Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. John messed with the woodstove yesterday, he was being so good about letting me do it, although he continued to ask questions, but had me handle the operations. He wants to know why it flames up at the top, sometimes not even touching the wood. Also, why are there tubes with holes, different sized holes, up along the top, inside the burning chamber part. The only thing I can figure is that these new woodstoves are EPA approved and are suppose to burn all gasses before releasing up into the chimney and on out into the sky, so the tubes at the top of the stove, continue the burn and that's why he sees some fire that's not touching the wood. Naturally, it makes no sense to him, so he can't comprehend and he asks again and again. I tell him it's like a catalytic converter on a car and we're stuck with it because the government says we have to have it whether we understand it or not. There I go again, blaming the government, but I think that's true. He swears at the government regarding seat belts every time we get in the car. He has such a problem getting that fastened.

    Isabella, Chris (Chris Beat Cancer videos) says eat only fruits and veggies. The first 90 days it should ALL be raw. Gradually can add in some cooked veggies. No animal products or dairy and no restaurants for 2 years. Then can add in a few, what he calls, "recreational meals" once in a great while. If calories are greatly needed, can have oatmeal for breakfast and there are nuts and seeds allowed. A basic plant-based diet and EVERYTHING Organic. He juices, A LOT. I will try using my Vitamix, I don't want to invest in a juicer. And, his juicer is top of the line, really juices everything, so it's quite spendy. Also, he purifies and filters water and the system he uses is about $300.00. I understand that there are impurities in our water, but I'm not willing to spend that money right now either. I can certainly eat more fruits and veggies and cut back on meat, but probably will not give it up totally. I already switched from regular milk to almond milk from the cleanse, so that helps, but I do still purchase quite a bit of processed food stuff for the ease of it. For breakfast, I've been having Trader Joe's Organic Coconut Almond Chia Cereal with almond milk, very tasty and easy, but it's processed and has 7g of sugar. I need to go back to my steel cut oats that I made in my early NM days, although, according to Chris, I need to find Organic steel cut oats. I doubt that the bulk oats at Winco are Organic.
    He stresses to follow a Biblical diet, which Ty and others stress also. Years ago, my friend JoAnn gave me Jordan Rubin's book, The Maker's Diet. At the time, I sort of poo-pood it. The content was good, but the back section of the book, it was marketing supplements and enzymes that he wanted the reader to purchase. After hearing him at Ty's The Truth About Cancer on-line conference, I went back and read the book again. I understand more now, but I still won't be purchasing all the supplements that he pushes. I find it interesting that all these Organic and Natural guys are pushing so many extra supplements for sale. So, I'm still a bit skeptical, but try to glean as much good information as possible.

    Quite some time back, Norma had decided to cut off the relationship with Simeon. She did it in person and he was able to talk her out of it. Last week, she did it through email and they texted and came to the agreement that they will not be seeing each other anymore. He keeps saying that he loves her, but doesn't change any of his behavior or take care of his health and medical issues. She says that she cares for him, but can only love him if he changes. She said that he deserves someone who will love him Unconditionally, and since she can't, they both need to move on. He knew that and accepted it rather well. When she told me she was sending him this particular email, that it's been on her mind for awhile and she couldn't sleep all that night and realized that this HAS to be done for her sanity, I said that I would be praying all day that he will respond and not leave her hanging. She called me back in an hour with his response. He knew this was coming and it was not a surprise.
    When Norma retires, she wants to do some missionary work and travel, like what she had planned to do with her husband. Even with Don passing, Norma wants to continue with their dream and I told her that somewhere, sometime in her future travels, God has the perfect mate for her doing the same thing and they will meet up.

    Well, I better go log my food for yesterday. Someone has already put in the Blue Apron meals in the database, so that sure makes it easy for me. Thank you whoever you are who did that!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2017

    I've been going out for meals too much lately. Need to pull back on that. Friday for lunch a group of us went out to welcome a new attorney to the office (I had tomato soup and a small salad, and everyone else had large 1500 calorie salads...they think they are eating healthy, but not so much). Friday for dinner Dad and I went out and checked out a new restaurant that just opened called the Bear Creek Diner. Since it just opened, it was super busy, but we only had a 20 minute wait. I wasn't overly impressed by the place, but Dad enjoyed his pot roast meal. Saturday morning while I was out and about running errands, I stopped by one of Dad's hole-in-the-wall breakfast joints and had an omelette. They are always real busy on the weekends, but I managed to get the only available table. Then Saturday night Dad and I went out for dinner at a new Vietnamese place. It was weird. You go up to the counter and tell them what protein you want (salmon, beef, chicken, tofu, etc.) and whether you want your meal in a roll, in a bowl, or in the form of soup. We got ours in a bowl. They give you a bowl filled with rice noodles, lettuce, and your chosen protein. Then you pour their warmed hoisin sauce over it all. It was pretty good, but not much choices. Dad definitely won't be going back, he's not much into gimicky places. I may pop in for lunch now and them.

    And...a group of us at work went out to The Old Spaghetti Factory (I had my usual, Chicken Marsala). I think that will be it for going out for a while.

    My old boss (the one with Lupus) who retired a few years ago, and then came back to work part time as a retired annuitant, has decided to hang it up for good now. She goes into full retirement in a couple days at the end of this month. I'm sure going to miss her. I haven't worked with her while she's been back, but it was nice having her here. She needs to retire though for her health (and sanity!).

    I sure gave the new washer and dryer a work out this weekend. In addition to the regular loads, I washed bathroom rugs, blankets, and garage towels. So far so good.

    Got my car washed on Saturday and yesterday I washed the inside of the windows really good. Boy were they ever dirty!

    While I was running around on Saturday, I popped into this Russian deli/market that I've driven by a thousand times. Interesting place. The foods in their deli were very weird looking, and in some cases quite gross looking! I did buy a small container of their eggplant salad and some Lavash bread. Really good. I'll have to eat it all as Dad won't go near the stuff. One thing about international stores like this. They don't seem overly concerned about healthy food options.

    My pot of something this week is white beans. They turned out really good. I forgot to soak them overnight, so I did a quick soak on the stove.

    Dad has decided to continue to attend the Veteran's of Foreign Wars monthly meetings. His next one is tomorrow night. On Saturday they invited the members to attend a small ceremony where they were hanging up a sign (not sure about what) in one of the shopping complexes. Dad stopped by, but it looks like he was the only one. Said it was just him and the officer's performing the ceremony. Kind of sad.

    Isabella, wow, lots of celebrating your birthday! Sounds like you had a fun week!

    Sheryl, so sorry to hear Mom won't be coming, but it's probably for the best. You'll be needing rest and minimal aggravation! Also sorry to hear she's headed for a wheelchair.

    Debora, I hope your brother assimilates well in assisted living. Must be hard on him to make that change.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good Morning. I got John out of the house yesterday. Yay! I had a $6.00 off coupon for Staples that would have expired today, so we went to the office supply and bought a new pad for under the computer chair. The one we've had for several years is cracked and hard to roll on now. I enticed John into going by saying we could also stop at Harbor Freight. We did, took our list of a few things to buy and spent time walking the aisles and looking at tools. I know everything in that store, been there so many times, but if that's what it takes to get John out, I'll do it. We ate out for lunch, a new BBQ place by Staples. Yummy, but not as good as our favorite BBQ hole in the wall place closer to home, and more expensive, so probably won't go there again. Also, BBQ is something that I should NOT have according to the cancer videos. Not only the sugar content of the sauce, but the charring/smoking of the meat is supposedly cancer causing. Even knowing all that, I succumbed to my cravings. I have no self discipline at all.

    Marcie, your adventures in eating out sound exciting and fun, but I know what you mean about curbing it.
    It's hard when a special co-worker leaves, even if you didn't work closely with her anymore, just seeing her in the office is special. I hope retirement helps her health. Is she someone close enough that you would meet up with her for lunch or something outside of the office?

    Bible study is cancelled today, the leader is out of town this week. I called Carol to see if she wants to go to lunch, but she had other plans already. She asked what other days I'm available...Mondays and Fridays for the next 2 weeks, so she'll check her calendar and call me back. With Tuesday doctor appointments and surgery, I won't make it to Bible study at all in March. I think I'll ask her if she's available to be at the hospital on the Tuesday for surgery, keep Norma company for a little while. I'm pretty sure that John will want to stay home, he'd be more comfortable home than sitting around a hospital waiting room. Norma will most likely bring a book to read, but I think visiting with Carol would be nice too.

    I'll put on a fresh pot of coffee and enjoy my morning. Lots of emails to read and catch up on those last 2 cancer videos.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It's such a pretty morning this morning. Chilly, but clear blue sky and lots of sunshine. The trees around are budding out too. I love this time of year. No rain on the horizon, so that's good. Who'd of ever thought I'd say that?!

    Yesterday Dad got an email from the American Legion. They were having a funeral for a homeless Vietnam Vet who just passed away and asked their members to attend if they could. Dad drove out there and said there were so many people there that there was just no place to park, so he came on home.

    Last night for dinner I warmed up my leftovers from The Spaghetti Factory. I forgot something in the kitchen and when I got back to my plate a dog, who shall remain nameless was scarfing down my dinner. Luckily I caught him before he ate too many mouthfuls, but that was a first! My fault for leaving it unattended, but sheesh. After enjoying my chicken and broccoli, he wasn't too excited about eating his dog food for dinner.

    Last night I was watching an episode of Long Lost Family (host attempts to find missing relatives for people, usually involves kids/babies who were adopted and are trying to find their birth parents, or the birth parents trying to find them). I was just weeping at the end when the Mom, who had been forced to give her baby up for adoption because she was too young, and had been searching for her son for 30 years, was reunited with him. Her son thought he had been forgotten, but she and her subsequent children had celebrated his Birthday every year and considered him part of the family. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been this much of a crier!

    I'm going to be kind to myself today and eat lightly. Been eating too much lately. I had some pomegranate Kefir earlier this morning and a hardboiled egg for breakfast, will have a vanilla Glucerna shake and a few almonds for mid-morning snack, a salad for lunch, and a bowl of my white beans for dinner. That's the plan, now let's see if I stick with it!

    Sheryl, we have a Harbor Freight around here too, but I've never been. I need to check them out one of these days. Nice that you could get John to join you on your outing yesterday. It's always fun checking out a new restaurant. Are you still ordering Blue Apron meals? That would be nice if Carol can come visit with Norma at the hospital.

    Well, I guess it's time to get back to work. Have a great day!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    Another pretty day here. Yay.

    I did pretty well yesterday with my eating plan. Will go for it again today.

    Last night I went to Amazon to purchase a new rechargeable shaver (mine is just about kaput) and some liquid makeup, and then made the mistake of perusing the "gadgets" section on the website. I wound up buying a bunch of gadgety stuff:
    That erupting volcano is kind of neat. You fill it with white vinegar and water and microwave for about 8 minutes. The steam cleans and loosens up any dried gook that is in the microwave. Interested to see how well it works.

    Dad enjoyed his American Legion meeting last night...and I enjoyed having the house to myself for a couple hours! He's not used to Dad being out of the house after dark.

    When I got to work this morning and parked my car in the parking garage in the basement I found both sets of elevators down there are out of order. No choice but to take the stairs. I felt so bad for the unfit people. One lady with a very bad back was really struggling to get upstairs. She had to take one step at a time and rest in between steps. This is the first time since we moved into this building in 1995 that so many of the elevators are out of order at the same time. The building is showing it's age I guess. Not sure how customers are going to get up to our floor (we are on the third floor) today, at least those that can't take the stairs. I did see the elevator repair guys here, so hopefully they get this resolved quickly.

    Have a great day everyone! Bye.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good morning. It's sure quiet in here this week.

    I spent a good amount of time last night crawling around on the kitchen and dining room floors looking for a pill Dad said he dropped but couldn't find. It was only a fish oil pill, so if Cisco got it I'm sure it wouldn't hurt him, but I still wanted to look. Never did find the thing. Either Cisco got it, or it's still on the floor somewhere. I always worry that one day Dad will drop one of his pills that will hurt the animals. I know Simon wouldn't bother with them, but you never know with that dog of mine. I suspect he either ate the fish oil pill or stashed it was for a rainy day!

    Yesterday marked Cisco's 5th birthday. We got him when he was 1 1/2 years old, so we've had him 3 1/2 years now. Seems like we've had him a lot longer than that!

    Our perfect weather streak continues. I think I'll go for along walk at lunchtime today. It should be pushing 60 degrees by then.

    I nearly got in a crash on the drive in to work this morning. A woman in the car to my right decided to merge into my lane and didn't wait until she had room to move over. Her rear end and my front end came within a couple inches of colliding. I'm not one to honk at someone out of anger (I figure once the deed is done, honking won't help anything), but I did give her a honk.

    The first round of my kitchen gadget orders came in yesterday. I got the bottle opener, the microwave cleaner, and the soap dispensing dish scrubber. The bottle opener came in a three pack and I'm keeping one of them at work to use on stubborn bottle caps.

    Well, I hope you all are doing well this week. Have a great day!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good Morning. This week flew by. I did more stuff at home on Tuesday, can't even remember what. Wednesday was speech therapy. I kind of had a combination of Marcie's Tuesday/Wednesday...The office is on the second floor and they are working on the elevators, so last time I took the stairs. I had time to catch my breath sitting in the waiting room. But, I encountered a big accident on the way and sat in traffic which made me late. Emergency vehicles were there already and more coming. Looked like 5 cars involved, at least that's how many I counted that were all smashed up. By the time I got to my session, I was totally out of breath and anxious. I hate being late to anything. Didn't show as much improvement as I had hoped. The therapist said my upper register singing voice has improved, but she's disappointed that it hasn't transitioned into my talking voice. She asked me to try to talk higher, but that doesn't work out well at all. I sounded like Marilyn Monroe, high and breathy (and stupid). I have more exercises to add into the routine that are kind of tongue twisters that I speak and not sing.

    Marcie, I guess Cisco decided he deserved a people food treat. Knew he should get it while the getting is good, it was NOT going to be offered to him.
    Yes, I'm still getting Blue Apron, a delivery every Wednesday. This week we got Smoky Pork Burgers with Roasted Vegetables, Chicken Yakiniku with Carrots, Bok Choy and Garlic Rice, (the picture shows a chicken breast, so Yakiniku is the sauce/seasoning) and Tangelo & Honey-Glazed Salmon with Farro and Apple. Yesterday we had the last meal from last week, Tempura Cod with Thai-style Vegetable Salad & Jasmine Rice. The 3 meals always consist of a beef or pork, a chicken and a fish. I'm meeting Carol for lunch today, so I'll probably bring home a subway sandwich for John and start cooking again tomorrow.

    Oh, tv programs like that always make me cry also. I can cry at the drop of a hat and do more crying in front of the tv than anywhere else. Whether it's happy or sad, I'll have tears.

    We just had the wettest February on record, 10.3" and our ground proves it, it's a swamp out there. Now I'm afraid that when I complain about the drainage, they'll just say "well, this was an especially wet winter", not realizing that it's an ongoing problem for many, many seasons.

    The weatherman says that we will not be having any more freezing weather, so maybe this weekend, I'll turn the outside water back on and "assess the damage". See what may need repair and what's working. I need to have everything back in working order before I have surgery. I know that John will not want to carry buckets of water out to the animals. And, the big pool is desperately in need of draining, cleaning and refilling with fresh clean water. It's disgusting out there.

    On that note, I'll get my coffee...
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi all, a friend from bible study named Sara and I went to the local farmer's market this morning. She bought a bunch of essential oils and I bought some wonderful fresh salmon which Dan and I had for dinner tonight. It was absolutely delicious! SO fresh! Sara and I went to lunch afterward to an Indian buffet. It was really tasty but of course, I over ate. Good thing we had a relatively light dinner. We had a really nice time together.

    So Dan and I recorded this new show called "the good fight". It has several of the cast members from "The Good Wife" especially Christine Baranski. The show was great! Gripping right from the very first minute. We were really excited to continue to watch it. Then we found out that the rest of the episodes would only be aired on CBS Access which you have to pay a monthly fee to watch their shows. It may be only on line also. Boy were we mad!!! Have any off you heard of this?!

    I have cleared out my really old spices. I kept a couple that were kind of old but that you don't use that often. Most of my herbs and spices I use regularly (approx. 8 or 10) are current and organic. They were having a 40% off sale so it worked out.

    Debora, I really love that broccoli and raisin salad. Interesting that you used milk that had gone sour to make cookies. I'd never heard of being able to do that. Is it kinda like using buttermilk? There is a very new technique that is just starting to be used for receding gums. the Dr. who did my graft is now offering this new technique. I saw a video of it and it seems pretty interesting. It is called the pinhole technique. Here is a little blurb about it:

    "As the latest development in gum recession treatment, the pinhole technique is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that restores your gum line, covering exposed roots and alleviating symptoms immediately. The pinhole technique does not require grafting gum tissue from the roof of your mouth. Instead, the gum tissue above or below your teeth is pulled down gently. Patients experience little to no discomfort or downtime, returning to normal the day after surgery."

    I don't know if they offer it where you are or how much it costs but it might be worth checking into.

    Sheryl, good idea to purchase the videos. This way you'll have them to refer back to. I agree, I just couldn't get into the whole juicing thing. At least not at this stage of my life. That is why I really enjoy the green shakes in my nutrabullet. It is cheaper and easier and I still feel like I get a lot of great benefit from it. Glad that Norma and Simeon got things resolved even if it didn't result in their staying together. Closure is good. Cool that the blue apron is in the data base. Sure makes things easier. Good idea to see if Carol can come to the hospital and hang with Norma. How was your lunch with Carol?

    Marcie, we've been eating out too much lately too and are looking forward to eating less. It is amazing how our bodies feel it so much now when we eat out. That wiley dog of yours - gotta watch'em every minute! ;) Maybe he thought it was a b-day treat! :) Happy birthday Cisco! Nice that you got your windows clean. Ours are LONG over due! It is so much fun to get new gadgets and doo-dads. How do you like them so far? You have a birthday coming up too - this Wednesday right? Happy birthday! Do you have any plans?

    Well, I'd better close and go join my hubby for our Saturday recorded movie. Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Marcie, I checked out all your new gadgets and now, Amazon is throwing them up on every site I look at, trying to tempt me to buy them. ha ha ha, I guess they have a great marketing strategy, but it sure is annoying. I'll check something out and then I have to look at it everywhere until I check out something else new.

    Isabella, I saw the tv ads for "The Good Fight", but I don't recall them saying it was only the one episode. But then, I didn't pay close attention because I hadn't planned to watch it, I did not follow "The Good Wife" after a few episodes back in the first season. How tricky of them to lure you in and then slap a price tag on it. Is that similar to a "bait and switch"?

    My day out Friday was wonderful, great visit with Carol. We went to our favorite spot (one of 3 Kitchen Table Cafes). I drove over to the one by her house this time, there's also one between us, so we usually meet there so we both drive about the same miles, and there's one by my oncology office, a little further drive for Carol, but it's convenient if we meet after an appointment. Anyway, this time I asked to meet by her house because I wanted to stop by Chuck's Produce on my way home. I loaded up on organic fruits and veggies.
    I dumped on Carol about Mom, she's very sympathetic because she had problems with her Mom too. Although, her Mom had dementia, my Mom is just sad and lonely and miserable. When I talked to Mom yesterday, she was her usual Eyore self, feel sorry for me. I asked her if she planned to call Uncle Paul and find out how Esther is doing. They had a history of a weekly phone call, Esther would call Mom every Sunday afternoon, but do you think Mom would reciprocate? No, she told me she has a hard time talking to her brother, so she'll wait and get information from either me or Norma. How selfish, that she won't call herself and show an interest. Every time she does or says things like that, it shocks me.
    She started to pity me about the upcoming surgery, I told her that my trust is in the Lord and I'm optimistic that all will go well. I will be up and active right away. The doctor told me to walk, lots and lots of walking. Mom said that she should walk more and I jumped on that...YES, YOU SHOULD WALK, lots and lots of walking!!!!!! No response.

    By the way, Esther is doing extremely well. Praise the Lord. Lara said that she's speaking in sentences and making sense and initiating conversation. Her balance is still a bit wobbly, but much better. They will bring her home soon and hire an in-home care giver for awhile. Uncle Paul needs help too and we all told Lara NOT to quit her job and try to take care of them herself. Uncle Paul has enough money to hire someone. Lara needs to keep her own life and sanity.

    I hear John getting up, so I'll close for now.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It happened again. The week zoomed past. Sunday (a week ago) was good. We had 2 visitors in our class who did fine. The roasted vegetables and chicken were good. Everyone headed home shortly after we ate so had a quiet afternoon and then we went to our fellowship meal. Good food, good visiting - lots of fun.
    Monday was mostly at home. Alan did ask if I could go in and pick up two of the kids. Two had appointments. They have been picking them up after school so they have more time at home. We barely got back to our house and Katie was here to get them.
    Have to tell you my cookie story. I found a recipe for a cookie that used sour milk and decided to make it a pan cookie but I figured the recipe was for a 13x9 and I wanted to use a 15x10 so I did the recipe 1 and 1/2. I knew it was too think when I put it in the pan but was running out of time. It wasn't done when I needed to go get the kids so left it in the oven but turned it off. Still not done when we got back so turned the oven back on. It got done but more the height of cake. I cut it into small pieces since it was so thick. I gave them one to start with and said they could come back for another. Of the younger kids just a few did but all of the older boys took two and said it was really good. Only had 4 pieces to bring home so it all worked out but I wasn't sure for awhile.
    Tuesday was half price store at the one thrift store so we headed there and made a couple of other stops too. We were home by noon and I heated up some leftovers. We had Good News Club in the afternoon. It was our first time with the older kids being 15 minutes later. They are replacing three bridges fairly close together so a portion of the highway is closed to the school buses have to detour around. We decided to go watch the boys basketball game in the evening. It's substate week. After the games tonight, the girls get to go on to State. The boys lost by 3 points. I was able to watch the last part online so that was fun.
    Wednesday was when we thought the used book sale started at the big library so headed in there as soon as I got done working on the Echoes. Well, we found out being open to the public started on Thursday so we ate and then went to several thrift stores and came home with about 2 boxes of books - don't think we paid over $.25 for any of them and a lot were 10 for $1. That's nice since the shipping adds up on them. When we got home I baked my cream puffs and then we went to church in the evening. I don't get any visiting after class since my kids don't want to sing in junior choir. I miss it but it's nice to get home too.
    Thursday was our all-day women's meeting. We had several projects going, a couple of good speakers and a delicious pot luck meal. It was fun visiting when there was time too. I worked on our Sunday School material and wordless book bracelets. The one table cut up t-shirts and made jump ropes for Operation Christmas Child. No Bible study and it was nice to just be able to stay home.
    Friday we headed to town. I really did have a short shopping list which was nice since I had an appointment to get my eyes checked. I got them dilated for the first time ever and it wasn't bad at all. We got done about noon so ate at McDonalds and got the cold stuff and headed home. The rest of the day was at home. I got all we bought put away and some other odds and ends but didn't have to push on anything since there's no dinner here Sunday.
    Saturday I had the whole day at home. I tried to get a number of one time jobs take care of. I didn't get everything I put on the list done but made progress on things. Didn't do anything great but did other stuff besides the house. Ralph still has all his boxes of books sitting around so hard to straighten things anyway.
    Sunday we left the house at 8 am and came home at 8:30 pm. We drove about an hour and went to an Amish Mennonite Church. The men sit on one side and the women on the other and wear head coverings. Hymns were familiar and good message. Then we went to the home of the one who invited us and two other couples. His mother fixed a delicious meal. I'm guess that most of what we raised she grew. There were sweet potatoes, green beans, a tossed salad, 2 large roasted chickens (16 were around the table) and fruit with whipping cream and poppyseed cake were for dessert. I also got the chance to try dandelion greens - ok but won't go digging my own. Most there were of Mennonite background so stories were shared. One had quite the story of escaping from the Russians during WWII. About 4:30, the dad made a huge bowl of popcorn (again he had grown it) and cider. We left around 5:30 and made it back to our church for the evening service and headed home after that. DH gathered the eggs and washed two days worth (100 eggs) and I did my list. As we were headed for bed and I was getting out of the shower, the electricity went off. We got flashlights, set the alarm on my cell phone and we went to bed. It was back on this morning.
    I had the morning at home to work on stuff, babysat this afternoon for Derek (had 3 of the kids) but most of the time was nap time so pretty easy work. She had made chocolate chip cookies that morning so I had one (well two). Got home about 2 and just been working on the list. Very windy day - has made it bad for fires cause it moves them so quickly. Had a few sprinkles abut a good rain would be really nice. Tomorrow Ralph has a check-up so we'll do it and visit the thrift store and Walmart and then Good News Club in the afternoon.

    Well, Sheryl, is John leaving the woodstove alone now or is he continuing to do more with it. Since Simon and Norma aren't on the same page on a lot of things, this sounds like a good move. I'm sure it had it's hard moments but now both can move on. Norma has a lot of things she wants to do and I hope she can do them all.
    Sorry you'll have to miss so many Bible studies. That would be nice for Carol to spend a little time with Norma although I always have something with me so I don't mind being by myself when with someone.

    Marcie, you have been eating out a lot. The meals sound good though. Ahh, you'll miss your old boss. Maybe you could get together with her once in awhile. She would probably enjoy that. Wow, clean clothes, a clean car and clean windows. You're on a roll.
    Nice that your dad went to the ceremony. Sad more didn't. The monthly meetings will be a good activity for him.
    My brother is handling the move okay but not liking it. He's using a walker for stability and his house is sold.
    Cisco keeps his eyes open. I'm sure he appreciated you 'sharing' your meal. Hope that pill isn't found by anyone.
    Long lost family sounds like a moving show. A cousin's son just located his birth family. His mom has been dead for many years (car accident) but there are two brothers he has talked too.
    Let us know how your gadgets work out. I've thought about the onion slicer deal. The microwave cleaning one looks like fun.
    Good thing you walk all you do so the steps weren't too bad for you. Were the elevators fixed by the end of the day? Glad you were able to avoid an accident.

    Sheryl, you don't have to try and copy Marcie. Stuck in traffic is no fun. Sorry the voice is coming slower than they hoped but at least there is improvement. You're doing good at getting all your exercises done. Hope the weather lets you get the outside things ready for John.

    Isabella, I watched the Good Fight and enjoyed it. Did not realize the rest would be online. Bummer. I won't do that and tie up my computer (or pay). Hope they don't start doing a lot of programs that way. Yes, the sour milk is kind of like using buttermilk. The gum thing sounds interesting - probably costs a lot too. I've got other things that need to be done first. My mouth is actually quite valuable. Fresh salmon - yum.

    Sheryl, I know what you mean about things showing up in ads after you look at them. At least it doesn't last too long. I've gotten pretty good at ignoring them. Sorry the last phone call with your mother was such a downer. It would be nice for her to call Esther. Change is extra hard for her (or impossible - ha). It's wonderful to hear that Esher is doing so well.

    Well, this missive is very long. If you're still reading, thanks for hanging in there. Off to do my list now. I'd say I won't go so long, but you never know about me.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, A quick Good Morning.

    I've been up since 3:45 am, just couldn't sleep. John's been up twice already and just went back to bed again.

    I have a doctor's appt. at 9 am and probably could go on to Bible study from there, but I think I'll just come back home instead. I feel blah, plus, I don't know what John may do while I'm gone. I am trying not to be gone more than 2-3 hours at a time anymore. If I were to go to Bible study, I'd be gone at least 5 hours.

    John is still obsessing over little things on the woodstove, this will probably go on and on because he has nothing else to dwell on. Com'on Spring.

    They are talking about National Pancake Day on tv this morning. If John were willing, he could go with me to the doctor and then we could stop at IHOP for free pancakes, but I know he'll say no, so I most likely won't even ask. The local IHOPs are asking for donations for Dornbecker Children's Hospital, a big Portland Cancer Center.

    I'll have more news after my appointment, it's with my oncologist, but while I'm there, I'll make a pre-op appointment with the surgeon and find out when and where I show up for surgery.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday Dear Marcie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Thanks Debora. I actually forgot it was my birthday today!

    Hi all.

    Well, yesterday the door guys came and replaced our nearly all of ours doors and closet doors. They still have a little work left to do. I think they are coming back today. The doors look really nice.

    Poor Cisco was stuck outside yesterday while they were working. He was quite unhappy, but he survived!

    Dad is thinking about expanding my bedroom. The door guy suggested it. We have a fourth bedroom next to mine that never gets used. Thinking about breaking through the wall. Not sure if we'll move forward with that, but we'll see.

    Sheryl, sorry about the gadget ads! I hope your blahs are done.

    Back to work. Have a great day everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    Another pretty day here in Sacramento. Yesterday it got to 70 degrees! Spring has sprung, and the trees are sprouting blossoms! I love this time of year.

    The "door guys" hung up mostly the rest of the doors yesterday. They still need to hang up the hallway closet doors. Today they will be painting the doors they hung up yesterday. It's looking really nice. We've gone from dark wood to white. Really brightens up the place They replaced the door in my bathroom with a single door. It was a two door before. I kept trying to close the second door last night, that wasn't there!

    It looks like we will be moving forward with the plan to connect my bedroom with the the bedroom next to mine. I'm going to have to rearrange my furniture to accommodate the change. Dad say they will be starting in on this change in the next few days.

    Cisco had a better day yesterday. They were only there for a couple hours, so he wasn't parked outside for so long. Dad put a blanket outside for him yesterday morning. He's such a spoiled boy!

    Unlike Isabella, we didn't do anything for my birthday yesterday! Usually we will go out for dinner someplace, but we didn't feel like it, so just stayed home.

    Dad set up an appointment to take Simon (my cat) in to go to the vet he takes Cisco to. I've been wanting to change vets for a while, so we'll see how this goes. His vet is way less costly than the one I've taken Simon to all these years.

    Well, I guess I'd better get back to work. Have a wonderful day y'all.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone. Quiet in here again!

    I'm over these "doors guys"! They were at the house all day yesterday and when I got home from work they were painting the door frames. They finally left around 6 pm. They'll be back today to put the doors back on. Poor Cisco is so not happy, nor is Simon. I think Simon needed to use the litterbox yesterday, but just wouldn't go because of all the commotion.

    Yesterday the group I work with went out for lunch to welcome a new staff member. We went to a place called the Magpie Cafe. My first time there. I ordered their grille turkey sandwich. It was really good, but I think $11 was a bit pricey for it.

    After work today I plan to pop in to my old vet's office and see if I can get a copy of Simon's records so I can take them to the new vet on Saturday. I checked on their website and all they have online is services that need doing. Not much help.

    Well, back to work (oh joy!). Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, so sorry to be gone so long. This is a short pop in because John and I have been in and out working, working, working. Feels Great. Beautiful day and sunny and warm. I had the woodstove going early to warm up the house, and then, choked it way down and let it go out while I opened all the windows and got wonderful fresh air moving through.

    I will do my best to be here in the morning and catch you all up on what's happening.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Back to the end of the week. Ralph's check-up was quick on Tuesday. We don't like the fact that they now want you to arrive 30 minutes prior to your time. But they did get us in early and we were done 10 minutes after our appointment time. So it went okay. We went to the thrift store and Walmart, stopped at Burger King to eat and I had about an hour at home before going to Good News Club. We are revamping out schedule since the older kids get there later so we did the missionary story earlier and it is about a missionary pilot. That made me remember some party favors one teacher had brought (left from a party for one of her kids) so I counted and there were just enough for the kids there that day so gave them out. That was a big hit.
    Wednesday Arlene (the friend who is working on the Echoes with me) and I headed to town to the Historical Library. They also have copies of the Echoes so we were going to double-check the ones they have in case we would run across ones they don't have. Well, they couldn't locate them so we left after a half hour and left my email. So we'll do our lunch out when we go back. They have since found a box (I think there should be two) so we'll go back next week and check it out. That meant I had to come with some dinner for Ralph - why eat a frozen meal if I'm there. :) We went to church in the evening.
    Thursday I was at home until Bible study. I started straightening the house - sort of hard to do because Ralph was working on going through the books we bought and filling more of the shipping boxes. Bible study in the evening was good. The temperature that day had gotten up to 80 but when we left Bible study it was sure cooling down.
    My walking friend left to go visit one of her kids in Michigan so no formal walking for a week and a half. Ralph and I went to town for the usual errands and it only got up to 47. The afternoon we went to a funeral of a man that lived in this area. He was 93 and ready to go. All three of his children and his wife had died before him.
    Today was another whole day at home. You'd think I'd be getting a lot of things knocked off my list but there's still plenty to do. The house is straightened up. I made a fruit salad and a chocolate bundt cake. I've planned a 3 crockpot meal for tomorrow that we can get on the table quickly. With the time springing forward, I'm sure everyone will be hungry when we get home from church. Then we'll watch Lori's girls in the afternoon here. She wants to help move things from their school to the theater downtown to help get it ready for the musical they'll do this coming week. Two of her kids are in it. She'll come back for church in the evening and get the girls then. So things stay busy enough.

    Sheryl, so glad you're having some nicer weather so you and John can get outside and do things. I saw the IHOP deal too but didn't bring it up. We didn't have any running around to do that day.

    Marcie, so glad the door guys are doing a good job - even doing the painting. The white will be brighter. Neat that they can also make your bedroom bigger. How long will that take to do? I'm sure you'll like it when it's done but the mess during may not be so fun and it's probably more outside time for Cisco. Is there much stuff in the 4th bedroom? Were you able to get Simon's records? Hope Simon likes the new place. Seems like a good idea to have everyone go to the same location.

    My goal is to go to bed a little earlier so I won't lose as much sleep. Hope the time change isn't too hard on anyone. I wish they could leave things alone. I was enjoying it not being so dark in the morning when we met to walk. Have a good Sunday.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2017
    I can't believe it - I hit the wrong key and just lost my whole post! :( Oh well, take 2:

    This was a hectic week and a very busy weekend. Saturday I went to a friend's garage sale and chatted for an hour then went to get my car washed and shopped at Trader Joe's. I barely got my groceries put away and it was time to go to the monthly free concert at the library. The artist is one of our favorites, a sort of a Neil Young type, so we really enjoyed it. Afterward, a gal that has been coming about as long as we have decided it was time to introduce herself and we chatted for about an hour. Then we went to dinner at a place called Mainstream Café. Food was decent. I had a large baked potato with chicken, broccoli and cheese. I took half of it home and will have it for lunch tomorrow. Then we watched some of our recorded shows. Designated Survivor is back. We really enjoy that show. Sunday we went to church, finished grocery shopping and I cooked my pot of greens. I made chicken burritos for dinner.

    Sheryl, I don't know if I'd call what that darn show did a bait and switch but giving us a teaser then telling us we'd have to pay for the rest of them sure ticked us off. They may have said something to that effect in the commercial but we didn't see or hear it. Glad that your Friday was so nice. You always enjoy your time with Carol. Also happy to hear that Esther is doing so well. Good that you and John have been able to get outside and get lots done. How did your Dr appts go?

    Marcie, I understand not wanting to do much for your birthday on a weeknight. Hope you went out to dinner or something this weekend. Good that the doors are coming out so well. You'll have to post a picture. Did they start working on your room expansion yet?

    Debra, Your sour milk pan cookies sound like they were a hit. Interesting that this was the first time you've had your eyes dilated. I've had them done a few times. Haven't had too much trouble but always had to wear those dark shades they give you in front of my glasses to drive back to work or home. Neat that you got to spend some time with the Amish folk.

    Well, I had intended to get to bed early due to this time change - it is always a tough one - so I'd better close and get to bed. It's already later than I intended. (We went to bed an hour earlier last night too.)

    Have a great week all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good morning. Another very quick pop in...going to jump in the shower and headed to another doctor's appointment. I'm still here, just no time to chat. Hopefully tomorrow?????
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was good. I got to go to the ladies' class but forgot to take my book. Dinner was ok. I tried using straight BBQ sauce on the green beans instead of brown sugar and ketchup. I have lots of BBQ sauce but won't do that again . They were not near as tasty. The fruit salad was good - told Lori it was probably the expensive frozen strawberries. :) Alan stayed until 5 so his kids and Lori's kids had a good time playing. Ava limps now with her leg but they start PT with it this week. I had an easy supper - summer sausage, cheese and popcorn with the rest of the dinner rolls and crackers. We met up at church and Lori took her kids home.

    Today I got everything ready for 4-H along with some laundry and a start on picking the house up again (a never ending job) and other little things. Meals were easy cause it was Sunday leftovers for dinner and taco soup leftovers for supper. Just got home from 4-H. It was parents night which means the parents of the officers lead the meeting and give the talks. Then they worked on the centerpieces for Wheatstate Manor.

    Tomorrow Ralph is going to Kansas City with our missionary friend to go to a big bookstore. It's about 3 hours away. I'm going to take the wife out for a belated birthday dinner. And Good News Club will be in teh afternoon. No place to go in the evening but that's good cause it's about the only evening we'll be homet hsi week.

    Isabella, you got a lot of activities into your weekend. Fun to visit with another concert goer. I like Designated Survivor too.

    Sheryl, thanks for the quick pop-in - lets us know you're okay since you're usually on quite a bit. I'm sure your days are flying by.