Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    czoerun here but my new username on MFP is cjdigsindirt. This is so great that you all got this going so quickly! I hope one day the MFP will get the extended nutritional data like we had at NutriMirror, also I would like to see more data for fiber, etc. :(
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I'm happy to see you here Carla! And I agree. MFP needs to get those micronutrients in there (I read somewhere it was on their To-Do list). Also on their To-Do list is giving us better ability to convert serving types (ounces, grams, pounds, etc). Who knows when though.
  • cthompson8083
    Hi everyone! cthompson5457 Christina :smiley:
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi Christina! Good to see you here!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Yay! Carla and Christina are here, I'm glad you could make it.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    There is a Journal on NM about different pay programs and I am heavily thinking about doing one of them. I have looked at Nutrinote 2015 and My Food Diary online. I think I am leaning towards My Food Diary for $9 per month. myfooddiary.com/
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I have found that links look really strange when you add them but once you post it looks normal. Boy this is a learning curve.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, I'm following the thread on other programs and listening closely. I might try logging here today but I know it will take longer to start with and since I can still log at NM, why. I guess I need to change my lifestyle here cause they didn't give me as many calories as I get at NM and that has been working fine for me. How did it work for you guys?
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    arobed53 wrote: »
    Good morning, I'm following the thread on other programs and listening closely. I might try logging here today but I know it will take longer to start with and since I can still log at NM, why. I guess I need to change my lifestyle here cause they didn't give me as many calories as I get at NM and that has been working fine for me. How did it work for you guys?

    MFP doesn't separate my meals like NM so I can see what each item has in data. Also, My oatmeal meal on NM has 103 calories but MFP shows 316 calories for the same items in the same amounts. My Net Calories is higher at MFP than NM. Boy am I in trouble then, I don't eat enough food as it is. I am so glad I saved my Health reflections so that I can see my foods I ate and try to keep it balanced according to NM. Inspite of my dislike of the privacy policy on myfooddiary.com I started a trial membership and I am happy with the Net Calories available to me so I am going to continue my free 7 day trial and see what happens there. 800 foods with nutrients there and it is all based on the FDA

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning all, I put in a photo of my youngest llama, in honor of Christina...this is one of her favorites. Plus, my photos look funny right now, my hair is beginning to grow back and I look a little like the fuzzy top of mochadot's head, much like Christina said she looked after her surgery. We are sisters.

    Christina, I was about to call you, but had a choking/coughing fit and now my voice is gone again.

    Looks like I need to start a new "real names" list to keep all of you straight in my mind. ha ha
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Okay, now I am not happy. I cannot add less than .25 cup of raisins to the My Food Dieary log. How can that be? I swear I am so unhappy that NM is shutting down. I wish we were given the option to make a monthly membership there. Arrgh!

    Edit, there is a measurement calculator next to the search box to learn how to change something from teaspoons to cups. One tsp of raisins is 0.021 Cups and that changes to how many raisins you are eating. Pain to go through that if it is what happens with alot of the foods on there. I'll keep trying though.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Why don't you track all of the vitamins and minerals?

    We would love to be able to track every nutrient. Unfortunately, only 14 nutrients are required on the "Nutrition Facts" labels. This makes tracking other nutrients nearly impossible.

    MyFoodDiary.com tracks the following 14 nutrients:

    Saturated Fat
    Trans Fat (see above note about trans fat)
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin C

    Luckily, we have found that there is a strong correlation between diets that rank well in our system and diets that are well-balanced with vitamins and minerals that we are not able to track.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Why don't you track all of the vitamins and minerals?

    We would love to be able to track every nutrient. Unfortunately, only 14 nutrients are required on the "Nutrition Facts" labels. This makes tracking other nutrients nearly impossible.

    MyFoodDiary.com tracks the following 14 nutrients:

    Saturated Fat
    Trans Fat (see above note about trans fat)
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin C

    Luckily, we have found that there is a strong correlation between diets that rank well in our system and diets that are well-balanced with vitamins and minerals that we are not able to track.

    This here is an FAQ question on My Food Diary Dot Com. I guess they aren't really following everything on the FDA guidelines for nutrients. I'm canceling that trial membership.

    Edit: I closed the account and there was an exit questionaire so I told them what I thought about their product. I don't think they will like me too much now but if I can't put in 1 tsp of raisins without having to convert it then something is really wrong and I don't want to spend my time converting things like that. Especially if I am paying for it. Also, loss of nutirent data for more than the few they provide. Arrgh!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    One thing to remember when using the foods in MFP's database is that they didnt go through a filter like at NM before being released to the community. Just have to make sure the info is accurate initially, or create your own entries. Ugh.

    Debra, the calories I get here are about 100 more than on NM. Close enough for me.

    The lack of micronutrients here is a bummer, but I more concerned with macronutrients anyway. With what I learned on NM, I'm pretty confident that I come close to meeting my micronutrients needs each day. They did indicate that they plan to add those, but who knows.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    Good Morning all, I put in a photo of my youngest llama, in honor of Christina...this is one of her favorites. Plus, my photos look funny right now, my hair is beginning to grow back and I look a little like the fuzzy top of mochadot's head, much like Christina said she looked after her surgery. We are sisters.

    Christina, I was about to call you, but had a choking/coughing fit and now my voice is gone again.

    Looks like I need to start a new "real names" list to keep all of you straight in my mind. ha ha

    Sheryl, I dont know if you saw it, but I have this post up on NM where I'm listing the NM names and MFP names as I learn them. May help if you are creating a list of your own.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks Marcie, I did see that and will copy it and be able to add to it.
  • cthompson8083
    sannferris wrote: »
    Good Morning all, I put in a photo of my youngest llama, in honor of Christina...this is one of her favorites. Plus, my photos look funny right now, my hair is beginning to grow back and I look a little like the fuzzy top of mochadot's head, much like Christina said she looked after her surgery. We are sisters.

    Christina, I was about to call you, but had a choking/coughing fit and now my voice is gone again.

    Looks like I need to start a new "real names" list to keep all of you straight in my mind. ha ha

    Hi sheryl!

    I love the photo :smiley: that is my fav llama. I am glad you made it over, and I am glad you didn't call. Its been brutly cold here, and I have been in such extreme pain I can't leave the house. Glad to see others made it over. Even if you all don't log, you can still post :smile: <3
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    That's strange that one place would give the same thing a higher count. Slowly but surely. I'll be curious to hear about your 7 days with myfooddiary. Does it factor in exercise too?
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Full day, straightened the house, did food for tomorrow, worked on 4-H, got journals and things downloaded from NM and tried to keep up with the activity in two places. Time for bed. Good night.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    arobed53 wrote: »
    That's strange that one place would give the same thing a higher count. Slowly but surely. I'll be curious to hear about your 7 days with myfooddiary. Does it factor in exercise too?

    If you are asking me how I will be doing after 7 day trial on myfooddiary then I have to tell you I already closed the account. I couldn't log 1 tsp of raisins without converting it into cups first. Way too much work for me especially if I am paying for it.