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  • ODJSgL
    ODJSgL Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    Greetings all. My name is Alex, 34 and grew up in the Rocky Mountains doing high impact sports (mountain biking, skiing, hockey) so my body has a few issues that would have been nice to have avoided for a few more decades, haha. Currently a little overweight and looking to balance everything back out. Unfortunately due to injury (L1/L2 disc virtually disintegrated, and very long recovery from breaking/severely bruising both heels) I need to be careful what I do for activity. I used to bike to work daily until my back started flaring up again, so I am going to take an attack at this more from the kitchen side and hope to get some good recommendations on exercises that I can still do without hurting myself and food choices (pescetarian). It certainly helps with anything to have a community as opposed to soloing it.


    Hi Everybody!
  • giardiniera
    giardiniera Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, second time round at MFP, first time i did a keto diet and lost heaps of weight fast, then put it all back on again and then some. Im Australian, in Florence, Italy and mother to a 3 year old girl. I figure I cant keep using the baby weight excuse anymore! Would love new friends so add me if youre positive about getting to a healthier place. I saw someone wrote that they want to get out of their 30s fitter than when they went in. Totally!
  • mconleyx2
    Hello I am 37 I have 5 children and lots of furbabaies i have 2 jobs i really enjoy and i am active in my church in 2010 I had to have a full hysterectomy I have always struggled with my weight but since then it has been even harder to keep my weight down my goal is to lose 45lbs we shall see

  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone, I am Shelly...I am 35, married, I have an 8-year old daughter and 2 cats. I lost 65+ lbs on Weight Watchers over 7 years ago and have mostly kept it off but I am now trying to work to reshape my body and lower my body fat percentage. :) I love to power walk, hike and do things outside but it's freezing in Ohio now so I have been doing walking/yoga/Jillian Michael's DVD's and want to start the New Rules of Lifting program.
  • squisherz
    squisherz Posts: 37 Member
    Hello All,
    My name is Tricia, I am from BC Canada. Turned 30 in September.

    I just got married in June 2014, and my husband and I are wanting to start trying for a family later this year. I was down to 230lbs at my wedding. (had lost over 30lbs)

    I gain about 10 or so lbs back in 2014 AFTER my wedding and 20lbs after a tragic event at the beginning of 2015, I realised I needed something positive to focus on. Do I decided I need to focus on getting healthy for myself, my family and my future family, ideally I would like to be a lot healthier before we start trying for a baby.

    SW: 265 - Feb 1st/2015
    CW: 258 (on day 9 of a 100day healthy challenge, im down 4lbs since the start of that)
    GOAL: Lose 100lbs but first goal is to get into ONEderland. :wink:

    If anyone want to add me feel free just send a message with your request that your from this group.

    Best of luck to you all
  • jayandliz27
    Hi, everyone! I just joined this group today. My name is Liz and I live in Texas. I am 37, married going on 15 yrs, two daughters (14 and 8), one cat and one chinchilla. (Yes, chinchilla hehe)

    When I was a kid, I was insanely thin, without doing anything really to get that way. I got made fun a lot about being so skinny for some reason. Guess kids are mean about whatever they can be mean about! Anyway, I actually had a huge appetite and grew up (like many people) in the "clean your plate" kind of family. When I was a teenager, I was still very thin but started to get some shape at least. I was physically active, in dance and swimming. In my early 20's I think I started putting on about 5 lbs a year, then got married, got pregnant and started putting on about 10 lbs per year. I stopped working out as often and wasn't watching what I ate. I have always loved comfort foods...southern style, and I continued to eat a lot of that! I dieted here and there but would always go back to the old eating ways, which honestly was how I have always eaten, even when I was skinny. Eventually, about 6 months ago, I got up to about 225 lbs. yikes! I cut out some of the junk food and went down to 215, when I started back on this site.

    I've been back on MFP for about 23 or so days and have gotten down to about 206.4 lbs. my ultimate goal is 130-135, since I have a small frame and am only 5'4 and a half. I've been doing super well, working out (lightly for the most part) almost every day and keeping under my calorie goal. I think my stomach has shrank down a bit, as I finally seem to get full more quickly. Overall, I'm really excited to get to the maintenance point, though I know that will take some time to get there. So far MFP members seem to be super supportive and really great at trying to keep people positive and motivated. Loving this app!!
  • kennethcanady9
    kennethcanady9 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey Everybody, Just turned 35.... I started MFP early Jan 2015 @ 225 lbs. I'm 6' 2" currently 205 lbs.... Headed down to 190. Giving myself 6 months.

    Feel Free to Add me if you want an Inspiration/Support Friend,

    Good Luck Everybody, Kenny!
  • Jojo2k11
    Jojo2k11 Posts: 48
    edited February 2015
    Hi all, I'm 33, will be 34 this year. I'm in need of the "long haul" type support as I have over 100 lbs to lose. My health isn't the best, for last two years I've had COPD which could have been a misdiagnosis and sleep apnea, which couldn't be fixed until 5 car accidents took place.
    Right now I just want to work out but my cough is not one to be thrust aside. It doesn't play well with exercise and refuses to leave.
    Happily, MFP has helped me lose over 30 lbs so far and I want to keep going.....ISO support!
  • Malyss13
    Malyss13 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 32 and really struggling to get and stay motivated... I am the heaviest I have ever been and the lowest psychologically... Just down and out. I am trying this online stuff to see about getting some motivation and support along the way. Add me and let's motivate one another!
  • mamato3babies
    mamato3babies Posts: 73 Member
    Hi. My name is Amy. I am 32 years old, and the single mother of 3 beautiful children. I currently enrolled to go back to school and get my Bachelors of Science in Healthcare Management degree. I could use some supportive friends to help me during this difficult journey and that I could also support in return.
  • coreynaimee1997
    Hello! I'm 36, married 18 years, 3 kids and live in Montana. I just started my new diet and an down 7 pounds. 100 pounds to go! But already feeling better!!
  • marcied2015
    marcied2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. My name is Marcie and I'm 37 years old, mother of 2 fun loving boys (2 and 3 yr old). Work full time, married for 5 year come October. I'm been on MFP since Jan 7th 2015. We started a Biggest Loser challenge at work that ends March 11th 2015. I love this website I wish I would have known about this a long time ago. I've lost 18 lbs so far and plan to continue my journey after the challenge. The best parts of being on MFP is the support of everyone, meeting new friends and it's FREE!!!!
  • tryitonemoretime
    Hi, my name is Mano. I'm 33 year old and 270 lbs (122 kg). I work as a researcher and lecturer. I've been using myfitnesspal on and off since 2011 with different accounts.
    This time must be the last time, hence my username is tryitonemoretime. I plan to lose 60 kg of my excess weight in three years. However, few days ago I found weight loss calculator which estimate that this endeavor will be completed in 2020. So, it will be more than 5 years.
    Well, I don't really mind. I've been obese for almost 20 years and overweight since I can't remember. I can wait for just another 5 years to get my dream body.
  • jlschaal
    jlschaal Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Jason. I am 36 years old and have been married for almost 12 years. I have three kids ages 10, 7, and 4. I have tried so many times to lose this weight using all kinds of methods, including my fitness pal in the past. I am trying something new this time through my company called the freedom to eat program. It's a holistic program that involves counseling, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, medical monitoring, and the spiritual aspect of life. I have nearly 200 pounds to lose. I'm looking for people who are actually using the my fitness pal app and are on a weight loss journey for mutual support and encouragement along the way. Feel free to add me if this is you.
  • Fizz7581
    Fizz7581 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I am 33 and currently at my heaviest ever. I'm engaged and hoping to marry in the next 1-2 years. I've finally hit a place where i said no more. I don't feel good, everyday things are getting harder and harder to do, and im not going to get younger! My Fiance also needs to do this though he's only 1/2 committed...kind of lol Luckily, i do most of the shopping and cooking so ;) I'm finishing my 2nd week of doing a shake or meal bar for breakfast and lunch then eating a real meal at supper, plus snacks. I'm not hungry in general so far so that's the best part. I eat a lot more vegetables and hummus, less of other things, but trying not to go so extreme i give up. That's always the issue. Hope to find and give encouragement in this group :smiley:
  • ais500
    ais500 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello... please feel free to add me. :D
  • ashlygraves
    Hi I'm Ashly. I turn 31 this month. I live in sunny FLORIDA where I homeschool my 4 kids. and that can leave me exhausted on some days. I currently weigh 166 but would like to be at least 145. My dream is to loose this and gain my self confidence back. I'd like to feel good again and show my daughters that being healthy is a good thing.
  • terridot78
    Hello all, nice to hear from fellow thirty something's! I'm 36 and have a 12 year old daughter who is also struggling with her weight. I realized that the best way I can help her is by setting a good example and getting off my butt to do something about my own weight! I'm hoping the support and encouragement on here will help me stay motivated :) I've learned this is not nearly as easy at it was in my twenties. The weight doesn't seem to come off as fast and that is super frustrating. But having pain and being uncomfortable because of my weight is even MORE frustrating. I shouldn't feel like an old lady at this age but I'm the only one who can change that!
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Hi I'm Patrick, I recently turned 31, I've hit my weight goal (now time to up the lean body mass), and I've been with mfp for I have no idea how long because it has been an on and off kind of thing. I've been married to a wonderful woman for a little over 5 years and she is also a wonderful cook so I figured joining a group or two would really help me stay with things and remain accountable. My wife and I have 2 crazy little boys (3 and 1.5) that keep us moving but at the same time slow us down (working out around their schedule can be hard). I look forward to getting to know some of yall and if I get quiet start throwing things at me because it means I've stopped logging my food again and that means it is probably pizza that I'm not logging. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • BabyAngel82
    32 female new to this site looking for friends and motivation for weightloss x
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