Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, the green button that says leave group is so bright - I almost find myself clicking on it - accidentally of course. Find that boss. You need the break. Sunshine here too.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, if you push that button you will get a shock, so don't push it! Ha!
  • Carole100
    Carole100 Posts: 8 Member
    Mygnsac I found my way here with a lot of fumbling around. Your list is helpful but since I am very visual not having peoples pictures throws me. I'm doing a lot of printing to the point that I need some new printer cartridges.
    I don't know how to convert documents into PDF form to save them. Favorites doesn't work since once the site is down you lose the info.
    I'm gone tomorrow on a Senior Day Trip and have to go into town Friday to take care of shopping, etc. I'm going to stop into my Staples (they take care of my computer troubles) and see if they can advise me on that and a couple of other things.
    It'll get easier, one day at a time. Plus the Serenity Prayer. Haven't used it in a while but I sure need it now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Carole100 wrote: »
    Mygnsac I found my way here with a lot of fumbling around. Your list is helpful but since I am very visual not having peoples pictures throws me. I'm doing a lot of printing to the point that I need some new printer cartridges.
    I don't know how to convert documents into PDF form to save them. Favorites doesn't work since once the site is down you lose the info.
    I'm gone tomorrow on a Senior Day Trip and have to go into town Friday to take care of shopping, etc. I'm going to stop into my Staples (they take care of my computer troubles) and see if they can advise me on that and a couple of other things.
    It'll get easier, one day at a time. Plus the Serenity Prayer. Haven't used it in a while but I sure need it now.

    Carole, I think everyone is feeling lost right now, so you are not alone! Like you said, one day at time. Welcome!!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    This site and this group makes being lost a whole lot easier to handle. Thank you again mygnsac for getting this setup.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    jlhawki wrote: »
    Tammy I accepted your friend request! How did you ask me? I am still having no luck with recipes. Tomorrow I am off and am going to figure out what I'm doing wrong :)

    When you find someone click on their name and it will take you to their Home page. There are 2 buttons there and one will ask if you want to add as friend. Click on that and it will ask you to add a note. Also if you will notice at the top of your page where it say Hi jlhawki you will see a envelope and a persons body watch for those because you never know when I will send you a private note.

    Sheryl: Tammy, I received your comment via email this morning and replied. How did you do that? Did you get an email from me via MFP? It didn't specify to me that it was sent to you. I am so confused when it's not completely spelled out for me.

    When you excepted my friend request, you show up on my home page when you add exercises, or if you just come on the site (the site see's you as logging on whether you do add food/exercise or not.)

    Which allows me to make a comment to you.

    Do I show up on your home page as your friend? If not send me a request and once I accept it, you will see me at the bottom of your home page. If I'm not already there. I hope this makes sense to you. It's taking me a little bit to figure just this much out.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I hope you are all adapting to this strange new land! Less than a week left at NM. I still can't believe it. :'(

    I know everyone is just trying to get their bearings right now, but if you venture out into the MFP community, here are few ongoing posts that I like to participate in...

    While you do have to tip toe through the snark on some of the posts in the MFP community, there are tons of supportive, friendly people on this site.

    If you find a post out there you want to follow, be sure to check the little star to bookmark the page.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!! :)

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Thanks mygnsac, clicking on the start in our little NM Family will keep all the threads open for reading as well.

    Last night while continuing my marathon of saving important to me things I took a deep breath when the calendar moved to the 15th of January. I frowned and then I thought change is happening and I can do it.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hello my NM Family, I've been checking the NM JR off and on through out the day and it is getting mighty quite in there. I've saving some of my favorite posts along with the comments because the NM peeps can be so funny.

    Well time to go home, I'll see you later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just checking in for a moment. I hope to browse more of these posts another time, but for now, I've only come to this one.

    Physical therapy today, so I'm off...
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Morning everyone, I got about 3 hours sleep until my neighbor decided to ring my doorbell over and over again. I answered in a stupor for sure. This neighbor of mine likes to drives through my yard with their car. You see they have 7 cars out there and only one driveway to fit two cars comfortably.

    I live in a Cul-De-Sac and this neighbor takes up the whole circle blocking my driveway and others. I kept seeing tire tracks from my driveway across my yard in the direction of the neighbors back yard gate, always when I came home from somewhere. So, one day I came home and they were in the middle of moving a broken down car across my lawn having gone through my driveway to get it there.

    I guess I don't have to tell you how mad I was and I let the screaming begin. Their teen son was always hitting my house with every imaginable kind of ball in the universe and I saw him hit my truck one day and busted the antenna off. I was constantly telling him to stay out of my yard and all his buddies too. The kid of course told me "Oh well that's how it works". I told him under no uncertain terms would he ever hit my house or car again and to stay out of my yard. He was constantly playing in my yard with his friends. I don't get it. These people have half an acre of land their house sits on and I don't see why they don't put in a gate on the other side of the house and drive their cars back there. Instead, I have watched them drive through the neighbors yard and mine.

    I don't think I have ever had neighbors as disrespectful as these guys are. Imagine having no children at home but there are 16 of them in your front yard hitting your house and truck with their balls. Argh!

    So anyway, done ranting. The daughter whose car they were pushing across my lawn tells me that her truck doesn't work and she needs to take the baby to the doctor. She wants to drive the other car parked in front of it and on the side of their house across my lawn to get it out Argh! These people are horrible neighbors.

    Good Morning everyone, I promise to try and have a good outlook on life today.

  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    I am frustrated. Is there no way to put your foods in by weight? I still use a few packaged foods like bread and cheese, but they are only in the data base by servings. I weigh everything. Is there an easy way to change to weight? At least at fit bit you can go in and make a change fairly easy if it says servings. You just click the food once you add it and go in and edit to add a different way of measuring. It doesn't remove the other, just makes your option available. Does anyone know? I really am trying to make this work but it is frustrating. I don't like "servings". I don't just have 1/2 cup or 1/4 cup. I have the amount i feel I can eat at that moment. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Wow, after reading that I think I will stop complaining about my party-boy neighbor!

    I'm sooooo glad Friday has finally arrived. I have next week off and I'm looking forward to taking a break from the office.

    I hope everyone over here is finding their groove. I know it's a different world from what we are used to.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I keep telling my husband I want a block wall planter separating us, lol. Lots of non flowering plants so the bees don't take over, lol.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Judyelaine1952, what foods are you trying to enter? I'll give it a try for you.
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    Judyelaine1952, what foods are you trying to enter? I'll give it a try for you.
    It is any food I try. It comes up as servings and I want weight...any cheese.....I'm not going to shave off a piece to get the exact weight so the serving meets their standard. I just want to log the size of the chunk I hacked off. ;-)
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been playing around with it and have found a cumbersome way to do it. It's just when you go to log a baked russet potato and it tells you 8 oz is 27 calories it is very aggravating...especially when you can't find a way to fix it. I finally found one I could work with. Thanks
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    You want ounces then? I have found that sometimes I have to look at more than one item to find what I want. You can add your own food if you have the label, putting the weight you want and then you can just keep changing as you go.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    And yes those extremely incorrect numbers are driving me crazy too.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Well, peeps I went back to bed around 12 and just woke up so my day is completely screwed again. Oh well, I could be dead I suppose.