Leslie Sansone March, 2015 Walk Challenge

texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
WELCOME to all walkers!
It is March, 2015, and time to start a new monthly challenge! Maybe we will see spring begin to peek around the corner a bit, finally! It certainly looks like Punxsutawney Phil meant what he predicted concerning six more weeks of winter when he saw his shadow on Groundhog Day :o .

Very cold or snowy weather is definitely continuing here for many of us depending where we live. Having Leslie's, or other walking DVDs, to pop in the player continues to be a great alternative to walking outdoors. Walking outdoors can still be an important part of fitness walking this month, when possible, for those who enjoy walking some miles or minutes outside.

This group is open to any and all walkers. The majority of us use Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD workouts, as well as those great walks or hikes outside on the trails or pathways that are available to us, or a walk in our neighborhood, and on the treadmill, as well as other Walking DVDs. All of these many options count toward our miles and minutes. However you get your walk in, come on in and join us! Post your miles or minutes that you have walked, however you did it... it is all good!

We are a happy, supportive group, and I promise that this joining this challenge will motivate, challenge, as well as inspire you!

Set your goal for how many miles or minutes that you want to walk, indoors or out, this month. This is your own personal goal (*) . Post your results daily, weekly, or however you like.

If you find this challenge in the middle of the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you want to walk for the remaining days in the month. You are always welcome :) !
So if you are new to the group please feel free to start today so that by the end of the month you will be that much closer to your health goals. It is never too late to join in

Tie up those walking shoes and get some water, and let's start walking :smile: !

It is always fun to read which DVD, whether Leslie or another instructor, that you used. Or whatever form your walk took, whether outdoors or on the treadmill or anything in between. We all could use some new inspiration sometimes, or inquiring minds sometimes just want to know. So please share if you would care to :p .

Come on in and let us start walking the Monthly Walk Challenge together. I am grateful for each one of our precious walkers who continue to inspire and motivate mile by mile and step by step last month, and now on into March, 2015!

texasgardnr :flowerforyou:


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think I missed February! I found a rebounder so have parked it in the middle of my living room in front of the TV. It is there for 15 minutes of high knees with 2 lb weights while I make supper every night. According to my pedometer I can 1 mile on it....

    Basement is still under renovation. Today I went down and cleared a space in front of the TV and found my Leslie Sansone DVD's because curling is over and need to replace it with another exercise. I bought in February the "walking to the hits" DVD so I am going to try it out while my DGD has her 2 hour nap.

    March goals:
    100 miles - be it on the rebounder, outside or with Leslie.

    Here is to March <3:D
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    March goals....I think I'll go for 50 miles in March be it outside or with Leslie. Lets see if I can get back in the habit THIS month!
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Wow 100 miles, I will do my best. (*)
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    I did one of my new DVD's the walk fat blast so yesterday I did the 20 min and today March 1st I jump to the 40 min don't know what I was thinking but wow what a work out. I would think that is equlivent to 3 miles if I'm wrong please let me know.

    3/1 walk fat blast = 3 miles
  • kab789
    kab789 Posts: 110 Member
    Morning All,

    bgoddess that sounds about right40min 3 miles. I think anyway.
    Wow 100 very inspiring Lilymay2
    Wraiythe getting back in the habit seems to be the hardest part of it for me

    Well my goals for March seem to me to be pretty small right now it looks like I will shoot for 70 miles with just Leslie.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Hello March and you fabulous Walkers! My goal for March is 90 miles.
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    I'm afraid to shoot for a goal that is way out of my reach, but I don't want to make things to easy either. So I'm making a goal of 60 miles. Been out of the swing of things too long. Will walk outside if weather permits and with my sidekick LESLIE when it doesn't
  • RejsGirl
    RejsGirl Posts: 198 Member
    I'm going to try to get in 100 miles this month using the DVD's only, no extra miles. Going to push myself, I need the motivation and accountability!
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    1.5 / 60 walked outside today because the weather was beautiful
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I'm in for 80 miles outside or inside. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    Since I am tracking my miles with my Vivofit now, I have to up my goal. I am not the Walking Ninja that Bandit is so I am going to shoot for 120 total miles.

    March Goal: 120 miles

    3/1-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=5 miles total (figure I might as well start strong!!!! :laugh: )

    Walk March Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:

  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm afraid to shoot for a goal that is way out of my reach, but I don't want to make things to easy either. So I'm making a goal of 60 miles. Been out of the swing of things too long. Will walk outside if weather permits and with my sidekick LESLIE when it doesn't
    I agree with you I am not setting any goals I will do the best that I can
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    zichab wrote: »
    Since I am tracking my miles with my Vivofit now, I have to up my goal. I am not the Walking Ninja that Bandit is so I am going to shoot for 120 total miles.

    March Goal: 120 miles

    3/1-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=5 miles total (figure I might as well start strong!!!! :laugh: )

    Walk March Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:


  • lreutner
    lreutner Posts: 64 Member
    I am shooting for 50 miles this month. Most will probably be with Leslie unless Spring comes early.
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Hi everyone. It has been a while since I posted here. Glad to be back. I have a fitbit and I aim for 5 miles a day but some days I just cant due to riding in a vehicle all day. So I will set my goal at 4 miles a day which would put me at 124 miles for the month of March.

    I do many of the Leslie Sansone. I just bought the Party Song video and love it. So upbeat and it has HIIT training
  • RejsGirl
    RejsGirl Posts: 198 Member
    3/2 WAH - 4 Really Big Miles
    SONKISSED1 Posts: 48 Member
    I am new here and so happy to find you. This challenge will keep me accountable to what I need to do! Unfortunately, can talk my way out of any exercise easily :| . For the month of March my goal is 55 miles using Leslie Sansone's 5 mile walk starting with 1 mile and for this month working my way up to 4.
  • briannetrujillo
    briannetrujillo Posts: 16 Member
    I'm going to set my goal at 60 miles this month. I'm starting Leslie's Ultimate 5 day Walk Plan. So as long as I follow it I shouldn't not meet my goal and then some. Looking forward to this month!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    4/90 Todays walks were the 2 mile Fitness Walk and 2 mile Heart Healthy.

    Welcome aboard everyone!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    March Goal: 120 miles

    3/1-WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk=5 miles total
    3/1-Vivofit tracked a sad .2 miles :disappointed: =5.2 total
    3/2-Just Walk-Firm 30: Just Walk-Walk to the Hits Radio Remixes-3 miles=8.2 miles total

    These last few pounds are going one way or the other!!! :laugh:

    Welcome Sunkissed-we are glad you found us-but it is cold and wintry here in Mi! We could use being sunkissed!! :wink:

    Welcome deladypilota lot of us here because we have "sitting jobs," so you are in great company! I'm tracking miles with Vivofit, but I have learned that when I am grading, it does not track any miles! The darn thing breaks! :laugh: We'll keep you motivated-no problem.

    Where is the world is Alex????

    Walk March Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
