What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • grate4heart
    grate4heart Posts: 13 Member
    I eat when I am stressed, and especially after coming in from work at night. After I get home from work at night it's the worse feeling of being totally out of control. I try to eat the healty foods that are suppose to curb my appetite, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I overeat whenever I feel any emotion, really. Food can consol and it can be a reward. It can be a stress reducer or it can increase stress. What bothers me the most is when I know before and during a binge that I'm eating my feelings, that I can fully recognize that I'm not hungry and am only eating this Twix because sad or anxious.

    Procrastination has to be the biggest source of overeating, which I guess relates to anxiety. I eat as a way to procrastinate. After all, we can't eat and do something else at the same time otherwise the pages of my textbook will get all greasy, right? :tongue: But the more I procrastinate, the more anxious I become and the more I just feed into my own cycle.
  • I only overeat when I'm alone and surrounded and tempted by my trigger foods.
  • dogrescuefan
    dogrescuefan Posts: 4
    edited November 2014
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    Ditto - it's so hard

  • I have done some research on the cause of over eating. It is a fight or flight hormone that gets triggered when we are stressed. I see stressed as Fear or (False Evidence Appearing Real). I myself struggle with this. Being afraid triggers hormones in our stomach signaling that we need food. Not just any kind of food. Fat and sugar. That is why they are called comfort food. Try eating a piece of fruit and feel satisfied... Good luck.

    But becoming mindful, is helping me. For me that means calm down, read that goal card again, think what we are trying to reach and plan before you eat. All this takes time, so by the time you remember what you were upset or stressed over, it might have been gone. I learned this from Body For Life. Write down what you will eat before you start. Plan all meals before you start ... Go lean on this concept. Meaning don't plan a whole day just plan for the moment. Live in the moment. That is what I learned. I have to agree that over eating and emotional eating is a quest. What is changing for me is a bigger Why. Last week I sat in an Audi A7 car, and I did not fit to well in it with my fat belly. This $90,000 car is a big why. A big goal. I am working in all aspects on this. Let go of some emotions that I have to earned that money and at the same time those let go will lead to weight loss to.

    Another trick I learned from a Health Coach session I had with Aetna health insurance, was that she explained that you don't have to tell people that you are on a diet. Just tell them that you have some allergies and are not sure that eating that food they are presenting to you, like a good piece of chocolate cake, will trigger your allergies. This will back people off right away offering more food, and they will be compasionate.

    These are some of my thoughts. I am far from reaching my goal but in the process of getting there.
  • beccagirl225
    beccagirl225 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    janesmith1 wrote: »
    I'm more of a stress eater but also I eat a lot when I'm tired.

    I can so relate to this. Had a job where I sat at a desk and we could have hard candy between breaks, which meant that I was constantly eating candy or gum and the calories added up. Due to personal situations, I am no longer working there, but this could bring an even bigger issue. I am afraid that I am going to start eating to make me feel good when I get a letdown about a job possibility falling through. I've been on MyFitness Pal since last March on and off. This time, I have been diligent for 15 days. I just hope that I can keep the cravings away and not fall into a trap when things get rough.
  • BleuLotus16
    BleuLotus16 Posts: 11 Member
    My biggest trigger is when I am depressed. I'm starting to think I eat out of boredom as well.
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    My overeating is driven by my Anxiety disorders so a constant battle, unless depression hit then I can't be bothered to eat at all.
  • When i'm anxious. depressed, really happy, any very strong emotion can make me overeat. I celebrate with food, console myself with food, i eat when i'm bored even! So it's not a simple matter of figuring out which emotion is my trigger. Food itself is my thing. I love food, texture, taste smell, it's a problem. I really need to find a way to celebrate, console myself, and occupy myself with healthier things. But that's easier said than done.
  • jamiejunkemail
    jamiejunkemail Posts: 4 Member
    I commend everyone on here for their honesty and coming out with exactly what we all try to hide - the fact that we over eat. I do it when I'm bored or stressed (as a FT working mom of 2 toddlers, recently divorced and living in a dinky place i don't think is good enough for my boys, and not being able to afford to make things better) which is the bulk of my time at home.
    - One thing I've been trying to find, research, discover for myself that I have been unsuccessful with is - HOW DO I STOP?
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Boredom, primarily, and exposure to food that I wouldn't buy myself. What kills me is that I'm fully aware that I'm not hungry.
  • nilushi
    nilushi Posts: 16 Member
    I over eat when I'm stressed, bored, tired...please add me as a friend if you would like to support each other in losing weight
  • amandakgray1
    amandakgray1 Posts: 5 Member
    I overeat because the food i eat is something I can control about my life. But then I realize that my overeating is out of control and that stresses me out so I just more. It is just a vicious circle.
  • Negriita2010
    Negriita2010 Posts: 45 Member
    my problem is i love love love food and i am a good cook as well so anytime i crave something il cook it i can eat so much that i can gain a pound a day i hide to eat i dont want nobody to see me sometimes even if i just ate and i get invited out to eat il go lie to hubby or family i havent ate all day
  • sueatherbest
    sueatherbest Posts: 23 Member
    I overeat, choose to eat when I'm not hungry, to procrastinate, when I feel I've failed someone or at something, when I'm bored, too tired, too hungry, angry
  • omelet2000
    omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry ... But then I cannot stop!
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 478 Member
    Lot of stress and worry.. anxiety these days due to a lot of drama/problems that has happened.
  • I over eat when I'm depressed, stressed and lonely. I don't drive so when my husband goes to work unless I get a ride I'm home with the dogs. I usually leave 2 days a week and he's home on the weekends, but those 3 days I'm home get me in trouble. I also lost someone extremely close to me in December and in my grief I turned to food to deal. I lost 25 pounds before that loss and my husband having emergancy eye surgery in August. Now I have gained 10 pounds back. I'm ready to try and stop using food for my emotional pain. Still there is also enjoying food at celebrations that will be tough too, but the other will be the hardest.
  • malovafarms
    malovafarms Posts: 78 Member
    reading so many familiar things in posts makes my affirm my emotional eating habits. I definitely eat when I feel triggered and like someone else said I eat when I can't confront the person... I am starting to see roots at emotional eating in me.. thanks for posting everybody !
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    Nailed it!! :p