New members - tell us about yourself



  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    BigGuy47 wrote: »
    Howdy all. I'm nearly 52, from Texas and my Grandkids call me PawPaw. I'm in decent shape after dropping a fair amount of weight over the past few years. I would like to do a handstand before turning 55. One of my granddaughters is getting closer to a handstand each day. It's kinda crazy competing with a 7 year old, but it's fun.
    I love that you are having a fun competition with your grandaughter!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Welcome, everyone! Feel free to jump into the discussions or post one of your own.
  • AnointedZ
    AnointedZ Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Zee I will be turning 50 in October this year. I enjoy eating right and exercising to work out programs vs going to the gym. I enjoy the sun and the beach and not only want to look great during the summer I want to have a better quality of life overall. As I look around and see so many people not taking care of their health it saddens me and I have such a desire to help them so I believe I must lead by example. I have never been extremely heavy but overweight none the less for my height. I am married to a wonderful man for 15 years together we have a son 22 and a daughter 28 who this year became a mom herself. Yes I suppose that makes us grandparents lol. I am originally from California, currently live in Jersey and we have desire to move to Florida. I appreciate the invitation to the group and look forward to getting to know everyone as well on being inspired and being an inspiration. Have an amazing day and weekend everyone!!!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    Welcome Zee! I think you will find everyone quite nice and helpful here.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    BigGuy47 wrote: »
    Howdy all. I'm nearly 52, from Texas and my Grandkids call me PawPaw. I'm in decent shape after dropping a fair amount of weight over the past few years. I would like to do a handstand before turning 55. One of my granddaughters is getting closer to a handstand each day. It's kinda crazy competing with a 7 year old, but it's fun.

    Hey Big Guy, great to have u with us.. I'm loving the idea of a hand stand competition with your 7 year old grand daughter. We will be cheering u on
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome to all our new members. It's great to read a little about u all. We all have a different story/experience unique to us. The wonderful thing about being part of such a great group is that we learn from each other. When one of us is feeling down.. We will be right their to pick each other up. :)

  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,541 Member
    marekdds wrote: »
    That's super Mac. So good to recognize this stuff when you are young. I wish I had.
    My son physically resembles his mother's brother in build... ectomorph... His uncle eats twice what I do and never gains an ouch. I know... skinny unfit isn't healthy either... but at least your clothes fit!!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi - I am Trish from Perth Australia. I am 54 with 2 grandchildren (14 and 6 months). I work full time - looking toward to meeting younall
  • lbking94
    lbking94 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am Lori, 54 years old and live in California. I work full time. Did mfp a couple of years ago and went over to weight watchers. I left weight watchers a couple of months ago when I had been at my goal for a few months. Didn't feel like paying for an online tracker, but found myself too obsessed and five pounds heavier to not track, so came back to mfp. I have come to terms that tracking is the only thing that helps me cope with my food issues. Normal eating will never be natural for me.
  • marky1965
    marky1965 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi all
    My name is Mark & i am 50 years young and have been a consistant yoyo dieter. Just when i get to my goal i think i can eat what i like and back it comes with interest. I have got about 24kg to lose to get to my goal. I have just enrolled in a Fighter Diet program for a 12 week competition. Calorie controlled which is a new concept to me. The exercise is the easy bit in this puzzle which is 30% the other 70% is the food.
    Feel free to add me :-)
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    edited May 2015
    Welcome Trish! I have visited Perth, when my daughter was getting her master's there. loved it. Welcome Lori, I too, am stuck here forever, can't be trusted on my own. Welcome Mark also. I finally learned this has to be a lifestyle change or I will just get fat a again.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    Welcome! I hope you will be happy in our group and find the support you need
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    marky1965 wrote: »
    Hi all
    My name is Mark & i am 50 years young and have been a consistant yoyo dieter. Just when i get to my goal i think i can eat what i like and back it comes with interest. I have got about 24kg to lose to get to my goal. I have just enrolled in a Fighter Diet program for a 12 week competition. Calorie controlled which is a new concept to me. The exercise is the easy bit in this puzzle which is 30% the other 70% is the food.
    Feel free to add me :-)

    Hi Mark, welcome! Glad to have you on board, lot's of friends and encouragement here.
    What's a Fighter Diet?
  • suzecooks
    suzecooks Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm Suze (pronounced Sooze). Short for Suzette. I'm sneaking in here at 49 yrs old. I was at goal 3 years ago. I used to workout every day but moved to a rural area and I have a sit down job. Needless to say, I've gained a lot of weight and I have terrible eating habits. I never really snacked but I do now and I'm not making healthy food choices. I know I need to get back to regular exercise and meal planning. It works. I'm miserable right now and I need change and I need support. Do you ever wonder if your significant other likes you fat? Terrible to say but no matter how I ask for support, he doesn't understand. He says ha loves me the way I am. I'm looking to you all for support. I need to do the changing but it's going to be good to share with folks who understand weight loss battle.

    I now live on a mini farm. It's new to us. Raising goats, guinea fowl, chickens and have horses on our pasture. I work from home on a laptop all day. I just became a grandma this month too!

    Happy to be here. Looking forward to getting back into shape and healthy.
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, 50 year old male from Louisville. Trying to get back in the saddle with tracking my intake and exercise. Have had a few things get in the way that last year and seem to have lost my way. Just moved back into my home after being flooded out, so now that things are getting back to normal I thought it would be a good time to re-commit to MFP. Any new friends are appreciated.
  • lindawlas
    lindawlas Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Everyone! I was really happy to find this group ... It is nice to "be around" people my own age, we have our own set of challenges with weight loss. I am 51 years old, mother of 3 grown children .. (1 in university age, still at home). My 2 week anniversary with MFP is tomorrow ... So far, haven't lost very much but that will come.
  • frogs777
    frogs777 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all I'm Sue 51 years old, no kids but just obtained a west highland terrier who makes sure that I go out for daily walks.. I started gaining weight when I was in my early 30's and have struggled to keep it to an acceptable level (would love to be 143 lbs) and have 14 lbs to go - I know its not much but being 5 ft 4 in tall the extra weight sits well on my stomach, legs and rear end :wink: I started 'being good' and following MFP religously since May 1st.. I just wish the weight would come off as quick as it seemed to go on :neutral: Living in France now and have been for just over 3 years and am very happy that the scanner on MFP works just as well over here as it does in the UK.. although since being here I have gone back to cooking everything from scratch which must be a good thing. I need help though because I don't have much imagination with what to do with food. I look in a well stocked cupboard and think I need to go shopping, rather than thinking - wow I could do 'this' for tea etc.. thats all my rambling for now..
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    Hi, everyone. Welcome. I hope you will all enjoy our group and find the support and comraderie you are looking for.
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    eileensofianmushinfine Posts: 303 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Eileen, 51 from CT, USA. I'm divorced and remarried, with my 9th anniversary coming up next month. I have 3 "kids" -- 23, 21 (special needs) and 19 and i have a 17 year old step-daughter. I started this life-changing journey at the end of the summer 2013. The impetus was portraits that my husband and I had taken when we were at a resort in the Poconos. I topped the scales at 243 pounds at 5' 4" tall. I was a size 22, verging on a 24. The pictures were a real shock -- and they didn't lie! When I got back to school (I'm a teacher) a few weeks later, I hired one of the gym teachers as my personal trainer. I worked with her from August 2013 to January 2015 and dropped about 25 pounds. Then I lost another 20 when I switched trainers to my local gym and joined the gym's Biggest Loser contest. I've dropped down to a pretty solid 14/16. I constantly amaze myself by how much more I can do -- and the more I can do, the more I can do....
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    kyedo wrote: »
    Hi, 50 year old male from Louisville. Trying to get back in the saddle with tracking my intake and exercise. Have had a few things get in the way that last year and seem to have lost my way. Just moved back into my home after being flooded out, so now that things are getting back to normal I thought it would be a good time to re-commit to MFP. Any new friends are appreciated.
    Welcome back to your home!
    I have spent the past 3 days with a flooded basement, but luckily not bad enough to have to leave!
    I'm new to this group as well, but have found it a good group to be a part of-lots of fun and support.