Daily Check In Thread



  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Finished the last day of C25k! The plan moving on is to take about 3 weeks gradually adding in time and distance so I can get to the actual 5k distance. Then moving on to the 10k program.
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    Week 8, Day 2. Got sidelined by nausea again, darnit. Only finished 24 of the 28 minutes, then had to stop. However, did Week 8 Day 1 earlier in the week, and only had a tiny bit of nausea and was able to run through it.

    I'm feeling a bit demoralized. My first 5K is March 8, and I really don't think I'll be able to run the whole thing. I just really wanted to be able to do my first 5K without walking any of it. I know it's not the end of the world, but I just don't see how my body is going to do this. Even after the first 5 minutes today, I had to keep pushing myself to keep running. My "inner coach" kept repeating - just 5 more minutes, you can do this! But the whole run today just felt like torture. Meh. :\

    OK, whine over!

    (P.S. I started another thread a week or so ago about the nausea, and folks had some good suggestions. I don't want to hijack this thread, so if anyone has other advice, please look for the other thread. Thx!)
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    Finished the last day of C25k! The plan moving on is to take about 3 weeks gradually adding in time and distance so I can get to the actual 5k distance. Then moving on to the 10k program.

    That's fantastic! Congratulations!!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I just really wanted to be able to do my first 5K without walking any of it. I know it's not the end of the world, but I just don't see how my body is going to do this. Even after the first 5 minutes today, I had to keep pushing myself to keep running. My "inner coach" kept repeating - just 5 more minutes, you can do this! But the whole run today just felt like torture

    Race day will carry you through.

    It may be that you're still pushing the pace a bit too hard, hence the discomfort.

  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks, MM. I will try to slow down. :)
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    edited February 2015
    Saturday I completed my first 5k! I still couldn't run all of it, but I ran (slow and steady) most of it and crossed the finish line. :) I even improved my time of a mile. I have signed up for another 5K for March 22. I can't wait.

    When I started C25K I couldn't run 1 minute at a time. I had to repeat some weeks (yeah, week 5 I'm talking to you!) and I still will go back and repeat some weeks, but I have improved SO much with this method. Stick with it everyone!

    My first medal, but not my last. ☺️
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
  • EricMSCV
    EricMSCV Posts: 6 Member
    Good job! Finished W2. W3D1 tonight.
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    W1D3 today. I had planned to walk at school on the dirt trails they have, but it's been raining for a couple days, and I didn't want to risk skipping in the mud. So I kept to the sidewalks instead. Not as scenic as taking the nature paths, but cleaner and less hills that way.

    Total 3.13 miles in 51:45min 3.6mph
    1 mile 16:50min 3.6mph
    2 mile 15:55min 3.8mph
    3 mile 16:27min 3.6mph
    .13 mile 2:25min 3.3mph

    It was very cold and windy, and it kept threatening to rain. I actually had no idea how fast/slow I was going, since I disabled all voice prompts except for distance. I just made sure I did a little more than 1.5 miles, then turned around and followed the same route back. After the c25k, I did 45 secs of running with 4:15 minutes of walking. I felt really good all the way through the run. I've been looking forward to this run since last week, so it was good to finally get out and pound some pavement.
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    edited February 2015
    Saturday I completed my first 5k! I still couldn't run all of it, but I ran (slow and steady) most of it and crossed the finish line. :) I even improved my time of a mile. I have signed up for another 5K for March 22. I can't wait.

    When I started C25K I couldn't run 1 minute at a time. I had to repeat some weeks (yeah, week 5 I'm talking to you!) and I still will go back and repeat some weeks, but I have improved SO much with this method. Stick with it everyone!

    My first medal, but not my last. ☺️
    Congrats! That's a great feeling isn't it? I did my first 5k last year, but due to injury couldn't train for it so I walked it instead. I'm signed up for one in June this year, and this time I'm certainly training for it! I look forward to being able to run the full distance.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Hip Hip Hooray!

    I did the 20 minute run from week 5 today! AND I ran an extra minute, just to really nail it. AND I have a cold. AND it is something like zero degrees outside so it was in my basement on the treadmill.

  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    W2D1 I definitely felt the longer runs on this one. Totally time spent running is the same as week 1, but in fewer, longer increments. I slowed down my pace a little, only 3.5mph but I'm cool with that. My goal is to have my average speed be above 3.0mph, so I have plenty of room to show down if I need to. One thing, since all my training grounds have hills, when I get to the flat pathway of my beach 5k in June, I should be cruising down that trail with no problem.

    3.2 miles 54:19 min 3.5mph
    1 mile 16:56 min 3.5mph
    2 mile 16:44 min 3.6mph
    3 mile 16:56min 3.5mph
    .2 mile 3:46min 3.3mph
  • lizzymcg
    lizzymcg Posts: 47 Member
    Love this thread!

    I just finished W1D3. I have a 5K on March 15th. (Yeah, I know. :smile: ) Obviously some procrastination on my part, but I am really enjoying getting out there.

    I am doing "adapted" workouts because I am training and will be running with my 9 year old son. We alternate between concern over his asthma acting up to him making me do an extra mile of sprints. There is no middle ground. lol We'll see what condition we are in on race day, but the most important part is that we are having fun!

    Good luck everyone!

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Was traveling for business this week to Florida where it was sunny and high 70's compared to my below zero at home. Took it outside for the first time. Monday I think I started out too fast so was only able to do 10 minutes straight without walking. I'm on week 7 so was supposed to do 25. Tried again on Tuesday and slowed it way down and did the full 25 minutes! Very different outside with a little wind resistance and some up/down hills. But I actually like it better than the treadmill since I could focus on the scenery and sounds around me. Tonight is W7D2 - another 25 minutes - back on the treadmill.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Saturday I completed my first 5k! I still couldn't run all of it, but I ran (slow and steady) most of it and crossed the finish line. :) I even improved my time of a mile. I have signed up for another 5K for March 22. I can't wait.

    When I started C25K I couldn't run 1 minute at a time. I had to repeat some weeks (yeah, week 5 I'm talking to you!) and I still will go back and repeat some weeks, but I have improved SO much with this method. Stick with it everyone!

    My first medal, but not my last. ☺️

    Way to go!!!!!!!
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Got back on the horse last night. W4D1 complete. Had to slow my walking pace to regain my stamina and dropped my pace slightly on the last 2 minutes of the final run. I think I will dial back the pace on day 2 and see how that feels.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    ajfuelling wrote: »
    Hip Hip Hooray! I did the 20 minute run from week 5 today! AND I ran an extra minute, just to really nail it. AND I have a cold. AND it is something like zero degrees outside so it was in my basement on the treadmill.

    Running is Running. whether you are on the dreadmill, outside or lapping the Rec Center Gym it's all good. Doing it with a cold (*)
    Was traveling for business this week to Florida where it was sunny and high 70's compared to my below zero at home. Took it outside for the first time. Monday I think I started out too fast so was only able to do 10 minutes straight without walking. I'm on week 7 so was supposed to do 25. Tried again on Tuesday and slowed it way down and did the full 25 minutes! Very different outside with a little wind resistance and some up/down hills. But I actually like it better than the treadmill since I could focus on the scenery and sounds around me. Tonight is W7D2 - another 25 minutes - back on the treadmill.

    Thats what I call a good Business trip. Congrats on recognizing that you started out to fast. I love the outside runs, like you say scenery and sounds. Now start looking around your work/home neighborhoods for outside running routes.
  • iainletham61
    Started the programme 28/12/14...... first 5k medal today at the Edinburgh Resolution 5k run managed 29 mins 14 second so I'm delighted 10k entered mid April
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    edited March 2015
    I DID IT!!! I jogged the whole 3.2 miles on my practice run today. Now I KNOW I can do it next week -- my first 5K is March 8. I'm so glad, because I've been pretty down, thinking I was going to fail. I was worried to the point that I was ready to quit and not do the race at all. But now I know I can do it, and I'm not even worried if I have to walk a bit during the race. I got through it today without walking, so I KNOW I have it in me!!! :D

    And AWESOME JOB everyone upthread! I'm so excited to see folks moving along - whether in week 1, 5, or completing your first 5K. Keep trying, and you'll get there. I had a hard time jogging 1 minute before, and today I did 5K in 40:43 minutes.
  • EricMSCV
    EricMSCV Posts: 6 Member
    @IndigoSue13‌ ... Good job. The adrenaline rush of race day will also provide an extra boost.

    Just finished W3. Did 4 days. Feeling good about running again.