Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    We had our Sail Past yesterday. All boats were decorated who participated. We brought along Dave's mom for the day.
    She did get on the boat which I was happy about so she could get the full experience.

    We had a party afterward which cheese, crackers, pickles and sandwich trays. Also wine to drink. I ended up meeting
    a lady from our choir that was a surprise, I didn't know she had a boat at our club.

    Here is a couple of pictures. 51q8b8b11ltt.jpg
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Shirley, love your photos, but who is the handsome stud at the wheel?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    What a handsome husband you have, Shirley. Looks like it was a perfect day. Glad mil was with you.
    taking it easy today, but went to the grocery for a few things. Tomorrow is the day my aunt arrives at her new home. Ill be driving down there. Ill get some picnic foods for everyone's dinner. Honey will be spending the night at the vet. She'll get her bath and ill pick her up after my Wednesday's doctor's appts.
    Have a good Tuesday!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Monday! :) I swear I wrote a post this morning, so either I am losing it or I forgot to hit post reply. I am officially done watching Robby until the new school year. It is bittersweet, I will be happy not to have to get up at 6 am but will miss being with him all day. We went for a walk today and according to fitbit I have so far walked over 7000 steps. It got really hot though so I didn't quite make 2 miles because I was sweating and I never sweat.
    Robby was covered by his canopy on his stroller so he was fine. I put away most of my baby things including his portable bed, they are in easy access if needed but I doubt I will be doing much sitting since Lisa likes to be with him every waking moment. She is a great mom, just a little over protective which is better than not.

    Phoebe, take it easy on that knee, you don't want a replacement if you don't need one, but this has to heal. It is great you are so good to your aunt does she not have any children or are you just close?

    Shirley, indeed you do have a handsome husband, you make a great couple. Does everyone dress up for this occassion, usually sailing is done in shorts I would presume. I love the decorations of the other ship, was yours decorated as well? So nice that your MIL came with you, I am sure she had a wonderful time.

    Anne, don't be picking on our Great Lakes, in Illinois, it is the closet thing we have to an ocean. :)B)

    Jackie, love that you have a companion for both you and George but is sheep poo as dangerous as duck poo for dogs?

    Buzz, I went Saturday to the celebration of my friends who are married 60 years. It was a wonderful time and they spared no expense. Both are in pretty good health, he has only one kidney which was removed years ago from cancer and she has some lung problems but nothing holds them back from having a good time. She can outlast me when we are at the casino and she always says she needs younger friends. (joking)

    It is already dinner time, the rain has passed and the sun is shining. Life is good.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Another hot day here. Wow! I don't think some of bedding plants are going to make it! They look like they are just going to give up. I've watered them and I even sheltered them with a little paper tent during these unseasonably hot days. Oh well, I tried. I guess I planted some things that didn't like the neighborhood.

    I am trying the yoga video tonight again. I cannot find a yoga class for beginners and it needs to be for ooooold beginners. So I will go digital learning for a while. Not the best but I will give me an idea of how this works. I will find a teacher eventually.

    I am getting my hair done tomorrow and just for fun I will try some color. I see the young kids with odd colored hair and inside me I know I would be the kid with the purple and green hair. That said I will instead go for a light brown, much lighter than my chestnut brown hair in my younger days. I guess I will resist getting a tattoo or pierce my nose! What in the world are these kids thinking? OMG I sound like my grandma.

    Shirley: the boat looks great! My son sails and he is looking for a sail boat but I guess he wants to find just the right kind and configuration. Finding a boat is like finding just the fight house, I guess. He has been looking for at least 6 months.

    Anne: how's your garden growing? We had a barred owl hooting most of the night right next to our house in the little forested area. In truth, I loved how it sounded. I was hoping he was catching a lot of little mice that are always trying to move in with us. I even like little mice but they need to live outside...not inside with me! I did a watercolor sketch for the children's clinic and it was so funny! The doctor liked it but said that a lot of kids are afraid of clowns. He bought the sketch for his home but nit the clinic. Must get more done on the clinic paintings,!!!!!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, the little mice try to move in with me as well in the fall. Tabitha Daisy makes them move out again. There will be a problem when I no longer have a Tabitha Daisy, but my son says it's my fault because of feeding birds, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, etc. Just call me Beatrice Potter! He sometimes sails in the summer too SHIRLEY. On the Great Lakes SANDY and I apologise, but can you add a bit of salt to the water? Even so, what's not the same is that particular chilling gale force wind blowing one and ones deck chair away when trying to sunbathe on the beaches at Hornsea and Atwick, Yorkshire, where quite a lot of my ancestors from my dads side are buried, probably as a result of pneumonia! 42 years in Canada and I remember that wind like it was yesterday! It wasn't just the wind either, the sea rokes (fog) would roll in and one would grope ones way through it to find the North Sea, and once found put ones feet into its chilly depths, only to then rush to the nearest public washrooms providing you had a penny of course for the privilege of using them. There, I've now convinced myself the Great Lakes DO have a certain charm, so apologies again SANDY! And SHIRLEY too, out there sailing with your handsome captain.
    PATSY, I have to admit to being uncomfortable around clowns! I'm not sure why. My garden is taking off. The two foot high honeysuckle I received on Mother's Day is now reaching over the 7ft high fence. Amazing! I've tasted my first strawberry, the berries on the red and black current bushes are becoming plump and green at this time and everything I newly planted is flourishing. Not down to me, it's Mother Nature in the form of warm rain.
    Well nattered long enough, goodnight all, ANNE.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just lost my 3 and last post will try again tomorrow
    <3 Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    I've been posting on the news feed but am having computer problems usual. Can't hardly get to my mail and have lost some posts. So thinking of you........reading your updates..........wishing you all a good week. It looks like a hot one here. Did errands today, doctor's appointment tomorrow, trip to the acreage on Wednesday. Update from the realtor--won't have an answer from the buyers until mid-week; they are still consulting with their attorney. This is really stretching out.

    Hugs my friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) A beautiful day today, but I have a dental cleaning so probably won't get to the pool until later.
    Babe came with Daisy last night, I haven't seen her in a while, she filled me up with kisses. I didn't sleep well last night so I am tired today, not sure why, just one of those nights I guess. I did lose the extra weight I gained from the weekend, walking with Robby, I am going to miss those walks.

    Lin, it is such a trying time selling property of any kind, so many things to do and always the worry of the buyers backing out. Keep good thoughts and I will keep praying all goes well.

    Marie, losing posts is the pits!!!!

    Anne, one of my worst fears is mice, I just hate that they are sneaky and they freak me out. Mice and spiders they just make my skin crawl and if seen I can never sleep until they are gone or better.....DEAD!!!

    For the music lovers, you do know you can listen to Pandora radio and make your own station of the music you like don't you? I used it all the time at my daughter's pool on my IPhone. If you don't have unlimited data make sure you are connected to WiFi or you will be charged for data.

    Have a great Tuesday!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, I've no problem at all with ANY natural living thing. I try not to kill anything by stepping accidentally on insects etc. I just help them out of the house. Tabitha is a great one for keeping the mice in the garden or garage. Just the sight of her whiskery kitty face sends them on their way. Back in my old neck of the woods, it was considered bad luck to squash a spider.
    HOWEVER, unnatural CLOWNS, Brrrrrrrr, shudder, shudder. There's something SO unnatural about a clown! Who's hiding behind that painted face and bulbous nose! I think I probably read too many mystery and who dun it novels!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning all! Another warm day today but not awful. I think I am retaining water, makes me crazy when I jump on the scale after I've been so deligent and see a gain. But I will stay the course, as they say!

    Our barred owl is back again. He isn't huge but he makes a loud hoot as he he goes from tree to tree in our little forest. We also have a friendly crow that sits on our fence gate while we have coffee on the deck. This crow comes to the gate every morning. We never feed him but there he sits. I got a rush of incite when hearing Sandys aversion to mice and spiders. We live in "spider central". Seriously! Oregon is famous for it. In wooded areas like ours, we see them literally everywhere. We also have billions of butterflies, dragonflies, slugs and salamanders. Natures bounty! It is impossible to live here in oregon and feel uncomfortable about crawly creatures.

    I have always loved dolls, masks, puppets and clowns. I have a huge lifetime collection of them. They are everywhere in my house. We have a local clown group that has a funny car and they show up at every parade and community event. They are local favorites. When my kids were little I would read them their bedtime stories holding a hand puppet. I did my watercolor sketch of a clown for the doctor making a fish wear a red nose and soggy pointed hat and neck ruffle. I guess I am a weird old gal but as Popeye used to say...."I yam what I yam!"
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here I will try today. Been to the store (Walmart) got me a pattern to make a blouse I have been wanting. Came home and had a nice lunch of canned Glory season green bean, chilli beans. Pickle beets and season turnips greens sliced onions so good and finish it off with a Fiber one oatmeal and raisin cookie whic was really outstanding good only 120 calories And 5grams of fiber for 1 cookie ice tea finish my lunch off perfect the first time I found them be nice to keep in my purse for a snack. Will work on my blouse tomorrow.And not much else going on around here

    it is cloudy but no rain so far.
    See you all later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Back from the dentist but it is after 3:00 so I don't think I will go to the pool today, it is not like I am not tan.
    Patsy, my son lives in Portland, Oregon and I will be visiting him the week of July 4th. You did remind me of my last visit with them when we went out geocaching. We went down a trail and in the middle of the trail was this big blob and I asked my son what is was and it was a slug. I had never seen a slug especially one that big and leaving
    there was another that crawled out of his shell. Gross.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Copy of a letter I just sent to AARP, Microsoft, Dell and a government agency. All I had was the phone number from the caller, but it was unbelievably convincing. Dell was terrific in returning my computer to normal as the caller had disconnected all my antimalware programs! Nothing was stolen and no passwords are available on my computer! Whew! Just a warning :s .....Off to birthday celebration dinner!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I forgot to PASTE!
    I just went through a harrowing experience for which I thought I was thoroughly prepared, but I was almost totally convinced this was a legitimate call. Please warn others!

    I received a telephone call on 6/9/2015 at 1:44 P.M. from a man claiming to be from Dell regarding a previous problem I had with my touchpad and saying my computer was sending logs to Dell that might be showing it was being controlled by a virus. Since indeed my touchpad was causing problems, I initially thought the call might be legitimate. He asked me to turn on my Inspiron Laptop, and upon my questioning his identity, he gave me very convincing answers to every question I asked. It appeared to check out so I allowed him to use PC View to check the Windows Events Viewer log! He seemed to find hundreds of errors and alerts sent to Dell from my computer and convinced me he would reverse the damage some hacker had done when planting a virus on my computer. He then called his "superior", a woman who would clean the problem and "return my computer to my control". Boy, were they convincing! As soon as my telephone produced a busy signal, I realized I had been taken by professional hackers ( with Philippine accents, I think), and called Dell immediately. There, someone in technical immediately helped examine my software and said I had called before much damage was don. However, the hackers had turned off all my antimalware programs so they could take over my computer when they had time! I have no names and other than the telephone number on my ID, no other information about this frightening experience, but it should be publicized everywhere others can be victimized!
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    edited June 2015
    Anne....Laughing about your clown remarks. They really have never bothered me though I know there are people that really do not like them for one reason or another. Recently we were invited into a neighbors home along with several other neighbors. Beautiful home...but right over the fireplace mantel was 3 clown pictures. Instantly I thought what a strange thing to put up there knowing there are a lot of people that do not like CLOWNS. Of course didn't dare bring up the subject.... Any others that have issues with clowns ? Sandy apparently doesn't as I think she was looking for red noses recently. The only ones I tend to see is the lady dressed in her clown outfit blowing up balloons into animals for the kids at a restaurant. The kids seem thrilled with her artistic accomplishments..... oh to be that young again :) :

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Buzz....So sorry to hear that this has happened to you. Thank you for warning us of one of the various intrusions into our personal lives these days. Hope that they were able to resolve this for you and there are no other happenings from this one event. No one likes being a victim to this kind of crime.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Diane, I thought all kids love clowns. My brother is a clown and all the kids love him. I have never ever heard about any of this before he was a Shiner clown. They do a lot for all kids.. I made clowns dolls for all of his group. They used them to entertain the kids. I can see some kids may be scare of them just like some are scare of Santa Clause
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member

    Sandy – so glad you were able to spend time with dear Daisy. What a sweet doggie you have. I tried Pandora but never paid for it. Don’t you need a premium subscription or something to use it more than a few hours a week? Or maybe things have changed since way back when. Maybe I should look into that again. I have the Amazon streaming music for free as well but don’t use that often. Oh my gosh, giant slugs. Yep, that doesn’t sound like a good time as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t know you had another trip coming up!

    Anne – I have problems with spiders in my basement, and flies and mosquitos in my house. They do not live to fight another day if I have anything to say about it. And of course the tick that was attached to my head recently was shown no mercy. I try to keep mice out of my house if possible! I never had a problem with clowns but over the last few years, I have found many clowns to be quite frightening.

    Diane - yes, I have an issue with clowns now except the old episodes of Red Skelton when he was Freddie the Freeloader. I like those!

    Patsy – I’m sorry you’re retaining water. That feels so miserable! Hoot hoot hoot. The owl sounds lovely to me. I love butterflies and dragonflies but can do without many of the other creepy crawlies. I think there are too many horror shows and movies now that have made clowns scary and creepy killers and have somewhat tarnished the happy-go-lucky reputation of clowns. Ha, I did always like Popeye and agree 100% with this I yam what I yam.

    Marie – oh how lovely. I’m glad you got a pattern for your blouse. Your lunch sounds good. I had a huge salad for lunch again today. My CSA knows I love green stuff and they gave me 3 big bags of leaf lettuce this past week. I still have red kale and pak choy left from that delivery. I do love vegetables. How is Alice?

    Buzz – what a rotten thing those scammers did to you. Thank goodness you took it in hand immediately and got things sorted out. I appreciate the warning. I don’t really like answering the phone these days!

    Jackie – I hope your lead on a bookcase leads to a perfect purchase. I think I’m 95% decided to give up my bookcase and not try to get it moved down to my house. I guess I have a few days to decide. The trucking company who could bring it would need a call early next week.

    Today was doctor day and all was pretty much well except my sinuses/allergies. It seems to be affecting my sleep habits so the doctor wants me to start taking medications again. I am of course searching for other alternatives and he did not write any prescriptions at this time. We’ll see what I can do.

    Meanwhile, it’s time to work at the acreage again tomorrow. And the last word from the realtor is it will be mid-week now before we will likely get an update from the buyers (that is coming up soon). He does think as things go forward, and he thinks they will, that the closing may be pushed back a week or two. Not something I’d like to see happen but I guess better a sale and closing late rather than the whole thing flipping.

    Time to finish sorting out what I’ll take along for lunch tomorrow etc. Hugs to my dear sneaker friends. Talk to you Thursday I hope.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, that is scary. Never heard of such devils as those. My dh says if they'd spend half as much time working as they spend on scamming, they'd have more money.
    Tired tonight, be back tomorrow evening