
  • Howdy!
    I'm Olivia and I can flap my batwings faster than a speeding cursor and move my mouse without even touching it. See? I'm doing it now!

    This looks like a fun group ... I'm a Hunger Games fan; waiting anxiously for #3 to arrive. LOVE vintage Star Trek, and the last good movie I saw was Cuban Fury. You HAVE to watch it, on Netflix if you have it.
  • quzly
    quzly Posts: 78 Member
    I'm Melissa. My super power is snuggling kitties into submission and making beer and pizza disappear. I mainly like shooting games, just got an xbox one for xmas and I'm playing Destiny. Favorite games include Far Cry, Bio Shock, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Gears of War and Fallout. (Tag: quzly)
  • ausylo
    ausylo Posts: 14 Member
    Hey all, I'm Sean and my super power is ... creating the next super power to beat them all.. Currently an ongoing work in progress :cold_sweat:

    Look forward to geeking out with everyone here..
  • E_Goldfish
    E_Goldfish Posts: 21 Member
    Hey folks, Goldfish here. Apparently, my superpower is that animals and old people really like me. It's a mixed bag, what can I say? My kingdom for super strength.
  • Fitgirl_666
    Fitgirl_666 Posts: 56 Member

    I'm Jamie! :) My superpower is turning my geekness into goods! I create crib/toddler sheets and pillow cases (for us big kids) in some of the most awesome geektastic fabrics. I also crochet geekery as well :)

    If you want, add me! :)
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Hey! I'm From Finland ^^; My super power.. would be awkwardness. I'm so awkward that next to me, anyone else can look cool. :3 Yeah. That's a good super power..
    So anyways, I enjoy playing games on my computer, or PS3 or Nintendo DS. I also like anime and I do cosplay.. but I'm also a huge scifi fan. :)
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Hi I'm Adria aka Kiragami and my superpower is to see the future...however, I can't control it...yet. :)

    I am big into Assassin's Creed (Unity! WHOO!) and Final Fantasy right now, also anime (Parasyte and Death Parade are my faves).
    I'm so glad I found this group!^^

    Feel free to add me!
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi everybody! Compulsive reader, casual gamer, obsessive movie-goer, useless-trivia-lover, grammar-ninja and all around geek.

    26yrs old, 5'7, 2 kids, 50lbs to lose (can't wait to be able to cosplay all of my favorite characters).

    Some of my favorite fandoms include: The Legend of Zelda, Supernatural, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Dresden Files, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Firefly, Walking Dead, A Song of Fire and Ice/Game of Thrones, Classic Mario, Final Fantasy.... and many others that I can't think of right now because I'm hungry lol
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member

    As a longtime Marvel girl, my superpower is apparently getting people hooked on DC. The day after Arrow S2 was released on Netflix, my mom e-mailed me: "Your father hasn't left the couch in 16 hours."


    More than anything in the universe, I want a working lightsaber.
  • mthompso101
    mthompso101 Posts: 9 Member
    My super powers include always knowing when a cute and cuddly animal is in the vicinity, and do an excellent impression of a wookie.

    Right now my poison is Dragon Age: Inquisition on the Xbox One, but my favorite fandoms include: Doctor Who, Trigun, Marvel, Transformers, Sailor Moon, Supernatural (gotten behind on it though), Star Trek, Star Wars, Big Bang Theory, Halo, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Vision of Escaflowne, Resident Evil, Library Wars, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Portal, Fruits Basket and a bunch of other stuff that I'm probably forgetting about...

    My husband is always great to geek out with, but a girl has got to have other pals to talk about favorite fandoms with. :)
  • Hello everyone!

    My super power is making pickles, either vinegar or nukadoko style! And bento, maybe.

    Current loves: Agent Carter, DA: Inquisition, Sailor Moon, Harry Potter (and the Methods of Rationality!!!), Return of Superman, Roommate, The Night Watchman's Journal, Minecraft, Skyrim, etc, etc
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi there! Greek geek squid here!My super power is making people laugh! You may think that its not useful but imagine the bad guys laughing uncontrollably.You can easily defuse them!
    I'm a book nerd, a tv-series nerd, a movie nerd and an old games/arcade nerd. I hate 3D games (they make me dizzy), i'm curently playing (again) Settlers2, i'm obsessed with anything shaped like a fish (not fishbone-thats just sad) i like tiny things and making cute art from natural things like wood, pebbles and clay. Nice to meet you! (*)
  • e_elizb
    e_elizb Posts: 62 Member
    Morning! And hello!
    Name is Erin!
    I am a nerd/ geek in disguise. I love love love love Harry Potter. Also really like the 100, Arrow, Flash, X-men, League of Legends and so much more.
    Lately I've been big into comicons and really use that as my motivation for fitness. I'm looking for good comics and manga to get into.
  • tanthalos
    tanthalos Posts: 11 Member
    Greetings, I'm Roxie

    My super power is never waiting in long lines at Disney.

    I'm into all things Disney, Horses, Lord of the Rings, Anime, Cosplay, Cars, Video Games, Doctor Who, and many more things that I can't think of right now.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Hi, I'm Kristine.

    My superpower is finding relevant peer-reviewed research articles on almost anything and distilling their impact quickly.

    I'm a chemist, computer nerd, gamer, and totally into the kitchen and plants.
  • adritrue
    adritrue Posts: 9 Member
    Adri True and my superpower is being awesome at directing
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Good morning! I'm Tracey and my superpower is listening. I may not always know how to respond, but I'm a good listener. When I have time, I play WoW and Minecraft. I enjoy watching the newer Dr. Who, Criminal Minds, The Following, Lost Girl and love Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  • in_it_to_thin_it
    in_it_to_thin_it Posts: 432 Member
    Hi, I'm Ang, I am a marvel and dc addict, game of thrones loving, retro gaming fool.
    I spend my days drawing for a living, geeky fan art as much as possible, portraits in-between.

    I am a mother of 2 mini uber geeks, making sure I keep them away from the dark side.

    Great to have a place on here to escape all the calorie counting for a while
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi! I'm Mila and my superpower is cheering people up and motivating them to do their thing while I'm a couch potato! TF2 succky addict, just graduated from college, got my bachellor degree on, starting internship on monday :smiley:
  • notyetsuperman
    notyetsuperman Posts: 9 Member
    Howdy. I'm Bas, and my superpower is convincing people to do the thing they secretly have always wanted to do.
  • tloving3916
    tloving3916 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there fellow geeks! Mighty pleased to have found this group. My name is Travis, I would say my super power is ninja tap dancing (I know, tough for one at 250 pounds, but I assure you, it is possible, with years of dedicated hard work and training).
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    My name is Andy, some time i feel like my super power is to creep any lady out in a single stare. Does that make me a super Villon?
  • GabinkaP
    GabinkaP Posts: 188 Member
    Hello, I'm Gabrielle and my superpower may be ultra-cognition. I'm cognitive even in a bought of chaos. Even waking up from a perfectly good dream to check the time or answer a question and then going back to the same dream. Yep, I can do that. And I'm a lucid dreamer, so I guess that means I'm at least semi-cognitive when dreaming!
  • whyteorchid
    whyteorchid Posts: 18 Member
    Ello! Name is Rebecca. My superpower is an over active imagination, not staying in reality and rambling. Example: Who else wonders what dish in a fish tank think about? Does one fish plan with the other fish to meet by Scuba Steve to swim over to the volcano together to hopefully find some missed fish food for a late afternoon snack? And then why couldn't they just meet by the volcano and skip Scuba Steve all together? Hmmm????
  • ms_maruska
    ms_maruska Posts: 119 Member
    Greetings! My name is Marija (pronounced like Maria) and my superpower is dough making and gardening lately. I'm shy and awkward. I enjoy all things nerdy, from Harry Potter and Battlestar Galactica to Fallout and Star Trek to Watchmen and time travel. And universe, lots and lots of universe and aliens. I even managed to drag my love for scifi into my master's thesis. And aliens, I love aliens. <3
  • wochlikgm
    wochlikgm Posts: 131 Member
    Greetings everybody, Greg here. My superpower (the only one) is map drawing of fictional cities in the modern age. With my obsessive-compulsive personality, every citizen of the city *must* be accounted for in terms of housing and employment / schooling. Road infrastructure (especially highway interchanges) are of particular interest to me.
  • ElizabethAnne14
    ElizabethAnne14 Posts: 12 Member
    Good afternoon. I'm Anne and my superpower would have to be the ability to organize!! =P Yeah, not that great, but it does come in handy as a stay-at-home wife and mom. I am an avid fan or Fallout 3, Firefly/Serenity, Doctor Who and just wonderful things in general! Looking forward to talking with others on this great MFP journey.
  • kay_chan
    kay_chan Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all! My name is Kay and my superpower is my nerves of steel lol and my ability to watch Netflix/hulu for hours on end! :3 nice to meet you all! Hope we can be friends
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Will and my superpower is... umm... I throw telephone poles and big rocks on weekends, and save computers from certain death on the weekdays. At night I become Superdad and try to keep two mini-villains from destroying their surroundings. All while watching anime, surfing the net, and/or just hanging around the house in a kilt.
  • baenling
    baenling Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hey! I'm Baen and my superpower is that I'm psychic. Dubious? Fine, I'll prove it. Right now you're reading a mfp group thread. Spooky, right?

    I'm a world of warcraft nerd, an artist and a role player. I adamantly refuse to grow up.