C25K...Starting 1/27/15 wanna join me???



  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I finished W1D3 last night. I was able to up my run speed a bit to 5.2 and walking to 3.2 with a 1% incline, but I would not go above that at this point. This is all about building the foundation to become a runner. After C25K I will worry about my speeds.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    acarmon55 wrote: »
    I started this weekend and I will do W2D1 tomorrow. I noticed that those of you posting how fast you were walking/running is way faster than what I was doing. I am super out of shape (and have over 50lbs to lose) so I was doing 3mph walk and 3.5 jog on treadmill, is that too slow?

    I have always heard you should be able to carry conversation. If you go faster and can't carry conversation then you are where you need to be for now. As time goes by and you get in more shape you will be able to go faster. I am 5'10 so I just naturally walk fast and in order for me to feel like I am jogging I have to up it more. I got finished last night and didn't really feel like I had exercised because I have been pushing it harder. You have to go at your own pace for what is right for you and just getting started don't push too hard because you don't want injury. The biggest thing is that you are getting started so keep it up and you will get where you want to be!!!

    Exactly! You go as slow as you need to. (You are still faster than the person sitting on the couch!)
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    I so want in on this! Yall are doing awesome and seem like a great group! I have done almost all of the program before and then moved...so last night I decided to throw it on and push myself more. I will be using the treadmill (2% incline) and running outside. I started with 3.5 walking and 6.5. For the first time since I did this program I felt worn out, I have always done it outside which has allowed me to slow as I get tired and the treadmill kicked my butt. As for alternation days, I will weight lift and row or use other lower impact machines. I am really excited to share this journey with all of you! Good luck!
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    How many of you are doing off day workouts? I made the mistake of starting the 5x5 stronglifts program on my off. After the first day of squats, my quads were killing me and I had to take off almost a week before I ran again. I havent gone back to the 5x5, but am going to try it again tonight. Hopefully it was just the day one pain.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Finally!!! W1D1 done! I haven't been able to make it to the gym all week. I'm off today with a sick child. So I decided that I could take 30 minutes and run outside versus an hour (including travel time) to go to the gym. I was so excited just to get started :D . I feel like I'm on way now. Running outside is sooooo different from the treadmill. I've done intervals on the treadmill and felt that I was beyond running for 60 seconds. I was toying with starting at week 3. Certainly I can run for 3 minutes. Well, after the second interval, I realized I'm right where I need to be, week 1 :D
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    Finally!!! W1D1 done! I haven't been able to make it to the gym all week. I'm off today with a sick child. So I decided that I could take 30 minutes and run outside versus an hour (including travel time) to go to the gym. I was so excited just to get started :D . I feel like I'm on way now. Running outside is sooooo different from the treadmill. I've done intervals on the treadmill and felt that I was beyond running for 60 seconds. I was toying with starting at week 3. Certainly I can run for 3 minutes. Well, after the second interval, I realized I'm right where I need to be, week 1 :D

    Woo hoo!! Sorry you have a sick child, but glad you got the opportunity to get going. I too have found that running on the treadmill is very different from running outside. Way to go and hope your little one is better soon!

  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    W1D2 Done ... (barely). Zumba last night took more out of me than I thought. Think tomorrow needs to be a rest day. Maybe just some walking.
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    How many of you are doing off day workouts? I made the mistake of starting the 5x5 stronglifts program on my off. After the first day of squats, my quads were killing me and I had to take off almost a week before I ran again. I havent gone back to the 5x5, but am going to try it again tonight. Hopefully it was just the day one pain.

    I am starting off day workouts this weekend. I did not get to do day 2 last night because of too busy with the kids. I am going to do day 2 tonight and then start Insanity tomorrow. It sounds like you may have some soreness for a while with that workout and I am afraid mine may be the same. I am going to try to make sure I eat enough protein to help with the healing of the muscles, but am looking forward to doing something everyday!
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    Finally!!! W1D1 done! I haven't been able to make it to the gym all week. I'm off today with a sick child. So I decided that I could take 30 minutes and run outside versus an hour (including travel time) to go to the gym. I was so excited just to get started :D . I feel like I'm on way now. Running outside is sooooo different from the treadmill. I've done intervals on the treadmill and felt that I was beyond running for 60 seconds. I was toying with starting at week 3. Certainly I can run for 3 minutes. Well, after the second interval, I realized I'm right where I need to be, week 1 :D

    So glad that you made it out, but sorry about your child. I know that running outside is so much different and I look forward to trying outside when it is a little warmer. CONGRATS on getting started!
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    Made week 1 day 2 this afternoon. Still don't feel like I have done enough. I think I will do day 3 tomorrow
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    @acarmon55, be careful, I have done that before and its not long before you over do it before you realize. :) good luck.

    I did Week 1 Day 2 today too. It felt great, using the treadmill is really helping me maintain constancy and push myself. I increased both my walking and running speeds, but it still felt good and challenging.
  • Ouzo2012
    Ouzo2012 Posts: 2 Member
    The best motivation, so I have been told, is to start your C25K program but register for an actual event before you start your training so you have a goal and already paid for it.

    I did my first C25K last April at 28 lbs heavier than I am now. It has given me a quick start to a healthier lifestyle and I really do like walking and running, in good weather. I am set to do the same race again this year but I want to run most of it which will beat me old time too! I don't own a treadmill but have enrolled in a gym for strength training. I don't really like to train at the gym on the treadmill. Any suggestions about training in Michigan winters? Running in winter weather is scary with ice or snow!
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm not in michigan, but am in Massachusetts. Weather sucks here too. I have to stay in doors and hit the treadmill. I have tried to do winter running, but find it miserable.
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    I am in Kentucky and our weather is a lot better, but it just gets dark too darn early. I use a treadmill too. Finished week 1 day 3 today and feel great! Also started Insanity. Can't wait to run on Monday!
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    W1D3 - Done! We have pretty mild winters here in North Carolina ... though it was quite chilly and windy this morning. I sweat a lot so the cooler weather helps to keep my temperature moderated. Would definitely not be able to get out in the harsh conditions you guys have though. Sending a 'warmer weather' dance your way :smile:
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Heading to the gym to start week 2, wish me luck. Haha
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    Heading to the gym to start week 2, wish me luck. Haha

    Finished w2d1, it was tougher than week one but i was able to finish strong.
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    madmags wrote: »
    Heading to the gym to start week 2, wish me luck. Haha

    Finished w2d1, it was tougher than week one but i was able to finish strong.

    Congrats on getting day 1 of Week 2 finished!!
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    madmags wrote: »
    Heading to the gym to start week 2, wish me luck. Haha

    Finished w2d1, it was tougher than week one but i was able to finish strong.

    Awesome! I'm a bit intimidated by Week2, but I did get new shoes today so I feel better prepared. They were badly needed, I'd had my old ones for over a year. Hopefully won't have as much leg soreness and knee pain.

  • hbarber85
    hbarber85 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello all! I started C25K 4 weeks ago. I've tried it twice in the past, but never had the will power to keep pushing! I don't think I ever got past week 2 in the past. This time, I'm all in! I completed week 4, session 2 yesterday afternoon. I know I'm a bit ahead of the rest of you, but I will be needing to repeat week 4, and will undoubtedly be at the same place as the rest of you after a few weeks! I hope it's ok to chime in!

    On my "days off" I like to do a Leslie Sansone dvd. I also make sure to have 1-2 complete rest days each week.

    Good luck to everyone this week! :)