Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BLUEBELLS, probably my favourite wild flower. ANNE.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mike was supposed to be interviewed today by our local NBC TV Channel about his trip on the Honor Flight last autumn. But the station cancelled it, so we attended a lecture on retaining memory, instead. Although we've heard most of the tips before, we were quite impressed with how much is offered here, and Mike actually went up to the speaker afterwards to find out what kind of help he is qualified for! It is perhaps his first acceptance of needing some sort of help! Hallelujah! People have mentioned he seems calmer lately, and I believe the new medication has some effect on him!
    JACKIE, watch for your email! And I hope your weather quiets down.
    PHOEBE, exactly how was your knee rescued? You and Sandy have been amazing with recoveries That make my fear ridiculous. My right knee is bone on bone! I hate the idea of getting a motorized scooter!
    SHIRLEY, LIN, PATSY, ANNE, and everybody my closing eyes preclude, sleep well tonight. My sleep will be lulled by the rain that just started pouring outdoors!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    The sun has returned so hopefully the temperature will rise above 11c today!! On the scales this morning to see I've lost 3 lbs after my fasting day so it was worth going to bed feeling hungry. For those of you thinking you couldn't do it, it's just a case of mind over matter so every time I went near the kitchen and felt tempted to break the fast I drank a glass of water and walked away. The good thing with it is I can fantasize about what I'll eat the following day but when it arrives that feeling has gone so I keep to healthy options. Last night it was fish and chips, cheese on toast with a fried egg or a large bowl of pasta but in reality it will be avocado salad!!

    Anne ~ Funny you should mention your son's interest in your Ercol furniture because when looking through this week's auction sites the other day I came upon this picture and am convinced it's a stripped Ercol unit. What do you think?

    Buzz ~ So even Florida is getting some rain! Don't worry, I'm thinking your table was the artist's name with a 'B', a word we use for a dog rather than donkey when describing someone who thinks they're better than the rest!! LOL I'd be fascinated to learn more about the lecture on retaining memory, something I find so frustrating when I forget where things have been put and tell myself to concentrate, concentrate!! Of course I then forget to concentrate!

    Patsy ~ I'll join you in the garden later, especially aongst the herbs as I love to brush past them to get the scent wafting up to my nose! At the allotment garden I share with my neighbour we have a large dill plant that's growing in the wrong place and taking over but we both love the smell as we touch it because it's close to a path so haven't had the heart to dig it up!

    Still using Explorer and struggling until I get Chrome or A-another downloaded so will stop now before this post disappears. Good morning to everyone I missed... I'll try to pop back later having got myself another search engine.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, can't sleep so had a peep in the forum and there you are. I had some idea of what BUZZ meant!
    I'm not sure if your photo is Ercol, I tend to think not. Seems a little too ornate, but then, what do I know, and it could be later than my stuff, which I think was new on the market at the time. I hate boring everyone with photos, so for a last time, my living room and different view of chair with Ercol side table in the far corner, and then back to bed! ANNE.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not boring Anne, it's great to see how the other half lives!! My mum bought Ercol furniture in the mid 60's very similar to the unit I posted but then I'm sure they had a variety of styles whereas G-plan is iconic and so easy to spot.

    Not getting much done but have at least downloaded Mozilla Firefox and will see how I get on with that. Also running yet another virus check just in case it's still lurking!

    Now off my backside to purchase bags of compost to pot on some veggies in the greenhouse.... such an exciting life!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    JACKIE, I bought my stuff in 1957, and newly married. One way to spot Ercol, screws, nails etc were never used. What makes me wonder is the ornate carved end pieces on the dresser top piece in your photo. I've had a good look under my stuff but can't find an identifying mark. I believe Ercol is still in business, so maybe you could find out from them? It was terribly expensive in 1957. The four pieces cost me £250 in those days. Took me 6 months on the "never never". A lot of money for an accounting and wages clerk at Joseph Rank Ltd, flour mills, and seeing you once worked in television, Joseph was the brother of James Rank who made all those lovely British films. I met him once, when he visited the office, but alas, didn't get "discovered". LOL! Some of the office girls hoped and came to work all dolled up in fifties "new look" on THAT day.
    P.S. I've found it under Ercol Originals, and there's a picture of my sofa, only red upholstery!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ It might be that the top doesn't belong to the sideboard but someone has tried to make it look the same by stripping both in order to sell on. Certainly the sliding catch at the front looks the same as on my mum's which she too paid a fortune for so when my parents split in the late 60's it went with her along with the table and 4 chairs so when I came home from work that day I found my dad, brother and I had to sit on the sofa to eat, quite a decadent thing to do back then!! LOL

    Off to make a cheese omlette with salad and coleslaw... yummy and will sit on the sofa to watch Andy Murrey playing his match at the French open.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh dear it's me again! I agree about the top applied later because the fastening on the cupboards DOES look authentic! Shall you buy if it's the case? I think I would after what I've just read! It said on "Ercol Originals" they are bringing the Fifties styles BACK and showed my chairs and "studio couch" and they are going to be displayed at World Expo 2015 in Milan! They were shown in a show room but painted white. I would never paint my beech wood! I can't believe it, I'm in fashion again? After I was going to ditch them a few years back until Mark said he would lynch me if I did! The webbing is a bit slack so Mike is going to see if we can still purchase fresh.
    That was a sad little tale JACKIE. Sounds like me years later except I was left at home in Quebec with the boys AND the furniture since I bought it. However, no car in a Quebec winter! I am so sorry love for you AND us at that time, but like us, not ANYMORE. We all of us took off didn't we! Derek's grandad has no idea what a super young man he missed out on. My BA!
    Just thought, if genuine, the Ercol site said look for a label fixed with two small pins underneath. Mines long gone which isn't surprising after numerous moves AND crossing the Atlantic.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings sneakers! Great day planned here, I am in the dirt all day. I am feeling overwhelmed at the work involved in maintaining all this property. I could go on and on about the things that really need to be attended to. The issue is this...we either need to downsize and move to a smaller place or hire some help on various tasks. My husband is dealing with the fact that for years he has enjoyed being our repair and maintenance man. He loves doing it. But he really can't keep up with it all currently. There are people locally who do this but I fear this has turned into a male pride thing. He says he doesn't trust strangers coming in to work on our property. This is the conundrum of aging, isn't it? In our minds we have no gray hair and our muscles are strong and we have unending endurance! In reality....

    Anne and Jackie: what fun to trace your furniture designers. It shows you both have a great sense of design and style. It takes that to recognize classic elements of design. Anne, your home looks so wonderfully well kept and comfortable. I must confess to being burdened with piles of brick-a-brack, do-dads and what-nots! It is part of my messy life. Junk is everywhere.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us, dear sneakers friend. We are all getting very well acquainted, aren't we?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Been very busy with my granddaughter and after taking her to to airport today, I went to the pool. Now it is time to get ready for bingo. Will check in tomorrow.
    This is me with my two granddaughters.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member

    I found this supposedly Ercol vintage piece for sale looks interesting.

    It will probably be Saturday or Sunday before I hear anything about whether the sale is on or off. Meanwhile, I have been sorting through some things I brought home and moved some to other areas in my home and I took a carload to my friend's house for the ABWA sale. And yesterday I actually took a nap. It was lovely.

    Today I did a couple of errands and then went out and did some power shopping for a recliner. I found one I liked a lot and have ordered it. It should arrive in mid-July. It's just a La-Z-Boy but one that I found to be very comfortable and in the color I wanted didn't happen to be available locally but I'm willing to wait.

    Once again, I love all the photos and the discussion but I am now hopelessly behind in trying to comment. Hugs to you my friends. I'll try to get back into the swing of things.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2015
    Really too late again, but SANDY, is that Bryanna on the left? I think she looks like you! ANNE and JACKIE have left me in the dust, as I've never heard of Ercol. Here Henry Miller was the rage! And I enjoyed DIY productions made from handsome outgrown crib sets, LOL! Hope SHIRLEY's trip is terrific and loved BARBIE's "kids"---oops, NO! This site opened in my laptop on a 2014 page with pictures of Sasha etc. on Barbie's bed! I think I'd better get some sleep as I feel like I'm hallucinating!
    <3 Buzz
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Finding your conversations on furniture most interesting and especially since it is familiar to our two English ladies. My heritage so it makes me think of my grandmother...LOL Haven't seen any pieces of furniture here recently anyway similar to Ercol, but one never knows what tomorrow will bring. I have a few sites I check regularly looking for some antiques to be put in a few places, but it is hard to find something that is in good shape though I did find a rocker for a great price this spring that I love. My most recent adventure was to stop by an Estate Sale in our 55+ community. Found some very interesting books dated 1918 as well as a few pictures I thought real hard about purchasing. Bought one to go down the hall and it looks perfect there. Got a real deal on it. Now I have the bug to nose around Estate Sales when I see them. I am looking for a fountain for the backyard so that my bird friends can enjoy it during our heat.
    Summer is nearly here. It has been in the mid 80's. Delightful as long as I get outside to do my morning chores in the yard early. Actually went for a swim yesterday afternoon and saw those exercise results this am :):) Need to do it more often.
    We sure all have some cute grand kids !! And Sandy Bryanna does look just like you and I see the family gene in the other girl as well. So jealous you all have some little ones in your families, but I do enjoy my two smallest 4 yr old granddaughters. They are getting so much fun. Found a recipe to make some bread that looks like watermelon when you cut into it. Think I will have to give it a try when one of the 4 yr olds starts spending 3 afternoons a week with us starting in Sept.
    Phoebe.....You sure seem to be bouncing back from your knee surgery very quickly. Give it a little bit of time to heal and besides this is your time to rest up before you head back to work. With everything being done by lasers now I am getting so I will not be so apprehensive when any future knee surgeries or cataract surgeries come into my life.
    A special hello to all of the rest of you and I so enjoy learning more about all of you individually.
    Take care.....Diane
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Diane, I enjoy it when you pop in. Ive enjoyed the photos too. I don't know much about furniture, i just get what i like and never know what to call it. Jackie's photo and Lin's look like the same design if not the same designer or manufacturer. Must weigh a ton!
    I think I did too much or should be spending more time off my feet. Experienced some pain yesterday, and now I cant sleep, just wondering what is too much. The only post op instructions say weight bearing as tolerated. I planned to take Honey to the vet this morning, but I may cancel. Jim is going in extra early this morning, otherwise he would've been here to put Honey in the car. They lift her out for me at the vet if I ask them.
    I'll spend some quality time in Jim's recliner today, lol. I saved some hand sewing for recovery. I'm a bit late entering the frenzy, but I ordered a small George Foreman grill with removable plates. I am looking forward to grilling squash and zucchini. Unfortunately, i dont have either in the fridge. It will wait until I get to the store.

    Will try to sleep now. Night
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning sneakers. A beautiful day here as our 2 days of summer begin. LOL Might not even last that long because along with balmy southerly breezes comes the threat of thunderstorms heading up from the continent of Europe. Hey ho, must just make the most of it.

    Anne ~ Here's a link to today's Ercol site and you'll see you are definitely in vogue so no, definitely never sell what is a classic style of furniture and yours is obviously original whether it has the label or not! I wasn't going to buy that stripped Ercol piece but ironically when my mother passed away I inherited her chattels but because I had no room in my little home I handed the Ercol furniture on to my older brother. It's years since I visited him but will have to check if he still has it. My home life as a child wasn't so bad because being aware my parents weren't happy I spent more time at friends homes and deep down it was a relief when they split because the atmosphere had been dire. If anything it made me a stronger and very independent person.... probably not always a good thing but I've grown into the part and wouldn't want to be any other way now. Your experiences, as difficult and upsetting must have brought you and your boys all the more closer and yup, we're survivors!

    Patsy ~ Maintaining property as we get older brings us a new quandary, just as you describe. I had a similar conversation with my cousin when he visited last week about how long will I be physically able to maintain my garden. I'd certainly struggle to have someone else "interfere" but know I can't always be up ladders strimming hedges, never mind pushing the lawnmower about. Chatting to friends with husbands of a certain age I know that what yours is going through is typical of men who have always got on with maintenance and hate the idea of getting another man in to do jobs as it's a recognition of something they'd rather not think about. Tell him it's better to pay someone else to fall off a ladder or strain a muscle!!!

    Sandy ~Another lovely photo and goodness, what a family likeness. You could be triplets!!! LOL

    Lin ~ That's it!! You found my mother's Ercol piece although she didn't buy the top part that makes it a dresser rather than what we call a sideboard. A recliner is something I've been looking at but come to the conclusion there isn't room in my little cottage for one without something going and that could be George's bed!! Couldn't do that to him, LOL What's happening with your sale to hold things up is no doubt completely out of your hands so try hard not to get despondent because you will get there in the end, it might just take a bit longer than first anticipated.

    Oh dear Buzz, your finding yourself back in 2014 with Barbie's frisky poodles did make me smile because I've been there several times myself!! You've got me on the Henry Miller furniture because I'm only aware of the author/artist, or did he design furniture as well, he was certainly talented enough.

    Phoebe ~ SLOW DOWN.... knit, crochet, read, anything but changing beds and carrying dogs ~ just for now!! Your story about the George Foreman grill being ordered before you have the veggies to cook on it is rather similar to me yesterday ordering on line a cargo sack truck to help me transport heavy sacks of compost, chicken bedding and even cat food from car to house but then an hour later purchasing 3 large bags of potting compost and having to borrow a neighbour's wheelbarrow... it's called getting ahead of yourself!! LOL

    Diane ~ House sales were something I loved and was always popping in to see what was on offer but unfortunately these days there's big business in companies offering to buy everything up to save the hassle of an auction so they're few and far between. I'm lucky in that there are 3 auction houses within a 15 mile radius that I can go to and all of them put most items into an online catalogue so I have an idea whether to bother or not. If your bird fountain is an antique it will be as heavy as any Ercol furniture so get yourself a cargo sack truck if you haven't one already!! LOL

    Time to get out for a walk with George. Have a lovely Thursday everyone.


    P.S Wow, George just went rushing to the door and there's a poor man trying to deliver my sack truck, here already in less than 24 hours. His face showed he thought George was a Rottweiler until he saw a fluffy face peering round my legs!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks JACKIE for the Ercol link, that's the one I found but if anyone once to take a look that's the style of furniture I have today as far as the Windsor chairs are concerned, but what excited me most was seeing my sofa cum bed near the end in white. Mines natural beech wood which to be honest I prefer. Ooh, I wish I could come back in style again!!! Anyway, I won't be dumping it any time soon, that's for sure! Glad all turned out well for you all in the end! I will be interested to find out if your brother still has the old furniture!
    I agree PHOEBE, slow down, you've got a wonderful excuse to put the old tootsies up.
    PATSY, I shovelled the very big drive here, easily 6 cars, for 24 years and then last winter I said ENOUGH and I hired two very nice young men to come and do it with their machinery. It was enormously satisfying to be woken up in the middle of the night to hear them shovelling away and know I could have my brekkie in peace without trying to push the back door open. They were so good I've now hired them to mow my front and back lawn. It looks smashing with the edges neatly trimmed and leaves me the time to happily potter. Now all this hasn't exactly left me with much pocket money over from the old age pensions for essentials like bird seed and cat treats, BUT it's well worth the sacrifice! I almost feel like a lady of leisure albeit a somewhat shabby one in my work and gardening clothes. When my friends were still around or active, God love them, I needed the old age pensions to keep up! So PATSY maybe tell your love that it's time he became a supervisor like me. These lads even put my garbage on the drive, no extra cost! They started their business 5 years ago and they can hardly keep up with all the demand from old dears like me!
    LIN a lovely new recliner! A lovely new stove! I'm so glad you ALSO are treating yourself after all the horrible trauma of the past few months. Good luck for Saturday. Fingers, legs, eyes crossed for you!
    DIANE, I'm so glad you are enjoying fun at estate sales. I collect Toby jugs, little ones. They are pretty hard to find over here, but occasionally! So far I have 9 little men sitting on my bookcase, my favourite, Dick Turpin the Yorkshire highwayman, hanged in York poor lad in the 1700's for just having fun divesting the rich of their cash.
    Morning BUZZ, SHIRLEY, SANDY, MARIE, ooh everybody, I'm running out of steam!
    ANNE and still with the E.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    For anybody who wonders what Toby jugs are. The large one is Catherine of Aragon, Henry V111 first missus, and relatively modern. Dick Turpin complete with pistol to the right of group. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    I love Toby jugs! What a nice collection you have Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Another beautiful day, a meeting day so no pool. I won 2 games at bingo for a total of $175 so that made me feel good. I know nothing about furniture, I buy what I like never looking at brand names. I think I am a more simple type of person so stick with contemporary.

    Anne, your picture is upside down on my computer but I right clicked and opened it in a new window so then it was right side up. Cute little jugs, I am sure these are special to you. Glad you found those boys to help with your yard work, makes your life a little easier.

    Jackie, I am not sure the girls would be happy about the resemblance but I am, thank you. There was a hoarders sale at a home near my meeting last week but I didn't walk over there. I have no room for any more furniture or gadgets in my apartment, especially since I am a little OCD.

    Phoebe, you bad girl, didn't we tell you to take it easy on that knee? You are in time out now, just sit in that recliner and don't move.

    Diane, good to hear from you and I love toddlers, they can talk and play and keep busy. I am waiting for Robby to start walking and talking which I think will be soon. As the old saying goes, if I had known how much fun grandchildren are, I would have had them first.

    Lin, the vintage piece is beautiful but you need big rooms for that size furniture. Is there a problem with the sale or are you just getting nervous over the inspection? A nap for you in a good thing, it helps slow you down for a short time.

    Buzz, yes the girl on far left is Bryanna who is 20 and the other is Kate who is 25, she is my son's daughter from Portland, Oregon but she lives and works in D.C. She however is quitting her job and will go to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for her Masters in the fall. First she is going to Thailand and ending up in Vietnam for a months vacation.
    She loves to travel to exotic places and has no fear, she was the one who was in the Peace Corps in Africa.

    Have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, at last! Someone else who likes Toby jugs! I collected all the old small ones, Francis Drakes at the front, but the big modern one was given to me by the old grumpy photographer friend for a birthday and who knew I had an affinity with dumped first wives everywhere! I have a huge framed poster of Elizabeth 1st on one wall and his comment was "well, that tells me everything" and quite rightly too! A great deterrent to would be suitors, good old queen Bess!
    Morning "grandma to beautiful grand children", Sandy.
    Anne, still hanging on to the E.