Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    It's sure cold right now. We've been having lows in the 30s and highs in the 50s. Cisco is sporting his little coat when he and Dad go for their walk in the morning.

    Dad caught whatever bug is going around right now. He's been sick for a few days now. He says its getting a little better now. He's insisted it hasn't been bad enough for me to take over walking Cisco. Stubborn man. Now I'm counting the days until I get it. Its hit people in the office hard. Lots of absences right now.

    Last week we had to get a new garage door. The old one was starting to peter out on us. The motor is fine, but the door wasn't rolling well anymore. So, now we have a nice new door. The old one didn't seal really well at the bottom, so the garage was always colder (or hotter) than it should have been. This new one has a tight seal and you can sure feel the difference!

    I just took a walk around the building outside and its starting to rain. I wished it would have waited for me to get home, but I just can't grumble out rain.

    Isabella, I was the same way after I took that online driving test. Its kind of like the antennae go up after that when driving.

    Debora, how frustrating missing one piece to that puzzle! I hope they mfrs can send it to you.

    Sheryl, I got cold just reading about how cold it is there! I sure hope that shot is helping Gayla. Poor lady. Keeping my fingers crossed for you on that drainage issue.

    Well, I guess my break is over, so back to work. Have a nice evening everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good evening everyone, we are getting the cold weather here too! It's 46 degrees outside and I am about 5 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. It is supposed to be colder tomorrow with more rain, it hasn't been bad today though, I don't mind too much, it's easy to get warm but much harder to get cool. Hubby was cold though and he doesn't have any long pant pajamas, so I ran down the the store and picked him up a couple pair of sweat pants and a pair of house shoes to keep warm in. He likes them and he already had long sleeved t-shirts I bought for him to wear when out at the track. He is a happy camper, sound asleep and warm, lol.

    I thought I would update what is happening here. I went back to the doctor last week because I was still having problems breathing. It wasn't gasping for air but I just couldn't get a deep breath in. The doctor gave me a Serevent Diskus for breathing and it has helped immensly, without the need for the inhaler, which had not been helping much.

    I went back to the doctor again this week because I realized I had a terribly painful charlie horse about 2 months ago that left a huge bruise and hard lump on the back of my calf. I had been massaging it and rubbing it out with lotion which seemed to be helping. I had another charlie horse the other night in the same calf and decided to do a check on it online. What I found was that it could possibly be a blood clot caused by the charlie horse and I started to think maybe I had sent a piece of that blood clot into my lungs.

    So I went to the doctor and they did a new chest Xray and a sonogram of my legs(veins and arteries) and it is all good. They say the chest Xray looks better than the last one, so that is good. They also said it looks like the lump is superficial on the outside of the muscle and nearer to the skin on my calf. They told me to come back again in 30 days for another check on it.

    Please if anyone has a really painful charlie horse that leaves a horrible bruise and painful lump get it check right away. Apparently it can cause havoc if it is a blood clot left behind. I am glad mine turned out okay, I just have to remember not to let something like that go next time since it should be checked right away.

    I am still having problems breathing and the doctor says I may have graves disease, as well as my left heart ventrical is weak. I will be seeing an endocrinologist and a cardiologist when they call me back to set the appt. I also have a nodule on the left side of my thryroid. The breathing is still far better than it was though, so I am happy about that.

    I don't know when I will be back, so I just want to tell everyone Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a great time with family and friends.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday morning was a turmoil, I was up at 5:30 am and John got up at 6 and by 6:30, I was ready for bed again. It was still dark outside and it felt like 9 at night, way past my bedtime. John had come out of the bedroom and asked me why we never use the furnace anymore. I told him that he had previously told me that he didn't want to use it, I just do what he wants, when he wants it. We've been having nothing on during the night, (except John has his side of the electric blanket on) and then when I get up early morning, I turn on the space heaters for areas that we are in and then the woodstove warms up the house. I had the circuit breakers for the furnace off, because the thermostat doesn't have an off, it only goes down to 50 degrees. So, this time he decided to turn on the furnace and heat the whole house. I flipped on the circuit breaker and I went around the house and opened all the floor vents, so the heat can come in. John got dressed and came out and started closing some of the floor vents or making them only partially open. I don't understand, why not heat the house as quickly as possible and save electricity? His way, it will take longer for the thermostat to reach 70 and shut off by itself. We went back and forth about that and I gave up. I said set everything the way you want it and I'll leave it alone. After the furnace kicked off on it's own, I turned it back down to the 50 mark, the lowest it will go and we used the woodstove the rest of the day. The furnace kicked in at 3:30 this morning, obviously the house got down below 50, it sure seems loud when everything else is off. Since it woke me up, I got up and turned up the thermostat to almost 70, then went back to bed. I must say, it was nice to get up to a warmer house at 5:30. So, we'll try this way for awhile, until John changes his mind. I can just hear him now, "why are we using the furnace every morning?" Ugh!

    Anew, I'm so glad you had your leg checked out and you are OK. Yes, blood clots are a serious thing. I went through that a year and a half ago, had a charley horse in my left leg that wouldn't go away, I couldn't rub it out or walk it off. My leg swelled up and when I called the doctor's office, they said to get to the ER asap, they called the hospital to tell them I was coming. I had deep vein thrombosis and have now been on blood thinners ever since. Shortly after my episode, a famous athlete in the Portland area hit the news that he had the same thing and didn't do anything about it and died the next day, a blood clot traveled to his lung. Really scary stuff.

    Our breathing problems are scary too. I sure hope to get some answers soon. Glad you found some relief.

    Marcie, I pray that you will be spared the winter creeping crud this time. Hope Dad is feeling better by now. It's that time of year. I think the stress of the holidays, plus pressure of year-end at work gets everybody's resistance down and the cold/flu jumps right in. I remember, when I was a kid, my Mom would always get sick right after the Holidays. I think it was her body rebelling after she pushed herself so much to have the huge family gathering for Christmas and a houseful of family and friends for New Year's. Living in Pasadena, people from everywhere would come and stay with us to see the parade. Ah, memories, glad I don't do that anymore. We would spend the night out on the parade route saving seats. The parade of crazies during the night was as entertaining as the floats and bands during the day. But, my time of staying up all night ended a long time ago. My bed is so inviting, even just at dusk I hear it calling to me.

    Isabella, congratulations on the driving test. Don't you hate it when you second guess yourself and you were right the first time. If we could only have a "do-over", I wish that in so many cases.

    I need to refill my mug, I'm back to having several mugs of coffee again, but so far, have not made more than one pot of coffee per day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good morning everyone, It's been a busy week but I get to relax today so I'm happy. :) I've done 3 loads of laundry today but that doesn't count because I can sit on the computer with you while the clothes get done. I'm waiting for Dan to get up so I can wash the sheets. Today is our free concert at the library. It should be a good one. We've seen this gal before a few times throughout the years and always enjoy her quirky fun songs. I didn't think we'd go out to eat afterward since we already ate out on Thursday but Dan said he wants to eat out afterward so fine with me!

    We met an old friend Carol for dinner at the Hamburger Factory on Thursday and chatted for a couple hours while enjoying our meal. I had my usual "branding iron" burger which is a 1/2 lb. jalapeno burger. I always tell myself I'm only going to eat half of it this time but it is SO good I end up eating it all. I don't feel overly stuffed afterward either like some meals which is surprising. Carol (who is 74 yrs. old) had a second cousin who passed away without a will who was apparently very wealthy. They distributed the estate among all the existing relatives they could find and her portion was $75,000! As if that isn't amazing enough, She used the $75,000 to pay off her credit cards and money owed to her daughter and has nothing left!! Well at least she is debt free except for her car payment and mortgage. There may be another smaller portion coming later and if she gets more she is going to pay off her car next.

    We had our bible study potluck and white elephant gift exchange on Wednesday and had a really nice time. I brought my "Mexican lasagna". There was a cold salad there that had spaghetti and potatoes and peas (I know, sounds weird) in a creamy dressing that was very good! I had 2 helpings. I couldn't find out who made it though to get the recipe. It is probably just as well though! :) I brought a really nice thermos as my gift and it got stolen until it was retired so that made me happy. I ended up with a nice mug with some really soft slipper socks stuffed in it. I'll use the mug at work. We will be on break now until January. I like going but it will be nice to be home on Wednesday nights for a while.

    You have all mentioned recording the cooking shows. I enjoy watching some cooking shows but a lot of them show stuff that I know I would never make. I really enjoy watching Sam the Cooking Guy. He is very simple basic. I don't watch him anymore though because Dan got bored with him. I'm not even sure when he comes on any more. I think the show you were talking about comes on Thursday? We are recording so many shows now (our DVR only allows us to record 2 shows at a time and we refuse to pay extra for the box that records 4) that we can't record anything else that comes on Wednesday or Thursday nights. Oh well, it's probably a good thing or I'd never get anything done!

    Sheryl, how does Norma like her new computer? So nice of them to get that for her. Very happy to hear that there is going to be a public hearing on the drainage. It is very wise of you to involve the attorney. Hopefully you'll finally get some resolution. I'll keep it in my prayers. Hope Gayla's shot holds out so she can wait until summer for the surgery. Hope she doesn't jeopardize her health for work though. I can't believe your temps are in the 20's. I guess I can't complain about ours being in the 40's at night. Too funny about John wanting the furnace on now. I think his timing was right though since it's been so cold. I think it's chilly in the house right now and Dan has it set at 67. I'm so spoiled!! :) I'm really surprised about the Charlie horse info. I get one that wakes me up every so often but all I do is stretch my leg out real quick and it goes away and I go back to sleep so hopefully it isn't the same type of situation. I guess I won't worry unless I get one that won't go away. I'm kinda surprised that your TJ items were out dated. Oh well, you had the right solution for that. ;)

    Debora, I would have been REALLY mad if the puzzle we put together was missing a piece. Did you find out if you can get it from the manufacturer yet? Sounds like it is pretty cold and wet where you are too. Do you have to wrap your pipes or leave water running or anything like Sheryl has to? Kinda sad that your favorite book store is closing but nice that you got a great deal on all those books. Where will you go now when you want to buy more?

    Marcie, hope your dad is feeling better and that you have managed to stay well! It might help if you put some Vaseline or Carmex or something like that on your nostrils to catch any germs that try to invade. Seemed like just about everyone in my office was sick a couple of weeks ago so that is what I did with some Carmex (it's lip balm). You're right, bummer that your walk got rained on but we can't complain about rain. I bet that new garage door is nice! We just had our door serviced again (it is an old 1 piece tilt up). We used a company that my garage door dept at work recommended this time and he did a really good job. It is much quieter and smoother. I reminded Dan that we could get a new roll up at a really good price from my company when he is finally ready. What did you have to take a driving test for - you're certainly not over 55?

    Anew, so happy to hear that you are breathing better. Hope you don't have to be on the meds for too long. Good that you are not getting any adverse effects from it since you are so sensitive. Sorry to hear about the other issues you are having. Hope they figure it out soon and get the right treatment for you so you can start feeling better. I will keep praying for you.

    Well, I've rattled on long enough! Dan is amazingly still sleeping (I bet that nice warm bed just feels too good to get out of!) so I am going to grab something to eat.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I've slipped in to read this week but it has seemed very busy - a good busy but... Sunday we visited Matthew and Julie's church and saw Julie baptized. We did know a few others there. We stayed for their holiday meal and it was good. The turkey was juicy and there was a sweet potato dish that was really good. Also, an eclair cake dessert. Lots of good stuff. It was nice to have the rest of the day at home.

    Monday I was home in the morning and working on the 4-H program books trying to finish it up. Alan asked us if we could take Molly to her therapy session and I said we could if she could stay with us through the concert in the evening. So we picked her up at 3, went to her session (I read while she was in it and Ralph went to buy new boots), stopped at Bath and Body works (forgot how kids like to touch), ate at McDondald's and went to Paige's program.

    Tuesday morning I headed in to babysit for Derek's two boys. Ended up being there till 12:30 which gave me time to come home, grab the completed program books and take it to the school to get copies made. Then I set up and we had Good News Club. Home and had a quick supper and then I went to the 5th and 6th grade musical. The kids the come to Good News Club liked us coming. Some of us teachers ended up sitting together. They did a good job.

    Wednesday morning I had at home (not working on the Echoes till after Christmas). But at 10:30, my sister called and asked if I could go to town with her so she could finish emptying out her car. They aren't going to fix it. (She knows she could have gone by herself but not emotionally - and it wasn't a problem to go) The afternoon we went to the Fesper. This is put on for those in the church who are 70 or older (I could go since my husband is). They usually have it on Tuesday so I'm busy with Good News Club but I could this year. They sing some Christmas carols, have special music, a speaker and then a light meal (at 3). I had some delicious potato soup, fruit, peppernuts and a piece of chocolate pie. Then that evening was church.

    Thursday I had the day at home. I worked on my Sunday School lesson, decided I didn't have to have the Family notebooks done which took some pressure off me. Ralph left for a meeting around 4 and around 5:30 my sister and I went in for Aven's program. I was sure how long it would take so we got there plenty early. It was a cute program but little kids are not always easy to hear. We had cookies afterwards and then headed home.

    Friday I went to town by myself. Ralph had feed to grind and it was very cold (started out at 11 and got into the 20s). It was the usual stops plus the courthouse to pay the taxes that takes a chunk of money. The afternoon I worked on getting the house straightened. It seems like a bit more work when everyone is coming (or maybe it was because it had been a couple of weeks with no one here) and we are doing it the 2nd Sunday again and most will be here.

    Today I went to a brunch. One of the ladies in our Bible study invited all of us and she does all the food. Says it's her Christmas gift to us. She decorates beautifully and knows how to set a beautiful table and serves delicious food. We had fun eating and visiting - the time flew. And then it was back home to do food. My sister likes us to ignore her birthday but we will sing and I fixed cream puffs cause I know she likes them. I'm doing pork roast cause it was on sale for $.99 a pound. I had to buy 4 roasts (about 15 lbs) but will do them all and freeze the leftover meat. Then it will be easy to pull out when I want to use it. Mashed potatoes and gravy, BBQ green beans, pineapple round out the meal. Alan and Katie are meeting a friend in a town about an hour away to see the Nutcracker Ballet so we'll have their kids after church until sometime in the evening. I probably won't get many steps in - hard to do when people are here but I'll see how creative I can be. :)

    Isabella, yay on passing your driving class. Nice to have that out of the way. I'll try the milk next time I made deviled eggs. I don't measure the other stuff either. You asked about "poured" For many years, our baptism was done by pouring. They have a pitcher of water and as the pastor holds his hands over the person's head, water is poured into his hands and as he says the words, the water is poured on the person's head. So this time she was immersed. We put a bapistry in this church so all do it know but I still look at the other way as special cause you didn't have to go out to change clothes and could listen to everyone being done but so it is.

    Sheryl, glad your mom's dental check-up went okay. Keeping quiet about Simon with your mom is a smart idea. Sounds like the babysitting was interesting and all survived. Hope Norma is enjoying her new computer. How long before Norma retires? Simon may miss out on a good thing. We have a cousin with a special friend - but they just enjoy doing things together. Yay on a public hearing at last - smart to have a lawyer represent you. You've done a lot of work but his expertise will be helpful. Love the Trader Joe's story - someone has to suffer. :) Hope the shot works for Gayle. Yes, staying in home in bad weather is smart - glad you can do it. We had a little snow on Wednesday but just a couple of hours and it was done. Big pretty flakes. Glad you haven't had any water stuff freezing and that you could make it to Bible study.

    Marcie, I bet Cisco looks cute in his coat. Cool on the new garage door. We close ours seldom cause it's hard to do but Ralph doesn't want to put out the money so... The company acts like they'll send a new puzzle after I send in some info - hopefully we can dig out the one piece and it will fit. Not sure I want to work it again but would I guess.

    Anew, thanks for popping in with an update. So glad you got your leg checked out and got some help for your breathing. You have your share of health problems to keep up with. Pop in when you can. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Sheryl, interesting on John and the furnace. You work with him so well. Enjoy the furnace while you can.

    Isabella, glad you get to eat out after you free concert. Wow that your friend Carol got that much money left to her. Glad it helped with her debt. Hope she can stay that way now. I need some new relatives I guess. :) Your Bible study get-together sounds fun. Neat that you had a gift that they wanted. Yes, the baking show is on Thursday. I can only do 2 shows too - that's enough most of the time and still give us plenty to watch. You keep your house at 67 - we do 69 or 70 and it's all the time. Ralph does not like being cold. He gets enough of that outside. The last few days he's had to take hot water out to the chickens as their water has frozen overnight. We don't have to leave any faucets running. Everything is tight enough that it's not a problem. For books now, we'll watch in the thrift stores we go to and the supply won't build up as fast but that's okay too.

    Well, it's time to head for bed but figured if I didn't write tonight, I'd be into another busy week. Love hearing from all who write - sure glad Sheryl drops in and talks most days. Good night.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Warming trend. 45 when I got up - supposed to get up to 52. But another artic front is on the way in a few days. Winter is really here.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, our freezing weather is over for awhile also. Forecast to be in the 40's all week and high 30's at night. Doesn't look like there will be much of a change between night and day temps. The furnace did not come on in the wee hours of the morning, so I guess the house stayed above 50.

    I had a wonderful evening last night. I drove over to Carol's and we had some time to visit at her house before going over to the church. The set up at church was beautiful, all decorated for Christmas. About 15 large round tables with 8-10 place settings each, so there was over 100 ladies there. Good food and great company and special speakers. What a wonderful night out. They passed out a calendar of monthly ladies' events for 2017. I hope I can go to some of those too. A special night for each month. They will be starting a Thursday night Bible study in January, but I'm not sure I can make it every Thursday night, so I doubt that I will even start it.

    John's up already, so I better close out for now.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning...I sure hope it stays a good morning, yesterday was a very rough day. From the moment John got up and all day long, he wanted to bring a goose into the house. I said no, but he was really wearing me down. Like a little kid, asking me so many times, I was ready to say "do whatever you want, I don't care anymore". Lucky, our oldest goose, 15 years old, and matriarch of the flock, stood motionless in the backyard. When I went out to feed, she stayed put and did not follow me around nibbling at all the corn. John was concerned, but I figure that our birds have lived a good life and they are going to be dying of old age in the near future. That's a fact of life now, and as tough as it is on John, I am not calling the vet for any of these birds. We have 2 ducks that are crippled, but they still eat and drink and hobble around, so I'll let nature take it's course. (Also, I just can't chop their heads off anymore, I've done that a few times and it's very hard). So, John spent all day pacing and looking out the window and moaning. About every 10 minutes, would ask me what we should do for her, I'd say leave her alone, he apparently can't do that. He kept saying she's cold and needs to come in the house, or she needs warm water. I finally consented to carry warm water out and cleaned the water pans and filled them with warm water. These are big pans, about 18"x 24", 6" deep and the birds not only drink from them, but the ducks and geese get in them to splash around. I picked up Lucky and put her in and she immediately stepped out and walked back to where she was. I said, "see, John, she wants to be over there, alone". He still wanted to bring her in the house. He said she was going to die over night and be out in the cold. I was almost afraid to go to bed last night because I figured he'd go out and get her and I'd find her in the house this morning. Not so, Yay!! She's still lethargic this morning, but she's alive and went out into the pasture, so she's moving around more than yesterday. I am so surprised that John isn't up already to check on her, but he's not so I should count my blessings, I have a little time for myself.

    Today, I'll go over all my info and be ready for my appt. with the lawyer tomorrow morning. I'll have copies of my letter and photos, in case he says to go ahead and give everything to certain county people also, since I'll be right next to the courthouse and facilities. I want to blast the Commissioners, since they are the ones who told me to simply call "Code Enforcement" for help. But, the idiots that were elected to the job at that time are no longer there, a whole new set of County Commissioners. I almost wish I had the nerve to contact those guys at their homes, just to let them know they didn't know what they were talking about and gave me an assurance that isn't happening.

    I'm back and I better post this before I lose it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited December 2016
    Sheryl, I am so sorry Sunday was a bad day. John cares so much for those animals when they are in sight. Was Monday better. Praying your visit with the lawyer is a good one.

    Sunday here was a full day. The puppets did our Sunday School opening and even though you just see the puppets, it's fun to know grandkids are helping. We had some great music during the worship service. Roast was good for dinner - potatoes should have cooked a bit longer, good time with family. Alan and Katie decided to eat here before leaving (but didn't tell me) so put them at the kitchen table. Watching Alan's kids went good. They even helped me pick up toys and we sat up close to the front for our evening service which was wonderful and even Ava stayed okay during the music and drama. It was still nice to go home without any kids since their parents were there for part of the service.

    The amazing thing was when I went to move a chair which was at the end where the puzzle is and I looked down and saw a puzzle piece and it was the missing piece. (Glad I was slow writing the company). The only thing I can think of is that it was stuck to the flannel back of the tablecloth and we missed it when looking. So the puzzle is complete. Molly was more amazed that it was under the tablecloth while we were eating and no one knew it.

    Monday I got everything ready for 4-H and got it to the church and set up. I started a load of laundry and a few other small things. In my head I will have more time now that 4-H is past but who knows. There is still a lot of going this week. I still need to mail calendars to those that weren't there. With my card file I've been putting all the cards without deadlines on the 27th so hope to start doing my Christmas shopping soon.

    Went to the vocal concert last night. Sat in the second row. During the junior high part Jeremiah was yawning and all at once did something funny with his hair so his mom did a good job of getting him to go down. He's had problems in front before - gets hot and about faints. He was able to play the bells the next song and was okay at the end. Tell me, are you supposed to stand or not during the Hallelujah Chorus? We always do at church and so I do where I'm at but many act like they don't know that so.....

    Today is Good News Club. Terri and I are going early and clean before hand so that's done for the month. And then this evening is Alan's kids' program. So will see what I get done at home this morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, yesterday was much better, Lucky moved around a lot more which was a great relief for John, although she is still not eating like she usually does. This morning, I looked out and she is with the other geese in the pool, that's a very good sign. I haven't gone out to feed yet, I'll wait for a little more light. I'll get the animals fed and then shower and get ready to go to the lawyer's office. Today will be a full day, I told John that I would be gone for almost all day. I'll leave big notes on the kitchen counter and by the computer to remind him where I am. He may still be in bed when I leave. This will be quite a test, I usually never leave until he is up and awake and knows what's going on.

    I talked to my Mom yesterday and she said that Nancy had called her. Most Holiday concerts are done, at least the ones that she is conducting, there are still a couple that she will be singing in. Her back is still bad but she depends on pain killers to get through.
    Mom was going to go to a violin recital down in the living room yesterday afternoon. Didn't know what kind of music to expect, but I was glad that she's willing to go listen anyway. I'll find out tomorrow, I told her that I wouldn't be calling today because I wouldn't be home.

    Debora, glad the missing piece of the puzzle showed up. Great that you don't have to deal with the company and then try to find the right piece, I don't know how you'd begin to do that without putting a whole new puzzle together all over again. Wonderful that the kids are participating in so many programs, but sure keeps you busy attending all of them. I assume all the sports events are off for the winter.

    Norma's still getting used to the new computer, Windows 10. There is such a big learning curve on a new system, but soon, I imagine she'll be proficient at it and it will all seem "normal".
    She's counting down, 15 months, to retirement. Super excited about that, work is getting harder and harder, short handed and having more demands put on her. Her supervisor constantly asks if such and such a project is done while giving her another project that needs asap attention. She's pretty stressed.

    I better get going, I need to leave a bit earlier than I had planned, realized that I need fuel in the car to get around today.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John did well yesterday, he was still asleep when I left and everything was OK when I got home. I did not do so well, my hopes were dashed at the lawyer's. He also said that if it's their private property, there is nothing that I can do. I just can't understand how they can affect my property in such a drastic manner and not be held accountable. I have always heard that no development can obstruct the natural flow of water, but apparently, I'm wrong. The lawyer is going to check the final approved agreements and if the ditch is not as "approved", then we have a lawsuit against the HOA, developer AND Clark County, but that will cost a fortune and I don't know if I can afford to go all the way through with that. I'm hoping and praying that with that information in hand and a letter from the lawyer, maybe the HOA will comply. We'll see, in the meantime, the water rises. If the lawyer doesn't work out, I will go to the media. Maybe if I'm on the news, there is someone out there who will see the story and have an answer for me.

    After the morning appointment, I had plenty of time to run errands before Bible study, so I even stopped at Great Clips and got my hair cut. Bible study was very good again, it's presented in such an interesting way, I'm enjoying it for the educational part and the social aspect too, so nice to get out and see other people.

    I did not do my grocery shopping on my way home, I figured that I was gone so long already, (9 am til 2:30 pm), I'd better get home. Plus, the new sales start today and I'll be out tomorrow for a doctor's appointment, so I'll shop on my way home tomorrow with my new list in hand.
    Today is stay at home day. I need to rest and regroup and get my thoughts together and get un-depressed from the news from the lawyer. It's interesting that when I go to the doctor's, they always ask me if I've suffered from any depression. I have said no in the past, because I thought I was "handling" everything pretty well, but now, I'm wondering if I do have some depression. I am definitely stressed now.

    I hear John already, hopefully, he's just going to the bathroom and will go back to bed. I am not ready for him yet this morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    John crawled back into the nice warm bed. I'll pour another mug of coffee and watch the news.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh, Sheryl, I'm so sorry the lawyer was not more positive for you. Will keep praying some loophole shows up. And if not the bravery for you to go to the media. No one should be able to ruin another person's property. So glad you had a good Bible study and that John was okay by himself. Ooooo and a haircut too - that always makes me feel good.
    Good to hear that Lucky is doing better. Glad Nancy has made it through her concerts. Wonderful that your mother is going to the violin concert - whatever it is. Windows 10 is why I hope there's more time before I have to change computers. :) 15 months - that will go quickly. I have a friend who turns 65 this month so plans to retire in January although the company doesn't know. It's a small business. Someone else just quit and she is now supposed to do all their work too for the same pay (and she's had no raise for several years). Her husband has health problems and needs more help so she'll stay long enough to get her vacation. I'm not sure another person will keep up with things as well as she does but I guess they'll find out and maybe they'll have to hire two people. She is a bit concerned about finances but....

    Weather her is cold - only got up to 31 today. It was 16 when we came home last night and 16 when I got up this morning but Saturday is only supposed to get up in the 20s but I'm very thankful it's just cold. That's not always fun to deal with but roads are okay to drive on. And with all we're going, that's a very good thing.
    Yesterday we did get the cleaning done. Party went well - only 11 kids came. One boy didn't like something and wouldn't participate much but didn't cause any problems. I had bought some "snowballs" from Oriental Trading. Looked really cool but I found out they weren't real sturdy and make a mess when they break. And some looked funny when taken out of the package but exchanged them. I was going to buy some for my grandkids but not now. I did get some nativity rocks and I liked them.
    Tuesday evening we went to the concert for Alan's kids. Pretty amazing to see about 180 kids performing together. They did a good job and concert lasted about an hour. Big crowd. We got there about 6:30 but no front row seats this time.
    Today Ralph had a recheck on his eyes - still having matter stuff so he wants him to try a medicine now plus over the counter artificial tears. Sounds like the medicine could be very expensive but they think we can get 1 month's supple free and they gave us a few samples and we'll know by then if it's working. My sister went to town with us cause her son-in-law had found a car for her in a town about an hour away and they brought it down to Newton. She really had no opinion - if her son-in-law liked it, it was fine with her (and the son-in-law and daughter are paying for it). She was nervous about driving it home so she hung with us while we did out errands and then had Ralph drive it to our house and then she drove it the last 3 miles. So she can get a bit used to it before going to town. Tonight was church and that's always a good time.
    Tomorrow I take recycling in to town in the morning. In the afternoon I have my yearly cardiology appointment and there a band concert in the evening so we'll stay in town. My sister is going along and I need to get a shopping list made. I have done little and no decorations up yet but it will happen. It will happen. (if I say it enough maybe it will happen sooner.
    Need to get my list done now so I can head for bed. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. We had a winter storm blow in yesterday afternoon. It was forecast, but apparently the big wigs in Portland didn't take heed and did not plan for early school release and busses got stuck and/or couldn't get out in the first place. The news had kids stranded on busses and at school and traffic was horrendous and parents were all up in arms. The special weather news even preempted the regular tv shows, they sure made a big deal about it. I'm sure the rest of the country is laughing at us for making such a big deal about a little snow. Portland is a city of hills and the streets are not treated (environmentally friendly city) so, cars and trucks are sliding all over the place, just can not get traction. There are places that got as much as 3-4 inches of snow. There's only about 1/2 inch here at our house. I trust that the roads will be cleared and things will be fine for my doctor appointment, I plan to leave at 10:30 am. I'll call the office later and see if the staff got in OK and what they say the roads are like. If it's bad, I'll have to reschedule, I'm not taking any chances by driving out there, it's just not worth it. Yes, I'm a whuss and spoiled rotten, I choose to stay home.

    Great talk with my Mom yesterday. She thoroughly enjoyed the violin recital. 8 kids, ranging from ages 6-10, from a music school, played Christmas music. Mom said they sounded professional, they were that good. Couldn't believe that no one made any mistakes.

    Lucky is eating better and just about back to normal, but that doesn't ease John's mind. Last night, he wanted to know what he could do to keep all the birds warm. I said we do absolutely nothing, they've all gone through many winters before and they can fend for themselves in the backyard. This morning, all 5 geese are floating around in the pool, so the ice cold water doesn't bother them at all. It's their choice.

    Debora, I feel for your friend about retirement, especially when it's a small company. She sounds like she takes pride in her work and really cares for that business. Speaks volumes about her. Norma is 66, but working the extra 15 months so that she has 10 years working there. That extra time makes a huge difference in her benefits package. She'll get a much bigger pension from the County and it's worth it for her financial stability. Since I've been self-employed for most of my working life, I have no "benefits package" to look forward to, but sure have enjoyed being my own boss all these years. That's a huge benefit for me.

    I'll refill my mug and go watch more of the weather/traffic coverage. They are talking of all the abandoned cars left in the roads.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Quick popping in to tell you that I needed to call and reschedule my appointment for the throat doctor this morning. I told them that I couldn't get out of my driveway. They are so kind and understanding. It's really not too bad here at home, not like what the news is showing over in Portland, but John was having such a fit about me being out on the roads that I just couldn't go and leave him. Plus, I'm not sure how the roads are that I would be taking, like I said, the news is showing Portland area, not Vancouver area.

    I will see the specialist on January 16th at 4 pm.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We sure got the rain yesterday. Very windy and rainy all day long. By the time I drove home from work the streets and freeway were getting a bit floody. I just don't get why some people refuse to slow down in those conditions. It's no wonder there are always so many accidents on days like that.

    It was quite balmy here yesterday during the storm. Highs in the low 60s. It was cold this morning though at 40 degrees.

    A lot of trees fell down around town yesterday. With so many years of drought, so must rain so fast just caused them to topple. Luckily all of our trees survived.

    The homeless downtown sure hugged the outside of our building yesterday. They were just miserable.

    With all the wind yesterday, most of the leaves left on our trees have fallen. Our yard is totally gold with the fallen leaves.

    Poor Cisco did not enjoy the rainy day yesterday. Dad just about had to drag him on their walks.

    Monday we are having an appetizer potluck at work, so I'll be making a bunch of deviled eggs on Sunday. That, along with the eggs I hardboil for Dad for the week is going to make our house smell incredibly eggy. We're also having a mug "white elephant" exchange ($5 limit). Just what I need, another mug! I only use a couple as it is. The rest just take up room in the cabinet. They need to be purged. I think I'll go to the dollar store tomorrow and see what mugs they have. Maybe fill it with candy or something.

    Sheryl, I'm sorry John has been so upset over Lucky and the other birds. Sounds like you've really had to stick to your guns on this one. Good hearing that Lucky is doing better. Don't blame you for staying off the roads in those conditions. What a mess with the kids being stranded like that!

    Debora, a high of 31 makes me shudder. Yay on finding that puzzle piece. I hope your sister is getting used to her new car by now.

    Isabella, wow on the $75,000! Mexican lasagna sounds yummy. I had to laugh because I was just complaining about getting a mug, and that's what you got at your white elephant exchange. No, I'm not 55 yet. I'm 51. I took an online course after I got a ticket for making a right turn on a red light without coming to a full stop. Passed the course so my insurance wouldn't increase.

    Well, I'd better get back to work now. Have a good everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi all, another busy Saturday yesterday. My supervisor changed my work flow a bit and it put me so behind in contracts that I worked a full 8 hours yesterday and barely caught up. I told her the change was not working well and I'm going back to the previous system of working a couple of warranty letters in between contracts so nothing backs up too badly. She agreed. After work I went to the credit union and opened up a new account because they have put me in charge of the petty cash at work and I need to have a separate account for the deposits. Next, I made my usual Trader Joe's stop and got most of the stuff I will need to make lasagna for Christmas. We've been invited to Jami's house but she is having her husband's family there - approx. 32 people so we opted out. I woke up with a sore throat on Friday morning and have a runny nose today. It is already sore from blowing it. Hopefully it won't evolve into the lingering crud (especially the cough) that many of my co-workers have had the last several weeks.

    We had our holiday lunch at work Friday. We had a local Italian restaurant provide 4 large pans of lasagna, 3 large pans of antipasta salad, a small tray of meatless pasta and dinner salad for any who are vegetarians, and bread and butter. Many of the installers did not come to work that day since it was raining so we had LOTS of leftovers. Many of us took some home for dinner plus those of us who worked Saturday had free lunch again. I'll be off of work on Friday and Monday so it will be a nice 4 day weekend for Christmas. :)

    Debora, We keep our thermostat at 67 at night and usually around 70 to 72 during the day depending on how wet it is. So happy to hear that you found the puzzle piece. The brunch your bible study friend made sounds lovely. What a treat. I kinda guessed that was what you meant by poured but I wanted to make sure. Right now our church has people go down to the ocean once a month in the summer time to get baptized by being dunked but he is adding on to our church campus and is planning to build a small baptism pool. That will be nice. I don't know if there is a set rule to stand during the Hallelujah Chorus but I think I would stand in reverence too. Most of us at our church stand when songs that are so spirit inspiring are being sung. So what color and make of car did your sister get? Nice that they bought it for her.

    Sheryl, bummer news from the attorney but if the hearing gets enough complaints they may still be willing to try to get the HOA to make it right. I'll keep praying and as Debora said, I'll also pray that you have the boldness to go to the media if and when necessary. So happy that the goose is doing better. Hopefully John will move on to something else soon. Very happy to hear that he did well when you had to leave the house before he got up. It was wise of you to cancel your Dr appt until better weather. No point in risking it. Glad that your mom participated in the violin concert and really enjoyed it. Perhaps this will encourage her to attend more activities there.

    Marcie, sounds like your rain storm was a strong one. We had light and steady rain Thursday night then it got more windy and driven on Friday but nothing like what you had. Of course it rained the hardest when the gals had to go pick up the food for our holiday lunch! I figured your online traffic school was probably for something like that - the old "California roll". :) Too funny about your mug exchange. I wasn't exactly excited about my mug but it seemed better than a lot of the other stuff. I used it Saturday but don't think I'll be using it very often. The top is curved inward so it kinda dripples down the side when you drink out of it. Very strange!

    Okay, I'm going to go make my greens for the week and finish my chores in the kitchen. Have a great week everyone and Merry Christmas!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, a real quick pop in...John is up already, he got up before me at 5:30. Same all weekend, he was either up at the same time or within a few minutes and I didn't have my time on the computer.

    Good Morning. Lasagna for Christmas sounds like such a great tradition, I'm drooling, yummy. I haven't made it in quite a while, time to make a tray of that again.

    Funny about the mugs, that always seems like the perfect white elephant gift, everybody can use one, or two, or three. When Norma was teaching, she would get several every year from her students. She has two whole shelves in the kitchen of Christmas mugs.

    A dusting of snow on the ground this morning, but rain is forecast to wash it away by noon.

    Hope to be back later to chat some more.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It was a busy, but nice, weekend. Ran my errands, did laundry (extra this week because of the towels we used to dry our soggy dog), got my weekly cooking done (this week the pot of something is black eyed peas), cleaned the house, drug out the air compressor and put air in my tires, and made the deviled eggs. The deviled eggs turned out really good.

    Our lows have been staying in the low 30s the last few days. Dad says Cisco doesn't mind walking in the mornings when it's that cold. He's happy as long as it's not raining out. We probably won't get any more rain until the end of the week.

    On the way home from work on Friday I popped in to Ross Dress For Less and checked out their mugs. They had tons to choose from on display at the front of the store. I guess lots of people buy mugs this time of year. I bought an "I'm busy" mug which came with tea bags and a cookie making kit. We were going to do the mug exchange today, but several people are out today, so we'll do it tomorrow.

    The commute to work this morning was just lovely. Looks like people are taking off for the holiday. I was actually able to stay at 60 mph the whole way on the Freeway (rather than my usual 20-30 mph). I sure hope the rest of the week is more of the same.

    The appetizers everyone brought in today are yummy, and my deviled eggs are going fast. Cocktail weiners, lumpia, cheese log with crackers, veggies and dip, cookies, etc.

    Isabella, change in processes at work can really do a number on production. That's great that your supervisor accepted your feedback. You holiday luncheon at work sounds really good. We're not doing much at work this year. Just the appetizers and mug exchange.

    I guess I'd better get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Full days - always surprised that so many days pass between my posting. Appointment went fine - we got there early and I got in early and it only took about 10 minutes. Then we went shopping. We went several places and did lots of looking. My sister did buys something but I did not buy a single thing. We ate at McDonalds and then the band concert which was very good.
    Friday was the regular errands and a start of buying gifts so we got home a little later and I had the whole rest of the day at home. And you know I have a never ending list. I got my dessert made for Saturday night along with deviled eggs. I used some milk this time, Isabella, but couldn't tell a lot of difference. It did make it easier to stir it up so I will do it again.
    Saturday morning the cold front moved in. It started snowing about noon but wasn't slick so Ralph thought we could still go out in the evening. But the temp continued to drop and I finally convinced him we should stay home. So I did some more online shopping and wondered if we'd have church Sunday. Snow stopped and it was mostly just cold but it was cold. - 10 in the morning but we got out for church and kids were here for dinner. We had the eggs and eclair cake that I didn't use Saturday. The dessert was a hit and was easier to make than I thought. Lori and kids stayed till evening when we had our children's Christmas program. Our class did their song and then we had front row seats to watch the rest. Afterwards we enjoyed Christmas goodies and went home in the cold.
    Lori had told me about a deal at Chick-fil-a that was only good on Monday. So I spent Monday morning laying out what I have and making a list of what I still needed and we headed out around 11. I shopped a Walmart while Ralph to a bookstore and we ate at Chick-Fil-A. I love their waffle fries. :) I'll hang on to the receipt and in Jan/Feb we can go back and get the same meal for free so that will be fun. Then we went to about 7 other places and was successful in some things - not with others. The day was still cold but we did get up to 21.
    I was going to spend today wrapping and then run to a closer town for food stuff tomorrow morning but today worked better so we went this afternoon and again Ralph visited the local bookstores while I did the other shopping. Couldn't fine my list at the last stop but got what I remembered. Found it in the trunk when we unloaded and I long forgot one thing so not too bad. Today we had a heat wave and got up to 42. :)
    Tomorrow I'll walk and then mid-morning Madden who is about 18 months old will come and stay till Thursday evening. Derek and Lindsey and surprising the other kids with an overnight stay at Great Wolf Lodge (an indoor water park). The others all love the water and Madden doesn't so this will make it more fun for all. We'll enjoy the one on one and I think I can still wrap presents and things (if nothing else during naptime). I set up to have lunch with a friend so Ralph said he'd watch Madden for that. We'll see how that goes. :)
    Family is over Friday evening. Youth Group will be here to carol Thursday evening. And so on and so on.

    Sheryl, glad we didn't have a winter storm like you did. Changing your appointment was smart - no need to take chances when you have the choice. Great that your mom enjoyed the violin concert. Norma has thought it through well about when she should retire. Being self-employed here is the same thing - no nice package and who completely retires. I'm supposed to be getting signed up for Social Security - just don't get that far on the list. Since I'll get Ralph's part whenever he dies and he's several years older, we decided I should start getting mine as soon as I get it ready. Hopefully soon.

    Marcie, glad you are a good defensive and get back and forth safely even with other drivers that aren't so careful. Wow on the rain making the trees fall. Glad yours didn't. Hope you get a cute mug in the exchange. If you don't like it, hang on to for another exchange. On rainy days, it's a good thing your dad is bigger than Cisco. I would not have thought about looking for a mug at Ross Dress for Less.

    Isabella, so glad your supervisor listened to you on the changes she made and let you go back to the old way. Hope your sore throat didn't last long. What a wonderful holiday lunch at work. Yummy.
    My sister got another Ford Fusion - just much newer - 2014 and kind of a charcoal. She's driven to several places now and to town so is pretty much used to it.

    Sheryl, I miss your posts so I'm ready for John to sleep in better. But I understand. I don't get on as much as you.

    Well, I'd better make my list for tomorrow. It helps me even if I don't do much of it. And just in case I don't get back here before Sunday. Merry Christmas to each one of you.