Did you run today?



  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Another snow storm here... snowed in again... so no run for me yesterday. Off to the ymca for younger sons swim class this morning so forced myself to do 3 miles on the treadmill. My knee was really hurting, so had to slow way down for the last mile... 10:30 split, but got it done.

    I'm now 13 weeks out for my half. "Official" training starts next week. Starting to worry. Think I'm just psyching myself out, but my knee hurts off and on, and morning sickness is starting to hit (and it's all day sickness in reality!) Trying to be positive, went back thru my email to print off my race registration as added motivation today! Think I'll think less about time, and more about finishing... faster would be bonus...
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    5k today
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    Knee problems are the absolute worst. I freak out every time I even feel the slightest niggle in my knee. I really hope that it doesn't turn into anything serious for you.
    Have you had any knee issues previously? Try not to psyche yourself too bad without knowing what's really going on.

    Also, I think that finishing would be an awesome accomplishment given your expecting status.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My run yesterday looked like this:
    1.5 mi run (9:56 pace)
    6 x 30 sec fast, 60 seconds slower (Average pace on fast segments- 7:03)
    1.5 mi run (9:47 pace)

    Scheduled for 6 miles today. Hoping to get that done outside before the snow gets here.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran 6 miles at lunch in 58:56!
  • simonwarren777
    simonwarren777 Posts: 19 Member
    I knocked out 8.5 km's at lunchtime in the snow.
    Pace was way slower than usual for the same heart rate (slippy).
    Nice to run in the relative warm of -7C though.

  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    heading out for my Wednesday 10K run
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just got a PR in my 10k. 57:56 :D . I think it was AC/DC Thunderstruck for the last mile LOL.
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    I went for 4 miles yesterday and 6.35 today. XT tomorrow.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    4 miles yesterday and resting today and tomorrow. Still do a lot of walking though
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    5k and weights tonight, and a bit of Yoga 8)
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Off day, just some Yoga tonight. Then another 21k training run tomorrow.
  • poke987 wrote: »
    Another snow storm here... snowed in again... so no run for me yesterday. Off to the ymca for younger sons swim class this morning so forced myself to do 3 miles on the treadmill. My knee was really hurting, so had to slow way down for the last mile... 10:30 split, but got it done.

    I'm now 13 weeks out for my half. "Official" training starts next week. Starting to worry. Think I'm just psyching myself out, but my knee hurts off and on, and morning sickness is starting to hit (and it's all day sickness in reality!) Trying to be positive, went back thru my email to print off my race registration as added motivation today! Think I'll think less about time, and more about finishing... faster would be bonus...

    not sure if you ever heard this before but when i had knee/achilles issues, my PT recommended doing more core & hip stabilization exercises (basically lots of yoga and pilates) to help strengthen all the "connectors" and it worked wonderfully! i rarely have achilles issues and haven't had one bit of knee pain since being more serious about core work!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    4 mile run yesterday in 39:16, felt pretty good.

    I ordered new running shoes in a wider size, hoping that will help with blister issues on the side of the ball of my foot. They came yesterday, guess I'll try them out on my long run tomorrow.

    Supposed to rest today, but I might just take advantage of the freakishly warm weather to get the bicycle out today.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    I am off to get my gait analysed tonight! I will be ready for the 5k parkrun tomorrow and 10 miler on Sunday
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    Another snow storm here... snowed in again... so no run for me yesterday. Off to the ymca for younger sons swim class this morning so forced myself to do 3 miles on the treadmill. My knee was really hurting, so had to slow way down for the last mile... 10:30 split, but got it done.

    I'm now 13 weeks out for my half. "Official" training starts next week. Starting to worry. Think I'm just psyching myself out, but my knee hurts off and on, and morning sickness is starting to hit (and it's all day sickness in reality!) Trying to be positive, went back thru my email to print off my race registration as added motivation today! Think I'll think less about time, and more about finishing... faster would be bonus...

    not sure if you ever heard this before but when i had knee/achilles issues, my PT recommended doing more core & hip stabilization exercises (basically lots of yoga and pilates) to help strengthen all the "connectors" and it worked wonderfully! i rarely have achilles issues and haven't had one bit of knee pain since being more serious about core work!

    I had heard this. Thanks for the input. Guess it would be good for me to start! I'm up for anything at this point... just need to commit and make time to do it!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Our roads are still not clear, and more sniw is on the way... i had an unhappy time at the y this morning. Darn treadmill died while I was running... twice. Just turned itself off. First time I thought maybe I had hit the front and stopped it. But, nope. Started up and then it died again. Was around 1.8 miles the first time, I think... but had a long warm up walk...but can't be sure of exact numbers since I hadn't looked in a while. Then maybe just .2 the second time. Told the lady, she stood beside me... and nope, it behaved itself perfectly ... got 1.5 with no trouble. Sigh. So. I call it my usual treadmill run of 3 miles.

    Nausea is starting to get worse.... i feel like i need to be eating all the time, or feel awful sick. And carbs. Oh the carbs! Guess I don't have to worry about being under fueled! Hopefully the pukes stay at bay, it was bad with #2, I'm feeling more like I did with #1 though, so fingers crossed! Tomorrow starts my official training countdown... 12 weeks to my half... but the Higdon program I'll do begins monday!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    ran 21k , 2h5min35sec.
  • AZ0310
    AZ0310 Posts: 201 Member
    14 miles today. I used intervals for the first 12 today instead of just running to give my shins a break, and then picked up the pace for the last two miles.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    Parkrun today. Best time so far this year. 10 miler tomorrow!