Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHOEBE, your DH and I came to the same conclusion!. When I mentioned the experience tonight at the cocktail hour (I ate nothing!) another guest said she had received a similar call regarding her Windows 8.1 program being infected. She hung up immediately since she owns a MAC!!! I also heard that sometimes they freeze your computer until you send "ransom" to them to unfreeze it! I wonder how one sends it to an unknown address! I doubt the telephone number I gave is actually traceable! Too sleepy tonight to read everyone's posts, but will try to return tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning everybody, and it is morning indeed being only 5.40am. Still a bit early for my walk so I have been reading the posts. Lovely long one from LIN. I think, if I'm honest, I might feel a bit different about bugs if I had a tick attached to my head Lin, and again, I'm not enamoured with Mosquitos either. It's just a shame that everything has evolved in certain ways to live. In turn after feeding on us all they are gobbled up by the birds. Spiders don't bother me at all, but going back to clowns it's a different story. I've always felt nervous about clowns. Did I read something when small? I don't know. I like things to be above board, clear and open, and of course a clown face is hiding a persons real personality. One can't "read" a mask. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
    BUZZ, we are plagued with those calls. I haven't used my computer for ages and ages. It's unplugged, so when I get those calls and if I've the time I let them rant on and on with the odd "oh really" and then finally I say "well that's most interesting that you know I've got a virus but I don't really care as the machine is not in use" and put the phone down. It wastes their time for a while. The accents appear to be East Indian. You are so right in your comment PHOEBE. Oh and I must have the dirtiest air ducts in the world, the number of people wanting to clean them!
    How's the sewing coming on MARIE?
    Well, off for my amble, I'll record it now whilst I'm using the iPad.
    Bye, Anne.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello everyone. Another glorious day here although a cold blast of northerly wind that just won't go away. This morning's walk with a friend and her puppy was literally a blast and at times we were both staggering to stay upright until we found a more sheltered route. Later I'll be checking on the puppy as it's the first time she will have been left on her own for a few hours as my friend is going to enjoy an extended lunch with people she met on a bereavement website. Then I'll be planting a few veggies at the allotment that are coming on in the greenhouse. I just hope they don't mind the cold wind!

    Buzz ~ That scam has been going on a long time in the UK and still they catch people out. A friend of mine had a similar problem with a caller jamming her computer and then asking for credit card details to get it repaired and she was initially fooled into it because they mentioned the broadband package she was on and had experienced a problem with. She had to pay a local IT engineer to visit and clear the computer hard drive and start again. Someone calling himself Joe from Microsoft IT rang me a few weeks ago and said he needed to fix a problem on my computer so I just laughed and said "Oh yes, go on then Joe tell me all about it".... he hung up but I didn't so it tied his phone up for a few minutes as he couldn't get a line out again! I picked up on this idea when we've been told these scammers will also tell you someone has compromised your credit card details so you must ring your bank. They then don't hang up so when you try to ring your bank they talk to you and pretend you're through and take all your details, including passwords. Our cheerful scammers are apparently based in Nigeria so it appears to be a truly international business! My phone display shows all incoming numbers so if it's one that looks foreign or the number is withheld I don't pick up. For all that Buzz, I'm so sorry you got caught by them as it must be so upsetting but we're told by the police that are dealing with these scams no one should think themselves stupid for getting conned, it all sounds so feasible at the time. Just glad you have it sorted and can let others know.

    Lin ~ I had to smile at your post about the creepy crawlies in your basement because reading on, it seems you also have clowns down there!! LOL Now there's a thought! The auction house photo of the bookcase shows it to be very long so I may struggle to fit it where I want so must remember to take a tape measure when viewing on Sunday. I'm told bookcases are out of vogue but then you'd think lots of antique ones would be on sale at auctions. Hopefully they are not being used for firewood because one day, like everything, they will come back into fashion.... look at Anne's furniture, now worth a fortune again!! They say (whoever 'they' are!) that buying and selling property is the most stressful thing to go through, more so than divorce, so if you can, go with the flow and the thought you will get there in the end.

    Anne ~ I fell asleep in front of the tv last night after a day of walking, swimming, lawn mowing, walking... etc etc but will respond to your last message later today. You're up with the lark this morning which reminds me, we heard what we think were 2 cuckoos as we walked across the moors so hopefully they are breeding as a few years ago the numbers were declining rapidly because in Portugal and Spain people were setting up huge nets to catch them as they migrated from Africa for their fancy culinary dishes! They are now being educated in the importance of protecting wildlife and the environment..... even bugs. LOL

    Sandy ~ Crikey, that "big blob" of yours sounds like something I'd have to bash with a spade. Slugs are the one thing I will not tolerate in my garden although I did when I had lots of frogs in my pond and a hedgehog wandering through at night but now I'm bereft of both for some reason.

    Marie ~ Your food choices sound delicious and the weight loss is wonderful so I'm so pleased you have found something that suits you and has you feeling healthier.

    Must get on. An early lunch, then a drive to my friend's puppy and some play in her garden!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Went for my amble and as usual with the old grey cells working in my head. I'm wondering, after much thought, if my dislike of clowns etc comes from watching the Punch and Judy shows on Hornsea beach as a very small child. Do you have Punch and Judy puppets over here? These consisted of a very highly coloured male puppet and his wife Judy etc. The Punch character spends the entire show first hitting his wife over the head with a huge stick, and then the policeman who comes to arrest him etc etc and finally with much cheering from the kiddies he gets eaten by a crocodile if memory serves me right. Now who on earth conceived such a violent thing for little kids? I know it goes way back to the 17th century and I THINK was imported from Italy. I remember being quite upset by all the violence and maybe that's why I keep well clear of alligators and crocodiles as well! Just a thought!
    I'm not a bit surprised about your comments JACKIE on the cuckoos perilous journey over Portugal and Spain. I've had a bit of personal contact with those culinary habits much to my horror.
    Anyway, I think I've solved the personal clown phobia, still feel uncomfortable around them though!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Hot day today in the 90's. Lisa is bringing Robby to the pool after his nap, just for an hour. It will be a day where I actually go in the water if it is that hot. This afternoon a service guy is coming to clean out the hose to my dryer. The association cleaned all the roof dryer vents and have referred a service to do the inside.
    It is $20, but my landlady is reimbursing me for the fee. Today is my granddaughter's 10 golden birthday. She is the daughter of Babe's son and his wife who was adopted. I haven't seen her in almost three years but she is still part of my heart. I got a reminder email that we bought her a start when she was born so I posted it on Facebook. Tonight is bingo night so a busy day.

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy the sunshine.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Mine was mimes, and I Still don't like them. A more recent aversion to clowns has to do with some goofy program or other where the clown was the bad guy.
    At the Dr office, the first of two appts today. One tomorrow. If I'm not healthy, can't blame the doctors, lol.
    Hope to get my stitches out.
    My aunts new apartment is small but nice. She only pays $160 per month. Her daughters and I are taking on some of her expenses, electric, phone,cable TV,newspaper. Also they bought her a nice washer and dryer. She has a woodland view from the back patio,which is shared with her neighbor. She's met some super residents already, and their knowledge is going to really help her daughter in the process of getting her health evaluated. She was tired yesterday, and I know that contributed to her behavior. She was Grumpy!, lol.
    Just left Dr. Got 2 - 4 weeks of physical therapy and some injections too. Got my knee drained and cortisone injection today.
    Time for lunch between appts.
    Have a good day
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thank you for the compliments on my hubby, I will pass them along. Yes he is a keeper. Some of the club members
    do dress up, we try to every year and most don't. Its an English tradition to get the season started.

    Yesterday was my apt. with dermatologist. I had some questions but I did get a clean bill of health on my skin for another
    year. She gave me a prescription of Retinol A for some bumps I have on my face, she said it should reduce them if
    I can put up with the redness for a while. So I will give it a whirl. I was considering laser, at a price to me, but will try
    this first. All this is considered cosmetic and our health care will not pay for it.

    Today was Yoga class and I am glad it was gentle because I didn't get much sleep last night and I was tired.
    I did pick up a few things and the sale girl said I should have come tomorrow for my Senior discount, so she
    suggested to keep it until tomorrow and i can get the discount. I have a hair apt in the morning so I will get to then.
    It's nice living in a small town when people know you.

    I think we have mice again in our garage, I started filling the bird feeder with Niger seed and it had three holes in
    the bottom of the bag.

    BUZZ, we get those calls all the time for computer viruses, we just play along now and then hang up. Sorry this happened
    to you but they prey on older people. :| SANDY - Sad for you not to babysit but happy not having to get up early. Good
    luck with bingo tonight. Glad you could spend time with Daisy, she is so precious. It's also sad you can't celebrate
    Babe's grandaughter's birthday, maybe one day. There is always hope. MARIE - Try Fiber One bars they are lower in calories.
    PHOEBE - Why did they have to drain your knee, is that a usual procedure?

    Hello to Diane, Lin, Phyllis, Patsy, Anne, Jackie(and George) Well today is cleaning the downstairs I better
    get moving.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Sorry I introduced an unpleasant topic for everyone (clowns) I live in a parallel universe. Not quite right with most of the world.
    I must say that one of the most stunning evenings I have ever experienced was a performance by the circ du solei (forgive the horrible spelling). The clowns are strange and mysterious with a type of humor that is European in flavor. There are elements of mime gestures but different. I found my mouth hanging open in amazement and wonder. See it if you ever get the chance.

    I was interested by the way in the recent NASA pictures of Ceres. Wow! I guess we will not be around to do real space travel but what wonders are out there for us to see? That is another idea for me to pursue for the children's clinic. Rockets and space travel! The doctor wants things beyond the usual favorites of kittens and puppies.

    Foggy day here but it is to burn off by this afternoon. I will go by the bike shop to see if there is a more comfortable bike seat for my exercise bike. I feel like I have been on my horse, bareback, for hours after a short 30 minute ride. Silly I know but I want to be comfortable while I exercise. I am trying yoga with a DVD. Interesting. I really need a teacher however!

    Take care dear sneakers.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh PATSY, you didn't introduce an unpleasant subject at all. You introduced a subject that allowed us to look inside ourselves and ask WHY. I think a lot of our fears stem from childhood, long forgotten but lurking just around the corner. The same with, in your case, a love of masks etc which means nothing but pleasurable memories hidden away. Heavens to Betsy, I sound like your run of the mill analyst! I was thinking about your art commission though and I don't envy you. So hard. However, you have a wonderful imagination and will come up with something remarkable for sure like the clown fish!
    For mundane me I think of the childhood poem that went:

    In summertime we children
    Are glad that we are small.
    For we can see so many things,
    Grown ups can't see at all.

    Therefore being not so imaginative I think I would try to get INTO the mind of a child and do sketches of little boys on haunches peering at beetles, little boys BUILDING rockets and space ships with building blocks, little girls likewise these days but also prancing in the rain with lovely umbrellas whilst their little brothers stomp in the puddles beside them as always. Staring in awe at owls through bedroom windows etc.
    I know, I'M just an old fashioned gal! I'm dying to know what YOU come up with! It will be entertaining for sure! Is there an age boundary. Say 3 to 9 years?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited June 2015

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just to let you guys know I am still around. I swear this small print is getting the best of me. it's not good for my bad eyes so making it short again
    <3 Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thanks for checking in Marie. I know it is hard on your eyes. You are missed when we don't know what you are up to.
    Sandy, he's a doll! Does he like the water? He seems calm.
    Patsy, not a bad subject, some folks adore clowns. Id google Huntsville space and rocket center for some ideas. Also Tellus museum. Got to scoot, more tomorrow.
    Shirley, my knee was swollen.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How adorable Sandy. Robby looks so big. And at. Home in that water. <3 Marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    O dear, I ****the REPLY is going crazy om DARN!!! Hello and goodnight everyone!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz if you are using a tablet, you might try to delete your history. I have to do that occasionally. It helps with fragmentation etc. patsy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good. Morning dearest
    sneakers. Hope this fine you all in the hippest. Mood an d having a great day. Rather warm here but dry cooking a pot of butter beans today . Jerry is going to upgrades. That will be our. Highlight of the day. Exciting huh? Too old for anything else t happen. See you all later.
    <3 Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2015
    I hit that menacing key again and lost my post, Grrr I will start again.

    Marie B) - are you getting your computer fixed again, is that why you are on the IPad? I hope
    you get it back if that is the case. Sorry about your eyes.
    Sandy B) - Robby looks so cute in that cap, and he seems to love the water.
    Phoebe B)- I see, I hope you are not in too much pain and you feel better. I know
    another friend of ours is going for knee replacement at the end of the year.
    Patsy B) I want to delete my history and I have a Tablet, how do you do it? Please
    give directions, thanks

    A busy morning and will continue. I just got back from the hair dresser and got a cut.
    Then to Shoppers Drugmart to pick up my goods and get my discount, Yay!
    Then a trip to the carpet place to look at carpet samples again and they gave us a
    better quote than Home Depot. Dave used to coach baseball with the owner.
    A trip to Walmart to pick some fish food since we are leaving tomorrow for our
    club cruise. I got the sauerkraut made this morning in the crock pot which we
    will take to the dinner on Saturday.

    Now for a bike ride and then pack my bag for the weekend.

    I will check in on the newsfeed for exercise. Have a good weekend!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Shattered after another visit to my allotment but delighted my red cabbages are planted up before expected rain as well as the sweetcorn that I put in yesterday so you see MARIE, my life is just as exciting as yours and like you and Jerry, doing things I love!!

    Anne ~You forgot Mr Punch's string of sausages the crocodile was always chasing. The only profound effect it had on me was to miss real English sausages for the duration of my time in Canada!!

    My dinner is ready to eat and then I'll get George out for a quick pee trip before any thunderstorm. It's not something I usually look forward to (thunder) but the garden and allotment produce need a good soaking.

    Everyone enjoy the rest of your Thursday.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Foot doctor again today! I must have a permanent chair in that waiting room. John and I have date night on Friday. Will have dinner and listen to a little local jazz. So I will get my hair done on Friday. we have to do this regularly or I turn into one of those odd crazy old women who slouch around in my robe and talk to myself!

    We bought 8 new little deer proof bushes to replace the sad beat up rose bushes. The roses were totally deer food. At some point we say...okay! That's it, no more trying all of these strange strategies to keep them at bay. We tore out the sad little roses and went for some less tempting plants. We'll see ......I will miss the lovely roses however. I also love seeing the deer. They are welcome to all the blackberries and elderberries and salmon berries. I even share some raspberries with them. They are beautiful and there is a regular visiting deer family. We've watched twin fawns grow up.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I use a laptop, but Florida is under siege by hackers and today when I booted up, a huge window purporting to be from Microsoft instructed me to call the number in the warning to get rid of a virus trying to take over my computer! Holy crow! It tried to prevent me from opening the Task manager, but I finally got it opened and had a problem opening applications where I found 2 programs running that I did not recognize! Finally deleted them and hope I didn't wreck everything, but we can never be too cautious any more! I was planning to attend a program on scams tomorrow, but a friend will be going through a quadruple bypass surgery and I didn't want his wife to have to wait alone in the hospital so I will drive her there and wait with her. Maybe someone will pick up the papers being distributed, I hope! Anyway, I'm so far behind schedule here, I keep wondering whatever happened to retirement!
    <3 Buzz