February Chat



  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Not my best coupla days. I was either traveling which entailed all restaurant meals with friends or just plain eating too much while staying with Mom (and now stuck here since there's a blizzard going on in RI). These are lo-o-o-o-ong days. :)

    Anyway - the re-motivator in my corner is that last week I was able to go down a size in jeans and chucked out all my larger ones!! After my "days off", they're already feeling a little uncomfortably tight, so, no choice but to climb back on board.

    Going off plan was scary and I'd reached a point where I thought I would NEVER go there again, so to see myself flip right back to "well, I've blown it on this meal - so no point in trying for the rest of today". I really need to cure myself of that attitude - or accept that it's a possibility and stay aware.

    Sorry to be a bummer when everyone's doing so well and being so upbeat - but I needed to get it out there. Tx
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited February 2015
    (((Joan))), this is what the mutual support is about ... being able to share what's real with those who have also "been there, done that" !

    Congrats on getting into those smaller jeans. I have no doubt you will be able to look back at these couple of challenging days as just a blip on the radar.

    We didn't get it too bad here in Worcester --- a little wind, a little more snow (maybe 8 inches I would guess) --- but the condition of our streets is truly sad. Our city does not do a great job plowing. Our street looks like a toboggan run, with room for just one car to pass at a time.

    Meanwhile, I have to report a lovely Valentine I got from my husband --- on Friday night, actually. We were eating dinner and he said, "I've always known you were a great cook, but ever since you started eating this way your cooking has become even better - just superb! I don't know where you come up with the ideas for all these great recipes." That was so great to hear! It is true, we are both really enjoying this healthier way of eating. But that compliment was sweeter than flowers or candy! ~ Kathy
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Joan.....I had a rubbish day yesterday too......but just tell yourself that it is gone now and today/tomorrow is another day! It's what we eat 80% of the time that counts not the little slip ups....

    Story about buying jeans...I went to Gap last week and they had 30% off jeans, which was good as they are expensive in there. They are sized very oddly there......I had to ask the girl what size a 10 (UK) was...she said usually a 28....... so I took a pair to try on and they were too loose..... she told me they were a style called Boyfriend Jeans and are meant to be a loose fit........ I wasn't having any of that...I told her that when you get to be over 60 and have a nice bum you want to flaunt it...and bought a size 26! They are fab!!! lol

    She was a great sales lady and said all the right things...you don't look your age...you are very trendy.....you look great....then she told me she was 50 so I said all the same things back to her....honestly! We were a mutual appreciation society! I said You are a great asset to Gap, I hope they appreciate you!!

  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    Joan.....You're not a downer, I had one of those yesterday myself. I need to do the same as far as not blowing a whole day when things don't go as planned. I really want this to be the last time I have to lose a lot of weight. I know I'll always have to watch and go up and down a little....but these 50 pound swings are killing me! Hang in there....I'll bet a some of it is water and will come right off. :)
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for the wisdom, Kathy, Jean and Redzz. I know you are right and at least I'm recording today and on track so far. One of the difficulties here is that I have no idea if Mom's scale correlates with my own and that's a tool I find essential - both in staying real and in feeling more relaxed about the nature of weight fluctuating - so I can just focus on the trend line.

    Kathy - good to hear the snow's not too deep. I'm curious to hear what's going on in RI but my husband's cell phone crashed, so no word from him.

    Great jeans story, Jean. Redzz - thanks for sharing that. Sometimes one feels like they're the only one going off the reservation.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited February 2015
    Marilyn (aka Ker) was my inspiration for trying on my wedding dress and it did indeed fit ... in fact it was a bit loose! The look on my husband's face was priceless; it made a great Valentine surprise. While I was rummaging in the cedar closet, I also recovered a nice warm sweater that I used to love to wear. Just in time for another very chilly day!


  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    so beautiful, Kathy! What a wonderful success!!! <3
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Rose, how sweet! Good for you! Well I'm allowed to walk 1/2 mile this week. It is 4:45 a.m. We got some snow here in Louisville, KY. I turned down the room at the hotel that was offered, got up early, allowed 1 hour to drive in. Got here, have walked my 1/2 mile and did my neck exercises. Will do my floor routine and exercise bike when I get home. Had a great weekend, but did not do so well with my food plan. Had a great Valentine's Day. Joni
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    That is so me wooken! Thanks for the smile this morning.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    You are all so great at recognizing a challenge and having the wisdom to know it's best to regard it as a blip, whether a big or small blip. Wedding dresses, finding a surprise at the jeans department, compliments from the spouse. WOW you ladies have it all going on!
    Sharon in Henderson, NV
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Today I am actually happy to be feeling some little aches. It's a sign that the prednisone is gone! This is one of my two big cleaning days for the week (as yes a dust allergy will certainly give you those BIG cleaning days lol) and I am sure I will miss the extra prednisone energy, but I am so looking forward to getting back on a healthy program!!

    Retire I was looking back at posts in this thread. Today I am coming back with baby steps and I am glad you reminded me about the water. I have added that and metamucil to my list.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Glad to have you back, Dream... and hope that the allergies (and medicine) settle down for you!
    Have to share that after much research we ended up ordering the Total Gym 1900 from Amazon last night (thank you Smiles for suggesting we look at a Total Gym!!!). Great reviews, can be folded up & we don't have to add another room to the house as we would have needed to for the Bow Flex. Ever notice how many of the Bow Flex ads/infomercials show them using the machine outside, by the pool? There's a reason for that - they don't fit inside well
    $399 from Amazon, free shipping for new.
    FedEx will bring it probably sometime next week. Gawd, I hope I like using the thing so I don't get the stinkeye from DH....
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Woo-hoo! Bought a pair of work slacks and a pair of straight-legged jeans today -- size 10P. Bought a MP top and a regular M top (both on clearance). The jeans fit so well! I haven't bought a pair of jeans without elasticized waist in years. They were always so uncomfortable. And haven't wanted to waste money since I started the plan as I have had to keep buying stuff for work and working out!

    I am really feeling like I might get there - wherever "there" is!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    charlie - that is AWESOME!! Congrats!!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Glad you've completed tapering, @Dreamon.
    Charlie! You're getting tiny, as well as incredibly healthy. Huge congratulations on the affirmation at the clothes store!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member

    I am really feeling like I might get there - wherever "there" is!

    Yes, really, really, Woo hoo!!!!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    That's great Charlie .... What a lovely moment!

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Woo-hoo! Bought a pair of work slacks and a pair of straight-legged jeans today -- size 10P. Bought a MP top and a regular M top (both on clearance). The jeans fit so well! ...

    I am really feeling like I might get there - wherever "there" is!

    How wonderful! Sounds to me like you are already enjoying being "there" !

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Before coming to MFP in 2014 and joining this group in April, I would check Facebook everyday. Alas, I seldom do now; you have all become my on-line social network. I appreciate all of you.