100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi y'all

    Thought I'd give a little update on me... I almost feel human today! The smaller of the two infections is all but gone, the other hurts less, I'm still packing it daily so it can heal from the inside out. I do believe the new antibiotic is working! Yay!

    I've had a tremendous weight loss this week and I'm not really sure why but I'll take it. Maybe fighting infection kicks up the metabolism I don't know.

    Sue-I'm glad you're all safe, I hate storms, I grew up in California I'll take an earthquake over a tornado any day of the week.

    Hope y'all have a great Sunday

  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for the update Lesa. So glad you are doing better.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My kid was at camp for 6 days. Due to last nights storms, the freeway (San Marcos, TX) between camp n home was submerged (and therefore closed). Took an extra hour n a half, but the teachers got the kids back to school safely. The kids has a blast; the teachers looked tired.

    Sue-all my dogs were in bed last night.

    Shirl- sorry that your printer broke; it dies seem that there's always something.

    Lesa- you're in my thoughts n prayers. Those mega-antibiotics can be harsh on the body. Wishing all the vest for you!

    Nene- delightful to hear that you got yo spend time w the grand kids. I still chuckle when I think if the tent!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Thought I'd give a little update on me... I almost feel human today! The smaller of the two infections is all but gone, the other hurts less, I'm still packing it daily so it can heal from the inside out. I do believe the new antibiotic is working! Yay!

    I've had a tremendous weight loss this week and I'm not really sure why but I'll take it. Maybe fighting infection kicks up the metabolism I don't know.

    Sue-I'm glad you're all safe, I hate storms, I grew up in California I'll take an earthquake over a tornado any day of the week.

    Hope y'all have a great Sunday


    Lesa, I am glad about your update. Hopefully, the progress will continue and the infection will be gone soon. I am praying for you :). I tell you our storms were scary...I swear the only thing missing was hail. I have to say today is the first time in a long time where our weather has been somewhat decent....so far no rain but I bet I am jinxing myself lol....I think the chances for rain were not as high today. Anyway, I take a bit of sunshine any time.....
    My kid was at camp for 6 days. Due to last nights storms, the freeway (San Marcos, TX) between camp n home was submerged (and therefore closed). Took an extra hour n a half, but the teachers got the kids back to school safely. The kids has a blast; the teachers looked tired.

    Sue-all my dogs were in bed last night.

    Shirl- sorry that your printer broke; it dies seem that there's always something.

    Lesa- you're in my thoughts n prayers. Those mega-antibiotics can be harsh on the body. Wishing all the vest for you!

    Nene- delightful to hear that you got yo spend time w the grand kids. I still chuckle when I think if the tent!

    Lol....Val I think you and me had a similar picture going on lol....I had dogs, a cat and two kids in my bed..hubby was working sadly but he was safe so it's all good.

    I just came back from the party and I seriously did it....I survived the pizza, cake, and ice cream. I was good and ate my NS lunch with veggies and drank a lot of water before so I was quite full when we got there. Was I tempted oh my god yesssssss......sigh...but I survived it yay lol..

    I hope ya'll have a great Sunday..:)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    WTG Sue with staying OP even at your daughter's birthday party. That's quite a success. Good preparation and determination. :)

    My neighbors had a party today with sangria, cake, and ice cream. I thanked them for the invite, but declined. I really did have so much to do (plus, I wasn't ready for temptation). It has been raining here almost non-stop for weeks...and today we had a dry day, so I had to tackle the grass (front and back), and bathe the mastiff (110 lbs) and then walk him until dry (didn't want him in air conditioning till dry)...I know...such a mom!
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Well done everyone. Things are going well today. Gotta work but eh that's okay. Not going to work a full day. I had a good weekend, surprisingly. Weekends are tough for me usually, but I did well. I've done well with the Coke as well. I used to drink 3-4 Big Gulps a day, but I'm down to half of one now. Just to wean myself off of it will be great. But that's still really good considering, right?

    Have a great Memorial Day today, everyone!
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hey y'all,
    Sounds like there had been some rough weather. NC at least my part of it has been hit or miss with storms. Nothing as bad as Texas and the rest of the country.
    Sue......congratulations on surviving the party!
    Val..... I can not imagine the worry you went through with your child at camp and roads flooded. I was not happy when my girls were not in the nest. Of course one of them joined the Peace Core and was gone for over 2 years. Crazy times!,

    My iPad is being special today. Wants to be slow.

    Speaking of slow.......ME.........I have had a revelation..... THIS IS WHERE I CONFESS MY SIN.

    You know how on the NS site it lists 2 ounces ham or turkey as 59 calories. 1/3 of a melon is 52 calories. Shrimp is 3 ounces =60 calories

    I thought it meant that those were a serving size. No wonder I am below calories and a little hungry at the 1200 calories point. I am doing the 1500 calories now but obviously not getting the PF and SC needed. Silly me! I am aiming for 100 calories of PF and SC now. Old dog must learn new tricks. I have had the NS folks look at my diary and all they suggested was to go from 1200 to 1500 and then to 1800.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to those of you who share your food diary. Reading about how you are losing and not starving helped me figure it out! Could not love y'all anymore! Big hugs
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi Everybody! You all are on such a roll posting!!

    Lesa- so glad you are rounding the MRSA bend. You are in my thoughts and prayers! That is extremely hard to treat! You are doing great!!!

    Sue and Val- glad you are safe. The flooding in Texas is heartbreaking. I know worry about your families is scary! Glad families and animals are all fine!!

    Terri- enjoy your posts! Getting rid of that much Coke is hard and quite an accomplishment!! Keep that up!!!

    Kath- good to see you post! Hope you are well and your hubby is recovering well.Keep finding us!!!

    Nene- your grumpy posts I know are not funny to you, but it is so necessary. We all feel that way, and your humor in dealing with it is uplifting and inspiring! I am still hooting over the quote fairy, and everyone's posts that they have no remembrance of doing! It is like opening the fridge, but not remembering why!!

    Just love all you guys. I do not know what I would do without everyone's input and caring! Jan <3
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Duh. Forgot something. I have been reading the DD posts on the old NS. It has been really heartbreaking. So much confusion, panic, and anger. I have tried to give people links available. My heart just goes out to everyone trying to adjust. It affects every ones losing and infrastructure trying to lose. Glad for you guys! <3
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015

    Have a Great Memorial Day

    Wow - you're all doing so well program wise. Keep on keepin on!

    Lesa - big hug from me too. Huge bummer - but nothing to sluff off!

    We went to the garden store today - bought veggies, herbs and flowers. Still need more flowers, but want to see if we can find seed geraniums at a dollar vs four! And cosmos aren't available everywhere. So now I have more planting to do. We thought we purchased a flat of alyssum - turned out it's white lobelia - oops! Neither of us looked at the tag. It's gorgeous here - 64 and sunny.

    Miss having an accurate scale - itching to weigh myself - have a dr appt on June lst, so will at least be weighed then.

    On another NS thread, my buddy said she only was credited $7.49 for her 10 clicks - just an FYI. So sad that corporations feel they always need to change things up for whatever reason. It's nice to feel familiar and not have to always be learning or wondering. Sad to hear about even more changes. Anyone figure out what's happening to their recipe section? I know Roger started a thread, but there was so much info there.

    Happy long weekend all. Enjoy.

    Hi Shirl
    I wonder why the $7.49 myself. It isn't as if the 50 clicks is done with until the 29th May.
    Is it possible that $7.49 was the balance owed on the order when they used it? That is my only guess. If Not I would be on the Phone complaining.

    I would not count on the menu Pages surviving what this notice refers to, OTOH hand they have not said as far as I know.
    "Announcing Nutrisystem Community Changes

    All Nutrisystem tools and trackers found on this page will be closing on June 22nd. Check out NuMi.com to start using our All-NEW tracking tools today!

    I would be lost without a accurate and consistent scale.

    Managed to break my auto feeder on my printer while scanning books I only wanted a few pages from. Pressed down on the wrong corner while trying to flatten a book and the pin broke. It's all OK - printer needs replacement anyway - print heads are shot and can't be repaired. Always something!

    Hi Again
    Todays home printers are a disposable item :(
    At the same time if it was still usable...............

    That was one thing I did like about many of the HP inkjets. The Printhead was in the cartridge.
    FWIW I use a cheap $50 Brother Laser printer I bought on sale at NewEgg. The starter toner cartridge lasted real good and the replacement says more pages than the starter. Only B&W as a cheap Laser printer but for what I do Fine, And Fast too:)

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks Val and Nene :). It was hard...very hard but it all worked out thankfully :).
    WTG Sue with staying OP even at your daughter's birthday party. That's quite a success. Good preparation and determination. :)

    My neighbors had a party today with sangria, cake, and ice cream. I thanked them for the invite, but declined. I really did have so much to do (plus, I wasn't ready for temptation). It has been raining here almost non-stop for weeks...and today we had a dry day, so I had to tackle the grass (front and back), and bathe the mastiff (110 lbs) and then walk him until dry (didn't want him in air conditioning till dry)...I know...such a mom!

    Val, I think I would've done the same thing and declined if it would've been a neighbors party or something I could've gotten out of. To be honest I don't trust myself that much (yet maybe who knows) that I would stay on plan. Temptations are there and it's so easy to just push our plans to the side and give in to the temptations. You got a great exercise out of all the things you had to do though lol because I am sure to bathe a 110 lbs mastiff is a challenge. Laughing right now as my 4 lbs Chihuahuas would look like ankle biters right next to your dog lol.

    Yesterday, we actually had some decent weather which was dragged out today again with heavy Thunderstorms, flash floods and Tornado Watches. When will it end sigh. Sad thing is just a week ago they were talking about the lakes still being low.....just yesterday I saw pictures where it is the complete opposite. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel mayyyybeeeee.....rain chances still continue till the next week but all below 50 % which is a start...Wednesday maybe no rain....crossing my fingers lol.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    I did something I haven't done in almost a year. My son and I took my golden retriever and chihuahua to the local pond to walk. lol It was only about 30 - 45 minutes but I thought I was going to throw up when I got back to the car. lol Samson (the golden) had a blast chasing sticks into the pond. Oh and thought the big bad ugly geese were fun. Them? Not so much. lol They didn't like that he kept coming at them. He thought it was all fun and games but you should've heard them hissing. lol There was too many people with their dogs there or we would've walked the whole pond. lol Sorta glad we didn't though. I don't think I would've made it. And man! It's hot out there! Glad to be back home.
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing well.
    Nene..yes it was confusing for me too and especially when we changed our documenting site. When I talked to the counsellors they helped...we have a lot of weight to lose and a large body to feed, but yet lose weight. Slow and steady 1 to 2 lbs is what my Dr suggested also.
    Made it through the weekend camping, with a couple of slip ups, but back on again and my BBB box had arrived TG. BTW..does anyone else seem to have Saturday deliveries for the BBB? It's twice they have been delivered over the weekend. One was from the East coast and one the West coast..just wondered.
    Glad everyone is fine throughout the storms..we have been very lucky in MI.
    Have a wonderful week.
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Friends:

    Congratulations to everyone losing and moving.

    Y'all know I just come here each night to confess my sins. Thank you for listening. I am not a big drinker. Maybe 1 or 2 during a year but I can take it or leave it. Tonight I had a glass of sangria. The hubs and I left my 86 year old father at the hospital tonight after trying to explain to him that this week he is going to have an above the knee amputation. He has altered mental status on good days and lives in a retirement home and a leg that can't be saved from infection. He is at Duke and I am confident that everything has been done to save it and this is our last resort. I tell ya folks this getting old stuff is tough. He has survived broken bones, pneumonia episodes that are too many to count and more wives than I chose to remember so I think his chances of survival are great. Not sure about the mental status part. He eats everything and disgracefully flirts with every female, regardless of age. So far the nurses think he is cute. Please keep us in your prayers.

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Friends:

    Congratulations to everyone losing and moving.

    Y'all know I just come here each night to confess my sins. Thank you for listening. I am not a big drinker. Maybe 1 or 2 during a year but I can take it or leave it. Tonight I had a glass of sangria. The hubs and I left my 86 year old father at the hospital tonight after trying to explain to him that this week he is going to have an above the knee amputation. He has altered mental status on good days and lives in a retirement home and a leg that can't be saved from infection. He is at Duke and I am confident that everything has been done to save it and this is our last resort. I tell ya folks this getting old stuff is tough. He has survived broken bones, pneumonia episodes that are too many to count and more wives than I chose to remember so I think his chances of survival are great. Not sure about the mental status part. He eats everything and disgracefully flirts with every female, regardless of age. So far the nurses think he is cute. Please keep us in your prayers.

    Nene, keeping you and your family in my prayers and hoping everything will go well. After what I am reading he is definitely keeping his spirits up :).
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Sounds like everyone is doing well.
    Nene..yes it was confusing for me too and especially when we changed our documenting site. When I talked to the counsellors they helped...we have a lot of weight to lose and a large body to feed, but yet lose weight. Slow and steady 1 to 2 lbs is what my Dr suggested also.
    Made it through the weekend camping, with a couple of slip ups, but back on again and my BBB box had arrived TG. BTW..does anyone else seem to have Saturday deliveries for the BBB? It's twice they have been delivered over the weekend. One was from the East coast and one the West coast..just wondered.
    Glad everyone is fine throughout the storms..we have been very lucky in MI.
    Have a wonderful week.

    Jane, now that you are saying it I remember 2 of my past deliveries were done on a Saturday as well even though the last order was all messed up from the time it was ordered and it should've arrived so much sooner. My next order should go out next week and with a little luck I will have a 30 lb bear included. Working towards it :).

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Nene-He sounds like quite the character! Remarkable people like he is always kept our spirits up too when we worked. You will all be in my prayers also. It can be very confusing and draining when dealing with AMS, but it sounds like he will be strong. That would be a lot for anyone to deal with. You too. We are here for you!!!

    Jane- steady does it! Good for you getting right back on!

    Continued prayers and thoughts for Texas and Okla. Glad you all are safe Sue and Val. (congrats on that cute 3rd bear, Val!!)
  • Lisa_in_Arlington
    Lisa_in_Arlington Posts: 38 Member
    Last week I went out for pizza with a couple of friends and enjoyed myself. I almost never get together with friends for dinner like that. B)

    Plus I work in retail part time, so I worked Memorial Day (time and a half!). They had hotdogs, potato salad and cupcakes. I skipped all that and went to Chop't (salad place) instead. Now, if it had been Hebrew National hotdogs, I might have had to partake.....

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Friends:

    Congratulations to everyone losing and moving.

    Y'all know I just come here each night to confess my sins. Thank you for listening. I am not a big drinker. Maybe 1 or 2 during a year but I can take it or leave it. Tonight I had a glass of sangria. The hubs and I left my 86 year old father at the hospital tonight after trying to explain to him that this week he is going to have an above the knee amputation. He has altered mental status on good days and lives in a retirement home and a leg that can't be saved from infection. He is at Duke and I am confident that everything has been done to save it and this is our last resort. I tell ya folks this getting old stuff is tough. He has survived broken bones, pneumonia episodes that are too many to count and more wives than I chose to remember so I think his chances of survival are great. Not sure about the mental status part. He eats everything and disgracefully flirts with every female, regardless of age. So far the nurses think he is cute. Please keep us in your prayers.

    Hi Nene
    I will send Positive thoughts and Prayers Your way. It is tough when a Parent is in the Hospital.
    Good Luck
    suegen1 wrote: »
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Sounds like everyone is doing well.
    Nene..yes it was confusing for me too and especially when we changed our documenting site. When I talked to the counsellors they helped...we have a lot of weight to lose and a large body to feed, but yet lose weight. Slow and steady 1 to 2 lbs is what my Dr suggested also.
    Made it through the weekend camping, with a couple of slip ups, but back on again and my BBB box had arrived TG. BTW..does anyone else seem to have Saturday deliveries for the BBB? It's twice they have been delivered over the weekend. One was from the East coast and one the West coast..just wondered.
    Glad everyone is fine throughout the storms..we have been very lucky in MI.
    Have a wonderful week.

    Jane, now that you are saying it I remember 2 of my past deliveries were done on a Saturday as well even though the last order was all messed up from the time it was ordered and it should've arrived so much sooner. My next order should go out next week and with a little luck I will have a 30 lb bear included. Working towards it :).

    Hi I got my BWB Saturday. I just called and the Shelf Stable or as NutriSystem referred to it the Ready to Go is processing. Great :(

    I am using the last of my Shelf Stable Snacks that I eat in the afternoon today. I do have frozen, however I prefer them in the Evening and the SS Snacks in the afternoon.

    Whats a fella to do?

    Have a Good Week
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Nene-He sounds like quite the character! Remarkable people like he is always kept our spirits up too when we worked. You will all be in my prayers also. It can be very confusing and draining when dealing with AMS, but it sounds like he will be strong. That would be a lot for anyone to deal with. You too. We are here for you!!!

    Jane- steady does it! Good for you getting right back on!

    Continued prayers and thoughts for Texas and Okla. Glad you all are safe Sue and Val. (congrats on that cute 3rd bear, Val!!)

    Hi Buttons
    I agree they are having a terrible spring out that way and it was not much of a Memorial Day weekend for them either.

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Sue - are you in TX? That weather is super scary!

    Roger - I love my color, but print B&W if possible as ink is so pricey. Unsure about the odd $ amt, can't remember who posted or I'd ask. A real shame about NS computer presence.

    Yup - without a scale, I also am feeling lost. Just haven't gotten around to making another choice yet.

    Nene - prayers for your family - not fun.

    Gonna try and golf for first time in 2 yrs today. Not ideal weather for my heart, 80 and humid - we'll see. Will be nice to get out. Would have preferred this eve, but one of my group has another commitment, so moved it up to 3.

  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    jserv.... well done, chica! You're doing great!

    Nene.... So sorry about your dad. I know how it feels. My mom is in a nursing home with Altzheimers. It can be pretty tough on family.

    Suejen... Congrats on the 30 lbs lost and the bear!! Way to go!!!

    Buttons.... Hi there!

    Lisa..... Good for you, girl! I need to learn a little more self-restraint.

    Roger.... Don't you just love the frozen meals?? I had a SS dinner the other night and will never do it again. Blech! It was nasty.

    I weighed today and I'm down another 3 which means I am down a total of 12 lbs in one month!!!!! YAY ME!!!! I earned my 10lb bear. I logged it into Numi and NS, so hopefully I'll get him next order.
    Have a great day, everyone!