Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Thinking of you this morning and looking forward to hearing how it all went.
    Take care.
    Lots of hugs <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thinking of you too PHOEBE. All the very best.
    <3 Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    Thinking of you too PHOEBE. All the very best.
    <3 Anne.

    Me too Phoebe...hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    Phoebe, hope this makes you laugh:

    Happy Friday!! :) It is beautiful this morning but they are talking rain this afternoon so I am going to try to get to pool for an hour or two. I put up my hummingbird feeder and bought a hanging basket for my balcony, I am ready for summer. Babe is also have a minor surgery done on his foot this afternoon. The pin from one of his surgeries has to come out so his current doctor said it could be done with a local so Babe is going by himself. I offered several times but he said he could handle it. Hard to believe one man could have so many problems with his feet.
    I am pleased that I only gained 0.2 pounds for the pound a week club.

    Trying to get off the computer so I can get to the pool when it opens, have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Phoebe: sweet lady! I know you realize how we all wish you well and to be well quickly. I have this friend who has a very interesting attitude toward the medical professionals. She eyes them with a serious look and says, "I always do my job. Now, doctor, I need you to do your job. I need help. Help me, do your job,". She doesn't make many friends with that attitude but she does get the medical attention she needs. All our best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Make them do their job, Phoebe!

    I went to the foot doctor yesterday and now I am on antibiotics! Ugh! I have to get this darned wound healed. Last night John made dinner! Oh my! Used every pot and pan and he (God love his little heart) tried to made us a nice dinner. I will be hobbling around like you Phoebe. Using a cane, not crutches, because I would break my neck trying to negotiate around these helpful doggies.

    Tried to watch "Mr. Turner" last night. Very difficult to understand. I was only into about 30 minutes and I could see this was not a film John was going to enjoy. I will watch it another time when he is occupied with other activities. Interesting movie, the colors in the film as well as the general art direction of the fim is quite unusual. Thanks for mentioning it. I will be anxious to finish it soon.

    Thanks for all the input about gifting with no thank you afterwards. I wondered if it was just me. It appears to be a problem for every one of us have from time to time. Oh well...

    Good day to get more done on the doctors paintings. I loved the golden look of the Turner landscapes.

    Take care of yourselves, dear sneakers.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Will ready later, going to the boat today and I still have to prepare salmon for the BBQ to take with us.

    I will be starting Level 2 Yoga starting second week in June. I asked my instructor and she said I could so i feel good
    about this.

    Phoebe - Good luck with the surgery and follow up with us later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have virtually no dependable Internet connection once again and have had no luck trying to call in so I may be back to using my phone again this summer. Meanwhile, I did get my new stove installed. Wow---looks so different with a black stove in the spot where normally I'd see almond! The old stove made the kitchen so much brighter. Now it's so clean and pristine I don't want to use it.

    Spent quite a bit of time on the phone this morning to help a law firm try to track down relatives. A relative that I'd heard of but don't remember ever meeting has passed away and every descendant of that branch of the family has to be notified that she died. There's no money to distribute but they're obligated to contact everyone. Sounds like quite a job! I was able to give her some helpful information though. Interesting.

    Got some cleaning accomplished to get ready for that delivery this morning which included half of the garage floor. It looks much better now.

    I need to get back to sorting once again. I'm still giving items for that ABWA rummage sale I mentioned a while ago. I want to keep busy as I happened to call the gentleman who rents the farm late yesterday afternoon and he sounded *off* so I asked what was wrong. OMG - I had no idea what was going on! We talked for about 15 minutes. His wife hadn't felt well and was on an antibiotic but on Wednesday evening he woke up and she was in horrible shape with blood pouring out of her nose, etc. He called paramedics but she was gone before they got there but somehow revived her and took her to the hospital. He called her daughters and they tried to get there before she died but didn't make it. His wife was only 65 and apparently had an aneurysm . The funeral is Monday.

    So going to keep busy because I sent flowers and I said I'd call him in a week or two (and I will) but there's just nothing I can do for him at this point.

    Sorry for passing along this unhappy news but it's weighing on my heart.

    Hugs to you my friends. Thanks for being there!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oh LIN, it's one thing after another isn't it! Your telling us of your poor tenants loss caused me to wonder although there's probably no connection between his wife's antibiotic and a drug I was prescribed but one day I might fully tell you friends what happened to me 4 years ago, it's enough to say for now that I had rarely taken any form of drug up to that point, even an aspirin, and I NEVER will again, barring any more bone breakages. I have very little faith in these drugs and even less in the medical profession (a very young replacement doctor) who simply seem to want to take the easy way and foist medication on some of us who don't really need it with sometimes disastrous results. Suffice to say my experience involved broken veins in my nose with an awful nose bleed, a broken vein behind my left eye flooding the eye with blood, and which is still slowly clearing up and all the small veins in my legs. I hope the antibiotic your poor tenant took didn't have that effect on her! I think the med. I took was too much for a fair and thin skinned person with maybe small veins. I don't know, but I do know I had to immediately discontinue the pills. (10 days use) Believe me, I didn't need telling twice in Emergency! Now friends, I'm not saying this to scare any of you off NEEDED medication, but PLEASE research it before you take anything!
    By the way LIN always remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Life hasn't been easy for you just lately, but everyone on this forum is more than willing to "listen" when it helps you to share with us.
    Final word, I cleared my initial problem myself by simply walking daily, losing a little weight and joining MFP.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    Hello Dear Sneakers,
    I had a very enjoyable time at our beach house last week end. Mu son and his wife joined us for a day and that was lovely too. We returned on Monday and upon arriving we had a text message from my only daughter asking for our support and love in her decision to start wearing the veil. She explained how she wanted to feel closer to GOD and that she thinks by this outward expression it will help her feel more connected. I tell you I was in such SHOCK at reading this that I could hardly think straight. Maybe you all think I am way over reacting but as a Christian mother it was not something that I was excited to hear. I know that I married a Moslems and have raised my children here in the Middle East so of course it seems natural that something like this would happen. But I really never expected it from her. I have cried my eyes out for days. I have fasted and prayed and tried to get strength to understand and to be supportive because she is an adult and has the right to make choices on her own. It is getting easier as the days have past and dew have chatted daily but still I have a little ache in my heart. Of course I keep telling myself that there could be some many things that are worse that she could have told me. And also I think that I have probably caused a lot of pain in my parents life's too so I guess I deserve to have some come back to me. SIGH. Anyway, Thanks for listening to me. Life sometimes throws us things that we don't expect but inn the end everything works out and we go on.
    I am leaving in the wee early hours Sunday to fly to the states. I will be glad to sit and be with my mother for 2 weeks. I am still wondering if I should share this news about my daughter with her as I know it will be very upsetting to her and at her age I don't think she needs to have another thing to worry about. I guess I will see how I feel about it when I am there and see her. I can't wait to spend time with her. She is such a sweet mother.

    Thanks again for listening to me . You are all my cyber friends and even though I am not always writing and sharing as well as the rest of you do, I have you close to my mind and heart.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    edited May 2015
    I remember as a kid just dreading a Sunday afternoon with older relatives. To my young ears it was a never ending litany of complaints about the weather (too wet, too dry, too hot, too cold), aches, pains, doctor's visits, operations and a recounting of who died and how they looked in the casket. Now that I am one of those older folks, there doesn't seem to be much else to talk about.

    I'm gonna switch that up for a minute and give you a totally unsolicited endorsement of my latest purchase. First, some background. We have a sheared-shag type carpet in all of the rooms on the main floor of our home except the front entry, the two bathrooms, my laundry room and the kitchen. We also have two, large, long-haired dogs. You can see that keeping all of the carpet clean might be troublesome.

    I purchased a very expensive, German-made vacuum cleaner just a few months before moving into this house. For many years, I thought it was doing a good job. During those same years, our dogs were being groomed regularly and often as they were competing in the show ring. The past few years, the dogs are retired, and I grew tired of the chore of bathing and grooming them (the "for-hire" groomers would not take them because they were show dogs), so I clipped them fairly short. I also retired my aging Hoover carpet cleaner and bought a higher rated Bissell. Every time I shampooed our carpets (vacuum thoroughly first, of course), the Bissell would pick up and leave behind large clumps of dog hair. It didn't seem to matter if I spent ten minutes or an hour with the vacuum beforehand.

    I contacted the vacuum manufacturer and told them what was happening, and they sent me new filters, new brush roller, gave me instructions on how to vacuum (imagine after 55 years), etc. Nothing seemed to help.

    This week, fed up with it all, I went out and bought a Shark Navigator. I have vacuumed twice a day for four straight days and am still filling the dirt/dust bin with dog hair, dander, silt and dust that's been living in my carpet all this time. I was gob-smacked. I could not believe I'd been living with all that dirt (do I sound like the woman in the Swiffer commercials?). You can actually see the difference in the carpet. Areas that were matted from traffic are starting to lift; the color seems more vibrant, and it feels nicer under my bare feet.

    So the point of this very long message is - if you need a new vacuum, consider a Shark Navigator. I found mine reconditioned, like-new at a local shop for $75.

    Connie, in dusty Pomona, MO
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, I have very little time as my phone has been out, internet is intermittent and I have much to do, but I do hope our PHOEBE knows we are all there with her, knowing she will come through beautifully!
    And PHYLLIS, I hear your pain! So having gone through this with several friends, I know you will survive, and so will she! All of us have beliefs following the ones we grew up with, and sometimes it is difficult to recall most of the major faiths believe basically the same thing: there is but one GOD. With different ways of reaching Him or Her! But in the long run, using common sense, it all ends up in the same belief, doesn't it? And nothing really matters other than how we act, not what we say! Too many languages to understand, but be kind, act ethically and with caring, respect others as you would desire they do with you, and let each one follow what they feel best! Your Mother probably wondered how you could have married as you did, yet look at your wonderful results. And it has broadened you as a person, too. And probably will do so for your daughter as well. Remember, her Dad ( your husband) is Muslim, and so she is part of him, too. You did nothing wrong, so there is no need for guilt...just love her as you always have. Oops, I just fell off my platform so everyone have a wonderful weekend and breathe the fresh wonderful air!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    PHYLLIS, as always BUZZ says it best!

    Welcome home PHOEBE.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Home and doing great, thank every single one of you!♥
    I'm not even having real pain. Just a twinge. I know that can change. My prescription is Percocet. I will take it if truly needed.
    While I was still sleeping in recovery, the surgeon went over her findings with Jim. Big UH OH! :# Jim has the memory of a grain of sand. I didn't realize that she wouldn't fill me in. I'll call Monday to get a report. He thinks she said I have either bad (as in the type of) or a lot of arthritis, lol. Also, bone spurs removed.

    Lin, what a tragedy for everyone. Im sure you are shaken, I would be too. Take care of yourself, and don't fight your emotions on this. You are the essence of kindness.
    Jackie, the cats are not amused by my smelly yellowish disinfectant smeared leg. No washing until Sunday! Guess I'll have to hug my pillows. ♥

    Dear Phyllis, I see your side most clearly, I hope she will be safe. I worry about the meanness of Our world. I tend to try to understand the motivation of the decision. i.e.: Is this a sincere choice, without coercion? If yes, then bless her for her pure heart and her courage. Maybe she is influenced by God, who has His plans for her.

    Thank you all, and Sandy, you get the Best jokes! Who knows, it might have happened that way, but I was fast asleep.

    Connie, I ve wanted that Shark vacuum! I have the cordless pet perfect, handheld, love it, but I feel guilty to get rid of a working machine. ( or two, actually )

    Im pulling a Buzz, falling asleep and fixing my mistakes ♥
    Tomorrow, Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member

    For you Phoebe - may you continue to feel okay and not need the painkiller.


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for all of the kind words to me and sharing your thoughts. Buzz you always make me feel as though you are right here next to me talking. It's amazing how you know just what to say and Yes I am sure my mother was devastated when I married a Moslem. I keep thinking of all the pain I caused her and I am sure what I did in my m life is much worse than anything my kids have done to affect me. I know a lot of my feelings tend to be because of guilt of my own life. But as you say , what I have experienced has brought me to who I am today.
    Phoebe It was my daughters own decision no coercion. Her husband was actually surprised that she made the choose and didn't think she would really do it. She does have a sincere heart and is trying to figure out her own life.
    Anne Thanks!
    Love you all. And believe like Buzz said that in the end we all worship the same God.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    Phyllis - God bless you and all your family. May we all sincerely seek and find a closer relationship with God. That is the important thing. And travel safely as you go to visit with your mother. And I am sure you'll make the best decision on what to tell or not tell your mom. The nurses taking care of my dad urged me to say nothing upsetting that would make him more anxious as he had such a problem with an incredibly high anxiety level. I did what they recommended but it wasn't easy. All situations and people are different so I am not advising just sharing my experience.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    PHYLLIS, I've just got back from my usual morning half hour walk, and as usual, the old grey cells where active. I loved BUZZ'S response as I said before, but one more thing occurred to me. Is it possible that in a Moslem dominated region your daughter feels much safer when outside in the streets wearing the traditional head or veil covering? If this is the case I would certainly encourage her to wear it, after all, it's only a bit of cloth isn't it? It's not so long ago, and even today, Christian women covered their hair when in church. Do I believe that we should cover the hair or faces that God gave us? No of course not! It's a man made rule as usual, but if it keeps anyone safe in a particular male dominated society (and which society isn't!) then I'm all for it. Like LIN, think hard before you tell your Mom, again like LIN we were advised to be careful about adding to my very ill fathers cares. Anyway, I'm just sharing a few thoughts running through my head, rightly or wrongly. Just ramblings, you know the situation first hand, I don't.
    Tomorrow I hope you will have a safe journey and a happy reunion.
    Tomorrow I get to travel for 2 or so hours to see my eldest grandson on his birthday.
    On Wednesday I get to travel to Toronto to watch my youngest grandson graduate from university.
    Happy Saturday everybody, and so far the predicted rain is nowhere in sight, but the Mosquitos are!
    Did you have a good sleep PHOEBE, hope so.
    ANNE with the E.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello sneakers. Just popped in as usual for a quick catch up but then also as usual, find quick is never easy when I read so many fascinating posts and opinions.

    Anne ~ A busy week ahead for you but for all the right reasons.... a birthday and a graduation. Can I ask what degree your grandson in Toronto has worked hard for? Something he can make good use of in life whether by way of a career or hobby I expect. Enjoy your travels!

    Phyllis ~ Buzz as ever is so perfectly in sync with life and it's occasional wobbles and I think we're all in agreement that a burkah is really nothing more than a piece of material that doesn't change the person just because it hides their face. A niece of mine was in a relationship with a Moslim for several years and decided to wear one and she hadn't actually converted so it was hard to understand at the time but looking back I think it was a way of showing her man she loved him although I always understood it to be a tribal thing rather than religious. I'm sure it won't change your daughter in any way. Have a wonderful visit with your mother, something I know you've been so looking forward to and perhaps just wait and see what you feel is comfortable for you both to discuss or not.

    Phoebe ~ If your cats are anything like my Hebe who has a foot fettish they will be disgusted by that yellow disinfectant cover on your foot but determined to clean you anyway!! Hopefully the removal of those spurs will make that knee far more comfortable for you and whatever arthritis you might have going on will be kept under control otherwise perhaps a knee replacement some time in the future.... look how well Sandy has done with her new bionic knees!!

    Lin ~ How tragic for your tenant and his wife and at such a relatively young time of life. Doesn't life sometimes just keep throwing one piece of doo-doo after another at us but as Phoebe says, do your best not to get too emotionally involved, as caring a person as you are.

    Patsy ~ From the extracts of MrTurner I've seen I can imagine you might have preferred subtitles rather than translate the cockney accent that had me straining an ear to understand and I'm from a part of London it's spoken in, in fact sometimes hear myself slipping into "apples and pears" lingo even today!!

    Connie ~ Having once been in ecstasy over a new Dyson vacuum cleaner all I can say is be careful to keep an eye on the dust and fur filling your cleaning bag because one day you might find it's now taking up the carpet pile!! I was horrified at the amount of cat hairs sucked up that were invisible to the naked eye but am convinced the carpet became thinner over time!! Meanwhile enjoy the thrill of seeing all that dirt coming up, although twice a day seems excessive to me but then twice a week is probably once too often when other activities call me!!

    Sandy ~ It's good that Babe is managing to get himself to the hospital for his foot procedure without your help so perhaps let him be as independent as you've become rather than insisting. It's not so long ago he was being somewhat needy which most of us found unfair on you and hooray if he's finally thinking about what he was expecting from you considering the position you found yourself in through no fault of your own. I'm jealous of that pool of yours although I'd probably freeze in one on my property at the moment. In fact the only outside job I'm going to attempt this afternoon is cleaning the inside of my greenhouse which will keep me out of the northerly wind, something we never suffer from this time of year usually but then the world's weather is bizarre these days.

    I'm having to use Explorer to get on line because after a security alert that I didn't understand I seem to have lost Google chrome but when I tried to uninstall to then download afresh I can't even do that. If I disappear for a time you'll know there's a security issue on my laptop.... Ahhh!!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Came upon this on the website of animal sanctuary George came from.... made me smile!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :) Rainy day today with cooler temps going down into the 40's. I feel bad for my friend who is having a graduation party for her daughter, I am sure she was hoping to have it outside. The same thing happened to her last year when her eldest daughter graduated. She has a big two door garage so most people will probably be in there. I will go for a little while and then go to Mass by myself, her house is near the Church.

    Jackie, the enabler in me is always trying to help someone, but I must agree I was happy I didn't have to go with Babe for yet another procedure. He is doing okay but it was more than he thought and is once again in a walking shoe. No pool today but I hope it warms up tomorrow, if the temps are below 69 degrees they do not open the pool.

    Anne, enjoy your time with your grandsons and congratulations on his graduation. My eldest granddaughter (25) is coming to town for business on Tuesday and will spend the night with me. I am looking forward to being with her and it will be her first time meeting Robby.

    Lin, you seem a little more relaxed and I hope as time goes on and things are settled you will find some peace.

    Buzz, you are so wise, I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet you.

    Phyllis, I like the others think Buzz said it perfectly. Although not the same, my granddaughter who is like my second daughter has blonde and blue hair (this week) and a nose piercing which she hides in my presence. I love her just the same but just wish she was more conservative. They are adults and can make their own decisions, all we can hope for is that they make the right ones. Not to make light of the burkah , but the good thing is you don't have to worry about your hair or makeup. (Sorry, just trying to make you smile)

    Phoebe, hope you are feeling good this morning now that the freezing has probably worn off. You are a tough cookie and if Honey can handle her treatments you can handle yours. Love you kiddo.

    Time for Sandy, love my Candy Crush Soda.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time