Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    My goals are set at 75% 20% and 5% carbs - which is 20 for the day
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    jumanajane, I'm not sure if you mentioned what kind of magnesium you take, but I take " Natural Calm" every evening. If I am having an average day I will take one tsp, but if extra stressed I will take 2 rounded tsp. This amount may loosen stools so you have to be careful. Each tsp equals 205 mg magnesium citrate.

    You could also try camomile or "Sleepytime" tea, or a tea with valerian root. You could also soak in a bathtub with some epsom salts. This is actually magnesium that will absorb through the skin. It will help calm your muscles.

    Well ladies, no word yet if I am the winner of the contest. They are all congratulating me, but I don't have the money in my hands yet....

    Just came back from the chiropractor. I was coming home from work yesterday when the car behind me hit my car. My car seems OK, but I am sore today and will probably feel worse tomorrow. My neck and back...trouble spots for me already. He will get me back to feeling better, but he is also awesome because he fully supports me in my keto mission. It is just a short ways off from the way he encouraged me to eat in the first place, i.e., grain free, sugar free etc. I asked him what he thought about zero carbs, and he is not a fan. I was thinking of trying the May meat challenge, but may not just on his advice. I have noticed that I eat less and less veggies though, kind of naturally.

    I think I need to soak in some epsom salts myself. I'm debating whether I start a personal injury claim through my insurance, just for the healthcare. I don't want to go to a regular Dr, since I trust my chiropractor to fix me.....he could tell just by checking me out that I was looking to the side when the impact occurred. If I start a claim, at least my chiropractic would be covered.... Think I'm trying to sound this out to decide what I should do.
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I seem to have had good luck with Natural Calm and sleepytime chamomile teas recently. I had to up my Natural Calm to 1.5 teaspoons, and will probably try 2 tonight, though, because I still get some foot cramping in the morning right before I'm supposed to get up. At least I'm not tossing around all night like I was before the Natural Calm was added to my evening routine.

    @Kitnthecat : I would recommend filing whatever you can file. Every bit helps.

  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @pagangds I set for 10 carbs, 30 protein and 60% fat. Your fats are much too low. Forget about low fat, but butter on food and cream in your coffee.
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @happylifex10 I seem to remember reading once about 'set points' where your weight 'sticks' at certain levels and you just have to wait for your body to adapt to losing again, very annoying especially when you know you've stuck to the 'rules'
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Wow – so many posts since I last looked.
    Teneko wrote: »
    Snakes...why did it have to be snakes?
    I haven't looked at that URL. If there are pictures of snakes I really don't want to see them. I just unfriended parkdad because his new avatar is with a snake round his neck and the fewer pictures I see right now the sooner I'll recover I think.

    @jumanajane I understand what you mean. Where we live is never exotic. Mosquitoes love me. I could sell myself as a high-priced mozzie diverter I think because they never bite anyone else if I’m around. And I seem to be allergic to some and they stay red, angry and very itchy for 6 weeks or more. So perhaps UAE isn’t the place for me. You’re free of wildlife in the main parts of suburbia here, but I live near a large tract of native bush so the snakes and lizards come from there. I would never do the same again but I really love this house. Plus moving house involves paying many thousands of dollars to the gov’t for ‘stamp duty’ on a new property :( We regularly gets temps in the high 30s and low 40s in summer. The hottest day I’ve known was 44°C. It’s usually a very dry heat here in Perth so a lot easier to take than humid places. I know you get hotter still. I don’t go to a doctor unless I’ve broken a bone (which I’ve never done) or am going to give birth, so I can’t answer your question. I’m so sorry you’re sleeping badly, but glad that @Kitn and @Teneko have replied to help you. As to the hunger, what are you eating? Well, what are your macro goals? Have you arrived at those goals with a calculator or other reliable source? What’s so different about what you’re doing now compared to Atkins?

    @Karlottap Glad someone answered your question.

    @Rebecca Glad that I gave you a smile my dear. I’m so very sorry to hear about your pound of flesh, and truly sorry for what you endured for no reward :( Will you be long in hospital? And thank you for your prayers, they are truly appreciated. I will keep you in mine as well. Awesome news on the weight loss. I’ve not dared turn my back on my scales because I know what happens when I do!

    @Risi Waikiki, Perth? That’s near Mandurah at the absolute south end of the Perth urban sprawl and we’re up past Joondalup which is nearly the north end. But still, as far as you’re concerned, we’re pretty close! I know all about plateaus; I think we all do here. I’ve no idea how many calories a day I’ve been eating this month. If you haven’t hidden your own calories you could view my diary and see, but please don’t tell me. I’m going to unhide them again and look back on 1st May. When I could see them I was aiming for 1450 per day regardless of exercise. You could certainly try eating higher for a set period and see what happens. Try to cling to the fact that your body is healing itself when it’s not throwing fat out. I think, as fat is released, it frees the toxins that had been stored there and then your body has to cleanse that before it can be ready to open itself for the next onslaught.

    @Wheatless Oh heck, don’t you hate the moment of glory that’s snatched away the next day? But you’re healing. I’m not enjoying some healing at the moment too ;)

    @happylife ugghhh indeed. Seems we’re all hanging around uneventful at the moment. Thank you so much for your thoughts on the family situation.

    @pagangds welcome to our little ‘older ladies’ group. My daily goals are for around 1450 calories, 15 grams carbs, 125 grams fat and 70 grams protein. When you cut carbs you have to replace those calories with something, and the ‘something’ of choice around here is fats. Have you seen the FAQ section at the head of the LCDaily forum group? There’s heaps of information there.

    @Kitn I truly hope that you feel better soon and am so sorry you’re having to endure this.

    We've been out today and bought some animal deterrent stuff, but it's going to be Sunday at best before David has a chance to spray it where we want it. In one breath, his mum is supposed to be getting transferred to another hospital (I fear this may be a hospice), and in another breath they are going to do another operation on her, which means she'd have to stay where she is, so we're up in the air, which is fairly typical hospital behaviour. Albert is having to literally spoon feed her or she won't eat and the nursing staff aren't even checking to see if she's eaten anything. Food is never checked by anyone to make sure patients are eating, it's just ridiculous!

    I'm still very happy with what, and how I'm eating and recording even though the scales have nothing nice to tell me ;) I'm still up 300 grams from 9th April's nice lowest weight. Oh well, that's why we're all here together for support *hugs*

  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @Granny MayOz you've got it in one word SUPPORT x
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Good day, all! It's nice to have so much to read when I open the forum, especially this particular page. :)@grannyMay I hope the deterrent works and you are permanently rid of the uglies. We lived in the West for a while and got them in our basement. I hated it. Finally conquered them, but it was awful in every way.

    @Kitnthecat So sorry about your being hit in your car. I'm on the side of your filing a claim. You'll have the extra medical expenses because of it and it's right that they be covered by the person who hit you. So good that you have an excellent chiropractor! Feel better soon!

    @jumanajane Yes, the magnesium will help your sleep! Which will help your weight loss!

    @happylife Bumping up calories seems to help a lot of people. I just bumped mine, too, so hope we both get good results. I weigh every day so I can see what's going on, which in my case is daily fluctuation.

    So let's all say it together: my body is healing, my body is healing, my body is healing! For some (most?) of us, it's going to take a very long time but we're here for the long haul. This isn't a diet, it's a way of eating. I'm glad we're here to support each other!

    Have a really great day!
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    @GrannyMayOz : It's a scene from Indiana Jones with Harrison Ford staring down a cobra. In the movie, he says, "Snakes...Why did it have to be snakes?" He also hates snakes. -_-
    Very busy group.

    Bad news: I upped my magnesium last night to 2 teaspoons and drank plenty of water. I was still awakened at 4 AM..at 6 AM...at 7 AM...
    And in the shower, I had my foot cramp up, too! This is even AFTER rubbing that homeopathic arnica gel on my legs and feet AND having an Oxylent electrolyte and vitamin mix at 6 AM with a bunch of water. What...the...heck. I thought it was getting better.
    At this point, I might have to see a doc about it. The bruising on my legs and feet is quite bad this morning.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I look forward to reading this thread too! All of you amaze me, daily!
    When I had my total hysterectomy they took my ovaries and said I was "covered in endometriosis," so that is what causes the monthlies for me. The only way to stop it is to not , ever, take estrogen. But is not happening, so I just deal with it. It's just yesterday when I saw the trend it opened my eyes to the upticks on the scale.

    @Kitnthecat, I hope you are able to recover without any problems! Are you in the U.S.? I believe the other insurance is supposed to automatically cover any expenses related to the accident. Not to scare you, but may, I was in a rear end collision 18 years ago and still suffer to this day with neck pain and headaches. I have already prayed that's not the case for you, or anyone for that matter. If the responsible insurance company balks for any reason, don't hesitate to get legal counsel. At this point you have to protect yourself. Right now you are able to talk with the insurance company about this yourself. If you get a lawyer all communication goes through them. And DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING THE INSURANCE COMPANY MAY TRY TO GET YOU TO SIGN, OR AGREE TO VERBALLY! This is their way out of responsibility and is tricky, on their part, sometimes.

    I am still staying away from the scale for this week. Is depressing to not see a change, or an increase! Has been raining here, south Mississippi, everyday and is supposed to keep raining through the weekend, boo! So, outside activities have been curbed, for now. I enjoy walking, though really need to find me something on YouTube that I can do inside. I hope you all have an amazingly wonderful day!
    Enjoyed the visit, thank you all!
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    @Karlottap : Wow, my hysterectomy was for endometriosis, too. That stuff is like kudzu! :s

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It certainly is @Teneko! Plus, I never had endo until after having an IUD (Mirena)! Have hurt since! Bless you and your endo struggles too!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @kitnthekat and @ Teneko thanks so much for the advice. I get 100mg magnesium in my vitamin supplement. Dont know if that is enough. Thankfully I am rarely stressed as(gulp) as I dont have to work and am so blessed as to have little to bother me. I am wondering if its just not being active enough! :/
    BTW Kit I agree with everyone who has said go for the claim ...you never know what is going to result from even the most seemingly mild accident.

    @GrannyMayOz. Lol, I know what you mean about being a mosquito magnet! I think its getting too hot for them now....only heard 1 buzz last night! I have recorded temps here of 54C but 'officially' it never reaches 50C. If it does all the workers get sent home so....it never does!!
    Would you believe that I have/had in the past relatives close(by Oz distances,lol) in that two uncles emigrated around 1930 to Westonia. Dont know if you know it? I assume there are current but unkown relatives still in the area. One uncle ended up as mayor and has a park there named after him! Its only a small place though I think.

    My macro goals are done using keto-calculator.ankerl.com and are 5%carbs(18gm), 21%protein(74gm) and 74%fat (115gm) on 1400 cals. I guess I am eating more fat than on Atkins but this time I am calorie counting. Dont understand it. Maybe I need to up the calories?
    I really hope you mil settles and if she has to have another op its to her benefit. Such a difficult time for all dealing with all the practical stuff and emotional things. Being supportive to everyone. Even after just a few days on here I am aware of all the love and concern people have for you and each other. That is such a blessing.

    @karlottap when you are a 'larger' lady your fat cells actually produce something that metabolises in one of the oestrogens and this could still be affecting your endometriosis. Have you considered getting a bioidentical progesterone cream to use to counter the oestrogen dominance and cancel it. Just a though. May help.
    Oh, and enjoy the rain!!!! lolol We have had 3 days with rainfall in the last year!!! Having said that I do empathise....in the UK the long grey damp days used to really drag me down.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @jumanajane thank you for the bioidentical progesterone creme recommendation! I will be looking this up! The doctor and I agree that I'm too young to live without estrogen (I wouldn't have any bones left).
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    i forgot,lol. I use Leslie Sansone Walk at home videos on youtube. She does a variety of different ones depending on what you want. Make sure you look at the time ...some are only snippets but the full length ones are also there. I have forgotten the other one but will check her name. Jenny something..she does them with her mum!
    Maybe these will suit you.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Would you believe that I have/had in the past relatives close(by Oz distances,lol) in that two uncles emigrated around 1930 to Westonia. Dont know if you know it? I assume there are current but unkown relatives still in the area. One uncle ended up as mayor and has a park there named after him! Its only a small place though I think.

    I can tell you truthfully that I have driven past Westonia once. It actually looks like a fascinating place, even though it's so tiny. Cement Street amongst the other more expensive sounding streets like Quartz, Pyrite, Diorite, Jasper, Granite and (believe it or not) Gold. And there's a big open-cut mine just north of town, partially named after me 'Edna May' LOL. Looks to be a sports club with a pool and maybe tennis or basketball club, plus the obligatory pub with wide dusty spaces surrounding it. My guess would be a population of around 200 at most in the town. I can only imagine the hardships getting out there in the 1930s and enduring the conditions/heat/lack of water during those times. The Kalgoorlie water pipeline was in by then so I guess they could tap into that.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @jumanajane for the video suggestions! Will look that up. It is nice having a "smart" tv so at least I don't have to try to do them with the laptop, lol!
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    @Kitnthecat, about filing suit--don't forget to keep a record of your trips to the chiropractor. You can be re-imbursed for transportation costs also. And DO file. Otherwise, the greedy and speedy ins. co. will just keep the money for themselves. And you KNOW the premiums will go up anyway. Also, if they give you ANY problems, get yourself a lawyer. You'd be amazed at how reasonable they can become. Been there, done that.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Thank you for your good wishes and advice ladies. After giving tips for sleeping better last night, I myself had trouble getting comfortable. My head and neck and upper back are especially sore. I did go in to work today since I had so much to do and had 2 new staff members to hire. But as soon as I got home, I filed a personal injury claim.

    I am in Canada, in Manitoba, and our auto insurance system is likely different than in other countries. We have a Provincial insurance system, MPI. There is no other insurance company to contact here. If there is injury to the drivers, all health expenses are covered...so all medications and treatments up to a certain maximum, even travel expenses. When I saw my chiropractor the other day, he told me that they would cover up to 42 chiropractic adjustments, and that was the determining factor for me. In Canada, many basic health treatments are covered, but more specialized, especially non-conventional treatments are not. I have additional health benefits from my workplace health benefit package, but I already book my maximum allowable amount for chiropractic. So my concern was to be able to access enough care to heal properly.

    And I did not want to go see my GP and be told to take drugs that I don't believe in, and I don't want to see a physiotherapist who may be able to make my sore muscles feel better in the short term, but would not be able to get my bones back into place and solve the problem.

    I had a bad car accident years ago that had me off work for months, then back to work on a graduated return to work. I remember having headaches so bad that I was taking 4 Advils ( Ibuprofen) every 4 hrs around the clock to try to get relief from the pain. I ended up with both inner ears severely damaged as a result as well. So in addition to neck and back pain, as well as headaches that would not go away, I had vertigo, dizziness and nausea daily. I could not drive, I could not read or watch TV or use the computer.... I had to go for vestibular therapy in a rehab hospital, to learn coping strategies for all activities. I had no choice at the time but to trust my Dr and physio. I ended up taking too many pain killers, and had to start taking a sleeping pill as well. Anyway, there's more to the story than that....but the neck and back pain thing scares me, so I had to call.

    If anyone here is skeptical about chiropractic, trust me when I say this chiropractor of mine saved my life my aligning my spine, so that I no longer have daily headaches ( well until now I guess), my hips are back in alignment and I no longer walk crooked. ( Physio after that other accident thought my legs were different lengths....but my hips were just way out) It was also because of this chiropractor that I have been able to give up many prescription drugs, give up eating grains and sugar...and generally adopt a much more natural way of living and caring for my own health. I would trust no one more than him.

    So that is why I called MPI to make my claim, gave my chiropractor's contact number and he can verify exactly what my injury is, and I won't have to worry that I'll use up more than my $350/year chiropractic amount. I can go as often as I need to.

    Thank you ladies, you helped make up my mind. Tomorrow I have an appointment for them to see my car, but I'm sure it will be fine.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    I just had a little bit of a shock. I had to pull my driver's license out to talk to the insurance agency about my claim, and was surprised by my own picture. The photo on my license was taken about 4 years and 70 pounds ago, and my face looks swollen and fat in the picture. I can hardly believe the change in my own face ! I can hardly wait to see what I will look like next year when they have to take my photo again. Weird but cool !