Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) I was able to get to the pool, go to Mass and then sit for Robby before the big rain came. Today again they are predicting rain but I hope it holds off until after our luncheon date. We will go once Robby wakes up from his morning nap, although she said she is going to wake him if he is not up by 11:30, so he doesn't mess up his afternoon nap. Not sure why you wake a sleeping baby, but I am only the grandmother. lol

    Lin, do you think we will ever get what is known as summer?? This rain is just too much isn't it??

    Anne, I prefer to sleep in a nightshirt because I get so hot during the night. But remember I am on the second floor so there shouldn't be any danger of anyone walking past my windows. :)

    Jackie, you are right about Lisa wanting every waking minute with Robby. I asked why they didn't go to an earlier movie (they got home after midnight) and she said she doesn't want to give up any of her Robby time. First time mothers are great, I wonder how she will be after two or three. :)

    Phoebe, glad to hear your taking care of your knee and doing your exercises, the key to recovery. You are a wonderful niece to be so kind to your aunt. Is she your mother or fathers sister? :D

    Marie, I know you miss being on here but if the print is hard to read on a small screen it is no fun. Hopefully the new screen will make your life more fun. :)

    Patsy, congratulations on the weight loss, it is always a feeling of accomplishment. I think I have finally realized it is better to keep quiet when it comes to our kids, especially when they think they know it all. They will have to learn from their mistakes or if they are right we can learn from them, better than any disagreements.

    Diane, did you ever get Skype or Google+ working?

    I don't have a lot of time so hopefully some of you are getting a beautiful sunny day. For those of us with rain, at least the grass and flowers are getting water. (maybe too much)

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I was no sooner over the threshold of the auction house when I spotted the "large" bookcase..... HUGE and definitely won't fit across the wall where I want it. I bumped into a friend there who knew I was going to look at it and she immediately laughed saying as soon as she saw it she thought it's definitely not for my cottage, it's probably more suited to a library in a grand house! The 1960's bookcase was too long and obviously had been for the previous owner because someone had taken a saw to it and cut through a section at an angle which I thought was criminal on such an iconic piece. A pair of heavy pine bookcases looked promising but I decided in the end they'd be 2nd best and a display unit might do but again, maybe not!!! Back to the drawing board, or auction house as is!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, sorry you had a disappointment today in bookcases. When we emigrated we couldn't bring ALL of our furniture and we left the bookcases behind. So......for a while I used 4 long stained wooden planks placed on bricks between the 4 levels. It didn't look half bad and maybe would work under your stairs? Sort of a rustic look for an old cottage? Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Darn it Jackie!! I am sorry about the bookcases. Keep on the hunt. You never know what you will find.

    I did get my things into the church this morning with only the tiniest bit of drizzle on me and my cargo! After church I thought I might stop by the Antique sale but it was drizzling again and then when I got to the sale it started to rain more and more so I went home. It's been like that all afternoon, a bit of rain, then it's fine although no sunshine, then another bit of rain. Glad I decided to stay home.

    I'm baking some purple sweet potatoes I got in the mail yesterday. I had a huge bowl of veggies for lunch but those slow roasting potatoes are calling to me and will be finished in time for supper. :wink:

    Well, if it's raining tomorrow, I guess it doesn't matter as I have several errands that I need to get out of the way. Tuesday, if the weather cooperates, I'm finally to get my air conditioner checked but if it's raining or a bit stormy they'll have to reschedule. Wednesday is the big 'move all the furniture out of my dad's house' day. I'm sort of dreading that. I hope to get there early and see what's happened since I was there last. The gentleman who's been mowing the lawn has taken some of my dad's stuff out of the garage (with my blessing) but I don't know what kind of stuff is left out there to sort, bundle, etc. and today the buyer and his broker are out there poking through the house to let me know if they want some things I offered to them (at no cost) and to decide if they want to purchase any of the remaining wildlife prints/posters that are left in the house. I just hope they don't leave lights on or break anything else! :neutral:

    Time to check on my taters! Hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I got the big screen computer. Just trying things out. I will be back

    <3 Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    MARIE lovely, lovely, lovely to have you back, Anne (the once blueharebell!)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Agreed!!! So glad you got your big screen computer Marie......!! Yippee!! <3

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! I see everyone is getting along splendidly. Here in oregon, John has been beating back the jungle and that isn't an exaggeration. The rains have made everything grow and we have been trying to keep up with the bushes, vines and trees. John was using the chain saw all day and you really can't tell where he cut. We have a huge pile of cut limbs and small logs for winter as well as a mountain of branches, leaves and twigs.

    Jackie: the search for just the right piece of furniture is like a treasure hunt. Along the way you find just the thing you weren't looking for but must have! It is the story of my antique hunting forays. Then dragging home my treasures and trying to find a place for them.

    Lin: good luck with the moving. I can tell you are a very generous and thoughtful person. These buyers are lucky to be buying from you. I know that good karma will make this sale go well for everyone.

    Anne: about those brick and board bookcases....I do believe we all have just such a bookcase in our house somewhere. Ours is under the basement stairs holding boxes of our kids stuff. You know, the stuff that they all tell us...."oh Mom. Don't throw that stuff out, I will come get it one of these days!" It has been here for so long, they have forgotten they ever owned that stuff. I think you can tell, we aren't as organized as we should be.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    A gorgeous day so having had my morning walk with George and the puppy am now going to get some serious gardening done. Nothing as amazing as Patsy and John wielding that chain saw but certainly a hefty pair of secateurs! PATSY, I was tempted to return to the auction this morning as I had spotted a very nice plant stand but would then need to buy a plant to sit on it, plus a couple of other items I don't need so do have a tendency to pick up the strays as I go hunting, just like you! ANNE, the bookcase that was thrown out when the carpet was about to be fitted was a homemade jobby that I'd lived with for over 25 years but now see myself living with something just a little more tasteful!! The planks on bricks was something I happily lived with in my first Toronto apartment in the 70's so is probably just as fashionable now as Ercol and G-plan!! LIN, sorry to read your auction was a wet affair, perhaps just as well if you're in the process of moving items anyway otherwise you'll be joining PATSY's club of collecting the not needed items!!

    MARIE ~ So delighted to see you back with us.... we've all missed you.

    Now we just have to find sister BUZZ a little more time to join us more often!

    Off to the nettles and brambles at the bottom of the garden but at least I'll have the hens for company.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi everybody. I had one of my "Anne" moments this weekend. Mike and I went into the restaurant where I'd previously spilt a full large glass of water over him, the table and the floor whilst waving my arms about emphasising a point. I hoped the staff wouldn't recognise me. We were seated at a table for four under the air conditioner vent. We felt chilly so we decided to move over to the two chairs beside us. Mike stood up and sat down in the adjoining chair, I decided to not stand up but slide onto the adjoining chair. Somewhere in the middle both chairs collapsed inwards on the slippery floor. I ended up in between them ON the slippery floor. The same two waitresses who mopped us up the last time, rushed over to haul me upright again accompanied by Mikes "how the **** did you manage that Mom". I am mortified, I will never go into that restaurant again. I am probably banned for life from that restaurant! Otherwise, good visit with grandson, if a very wet one. Never stopped raining!
    Yes, you are right PATSY and JACKIE, I guess we all have had a plank and brick bookcase at some point. Ours was quite attractive with stained planks. I quite missed it when I finally acquired the todays long wooden bookcases. I don't think I will EVER get rid of leftover stuff from the boys. I don't envy them when they have to repossess it one day. Me, I've kept my stuff to a minimum.
    Anne, the sitter of restaurant floors.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    We had a great weekend but the weather was iffy. The sail there the water was lumpy, a day you might need something
    for your stomach. I was okay and we got there okay and tucked into our dock for the weekend. It was one of those
    weekends when rain came and went and sun appeared here and there.

    Our pot luck dinner was awesome with so many choices. My sauerkraut was received as really good and some people wanted
    to know the recipe. It was simple but cooking it in the crockpot made it better. The next morning we had peameal bacon on
    bun with Mimosa's. After that most of us packed up and got on the water home. They were predicting rain again so we
    got a head start.

    We started out great and it was calmer than the day we got there but alas we had some trouble. Our engine quit and we had
    to be towed in. Luckily the rest of the group started out after us and they all came to our rescue. Some of them stayed
    with us to make sure we got in okay. We were about 3 1/2 miles out from our club to be towed in. One of the guys
    suggested using a dingy to tow us in. This was a first experience for us. So Dave tied up the dingy to the side of the boat
    and I took the helm and steered. Dave stayed in the dingy and rode us most of the way. Then when we got closer and we had to think about docking, I said I didn't think I could do it with this situation, so we slowed and I got into the dingy and Dave
    steered and I guided the boat in the dingy. Surprising what you can do when you have to. Then another guy came into
    the dingy and I got back on the boat and he guided the boat the rest of the way.

    We got in safe and sound and everyone was there to help us. Such a great group of people who help each other.
    We finally got some lunch and then packed up our stuff and headed home. I started laundry when i got home because
    we are leaving again for a week at the family cottage starting tomorrow. We ordered chinese food for dinner and I just
    kept on going. Now today I am not feeling so great so I passed on Yoga Class and i have to take down laundry and start
    packing again. I just wanted to let you know that I will NOT have Wi Fi at the cottage and I will not be able to communicate
    with you all. I might try going to Tim Horton 's in the city and maybe use their Wi Fi we will see.

    I will get to see Isaac going and coming back from the cottage so I will be happy to get my hugs and kisses.
    We are also delivering the new high chair for Isaac too.

    So see you in a week and I will be tracking my food and exercise by paper, the old way.

    SANDY - I love Melissa McCarthy too she is so funny! We are watching Lillyhammer on Netflix right now. Dave wanted to
    watch Orange is the new Black but I wanted to finish ours first before starting a new one. I use Lavender Essential oils for

    ANNE - I just got my letter from the US Social Security so I have to fill this out so I can continue my pension too.
    They check us ever so often to see if we still need our check. Yes we do!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wow SHIRLEY, what an adventure! Me and my friends used to go to another friends cottage in the Karwartha region. It was so much fun and especially as our friends had a boat too, although I'm not a happy sailor like you. Those days are sadly gone. I'm on pins and needles about the British social security receiving my filled out form not having all that much faith in the mail, OR planes these days. So we will wish each other good luck on that score! Have a super week, you and your handsome captain. I feel lethargic today too, it must be the rainy weather! We passed through a flooded road yesterday in Kitchener on our way to my grandsons. Here, it just flows down to the lake.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Another rainy day here, I swear I am going to build an arch soon. Doing laundry and will catch up on my On Demand Shows while riding the bike. Our lunch at Olive Garden was great, Robby is well behaved in restaurants which makes it much easier on all of us.

    Anne, you just make me laugh with all your adventures, hopefully you didn't get hurt. BTW, love your new profile picture, it is hard to believe you are 79 years young.

    Shirley, sounds like it could have been scary with the boat stalling, it is great that you have good friends who made sure you made it to safety. I would have no idea how to drive a boat or a dingy, but you seem experienced. Have a wonderful time on your week at the family cottage, don't worry about checking in, enjoy your time away. Most important , give Issac big kisses to hold him over until your return.

    Jackie, glad to hear someone is having a gorgeous day, our days are depressing.

    Patsy, I met a man at our pool who's grandson is from Oregon. The family are avid mountain climbers and his grandson in 2006 or 2008 ( I can't remember) fell, broke his ankle and was lost for 5 days on a mountain in Washington. (again can't remember the name of mountain) He survived by sleeping during he day when it was warmer and eating bugs and drinking spring water. He scooted on his butt and crawled on his knees trying to inch down the mountain. After three days the family was warned it could be fatal but then a dog found his candy wrapper and when they called out his name he heard them. The grandfather who told me this is 91 years old and his last hike up the mountains was two years ago when the family brought his wife's ashes to be scattered. Amazing story and he has a scrap book with all the articles from the Oregonian newspapers. Again because I was at the pool and met him for the first time I have forgotten his last name, but his grandson was Derek.
    It is hell to be old and not remember names and places. lol I asked my son if he remembered this story but he does not.



    Have a wonderful day, if raining make your own sunshine.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, I sure felt like 79 when I had to be hauled over end! I was for sure the oldest in a very packed restaurant! Didn't hurt myself in body, just the old pride. Mortified! I think Mike was probably mortified too, but he takes me in his stride.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hi friends - well, the real estate deal is on the brink of falling out. I was asked to sign additional agreements again today AND if I would return the earnest money if they walk away.

    My long and loud responses---NO and NO!

    Well, I'm still going to have the furniture removed as the company cannot come back until mid-August if I would want to reschedule.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Patsy, I found the article of the man I was speaking....see if you remember.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    What a story Sandy!!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Short post coz it's time to cook. We have your dry heat here. Over 90 all week.
    Shirley, so glad you were safe and sound. Have a great week, be safe.
    Anne, oh dear, you have a jinx at that restaurant, best walk on the opposite side of the street, lol.
    Sandy, what a wonderful rescue story. And a nice new neighbor. Yes, she is my last aunt, my mother's youngest sister. We've always enjoyed each other even when she is making me Crazy, lol.
    Lin, I'm so disappointed that you are going through this. These people have wasted your time and maybe cost a sale. It will be a lesson learned for them, I hope. I really hope it will go thru. How is the progress on the items found in the inspection?
    Marie, don't wear out your eyes reading all of the posts. So glad you are back.
    More later
    P.S. Patsy, my gumbo wasn't good, I'm no good at recipes. I should stop bothering.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Lin!!!! I am so sorry! These buyers sound really flaky to me anyway. I think there might be something that would have spelled trouble with them. But my thought is is a beautiful well kept home with lovely grounds and knowing would have priced it reasonably. The agent needs to get to work and have an open house, do some advertising, print up flyers for casual drive by folks to pick up, have an agent open house. This is the season and the market is good now. I know you most likely have done all this but these buyers have had cold feet since the beginning. I feel the agent should have worked with you more. Is this a sellers agent or a buyers agent? Don't dispare my friend. This we'll work out for the better.

    Sandy: as I read the news articles etc. I do remember this scary event. That family is so lucky to have found this young man! It sounded like prayers were heard and answered. An amazing story. People just do not understand how dangerous the mountains are here in the Pacific Northwest. The trees and vegetation is so thick and people are lost only feet from the trail. There are steep areas hidden from view and extremely slippery due to the wet conditions. This sad story is repeated every year but without the good outcome like your friends.

    Anne: don't be upset by a little tumble at the restaurant. Honestly it has happened to us all. The good thing is everyone forgets the whole episode in minutes. There iare other things demanding their attention. Like good food, dinner companions, freezing cold air blowing on diners as they try to enjoy their meal...I dropped a full glass of wine on the white tablecloth and as I jumped back from the spilled wine, I knocked into a gentleman who then dropped his wine glass on the floor and broke his glass and splashed wine on himself and his girlfriend. See! there are bigger disasters than in your little mishap.