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  • Hello! I'm 36, married 18 years, 3 kids and live in Montana. I just started my new diet and an down 7 pounds. 100 pounds to go! But already feeling better!!
  • marcied2015
    marcied2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. My name is Marcie and I'm 37 years old, mother of 2 fun loving boys (2 and 3 yr old). Work full time, married for 5 year come October. I'm been on MFP since Jan 7th 2015. We started a Biggest Loser challenge at work that ends March 11th 2015. I love this website I wish I would have known about this a long time ago. I've lost 18 lbs so far and plan to continue my journey after the challenge. The best parts of being on MFP is the support of everyone, meeting new friends and it's FREE!!!!
  • Hi, my name is Mano. I'm 33 year old and 270 lbs (122 kg). I work as a researcher and lecturer. I've been using myfitnesspal on and off since 2011 with different accounts.
    This time must be the last time, hence my username is tryitonemoretime. I plan to lose 60 kg of my excess weight in three years. However, few days ago I found weight loss calculator which estimate that this endeavor will be completed in 2020. So, it will be more than 5 years.
    Well, I don't really mind. I've been obese for almost 20 years and overweight since I can't remember. I can wait for just another 5 years to get my dream body.
  • jlschaal
    jlschaal Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Jason. I am 36 years old and have been married for almost 12 years. I have three kids ages 10, 7, and 4. I have tried so many times to lose this weight using all kinds of methods, including my fitness pal in the past. I am trying something new this time through my company called the freedom to eat program. It's a holistic program that involves counseling, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, medical monitoring, and the spiritual aspect of life. I have nearly 200 pounds to lose. I'm looking for people who are actually using the my fitness pal app and are on a weight loss journey for mutual support and encouragement along the way. Feel free to add me if this is you.
  • Fizz7581
    Fizz7581 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I am 33 and currently at my heaviest ever. I'm engaged and hoping to marry in the next 1-2 years. I've finally hit a place where i said no more. I don't feel good, everyday things are getting harder and harder to do, and im not going to get younger! My Fiance also needs to do this though he's only 1/2 committed...kind of lol Luckily, i do most of the shopping and cooking so ;) I'm finishing my 2nd week of doing a shake or meal bar for breakfast and lunch then eating a real meal at supper, plus snacks. I'm not hungry in general so far so that's the best part. I eat a lot more vegetables and hummus, less of other things, but trying not to go so extreme i give up. That's always the issue. Hope to find and give encouragement in this group :smiley:
  • ais500
    ais500 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello... please feel free to add me. :D
  • Hi I'm Ashly. I turn 31 this month. I live in sunny FLORIDA where I homeschool my 4 kids. and that can leave me exhausted on some days. I currently weigh 166 but would like to be at least 145. My dream is to loose this and gain my self confidence back. I'd like to feel good again and show my daughters that being healthy is a good thing.
  • Hello all, nice to hear from fellow thirty something's! I'm 36 and have a 12 year old daughter who is also struggling with her weight. I realized that the best way I can help her is by setting a good example and getting off my butt to do something about my own weight! I'm hoping the support and encouragement on here will help me stay motivated :) I've learned this is not nearly as easy at it was in my twenties. The weight doesn't seem to come off as fast and that is super frustrating. But having pain and being uncomfortable because of my weight is even MORE frustrating. I shouldn't feel like an old lady at this age but I'm the only one who can change that!
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Hi I'm Patrick, I recently turned 31, I've hit my weight goal (now time to up the lean body mass), and I've been with mfp for I have no idea how long because it has been an on and off kind of thing. I've been married to a wonderful woman for a little over 5 years and she is also a wonderful cook so I figured joining a group or two would really help me stay with things and remain accountable. My wife and I have 2 crazy little boys (3 and 1.5) that keep us moving but at the same time slow us down (working out around their schedule can be hard). I look forward to getting to know some of yall and if I get quiet start throwing things at me because it means I've stopped logging my food again and that means it is probably pizza that I'm not logging. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • 32 female new to this site looking for friends and motivation for weightloss x
  • Hi there! I am Amanda. I am 35 and married with 3 kiddos (5 and twins who are 3). I am a flight attendant and I also have a makeup business, so life is super busy at my house! I think I have spent so much time focusing on everyone else, that I have let myself go and that is changing! I am starting just with watching my calories and keeping up the 10,000 steps a day! I would like to be at my goal wait by the end of the year (if not sooner!).
  • pandamorous
    pandamorous Posts: 88 Member
    So 33 is fun...except for the part where my metabolism which quit working 10 years ago still isn't back! Here's to trying again to lose weight!
  • misty83rn
    misty83rn Posts: 80 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello... Im 31from KS, Have four kiddos ages from 13 down to 3---Finally feel like I have gotten serious enough to win this time! Im into low carb - gotta beat my insane carb addiction! and LOVE Zumba. Have approx. 100 to lose. My diary is open, Looking for like minded positive individuals to have on my friends list... Add me!! :-)
  • WillowThorn
    WillowThorn Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! Just finishing up my first year in the 30s and I've finally (*finally!*) got the kick in the pants I needed to get my life in order. First order of business is to lose the weight at last. After a month, I'm down 11 lbs with about 57 to go! This isn't my first time on MFP, but so far it's my most successful.

    I'm interested in making friends here (hello!) so feel free to add me if you're looking for that too. Also, I was wondering if anybody here is training for a triathlon? I've decided to go for my first sprint tri at the end of the summer but I'd like to connect with others who are training for one too (doesn't have to be a first!).

    Anyway, nice to meet you all!
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 31 from Delaware. No kiddos *yet* but two kitties and a gecko that are our fur children for the time being. Been on MFP for quite sometime now and have lost about 20 pounds with it. I still have about 10-15 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I enjoy running (I've done a handful of 5k's) and Jillian Michaels Workout DVDs (throw in the occasional Autumn Calabrese from time to time).

    I look forward to being part of this community and seeing everyone's progress!
  • debbsdring
    debbsdring Posts: 11 Member
    Hi am debb. Am 33 and about 21lb over my goal weight. I have 3 teenage boys so i dont get to keep fit running about after them anymore lol. I live in north east of england and im looking for motivation and maybe yo make friends. X
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Kristy. I will be 32 next month! I am getting married next year! I am very over weight and am looking to loose it. I know I won't be able to loose it all before my wedding but it would be nice to slim down some. My main goal though is get healthy. I don't have any problems yet but last time I was at the doctors, my blood pressure was higher then it used to be. We are hoping to have kids soon and I need to get my act together for that. I have been on MFP for little over a Month and so far I am down 8lbs! It will be awesome to interact with some lovely people my own age going through the same things as I am!
  • ShrinkingMandy80
    ShrinkingMandy80 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all!! Name is Mandy. Located near Savannah Ga at the moment. Married to an army man, I have 2 precious little hellions (13 and 10) and having a blast with life at the moment.

    I have some things I'm working on..such as my health/weight. I turned 35 in February and had a wellness check. Found I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I knew the number on the scales were slowly creeping up and I kept thinking that I would get to it....right after I finished watching mad men. LOL!! (So bummed that show is ending.) The doctors scale said something to me that was very offensive. It said I had made it to 190 lbs! It was a wake up call for me.

    Stats: 35 years old,
    5'4 height
    184.3 lbs today

    So, here I am, 3 weeks into my "journey". (Started getting serious March 18, 2015). Strategy at this time to to keep calories at 1200, hoofing it on the elliptical at least 30-60 minutes daily, yoga at least 20 minutes daily, and doing some Jillian Michaels video around 3 x a week (thanks youtube).

    I've hit the frustration of things not happening as quickly as I'd like. I made the rookie mistake of not taking my measurements before I started. I can tell my face is slimmer and my endurance is better (5 minutes no longer feels like an hour on the elliptical, I can hold a plank for a minute and do 2 minutes of jumping jacks like it was nothing). That part does feel really good. It's just that the scale and I are not friends right now. I don't know what I did to garner such animosity but if it doesn't change soon it's going to have to leave. It's really hurting my feelings guys.

    So, ultimately, I'm here looking for some hints and tips, motivation and some accountability.

    Nice to meet you all and you look marvelous!
  • angeleyes6013
    angeleyes6013 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello my name is Natasha. I'm married with two girl. I work at there school with disable preschool and love it. I've been on here a lot time ago lost weight but gained it all back. I am now trying to start over and watch what I eat. I'm hoping to drop the weight again.
  • Drag0nTears
    Drag0nTears Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I'm Marie, 33 years old.. I have 2 wonderful children. 7 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. I work as a night shift RN at a psychiatric hospital, which can be tough to avoid stress eating at times!

    I lost weight in my early 20s, just to gain it back , plus some, through a controlling, abusive marriage and 2 pregnancies. I lost 40 of that and kept it off... But other than that just been up and down .. been back at it , have lost 9lbs (hopefully more at weigh in tomorrow) so far and just feel more dedicated this time around.

    Wishing you all the best!!
  • HarperGirl85
    HarperGirl85 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Mandy, and I turned 30 earlier this year. I'm married, and have 2 kids. I'm a military wife (husband in the Marine Corps), and we are stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Between 2007 and 2011 I lost 100lbs, and now I'm keeping it off. I run a fitness blog, HarperGirl Fitness online. The name Harper Girl comes from Bob Harper, who is my fitness hero. His workouts and plans got me to where I am today. I also work full time as a business owner, and I spend most of my days working out in the wee hours of the morning before I get into my shop to work. I'm trying to maintain the balance of family, fitness, and life. Please feel free to add me, as I only have a few friends here :)
  • umrebelbelle
    umrebelbelle Posts: 19 Member
    I just joined the group. I am working on getting my health back in check. I have a minor issue that will so much easier to deal with if i get my weight back in control.
  • umrebelbelle
    umrebelbelle Posts: 19 Member
    I just joined the group. I am working on getting my health back in check. I have a minor issue that will so much easier to deal with if i get my weight back in control.
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    hello all! My name is Mark Im 38 and love this mfp app. feel free to add me as a friend. I do martial arts and security work to stay busy :)
  • Lemonshake
    Lemonshake Posts: 223 Member
    Hi all
    36. Australian mum of four. Working or trying to work on toning. But it's winters and my motivation is slipping!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    33 working on losing some of my belly fat with yoga and walking and jogging.
  • PaleVermilion
    PaleVermilion Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2015
    34 and getting back on the MFP wagon consistently. Had lost 45 pounds in 4 years, then the last year gained 15 of it back. Glad summer is finally hitting here in Minnesota. A lot easier to get outside and do sports!
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Hi I'm 36 (soon to be 37), married with 2 kids from Ontario, Canada!
    I'm on my way to lose 50+ lbs. I have fibromyalgia, so exercising will be tough for me - but not impossible!
    How is it that I only found this group now?! :)
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Hey guys. I'm 30 y/o, and hail from Southern California. I live with my boyfriend, no want for marriage or kids. I'm very happy, and have never wanted kids and always been a bit unconventional. He's a wonderful man and my best friend and we have a lot of fun together. Regarding my weight, currently I'm sort of maintaining around 104- 109 lbs. A little on the higher end of my "maintenance range" currently, but I've been pretty steady give or take those 3-5 pounds for about 5 or 6 months now. Steadiest my weight has been my entire adult life actually. I'm a runner, and log miles almost every day. Last weekend hit a half marathon PR: finished in 1:45, averaging 8:01 min/mile :happy: I also practice yoga pretty regularly. I have a great studio I frequent that's only a mile from home :smile: As far as being in my 30s now, it has actually been the happiest and healthiest I have ever been. I am LOVING my 30s, and wouldn't change a thing. :blush:
  • sweetpotatofries123
    sweetpotatofries123 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! My name is Angela. I'm 37. I have no children (don't tell my dogs I sid that :)) I am adjusting to single life after a painful divorce. I'm taking this time to heal and rebuild myself I guess you could say. For many years, I ignored my physical health but now more than ever it is important for me to be well in mind, body and spirit. I tend to keep to myself alot but I'm trying to change that too. I wish everyone here nothing but the best <3
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