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  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Amy - will more then happily pack some of this snow up and send it to you!

    Jenny - I will have to take some pictures when I am out later - like tomorrow!

    At home gym day! I'm not attempting those sidewalks. I just need to wait for the living room to get warmer!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    tourney hangover...ugh - almost done almost done - two JV games Thursday night and three move Varsity games/tourney this weekend.
    - Shirley - has this been a record year for snow? It sure has seemed like a lot.
    - Jenny - go go vacation girl!
    - L - I agree, weird. And even though I wouldn't want to partner with a stranger - I probably wouldn't have been able to say no either
    - Ang - send me your cookies - I need a sugar bump
    - Amy - awwww and yum - chocolate strawberries!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Marla - yes I think it is a record year. I know it is in Buffalo since they had over 7 feet in some areas. We do get their weather quite often from the Lakes. Lake effect snow.

    Another cold day but sunny. Out for breakfast with Dave this morning, hard to find a place open due to Family Day here which is a holiday for some.

    Doing laundry as we speak and still have to get my exercise in and practice my choir music as I have practice on Tuesday night.

    Still adding some items here and there to my suitcase. Departure is Saturday and now that the temperatures have plummeted I can't wait to get going to the beach.

    Last night was a hockey game and the Flyers won 2-l against the Sabres. I haven't been to a game in 10 years, lots of things changed in the arena but not the players. I heard they are at the bottom of the league this year. Dinner at the German restaurant was good but I expected more. Famous place before hockey games, so pretty much like pub food but quasi German. I guess when you go to the country and get the real thing nothing tastes like it. :| We had fun anyway, but it was -9 walking back to the car.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have a job interview tomorrow morning!!!!! So excited! Just freaking about what suit to wear (light gray or dark gray) with what blouse (white, light purple or dark purple) and what to do with my hair!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Really windy on the gulf today and the waves are huge. We walked the beach this morning for exercise and then went for a drive down the coast. They say it is 68 outside but it feels much cooler. Too many clouds so not warmed up by the sun. We ate a mid day meal of bbq so I'm guessing we will have cheese and fruit later as a snack. Lazing around reading right now. A storm is rolling in off the gulf. Russ hopes it is lightening and thunder so he can watch it in the dark.

    Shirley- lots of cars in the parking lot from Ontario. We met a man on the beach from Ontario too. He and his wife come down south for two months of winter. This is his second year in Panama City Beach. His favorite place has been Miami. Monthly rent is cheaper up in the panhandle but it's not as warm. Lots of license plates from all over though. Snowbird country this time of year. Spring break will bring the kids in a couple of weeks. I guess it is hopping then and traffic is horrible.
    Amy- it sounds like you had a nice Valentine's Day. I saw on FB that you are ready to stay on track and reclaim your weight loss. WTG and good luck! You can do it!

    Ang- Congratulations on your job interview. Is it for the federal job you applied for? Good luck!

    Marla- Busy times for you! 3 months and the boys will be out of school and you will have a high schooler.

    Hi L!

    Well lazy and ready for a nap :o

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Good luck on your interview Ang
    Jenny - did you get a storm to watch - that might be cool as long as it was short and not damaging!
    Ash Wednesday is tomorrow and then only SIX weeks till confirmation - yikes!!
    and the hits just keep coming ;>)
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    good morning all,

    Not much time to write today but I am doing well . Having issues with the girl lol . She doesn't think she should have to help out around the house unless we ask her because she's only 20 and can't remember to wash dishes or clean her bathroom.....oh But she's 20 - she should not have to follow rules hahaha!
    I have to go to the office and do my time sheet for last week or I won't get paid.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Amy - I saw a quote on pinterest that really strikes a chord with me right now - and would probably fit your girl too since she is barely not a teenager - "Raising Teenagers is like nailing jello to the wall." HAH - so true. Oh, that boy - ugh
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just lost my post so I will be short.

    Finished packing just last minute things.
    Pedicure today and had to let dry for 2 hours before I could put socks on and get on my bike.
    Choir practice tonight and want to practice here at home before I go.

    I will try and keep up this week with posts.

    Ang - Good luck on your interview.
    - Marla - Confirmation already, time really flies.
    - Jenny - Sun and fun sounds like a good time.
    - Amy -Good luck with your daughter.
    - Hi L

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member

    This is where I catch the bus. Somewhere under that is a bench for sitting and waiting for the bus.


    This is the parking lot of at one of the nearby grocery stores.

    The bank on the sidewalk are about shoulder height on me. (I'm 5'3") The worse part? There is more coming in Thursday. I am so ready for spring!

    Interview went well today. It wasn't for the gov't job but one for a smaller law firm. It went good. He even said so. He messaged me a short time later and asked if it was all right if he contacted my references. After I got out of my appointment this afternoon (more about that in a minute) I had a message on phone for another place I applied to. I called them back but didn't hear back from her before 5. Hopefully I hear back tomorrow and that it's to set up an interview.

    I had my appointment today for the follow up from my CT scan. It is just tissue build up causing the lump. He said more then likely I had a small clot in my veins and that's what caused it. It's not affecting anything else in my neck and has not extended beyond the 1 cm lump that is. I figured it was OK, but I needed that reassurance from a professional that it was.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015

    Wow, you do have a lot more snow than we do.
    Good news Ang on both counts. Job interview and possibly another one, way to go!

    Also good to hear you are clear from your CT scan, must be a relief.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Lazy life here on the beach. It's been very windy and chilly but the sun feels warm and I have a little color on my chest and face. Not bathing suit weather but walking the beach and hiking allows me to get some color on my chest and face. The storm never hit our beach but the waves were huge. Today they are also quite big and the sound of them crashing is very loud. Elgin Airforce Base is down the coast and the fighter jets flew over our beach several times today.

    Ang- that is a lot of snow. Glad your interview went well and you possibly have another to schedule. Good luck!

    Marla- Lent already and confirmation will come fast. This year is flying by just like last year. From your comments I sense raising a teenager is challenging you, LOL! I though age 15-18 was the toughest and then it all calms down. Zach may be challenging you earlier?

    Shirley- Saturday is almost here. Jamaica bound for you!! You will have wonderful temps down there. We have met many snowbirds and I think I could live down south 2-3 months once we retire. Anything to avoid the below zero temps and windchill, blah!

    Amy- You are having a time with your kids. This to shall pass but I know it is frustrating when you are in it. Hang in there!

    Hi L! We went out to dinner last night on Fat Tuesday. There was a party bus of people celebrating Mardi Gras that came in in masks and costumes. They were doing a progressive bar hop, 30 minutes each place. Great people watching!

    We went to a beautiful state park this morning to hike. It was on a sandy point that went out into the gulf and lagoon here in PCB. So many shells, sand dollars and starfish on the beach. We met a woman from Michigan and chatted with her for awhile. She's a snowbird and we asked her lots of questions about this area, costs, etc. I took an afternoon walk on the beach while Russ did some work for his job. I laid in my shorts by the pool but it was so windy I went up to our balcony. Now I have a gin and tonic, a little sun burn and my cheese and crackers. Life is good and relaxing!

    Enjoy your evening,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny your trip sounds wonderful!

    Only 3 sleeps until vacation. B)

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    And the hits keep on coming. After the parade I went to Saturday I tripped over an uneven sidewalk. The result--two hairline fractures in my hand and a nasty looking foot. I follow the saying, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." BUT it was a beautiful day with friends and sooo much fun.

    Yay, Ang, on your interview. That is a lot of snow!!

    Shriley - That is a lot of snow there too!

    Amy - You've got to be kidding about your daughter forgetting to wash dishes and clean her bathroom. My kids are my dish washers. I always tell them that it doesn't matter to me if they wash the dishes BUT if there are dirty dishes in the kitchen when I wake up in the morning, no cell phones for three weeks. The first offense was one day after that 3 weeks. They found out I was serious after taking them away the first time. They haven't pushed me for a second offense and the three weeks.

    The beach pictures on FB look so inviting, Jenny! Hope you are having a blast.

    Hi, Marla.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    Cleaning day today and we are going to dinner, Swiss chalet, I have a coupon.

    Two more sleeps until departure. B)

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have a follow up interview from the interview on Tuesday!!! Tomorrow at 11am. It's starting to look really promising!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    One kid done with ball for the season - one to go!
    - All this vacay-ing going on - rock on relaxing ladies!
    - L - what a time. I can't believe you broke your hand - does it get you out of work at least? ;>) Glad you had a good time anyway - you looked wonderful in your gown!
    - things with Zach are still stressful - I keep praying and trying to 'let it go'

    Long weekend - ball, ball, ball, piano recital and music practice - whoop!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - You are one busy momma!! Try and get a little me time when you can. :s
    Ang - Hooray! things are looking up! :D

    Jenny - I know you are in relaxation mode! :D

    Amy - Hi :D

    L - Sorry about the broken arm. What next? :o

    See you lovely ladies in a week. Leaving tomorrow and finishing up the packing today.
    Fridge all cleaned out.

    I will check in on the news feed mainly putting in exercise and if I feel like reading some posts. I will be walking the beach, reading, swimming, drinking, drinking, drinking, oh!
    and did I mention drinking and eating and try to maintain while gone.

    See you later!! B)B)B)

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

    I start on Monday. The timing could not have been more perfect. I got two weeks severance pay from my last job. That ended today. I start Monday. It's perfect timing. No stress or worries about how I will pay my bills! I'm also getting a higher pay then what I was getting. Much higher. I set a goal last year to have my credit cards paid off by the end of last year (I got them paid off with my tax refund) and my line of credit paid off by the end of this year. With the new pay I will be getting, I am well on my way of making that goal! The increase in pay also has another benefit - I can increase my grocery budget to afford my fruits and vegetables. The prices my be cringe worthy of what they cost, but I will have a higher budget to afford them!

    Shirely - Enjoy your vacation! Please bring some of that warmth back with you to Canada when you come back, but be sure to share it with Nova Scotia!!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    So , I worked on Thursday and babysat on Friday . It was pretty sweet babysitting . I just love those grandbabies .
    My Daughter is so weird. Lol I tried talking to her about helping out and she started crying and carrying on like I'm the meanest mom in the word - she's telling me she is a different person now - ha - since last week I guess - buy still she has not even tried to help out with anything . she could clean her bath room , wash dishes or sweep the floor , vacuum , anything . Not that I need help at all , It's just that she does nothing for anyone other than her self and I give her money .
    Anj, So awesome about the job !! and the pay increase . I'm so happy for you .

    Shirley ,yay vacation soon .
    Jenny , your vacation looks amazing !
    L - OMG ! POOR YOU ! Did you fall in front of people? How awful for you .
    Marla, Love seeing your basketball pictures ! hugs to get you through those teen years - and beyond !