam's for the cook (lady from our church). We had church in the evening and now it's Monday morning and I think I have this day at home after walking. I'm looking forward to it.

    Isabella, going in and working while it was quiet was good for your mind. Extra tasks always take more time at first. Very cool on finding a good store with helpful people and a chair you like at a good price. Will your work place pay for it.
    Alan's family is 2 adults and 4 kids 7 and under. That's about a cabbage a person for the week. Blows my mind but if they like it fine. Could be a craze too. Prince cabbage had pineapple plus the usual stuff. I plan to make more this week. Tried a new potato recipe that my husband thought was two spice but several others commented on how much they liked it so it's a keeper. The one a did yesterday was ranch potatoes style without a cream of anything soup so was gluten free.
    What a fun company appreciation day! There must not be too many employees.

    Time to go walk. Have a great day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2016
    Another weekend flew by, as usual. We had really nice weather this weekend. Didn't get much past the low 90s and the mornings were in the low 60s. Perfect summer weather. We're supposed to be back in triple-digit weather by next weekend.

    I went to open the windows last night after it cooled down and it was real smoky out there. Never did figure out where that was coming from. By bedtime is was better, so I opened some of them then. I love being able to turn off that A/C!

    I did adjust the vent in my bedroom and now the A/C isn't blowing directly down on me. I don't know why I didn't do that sooner! It's still a bit too cool, but I'm not freezing to death like I was before. I should probably where a dunce cap for that one. Now if I could only adjust the vent over my desk at work!

    People in the neighborhood are still setting off those stupid loud fireworks just about every night. Throughout the night last night four of them were set off, and it happened every time I was just about to take Cisco out for his nightly pee. Poor guy was stressed out and wouldn't step foot out onto the front courtyard. I finally leashed him up and made him go out there. He had super-quick pee and then made it clear he wanted back in.

    Saturday I splurged and went to the Spaghetti Factory while I was out running my errands. I had my usual Chicken Marsala dish. Lots of leftovers. I can't believe I used to be able to eat it all in one sitting! No more. The poor waitress there was not having a good day. She got my drink wrong (I asked for no lemon in the tea, but wanted lemon in the water...got those mixed up), she put the salad dress on the salad, instead of on the side like I asked, and she brought my side order of steamed broccoli (that was supposed to be served with the entree) with the salad, and she served my entree right after I began eating my salad. She apologized (a lot!). Said they switched her from her usual evening service to the lunch service and she was having trouble adjusting to the differences. Every time she came back to check on how I was doing she would apologize again. I finally told her to stop and that it was OK!

    I've been feeling some better over the last couple days. My legs are no longer "leaking" and the bloating seems to be going down. Still having some trouble sleeping, but it's getting better. I took a nap yesterday afternoon, and I think that messed me up last night when I was trying to fall asleep, but I still wound up getting about four hours of sleep. Enough to function today.

    They still haven't given me my new smart phone at work. He keeps getting busy with other urgent assignments. I was hoping I would get it last Friday so I could get familiar with it over the weekend. Oh well. Hopefully this week. I've already ordered and received a case for it, so I'm covered there (the office never provides those, or at least they didn't with my Blackberrys).

    We got a message at work the other day that overtime is pretty much not going to be available for the rest of the fiscal year. Apparently the legislature cut us down by about $700,000 this year, a lot of which would have gone to those working OT. Some staff have been working overtime steadily for many years now and have come to depend on that extra money each month. I never thought it was wise to count on OT for necessities.

    Isabella, isn't it great how much we can get done when we go in on the weekend when it's quiet and no one is bothering us?! From when I started with this agency in 1988 up till when my Mom got sick in 2010/2011, I used to work just about every Saturday. Now I only go in when I have a deadline that must be met, usually at the end of the calendar year for upcoming changes in the new year. Your employee appreciation day sounded like it was a fun celebration! We don't have too many of those around here. Once in a blue moon the administration will set up something like an ice cream social or nacho bar. Never any personal touches like yours though! Yeah, I changed my profile pic. I ran across the current picture online the other day and thought it was pretty. I love how the colors kind of melt together.

    Debora, all those birthdays! I don't know how you keep track!! It's so neat that you all celebrate them together on your Sunday get-togethers. That's sad about your friend having that accident with his gyrocopter (I had to look up "gyrocopter" to see what it was). 61 is just so young to go. Did you get your 5,000 steps in? I hope it's not too much too soon.

    Sheryl, I hope you, John and all your critters had a nice weekend!

    I see that Anew posted something over in her Trader Joe's post today. Hopefully she'll come here soon and catch us up again on her goings-on.

    Back to work. It's been so busy today, the day has just flown by. It seems as soon as I get one urgent assignment/project finished and I feel like I can catch up on the other stuff that gets lost in the shuffle, another urgent assignment/project hits my desk. Last April one poor attorney (who also happens to be my boss) in the office asked me to create a new form for corporations to use, and I was jumping for joy that I was actually able to get that squeezed in today ("only" took three months to get it done!) before starting my new assignment from the big-boss. Oh well, I guess that's what they call job security.

    One daily website task that I had previously assigned to my former co-worker (the one who died last month) I've re-assumed until we can find someone else I can assign it to. I'll be glad to get that one off my desk. It's a cumbersome/time-consuming webpage. I think I'm going to have to meet with the managers to get the ball rolling on finding someone I can turn that over to. I have one other person in my section that I've pulled into our website team recently, so hopefully she can take it. She's new though and I'll have to train her before we can give it to her.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, I jerked myself out of bed cause I was going to have to hurry to go walking and walk almost dressed before I realized it was a day I don't walk. Oh well, I'm up and going now. Had an email from Jim asking if they could eat lunch here. We'll have leftovers and there's plenty of meat - thought I was going to have to freeze some but this will take care of that I think so I'll make it work. We are home.

    I walked part of our walking time yesterday and then did my work so long, walk a bit (just 2 minute) during the day and it felt so good. I didn't realize I had missed it so much and the foot is doing fine so far so will continue this way and keep an eye on things. I got through pretty much everything on my list which doesn't happen often but today's list is just as long. I am home again today and even with the guys coming for lunch, I think I'll can get stuff done if I stay with it. The rest of the days all have going in them so better do my best.

    Marcie, glad you had nice weather and got the vent in your room changed. Maybe you need one of those vent deflectors for at work. A sweater helps but it still hitting you. Sounds like people bought too many fireworks and want to use them up but it's not nice for you and Cisco. If I shot one off now, I'd end up getting "caught". Fun to have one of your favorite meals (and for more than one meal). Eating a big meal isn't as easy or as fun as it used to be.
    We do change - although I realize that a lot of the things talked about at NM are slowly fading into the background and not as clear. What was discussed there is not the same as talked at MFP.
    Yay on feeling better. Maybe it has taken this long to adjust to your new med. I'm really glad to hear the leakage has stopped. That did not sound good. I still mention it to your doctor. No overtime - hope everyone can still get the work done. Some projects take a lot of time. It's a process to get the new phone to you. At least you're ready. Well, if it took you three months to get to creating the form, there might be some time before you get the phone. It's good to be busy but wow. You sound very busy.
    All the birthdays are written down so not too hard although I need to redo my card. Steps got done and am good. Gyrocopters don't look too safe to me but they loved them. I wonder if she will keep flying hers now.

    Well, off to get started on my day. Have a good one.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Tuesday was a nice day at home. I didn't do anything spectacular but just keep plugging away. While Jim and kids were here, I had them load up the books I wanted to take to the thrift store and loaded them up with a bunch of stuff I had for them (empty boxes and OCC stuff) so I got more out of here. I made biscuits & some carrots for dinner but otherwise it was leftovers and we still have more left. They ate a bunch of the meat. I found the chicken we froze after the rehearsal dinner and will use it Sunday. My freezer is finally starting to look a bit emptier.

    Wednesday I went and walked and walked the whole time and it did just fine. Then Ralph and I headed to town and I got my root canal done (need at least 2 more), did several errands and grabber a burger at Burger Kind. We got home in time to unload the car, check the email and then took my sister to her appointment with her diabetic doctor. She tool me she thought he'd be unhappy with a high she had but instead he was very pleased with all her averages. Her AIC has stated in the 6.something range for the last year so she doesn't have to go again for 4 months. We went to Walmart then and got flowers and pinata for Alan's kids to give their mom for her birthday. We bought some sugarfree gum and candy that she would maybe eat and they had fun doing it after supper.

    Today I had the morning at home. And I feel like I took care of quite a few things - phone calls, loading recycling, a load of laundry, etc. In a bit, I'm leaving for a haircut. Then I'll come home and get Ralph. We'll take the recycling in and go to town and do my Friday errands, eat at Freddy's with at least two of our kids and then I'll go to a 4-H meeting and then join the rest of them at the baseball stadium to watch a game that the baseball player staying at Derek's will play in.

    That means I get to be home tomorrow. Ralph plans to go along to pick up Thomas from camp and take him to Salina for Youth Retreat so I'll have some time home along and hope to bake some cinnamon raisin bread as a surprise. Saturday is 4-H Fashion Revue. Think I have to be there at 7 and will stay through the Public show at 2:30 since I have a granddaughter in it. Planning an easy dinner for Sunday since I'll be gone a bunch Saturday. I straightened the house today so that's done.

    As Sheryl said, it is quite here. I hope it's all going okay for her cause she usually does pop in a bit more. We've been up close to 100 most days this week so I'm glad I get to be inside as much as I do. Take care and be good and if you can't be good, have fun doing what you're doing. (HA)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi everyone.

    It's been a quick and productive work week. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already.

    Our weather is still pretty good. Highs in the mid 90s and nice cool mornings. Supposed to be above 100 this weekend. Debora, I heard about your heatwave on the news the other night. Immediately thought of you and Granny.

    I actually turned the heater on in my car on the drive home from work yesterday to take the chill off from my artic-like desk at work. I told Dad about it and he said he cant keep up with all my changes. I used to be the one always whining that its too hot. Now he's the one grumping about the warm weather. I told him, just wait until I start getting hot flashes!

    During a break at work today I decided to go to one of the typing speed websites and see if my typing speed has increased or decreased since the last time I checked. It's stayed about the same. My average is about 80 words a minute. Cant seem to get it much over that. I remember when I took this job in 1988 and we had to pass a typing test of at least 40 words a minute. I barely passed! Those were the days when you did that on a typewriter, and errors werent easy to fix like they are on a computer.

    The terrible bloating I was experiencing is sure lessening now. I can tell in my clothes. I had to go up a size for a while (I still had some of my larger clothes in the closet) but those clothes are getting loose now.

    Dad took Cisco to the vet yesterday to get his anal glands expressed (ick) and hus nails clipped. While he was there he spoke with the vet about other options to address Cisco's issue with loud fireworks. She's recommending we give a sedative a try next time. I guess we will, but I dont like the idea.

    Debora, it looks like its just you and I here this week. Sounds like you've had a good and productive week. I'm glad to hear you are able to walk again! I keep trying to get stuff used up from our box freezer, but as soon as I start making headway, Dad fills it back up again with frozen stuff from Costco or Sams Club. I dont know how you could eat a burger after having a root canal. By the time I thaw out from that procedure, I dont want anything that requires much chewing.

    Well, I guess I'll close and go get something to eat. I think I'll just have some cereal for dinnner tonight.

    Night everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    No wonder he has bad breathe. Sleeping with his stinky foot in mouth!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2016
    Cisco is adorable, looks like a comfy position. But, I could never literally get my foot in my mouth, I do it all the time figuratively.

    Good Morning. It's been a busy week, but I don't even know what all we did at this point, just kept busy with the outdoor stuff. Plus, I started cleaning house yesterday because Cookie is outside full time now, so I took the cage back out to the barn and picked up the quilt, sheets and all the papers that were protecting the table and carpet, etc. and vacuumed and put the chairs back where they belong. The living room looks back to normal.

    Cookie is a rooster...crowing at the crack of dawn. But, it's not too bad. First off, he doesn't have the super loud, piercing crow that our other roosters had. And, the earliest he has started in the morning is 5:30, not the all night long crowing like the other roosters. If he ever wakes me up at 2 am with crowing, then I'll have to rethink this whole thing, but, so far, so good. He has turned a bit wild already, being outside all week. John told me that Cookie pecked him when he bent down to pet him. I guess no more sitting on our laps and getting petted.

    We started pulling apart the front deck, getting rid of the old rotten boards. My cousins come to visit next Tuesday and they will have to use the back door. Then, the guys come out to start on the deck on Wednesday.

    Oh yea, last Tuesday, we had the garage door guy out here and he adjusted the tension springs on the doors. Wow, now they glide with ease and stay where you put them. Before, I'd heave them up (they felt so heavy) and they would come right back down on me. Now, they feel light weight and do all the work themselves. Should have done this years ago. However, now, we need to scrape the old peeling paint and repaint the doors and protect them from more water damage. At least they are still sturdy and sound, no dry rot for being in this weather unprotected for so long. Saved lots of money by not having to replace them, but I do have to put in some work to make them look nice and protect them from future rain.
    Still need to replace the people door to the garage, it's beyond repair, but this company only works with garage doors, so I'll have to check Lowe's or Home Depot.

    They started pouring foundation for lot 12 behind us. Only one left to go, there are a total of 13 lots. About half are occupied and two houses are finished but with for sale signs in front. I guess it's time for me to start back again and contact them about the drainage problem. I haven't heard anything back from the county about them being "out of compliance" and I still don't know what that exactly means or all that it involves. The ditch area and culvert look the same, no work done on them at all. I think I'll put together a letter and dvd of my photos and videos and take it to each individual house. The home owners make up the HOA and are responsible for the maintenance. Another choice is contacting the lawyer and see what he suggests, but that will cost me money. I am putting that off for as long as possible.

    I got some deals off of Groupon for some day trips for John and myself. One is to an elk farm in Molalla, Oregon. Includes a tour of the working farm and time in their petting zoo, which includes pigmy goats and a pet wallaby named Tucker. John will like that. Another trip will be to the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Museum in The Dalles, Oregon. I thought I was buying tickets to the one in Stevenson, Washington, but after the purchase, I realized I got the ones in Oregon. It's not too much further away and will still be a day trip. We have until the end of October to make these trips for this price. I'm sure we'll use them before they expire.

    I guess that's it for now. Time to refill my mug...
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Thursday went as planned but we didn't stay for the whole game cause it was just so hot. And I've been home all day. Ralph called and said they should be home in about 2 hours. I made 4 loaves of cinnamon raisin bread - want to give Julie one cause I know she likes it. I'll take it along tomorrow. I'm getting ready to do my list. I have to leave at 6:15 to help at the Fashion Revue and won't get home till probably 4 so will mostly have on what I need to do for Sunday. I'll have to get the crockots out, put the chicken in the fridge to thaw, get out the rice cooker, and cut up the cantaloupe so not too bad. I could have gotten more done today but I took a little nap and didn't push that hard. So it is.

    Marcie, when I've been in a really cold place, I love going out to the car that was sitting in the sun and letting the heat warm me up so the heater sounds like a good plan to me.
    For curiosity, I went to a typing website and took a test - did it twice and it came out the same both times - only 62. I can't imagine how your fingers fly at 80. That was fun so glad you mentioned it. I remember using a manual and making the keys stick cause I tried to go like on an electric (or now a computer).
    Yay that the bloating is less - looks like it just took its time.
    You'd have to do a sedative several nights but a calm Cisco would be nice too.
    I don't mind more stuff in the freezer. I just want to get the older stuff used up and hopefully, figure out a better arrangement. They say it's good to keep a freezer pretty full and it's nice to have stuff to pull out. Only one half of my mouth was numb. I think I have 2 or three more root canals to go - ug but won't hurry the process. Will do the crown next. My sister was saying the money we got from my dad helped my younger sister buy a car, helped a brother with his daughter's last bit of college and it may be paying for my dental work. :)
    Cute picture of Cisco, but yuck on the paw in the mouth.

    Sheryl, nice that you've been getting a lot done outside but you've been missed here. Yay on getting the house back to normal. Does John seem to mind that Cookie doesn't want to be held now? Glad the crowing is not too bad. I don't hear our rooster too often.
    Cool that it's almost time to do the deck. I can already see you enjoying it. The garage door sounds nice. We don't put ours up and down much so put up with it.
    Bummer that it's such a job to get anything done with the ditch. Door to door doesn't sound very fun. Good luck with it.
    Cool on the groupon deals They sound like fun day trips.

    Better go take care of the bread and get the list done.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi everyone, I went in to work again today but was only able to work a couple of hours because the manager who was there was ready to leave and we ladies are not allowed to stay there by ourselves for safety reasons. I did get a few contracts done and that is better than nothing. The office furniture store got the used chair in so we will go in half an hour to see it and decide if it is what I want. We'll probably have a late lunch afterward so I don't have to cook tonight. Tomorrow is my day to bring dinner to my bible study teacher who had knee replacement surgery on the 12th. I am going to make a skillet rice dish. Hope they like it. We plan to visit for a short time when we drop the meal off. Dan has decided to go with me and will meet Jan for the first time. That will be nice. Noticed on the NM Facebook page that someone (don't remember who now) said they were trying to log meals again on MFP. Sure wish they'd come here and chat with us. :smile:

    Debora, spicy potatoes sounds good to me. How do you make them? Our employee appreciation was only for office staff this year so approximately 15 people. It was more personalized this year because we had a couple of different gals organizing it and one is somewhat crafty. We had installer appreciation for the field guys in April. You've got me thinking about making cinnamon bread now! :smiley: I'll have to google a recipe when I have some time and see what it would entail.

    Marcie, your profile pic is pretty. Kinda looks like stained glass. Very happy to hear that you are starting to feel better and that your legs are better. Bummer that your annoying neighbors are still shooting off fireworks! Poor little Cisco! Hope you are able to delegate your website duties soon. The last time I tried taking a typing test several years ago I didn't do as well as I had hoped. I was slower and made a lot more mistakes. It was the first time I'd taken it on a computer instead of an IBM selectric (remember those?!). I'll have to try one again sometime.

    Sheryl, nice that your cousin's visit is coming up next week. I know you'll have a great time. Happy to hear that Cookie is now a fulltime outdoor chicken and that his crowing is livable so far. We recently had our garage door springs replaced too and it is amazing the difference it makes. Your groupon daytrips sound really good. I think you will both enjoy them very much. Very wise of you to book those at a nice discount. Look forward to hearing about them when you use them.

    Anew and Jannie, miss you!

    OK, it is time to go to the furniture store. Hope it works out. Have a great weekend all.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all. I hope you are all enjoying this fine summer day.

    I just got back from grocery shopping, and boy is it hot out there. Last I looked it was up to 103 degres, with no breeze at all. This time I was actually to get in an air conditioned building. I was out of everything, so that was a cha-ching visit to the store.

    Before going to the store I went out for lunch. This going out for lunch thing during my weekend errands seems to becoming a thing with me. I dont feel too guilty though because I eat so well throughout the rest of the week.

    It looks like the mystery of who has been setting off the loud fireworks at night appears to be solved now. I was reading through the neighborhood's Nextdoor website this morning and someone who lives by Jan Park (about a quarter mile from us) says she say some teenaged boys in the park were setting off fireworks. This time though the dry grass out there caught fire. Luckily no one was hurt and the Fire dept. extinguished fire quickly. The boys responsible took off and were not caught. :/

    Isabella, I hope the chair works for you. I bought a chair to take to work about 15 years ago. I used it for a few years, then the office provided a chair I liked more. I gave the chair I bought to a co-worker, and that chair is still making the rounds in the office as people come and go. Is the Jan you speak of NM's Jan1919?

    Debora, your cinnamon bread does sound yummy. Now that we are heating up again, I hope that means you'll get a break from the heat!

    Sheryl, was John upset over Cookie staying outdoors all the time now. I hope not. I'll bet you are looking foward to the visit from you cousin. You sure are getting a lot done around your property right now!

    Over on the Photos post I posted a pic my Dad sent me of a letter to kid from the tooth fairy. Pretty cute.

    Have a nice day everyone.