Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • sheri81428
    sheri81428 Posts: 5 Member
    It's Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Isolate, Vanilla Creme, that has 1 carb, the chocolate has 2 carbs. I buy it on Amazon.com through the subscribe & save and it's under $19 for a 2 LB canister, about $22 if it's not under their subscribe & save program. Tastes great just mixed with water or I sometimes use unsweetened almond milk. Last night I added the almond milk and 2T of cream cheese with some ice and topped off the glass with water and blended on the bullet. It was so creamy and good just like a chocolate milk shake. At work I've added the Slim Quick mixed berry (0 calorie/0 carb) to give it more than just vanilla flavor. Be careful, some whey protein mixes have many more carbs.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Thank you. I will look into it when we go to town. Then probably end up ordering. LOL I think the one I do have is Body Fortress but I thought it has 7 carbs per scoop. I will have to look again.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @shadesofidaho I’m so pleased that everything seems to be coming into place for you and I fully agree that your sleep is more important than one dose of voluntary vitamins. Saves money too ROFL ;)

    @sbom1 Thanks for sharing your data, it really helps. I’m starting to find that 1450 is good for me. And, though I can add *some* extra for exercise calories burned, I certainly can’t add all of the figure I’m told I’ve burned.

    @pcfrend I absolute agree with sbom1 You are fully safe to discuss the need to count calories in this thread. Our situation is most definitely different to men, or younger women. Our wisdom needs to accept this situation and work with what we’ve been dealt, amongst others who understand our differing situation. Personally I haven’t seen any judgement in the main LCD boards, but it’s also clear that they don’t understand.

    @sheri81428 Welcome. At 56 you truly are one of the younger ones in the group. I’m 58 and I’m not speaking for any of the others. Your past weight loss is impressive, and keeping off for that long is really good, and most encouraging. I agree with you – when I get this weight off I’m going to be very careful to continue with this lifestyle. I don’t see any need to change it and I hope I continue to keep that belief Let us know how your protein shake day continues to reflect on the scale Wow, that’s a really fast turnaround for your BP, well done! I forgot to take my magnesium/potassium yesterday but have reduced it to half a dose anyway as the mineral/vitamin complex I have has 1½ *times* the maximum RDA for Vitamin K, even though it says on its own package that Vit K can be dangerous in high doses or continued use! I’ll be buying a different brand next time, and this was incredibly expensive!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    sheri81428 wrote: »
    I saw some posts about high BP. I too had this issue at times. I found that supplementing with potassium and magnesium brought my BP down within a couple days. In fact I had to have a life insurance exam last year and my BP was up around 155/92. Within a week of eating LC and taking potassium/magnesium and garlic supplements it was down to 127/70. This may not work for everyone but thought I'd share what worked for me.

    I apologize if I've repeated some info on high BP, etc., I tried to read all the posts to catch up but may have missed some things. I'm looking forward to learning new ideas of how to keep the scale moving downwards :-).

    Reassuring on the BP - thanks!
  • sheri81428
    sheri81428 Posts: 5 Member
    @shadesofidaho I believe Body Fortress has different varieties. It's the Isolate that has the lower carb count, just be sure to read the labels. It took me awhile to find this one. I did cut and paste above the exact name of the one I use so maybe that will be helpful. I believe they carry it at Walmart as well.

    @GrannyMayOz, lol, one of the younger ones -- how nice is that :wink: I have never taken Vitamin K. What does that do for you?

    Is there an easy way to find this thread? To get notices of postings?
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    sheri81428 wrote: »
    Hello all, I just found this group on MFP and thought I would fit well in here since I am 56 years young and have been LC (basically) since 2003. I'm 5'4" and currently 167 lbs., with a goal weight of 130. Back in '03, like many posts I've read the weight came off effortlessly eating LC. In the past 3 months, I've been experimenting with LCHF/Keto but haven't found that it is helping to take the weight off any quicker. For me, I've decided it's age because I'm not doing anything else differently since I took that 45lbs off back in '03. I had managed to keep the 45 lbs. off for five years, then I gained some, lost some, yo-yo, etc. With how hard it is to get this off this time my hope is that I will never be in this situation again once I get it off.

    I did just try something starting yesterday that I'll share because it got me off my stall. I had an all liquid protein shake day and this morning was down 3 lbs. Now maybe this will come right back on, I don't know since I just did this yesterday. Today I'm doing two meal replacements with protein drink (30g protein, 1carb per serving) and will have a LCHF dinner tonight. I'll see what tomorrow brings.

    I saw some posts about high BP. I too had this issue at times. I found that supplementing with potassium and magnesium brought my BP down within a couple days. In fact I had to have a life insurance exam last year and my BP was up around 155/92. Within a week of eating LC and taking potassium/magnesium and garlic supplements it was down to 127/70. This may not work for everyone but thought I'd share what worked for me.

    I apologize if I've repeated some info on high BP, etc., I tried to read all the posts to catch up but may have missed some things. I'm looking forward to learning new ideas of how to keep the scale moving downwards :-).
    Welcome Sheri!
    Thanks for sharing your experiences.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    edited February 2015
    Well hubby had a ruff morning. His blood was not flowing well for blood tests and CAT scan. They had to poke him three times. Anyway the CAT scan juice made him not feel very well so we came right on home so no shopping.

    @Sheri81248. My version of the Body Fortress is not the Isolate. Darn. It says it has isolate in it though. BUT it is only 6 carbs. If I do use it it would still be 7 carbs for it and if I added 2 TBP HWC and the rest water it would add 2 more carbs. I am not at all against trying this.. Much higher than yours is but I already have this and even if I substituted one meal it might be ok until I can get the other.

    Today both of us had to be fasting so we totally missed breakfast and I am not going to try to make it up. I WAS hungry when we got home at noon. I honestly think this has been the first time I have been really hungry since I have been doing this WOE. Dinner last night was a 7:00PM. 17 hours between meals.

    Forgot to say I had a NSV today at the chemo lounge. One of the nurses looked at me and just blurted out My God you have lost so much weight!! She totally surprised me saying this then the others took a look and they were all happy for me. I think they saw the added 30 pounds go on while hubby was so sick and it is so nice to know some one notices. I sure hope my little doctor notices next week. He was very pleased with the 10 pound loss. I just hope I can drop a few more before Wednesday. At least one more!!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well hubby had a ruff morning. His blood was not flowing well for blood tests and CAT scan. They had to poke him three times. Anyway the CAT scan juice made him not feel very well so we came right on home so no shopping.

    @Sheri81248. My version of the Body Fortress is not the Isolate. Darn. It says it has isolate in it though. BUT it is only 6 carbs. If I do use it it would still be 7 carbs for it and if I added 2 TBP HWC and the rest water it would add 2 more carbs. I am not at all against trying this.. Much higher than yours is but I already have this and even if I substituted one meal it might be ok until I can get the other.

    Today both of us had to be fasting so we totally missed breakfast and I am not going to try to make it up. I WAS hungry when we got home at noon. I honestly think this has been the first time I have been really hungry since I have been doing this WOE. Dinner last night was a 7:00PM. 17 hours between meals.

    Forgot to say I had a NSV today at the chemo lounge. One of the nurses looked at me and just blurted out My God you have lost so much weight!! She totally surprised me saying this then the others took a look and they were all happy for me. I think they saw the added 30 pounds go on while hubby was so sick and it is so nice to know some one notices. I sure hope my little doctor notices next week. He was very pleased with the 10 pound loss. I just hope I can drop a few more before Wednesday. At least one more!!
    Sounds like you have a lot on. You are really doing well, especially in difficult circumstances and are an inspiration!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    sheri81428 wrote: »
    @GrannyMayOz, lol, one of the younger ones -- how nice is that :wink: I have never taken Vitamin K. What does that do for you?
    Is there an easy way to find this thread? To get notices of postings?

    I know. I don't think you're the actual 'baby' because we have a couple of PCOS girls, but you're close!

    Vit K, my honest answer is 'I haven't got a clue' it was just an ingredient in the mineral and vitamin supplement the girl in the health shop sold me **at great expense!!!* when I asked for a magnesium and potassium supplement and David told her I can't swallow tablets. She grabbed this tub of powder and it cost almost AU$80 (around US$64). Talk about stunned! And even moreso when I saw that it overdoses Vit K along with the warning about overdosing on Vit K ROFL Next time I'll just chomp the tabs with a miniscule mouthful of unsweetened cranberry juice the way I handle my other supplements.

    Finding this thread. Could you bookmark it in your browser bookmark system? Usually Ctrl D I think, if you're using a windows machine.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited February 2015
    @Shades, I'm so thrilled for you with the nurse noticing your great work - it does give an uplift to your spirits doesn't it? I hope you both recover quickly from the horrible things that doctors do to you. I owe you a message, I'll get there tee hee!

    Oh, PS - what makes blood 'run slowly' and be hard to draw? My M-I-L had that happen when she was in hospital last, and I had trouble getting a single drop for my ketone test the other morning - had to spike myself 3 times to get enough blood for the strip ha ha!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Today I've taken a half dose of Gastrolyte to try to get some potassium in. If anyone looks at my diary you'll see that I'm getting incredibly low doses from my food. Guess I don't like foods with potassium in them - and I must look up what those are and change this. My expensive supplement makes me feel a bit sick for about half an hour when I take it. Even normal Berocca does the same, so I suddenly thought of Gastrolyte and took that this morning. I feel good. More investigating to do, but thought I'd ask if anyone sees a problem with that.

    Just in case you don't have Gastrolyte in your country it's a mineral salts replacement for people with diarrhoea or vomiting.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Too much potassium is as bad for you as not enough so maybe cut that tablet in half. Some times you might not need it.

    Blood running slow. Well first she tried his chemo port which is still in place. He has it flushed every month to keep it from clotting. They add a bit of heparin as the final flush.It just would not draw back so there might be a bit of a flap over the end f the needle. If it will not draw when they flush it next month they will use a clot buster and then he has t sit for half an hour while it works. They would have done it today but the CAT scan people were booked solid and waiting on him. So they did an IV for his blood draw and the CAT scan contrast they inject. BUT she used a small needle. So this part is so DUMB. They tell you nothing by mouth after midnight but want you to be well hydrated. After a few scans they told him a couple of cups of coffee are ok. They they give him a great big glass of water to drink right before they run the scan.

    I am thinking he might have be dehydrated little bit. she did not get a good vein. Maybe the elastic on his are was too close to the needle tip. She finally got a draw with syringe and off we went only to have to come back after the scan for another blood draw because his blood was hemolized. Then she got a real good flow all was well.

    For some reason after his chemo episodes he has a harder time staying hydrated. He drinks water all day and at night but I noticed when I washed his cup this AM he had not had much of it to drink. So drink up.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Oh I think many of the foods containing potassium are high carb. I know banana is and I think potato has good potassium too. I find I am usually low on my sodium intake. I always have been.


    No hurry on the email I am turning in early tonight. I am so tired. It stresses me when hubby does not feel well. I know it is this way every scan I just get stressed.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I am so tired. It stresses me when hubby does not feel well. I know it is this way every scan I just get stressed.
    I can well understand that dear Shades. It's called love and concern after all.

    Thank you so much for the potassium advice and yes, I did only take a half dose of the Gastrolyte, and entered it in my diary which shows it's barely a drop in the ocean of what I should be having daily. I'll go look at that list of foods, and I've bought some kelp dust today which apparently you can mix with salt. I *do* feel low in something, but what? It's pretty impossible to divine what *sigh* ;)

    When my son was 18 months old he had to have an ingrown toenail operated on. They told me 'nil by mouth' from midnight. Did that, took him to hospital, of course yelling because he was hungry and thirsty. His op was delayed and they came to me at 1pm to tell me that he *could* have had food and drink until 2 hours ago, but too late now. I was *not* happy! I hear *exactly* what you're talking about on staying hydrated when you're 'nil by mouth' it's just ridiculous.

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I eat mushrooms a few times a week, I eat smoked salmon a couple of times a week, and I eat lettuce pretty much on alternate days, or even every day, so either MFP isn't reporting my potassium from those foods (which I know Fit_Goat said happens with MFP) or I'm not eating enough of those foods. I can't fit any more into my macros though. Weird, and I give up >:)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh what??? Sorry about the Vit K references, apparently I'm wrong calling it that. The item that overdoses in my supplement is Pyridoxine Hydrochloride AKA Vit B6. The article I'm reading on livestrong.com says that B6 deficiency is rare, so why on earth is my supplement loaded up with 150% of the maximum suggested daily allowance of it? Don't answer that, I'll shut up now.

    Hope you're all sleeping soundly and have an awesome day tomorrow.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    sheri81428 wrote: »
    @GrannyMayOz, lol, one of the younger ones -- how nice is that :wink: I have never taken Vitamin K. What does that do for you?
    Is there an easy way to find this thread? To get notices of postings?

    I know. I don't think you're the actual 'baby' because we have a couple of PCOS girls, but you're close!

    Vit K, my honest answer is 'I haven't got a clue' it was just an ingredient in the mineral and vitamin supplement the girl in the health shop sold me **at great expense!!!* when I asked for a magnesium and potassium supplement and David told her I can't swallow tablets. She grabbed this tub of powder and it cost almost AU$80 (around US$64). Talk about stunned! And even moreso when I saw that it overdoses Vit K along with the warning about overdosing on Vit K ROFL Next time I'll just chomp the tabs with a miniscule mouthful of unsweetened cranberry juice the way I handle my other supplements.

    Finding this thread. Could you bookmark it in your browser bookmark system? Usually Ctrl D I think, if you're using a windows machine.

    Vit K is something people who've had heart surgery or on Coumadin (sp?) have to avoid, so I think it has to do with thinning your blood or something... I know my boss can't have it unless his weekly blood checks are really, really good. No pickles/cucumbers/certain leafy greens for him!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @Shades, I'm so thrilled for you with the nurse noticing your great work - it does give an uplift to your spirits doesn't it? I hope you both recover quickly from the horrible things that doctors do to you. I owe you a message, I'll get there tee hee!

    Oh, PS - what makes blood 'run slowly' and be hard to draw? My M-I-L had that happen when she was in hospital last, and I had trouble getting a single drop for my ketone test the other morning - had to spike myself 3 times to get enough blood for the strip ha ha!

    Usually the first thing that can cause this is dehydration. Not enough water in the body is not enough water in the blood. Also, lack of circulation/low blood pressure - i.e. circulation problems, or haven't been up or moving in a while. Another thing that is fairly rare is high platelet counts - my fiance has this and his blood starts clotting almost before he starts bleeding - plasma centers love him!

    Those first two are the most common. Usually, if it's really bad, they'll have you drink some water, and if not fasting bloodwork, they'll suggest you eat. Sometimes they'll have you walk up and down the hall, if you can, or something. But I had a phlebotomist tell me that unless you are dehydrated or have really low blood pressure/bad circulation, it is generally that the person drawing your blood picked a bad vein or didn't get a good puncture. It does get more difficult to find it doing something like chemo (hence ports, etc.) and as we age...
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I had just got out of bed in the morning so I guess it was the lack of movement and the natural dehydration of a night's sleep. Thanks Knit!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I've been looking for a group like this. I'm 73 years young and I've been a widow for 7 years. I live in Virginia with my deaf cat, Casper. I'm and avid quilter and also knit.

    2 years ago I lost 28 pounds and felt amazingly good eating 100 grams of protein and no more than 50 grams of net carbs (medically supervised weight loss program). I kept it all off until last fall and then I slow started eating more carbs, and not the good kind, and exercising less and now I've gained half of it back. Sunday I'm starting back on my lc woe and this time I won't be gaining it back. I'm also starting back to the Y regularly. I do water aerobics, water zumba, senior zumba, yoga and weights. I have hypothyroidism and COPD and any excess weight makes it harder for me to breath. I'm also have celiac disease.