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  • pudgemuffin2
    pudgemuffin2 Posts: 6 Member
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Saw this today and it cracked me up so I thought I would share...
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    edited May 2015
    Roger - do you have a local historical society near by? They would be interested in gene stuff. Your local library may also be interested.

    Pudge - thanks for your quote - always love your quotes.

    I love ancestry, right now don't have a subscription. Pulled some wrong, bad info off ancestry trees, that's why I have to start over. If another person publishes unchecked things, it can send you on a wild goose chase of people who aren't your ancestors. That's where I'm at at the moment.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. big 65 today! DH is 65 tomorrow. Got a new CPAP today - pretty cool - chipped and everything. Ran errands, got some bakery - a doz cupcakes for golf meeting tonight. Supposed to golf at 4:30 - unsure, having some breathing issues today - but I will at least show up for the meeting. Supposed to be making a bd card for dh - not into it, unfortunately - may just pick one up tonight.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    We have a whole week to get on track and make our good choices! Sounds like everyone is really doing pretty good! We have to learn to take our days, and just deal with what life throws us. It becomes easier, and we do a little better. If not, well we can get back on and make a difference!

    Val- you are on fire!!! Keep inspiring us!

    I said good bye to my 16 year old bulldog mix yesterday. The house is so quiet without her, though I still have my 16 year old border collie mix. We are taking care of each other! I had some homemade mac and cheese for the day. Not too healthy, but comforting and I stayed in my calories. So today, I keep on! I changed my name to Buttons here to honor her and keep her close, since I knew it was coming. Thinking how to handle things is smart. And something we have in our power. Her last day did not go as planned, as our air conditioning took that day to blow and needs replacing. It is hot and very humid, though not as hot as the days before. And I have some funny memories of her grumbling at me as though I did not know the air was out. But no matter as she took her rightful place in front of the fan! I still feel very blessed to have been her human and hope to honor her by being the best human I can be.

    Keep trucking guys! We will do this!!!! And thanks for the forum to share!!! <3 Jan
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope y'all's day is going well. Started my day out late because I had to fast for bloodwork and my appt wasn't until 9. Didn't leave there until 10:15 then had another appt that made me getting to work at 11:45. Soooooo I'm just gonna do what I can to eat what i"m supposed to without gorging myself trying to get it all in. I did eat one of those P3 snack packs between appts and a breakfast bar so that wasn't too bad.

    I weighed in at my appt and I've lost 6 lbs since restarting. I could've done better if I had stayed 100% this last two weeks, but all in all I'm happy to have lost what I did. Getting back on track for the rest of the day will help.

    What do y'all suggest for someone that isn't a morning eater? I find I'm having trouble forcing myself to eat anything until about 11 or 12. I usually just have a cup or two of coffee. The other two problems I have is getting all my water in and eating veggies. It's not that I don't like them, because I do. I just don't. *sigh* I so gotta get better at this than what I'm doing now.

    Talk to y'all later! Have a great day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Hi Pudge
    You can edit a post for up to one hour BTW.
    If You want me to I can send a text file You can use so You posts look the same as before. Just PM me Your email if so.

    Have a great Day
    mslesam wrote: »
    Saw this today and it cracked me up so I thought I would share...

    Hi Lesa
    Pretty funny !
    Roger - do you have a local historical society near by? They would be interested in gene stuff. Your local library may also be interested.

    Pudge - thanks for your quote - always love your quotes.

    I love ancestry, right now don't have a subscription. Pulled some wrong, bad info off ancestry trees, that's why I have to start over. If another person publishes unchecked things, it can send you on a wild goose chase of people who aren't your ancestors. That's where I'm at at the moment.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. big 65 today! DH is 65 tomorrow. Got a new CPAP today - pretty cool - chipped and everything. Ran errands, got some bakery - a doz cupcakes for golf meeting tonight. Supposed to golf at 4:30 - unsure, having some breathing issues today - but I will at least show up for the meeting. Supposed to be making a bd card for dh - not into it, unfortunately - may just pick one up tonight.

    Hi Shirl
    I missed Your Birthday?
    Let me say it here and now ffh.gif
    Have a Good Day
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    We have a whole week to get on track and make our good choices! Sounds like everyone is really doing pretty good! We have to learn to take our days, and just deal with what life throws us. It becomes easier, and we do a little better. If not, well we can get back on and make a difference!

    Val- you are on fire!!! Keep inspiring us!

    I said good bye to my 16 year old bulldog mix yesterday. The house is so quiet without her, though I still have my 16 year old border collie mix. We are taking care of each other! I had some homemade mac and cheese for the day. Not too healthy, but comforting and I stayed in my calories. So today, I keep on! I changed my name to Buttons here to honor her and keep her close, since I knew it was coming. Thinking how to handle things is smart. And something we have in our power. Her last day did not go as planned, as our air conditioning took that day to blow and needs replacing. It is hot and very humid, though not as hot as the days before. And I have some funny memories of her grumbling at me as though I did not know the air was out. But no matter as she took her rightful place in front of the fan! I still feel very blessed to have been her human and hope to honor her by being the best human I can be.

    Keep trucking guys! We will do this!!!! And thanks for the forum to share!!! <3 Jan

    Hi Jan
    I am sorry to hear of Your problems and Your Loss.
    So true, Once the noise goes is when You miss it.

    Try to have a Good Day
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  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I said good bye to my 16 year old bulldog mix yesterday. The house is so quiet without her, though I still have my 16 year old border collie mix. We are taking care of each other!

    Hi Jan, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm so glad that you were her human too! Even when you know the end is coming, it is still such an adjustment. Cherish the good memories. Take care, Val
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks, Roger and Val!
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    edited May 2015

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Where does the fat go when you lose weight? Answer: "...most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide. It goes into thin air.” Losing 10 kilograms of human fat requires the inhalation of 29 kilograms of oxygen, producing 28 kilograms of carbon dioxide and 11 kilograms of water. That’s the metabolic fate of fat."

    KEEP BREATHING! It's a cycle...plants absorb the carbon dioxide and use the carbon to grow do we can eat them!

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I said good bye to my 16 year old bulldog mix yesterday. The house is so quiet without her, though I still have my 16 year old border collie mix. We are taking care of each other!

    I am so sorry to hear that :(. I have three chihuahuas and my oldest chihuahua has seizures almost every day now. She was hit by a car when she was about 4 and survived but she started to develop seizures due to the accident (she is 12 years old). I was told by the vet that there is a good chance that she won't be with us for much longer. Again, I am truly sorry :(.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks, Sue. It is an adjustment, I just miss her, no matter how you know it is coming. You are so good to take care of your little chihuahua! So many people do not realize the commitment! Somehow you know when it is time, and those last moments become even more precious.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Val- you are cracking me up! I am still rolling from the visual image of the fat I have known the longest, as that is whom I am intimate with now myself. I am happy to be in the circle of life, even though at times I am only contributing metabolic waste. My goal is of course to contribute more on a regular basis! LOL!

    Shirl- Happy Belated Birthday! We celebrate a couple times in our family, because of crazy schedules! Have an excellent week! Don't let the cupcakes gang up on you! Hope you and hubby just enjoy! Ci-paps and Bi-paps(mine) can make great gifts. Who knew? Take care and just enjoy!!!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »

    Loving your smile! <3
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Hope y'all's day is going well. Started my day out late because I had to fast for bloodwork and my appt wasn't until 9. Didn't leave there until 10:15 then had another appt that made me getting to work at 11:45. Soooooo I'm just gonna do what I can to eat what i"m supposed to without gorging myself trying to get it all in. I did eat one of those P3 snack packs between appts and a breakfast bar so that wasn't too bad.

    I weighed in at my appt and I've lost 6 lbs since restarting. I could've done better if I had stayed 100% this last two weeks, but all in all I'm happy to have lost what I did. Getting back on track for the rest of the day will help.

    What do y'all suggest for someone that isn't a morning eater? I find I'm having trouble forcing myself to eat anything until about 11 or 12. I usually just have a cup or two of coffee. The other two problems I have is getting all my water in and eating veggies. It's not that I don't like them, because I do. I just don't. *sigh* I so gotta get better at this than what I'm doing now.

    Talk to y'all later! Have a great day!
    Hey Terri- I have trouble eating first thing too! I find the bars are the easiest then, the biscotti bites are great taken with a mouthful of coffee or a slight soaking! I have ordered like 8 packs! I always pack lunch bars or the breakfast if I am on the go, so I don't get too hungry. I also like the granola with almond milk. In a pinch it is fast. Downed in original container just before I go, and I save the wrapper to remind me to chart. Just a habit now. Don't eat till you drank a water! Fastest method when hungry!! Or keep a cute cup covered to sip from constantly! ..I like most of my veggies at lunch, then I am more full for the evenings, which is my hardest time. I guess that works because I am home though! Buy a pretty container, and pack your bag the night before. It is a mindset really! Even if it is for 5 min. you are worth the time to drink your water and eat your snack. Try a new veg, maybe bok choy or fresh. Bake with a little olive oil and enjoy for supper with extras for lunch. You are half way there! You recognize you are just not doing it--YET! You will!
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks Buttons!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Hope y'all's day is going well. Started my day out late because I had to fast for bloodwork and my appt wasn't until 9. Didn't leave there until 10:15 then had another appt that made me getting to work at 11:45. Soooooo I'm just gonna do what I can to eat what i"m supposed to without gorging myself trying to get it all in. I did eat one of those P3 snack packs between appts and a breakfast bar so that wasn't too bad.

    I weighed in at my appt and I've lost 6 lbs since restarting. I could've done better if I had stayed 100% this last two weeks, but all in all I'm happy to have lost what I did. Getting back on track for the rest of the day will help.

    What do y'all suggest for someone that isn't a morning eater? I find I'm having trouble forcing myself to eat anything until about 11 or 12. I usually just have a cup or two of coffee. The other two problems I have is getting all my water in and eating veggies. It's not that I don't like them, because I do. I just don't. *sigh* I so gotta get better at this than what I'm doing now.

    Talk to y'all later! Have a great day!

    Hi Terri
    6 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. Congratulations.

    I never ate in the morning. I would get up shower etc. Get dressed for work, have a really large cup of coffee on the way to work and finish it while at work. Then around 1PM have a big lunch. It was hard getting used to a breakfast every day however............

    When I started NutriSystem I think the best thing I did for myself was to start planning the next days foods and pull them ahead of time. Then I would get up eat my morning Breakfast of a NS Entree, PF + SC and Coffee.
    The PF is usually a NS Protein Shake and the SC is always a Banana. Sometimes if they get really ripe I plan the Banana into either a NS Breakfast Cereal or a Blended into NS Vanilla Protein Shake.

    Some of the tasty NS Breakfasts IMO are the hot and cold Cereals, The Honey Bagel with a Extra of LF Cream Cheese and/or Jelly, the Cinnamon Bun Bar, The Apple Strudel Bar, The Muffins - lightly heated. The Biscotti Bites are OK if Dunked in Coffee and the Oatmeal Cranberry Bites too.
    If You get Frozen the Cinnamon Roll is so much better and lighter (larger physically) than the Cinnamon Bun, I also like the French Toast, Waffles and the Frozen Pancakes as well as the Canadian bacon and egg biscuit.

    You do want to have a liquid and Food at the start of the day ton help get the metabolism going early.

    Good Luck
    suegen1 wrote: »
    I am so sorry to hear that :(. I have three chihuahuas and my oldest chihuahua has seizures almost every day now. She was hit by a car when she was about 4 and survived but she started to develop seizures due to the accident (she is 12 years old). I was told by the vet that there is a good chance that she won't be with us for much longer. Again, I am truly sorry :(.

    Hi Sue
    I am sorry to hear about You pets problems. Sometimes that happens due to the type of thing You describe. That does not make it better sadly.

    April 25, 2015 -159.7 Pounds Lost
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  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    edited May 2015
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Terri
    6 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. Congratulations.

    I never ate in the morning. I would get up shower etc. Get dressed for work, have a really large cup of coffee on the way to work and finish it while at work. Then around 1PM have a big lunch. It was hard getting used to a breakfast every day however............

    When I started NutriSystem I think the best thing I did for myself was to start planning the next days foods and pull them ahead of time. Then I would get up eat my morning Breakfast of a NS Entree, PF + SC and Coffee.
    The PF is usually a NS Protein Shake and the SC is always a Banana. Sometimes if they get really ripe I plan the Banana into either a NS Breakfast Cereal or a Blended into NS Vanilla Protein Shake.

    Some of the tasty NS Breakfasts IMO are the hot and cold Cereals, The Honey Bagel with a Extra of LF Cream Cheese and/or Jelly, the Cinnamon Bun Bar, The Apple Strudel Bar, The Muffins - lightly heated. The Biscotti Bites are OK if Dunked in Coffee and the Oatmeal Cranberry Bites too.
    If You get Frozen the Cinnamon Roll is so much better and lighter (larger physically) than the Cinnamon Bun, I also like the French Toast, Waffles and the Frozen Pancakes as well as the Canadian bacon and egg biscuit.

    You do want to have a liquid and Food at the start of the day ton help get the metabolism going early.

    Good Luck

    Thanks, Roger. That's exactly how I was. I would drink coffee then not eat until 12 or so. But even then it wasn't a lot that I ate. I've never been a big eater. Just ate at the wrong times and the wrong things. I'll try to take your words of advice about eating in the morning, though it's going to be hard. One day I'll get it then not on the next day. Ugh! lol

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Can I ask if anyone has a suggestion for a good electronic scale? I don't seem to have lost any weight the last couple of weeks and when I checked my measurements, I have had lost several inches since my start date, with only 15 lbs lost. I don't want to live by the scale, but it does give you encouragement when you have a loss.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Thanks, Roger. That's exactly how I was. I would drink coffee then not eat until 12 or so. But even then it wasn't a lot that I ate. I've never been a big eater. Just ate at the wrong times and the wrong things. I'll try to take your words of advice about eating in the morning, though it's going to be hard. One day I'll get it then not on the next day. Ugh! lol

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Hi Terri
    I have found that spacing my food out every 2.5 hours also helps keep cravings away.
    Good Luck
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Can I ask if anyone has a suggestion for a good electronic scale? I don't seem to have lost any weight the last couple of weeks and when I checked my measurements, I have had lost several inches since my start date, with only 15 lbs lost. I don't want to live by the scale, but it does give you encouragement when you have a loss.

    What I did was I ended up with a balance beam scale $179 on Amazon with free shipping.
    It takes up a bit of space and is not as easy as a electronic scale. It is consistent however.
    Having said that There is nothing wrong with an electronic scale. How accurate the weight is, is not as important in my mind as having the scale be consistent. I threw out my old scale when I discovered that just getting on and off and on again gave a different reading. :(

    What I suggest is find a place that has scales You can try and find a model that You like where when You get on and off several times it always shows the same weight.

    One other thing to try first would be changing the batteries.

    Good Luck
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