Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    edited October 2015
    My two cents---everyone (except us of course) is apparently crazy.

    That girl hit the officer. Really?? When I was young if we even talked back we would have been suspended from school. Not even the worst of us would have refused to leave a classroom and for gosh sakes it was a high crime just to have GUM.

    Anyway, a couple of young guys (around 18) were fooling around in McDonald's last Friday evening I believe and when they left a man in his mid-30's went outside after them and yelled at them for misbehaving. He pistol whipped one of the guys and shot the other one. That guy is in ICU in critical condition and may never walk again if he survives. The shooter has already bonded out.

    I am happy to stay home a lot! You never know what may be coming your way.

    Take care my friends.

    I also hope we hear good news from Jeri soon.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello All,

    My appointment went very well. The results of the MRI are good and the examination by my doctor was good too. Hurray. It is a little scary as lobular cancer, which Val has, doesn't always show up on tests too well. But my doctor did a thorough exam so I should be fine.

    Speaking of Val. Good news, bad news. Tumor markers are down again but she suffers from horrible fatigue. They will cut her dosage again and hope to find a sweet spot to balance the cancer treatment and the fatigue. Here's hoping.

    Ed and I got our flu shots today and on Friday we are heading up for the weekend to the area where I grew up. We'll visit family and have fun. Time to get away for a bit again.

    Have a great evening.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2015
    I totally agree the disagreeable arrogant girl should be punished, but I also believe it sets a dreadful example for our people in uniform to display such loss of control as to throw a chair/desk containing a living being down and about with such force. Do I know what I would do? Not really! In some ways perhaps we have become a society of enablers??? Anyway, I must share with you that SANDY's poem has been the subject of tremendous conversation with so many people I don't even know stopping me to say thank you, some with tears in their eyes! I guess we all reacted similarly when SANDY printed it the first time!
    PHOEBE, we all hope you will be safe driving all over creation! Here in Florida, we are losing much of the agricultural reserve to builders and new communities. No more roadside stands with beautiful produce. Just these huge McMansion communities spreading all around. But there is still a dearth of decent east/west routes, and probably driving a rig here would be very frustrating as traffic has become very heavy.
    Must get some sleep as my cleaning helper comes tomorrow morning and I have much to prepare. At least I got the bed made. I cannot stand ironing any more and must figure out what to do about Mike's shirts and pants! I used to have some metal pant dryers that stretched pants and put a sharp crease in them, so perhaps I should check to see if they still exist! Have a good sleep everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • I agree with you Buzz on the officer. He was out of his mind. Doesn't matter what caused him to lose it, a professional is trained to remain in control. In today's climate, I suppose I'd have called a parent to come and get her. Next would be police removal or worse, and deserved, an ambulance to take her for examination for mental illness possibly from some kind of abuse. I wonder how many teenagers behaving that way are Not mental?!
    Time for a nap, yay!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Last word from me. Every kid now knows, hey we don't have to put our cell phones down or stand up and go to the principals office when told. We have rights. However, when little innocents like Robbie start school, remember his future teachers are facing a classroom that probably holds one or two concealed knives or guns in today's climate. I most definitely wouldn't like to be a teacher in today's world. Was the policeman wrong in the use of excessive force, of course, maybe hand cuffing her to the desk temporarily and confiscating the phone would have been more appropriate.
    It's unbelievable that things are now so out of control that we have police parading schools to protect the majority of children.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited October 2015
    Not the last word, ignore me but I can't resist a few musings. When my dad was 9 in 1911 he was caught taking a clock to pieces under his desk and putting it back together again. He got the cane. Today he would have got a pat on the head by a head of state and called a genius.
    Anne at the age of 10 forgot her bible, she got the cane. Today she would have been sent to a counsellor because the poor child has got so much on her mind it's making her forgetful.
    Mike at the age of 10 was being bullied. He and a friend made one of those paper water bombs beloved of small boys. They went to a window of the second floor above the outside door and dropped it on the bully. Unfortunately their timing was off and it hit the principal instead. They both got the cane. Today they would be viewed as potential future officers in the army and sent to Afghan etc.
    In each case, each child was told by their loving parents serves you right, you won't do it again. We didn't.
    That's all and I'm off! Before I get in more trouble,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    My two cents, I agree with everyone, the cop used out of control force on that girl. All he had to do was grab her shirt collar
    and pulled her up out of the chair and out. I think he was trying to make a point on what he did but it back fired. Unfornately,
    look what Isaac and Robby will have to deal with when they start school in the higher grades. Very scary for their parents.
    I remember being in grade 6 and the teacher, a male, took this tough kid and threw him up against the lockers. The
    teacher still kept his job and nothing happened. Remember those days!

    Leaving this afternoon for Kristina's apt. in Toronto and staying overnight. Friday morning going to the Yoga Retreat
    and a 4 hour drive to Kingston and then on to Wolfe Island for the Retreat. Same place we went to in July but a different
    topic, How to Heal Yourself. Should be interesting, always learning something. Vegetarian meals all weekend.
    Dave is going up North to the cottage with his two buddies and closing up the cottage.

    We had some scary weather last night, high winds and lots of rain. Calming down a bit now. Well better get on my bike
    and so some exercise before I leave.

    Have a great weekend.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, I really fear for those two little innocent and much loved babies, Isaac and Robbie and all the other little ones entering today's schools. What are parents supposed to do, put their little ones in private schools and their parents in the poor house. I believe the officer pulling her by the shirt collar wouldn't have done much good, she appears to be hanging onto the table or arms of the chair. Clapping the handcuffs to her arm and chair and leaving her where she wanted to be, wet pants and all until leaving time might have created an inkling not to repeat the offence, not to mention the onlookers!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers, interesting discussions lately! My daughter is a teacher in the local high school, I taught in a community college for years, my husband was president of a small college for his entire work career. Education seems to be the profession that is common all across our family lines. To that end let me bring up some things to consider...
    The students of today do not have the lovely 1950s school experience we had. No art, music, drama, or debate clubs. Sports participation costs $1,000 per sport, per season. The information a kid is to master today is about double what we used to be required to master. They spend 1/3 less time (hours) in school. They are required to take constant tests so the school can keep getting fed aid. They come to school from single family homes, (if indeed they have a home) they are hungry, tired, and drugs and alcohol and tobacco and violence is part of their everyday life. As much as 60 percent of kids are homeless and live by "sofa surfing" at friends houses. A cell phone is the lifeline to kids nowadays. It is their security blanket, it is their social life, it is important ownership. It is their family tie. Make no mistake about is hard being a kid now. Most kids are not privileged to have a real childhood. Sex and the ugly realities of the world is pushed into their face as babies. I know I sound like one of those wimpy liberals. I have seen first hand some pretty heartbreaking circumstances. I just wanted to throw in some experiences from my family. Ending with this...take a wild guess how many parents show up at parent teacher conference sessions. You would be wrong if you guessed any number at all. Many times, no one shows up. We live in interesting times.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thanks PATSY for putting forward another viewpoint, and in all honesty I know very little about the American system. I guess me and my family were privileged to have mainly a British school education and my grandsons a Canadian one after you clarified the situation in the States!
    So I apologize if my limited views caused you or anyone else distress.
    One thing though, how on earth can the children you describe afford a cell phone, tobacco or drugs? We certainly couldn't, nor my grandsons!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    On the one hand, I share the information that I still own only my clamshell cell phone which costs me $15 every 3 months; the one I was forced to purchase when Hurricane Wilma knocked out our phone and electricity for 21 days 10 years ago!!! It is used strictly for emergency and I now have something like 253 minutes on it, as the unused time is carried over! No pictures, no nothing, just barebones telephone calls if we have car trouble! So I, too, wonder how these kids pay for texting, photos, etc. I often wonder who teaches them priorities, and how will they learn to handle adulthood and its responsibilities? No wonder there are so many mass killings. I realize how insulated our living quarters are now, and I guess I'm grateful there are guards! PATSY, thank you for taking the time to bring many of us up to date! Did all this happen prior to TV violence or were we simply unaware?
    Mike is continuing to receive therapy here at home, and I will exercise along with him, as I'm turning into a lump also! I gave him the POEM to read, and he in turn told the therapist he could not exist without me! I am not ignoring everyone today, simply grabbing time before preparing for dinner. I gave my cleaning gal a bunch of Mike's shirts to iron at her home, and breathed a huge sigh of relief! Small things like this may help me feel less overwhelmed. Must run. Hope we hear from JERI and JACKIE soon,... and better news from BARBIE. Hugs to all...
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,399 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) My personal opinion on the cop who manhandled the girl is I am glad he is fired. I do understand she was out of control but with all the police brutality in the news lately, there has to be other methods. As someone else noted it is interesting that no one put the video of her and what she might have done to provoke him but regardless there was no reason to slam her. I too, appreciate Patsy's view of the kids of today and teachers are paid to be teachers not babysitters. Of course their behavior starts at home, but if there is no discipline or in some instances not even a parent, it is no wonder we have such problems. My school days back in the 40 and 50's was so different and part of that is that I went to a Catholic School for grade school when it was about a $1.00 a month. My high school days were not as good as I really didn't like school and was not a good student and ended up quitting school which I have always regretted. Of course if a teacher had called my mother or father I would have been more afraid of them than the teacher. I still think there are a lot of good kids but all the news just reports the bad stuff. End of my soapbox.

    Robby and I both napped this afternoon and I am glad since my friend might be coming over to watch Blacklist.
    She leaves by ten to pick up her daughter from work otherwise I would tell her to leave so I can go to bed. lol

    Have a great evening, mine is on the chilly side, so I will be using the fireplace.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hugs Jeri
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Heading for my bed but checking in to see what you're all up to first! More than halfway through my treatment now and apart from a little discomfort and an annoying habit of snoozing in the middle of tv drama series I'm following in the evening, I'm fine! Oh yes, then there was the incident at the toll bridge I have to cross every day to get to the hospital where I found myself in the wrong lane and at an unmanned booth because it was for cars with tags only that open the barriers automatically. I had to endure a man wearing high viz jacket and clutching a clipboard giving me a lecture as the queue behind me began to trail back across the bridge. At first I was tempted to scream at him that I knew I'd made a mistake so just take the cash and open the damn barrier but then decided probably better to play dotty old lady who didn't know better and thereby keep my blood pressure down.... it worked!!

    I'm finding your comments about that video fascinating because I live in a different culture and am struggling to understand what a police officer would be doing in a school classroom in the first place. In my opinion kids lacking discipline in the home which is where it all starts are probably craving guidelines and consistency and that responsibility is getting passed on to schools whether we like it or not. I can well believe Patsy's point that parents often don't bother to turn up to parent evenings no doubt due to lack of interest or having to work all hours to survive so their children don't stand a chance and if they spend hours playing violent video games on their computers or watching porn they're skipping childhood and going straight into an adult world they are too naive to understand or appreciate the consequences of their actions. For all that I'm sure the majority of kids are well adjusted and responsible human beings but it's the violent anti social behavior that receives media attention.

    Patsy ~ Having spent nearly 20 minutes trying to turn the clock back in my car and this after 4 days thinking about it, I did smile at your comment about you and John driving along with handbook at the ready. I've owned my car nearly 8 months now and still haven't found my way around things like the air conditioning, not that I'm in need of it in our climate! Goodness knows what will happen if I get a puncture although I suppose I should at least find out where the spare is!!

    Sandy ~ You've got it in one.... going home to parents after misbehaving at school was a terrifying thought, not that I was ever struck but the threat was there and that was enough!!

    Buzz ~ That poem was a Godsend wasn't it, not only for your group but to somehow open up a channel of communication between you and Mike that had been getting clogged. How wonderful that he was able to voice his appreciation of you being in his life... something to hold close to your heart for the days that throw up wobbly moments.

    Anne ~An incident in a school in Scotland has left a 16 year old boy dead after a classmate, and I use that term loosely, stabbed him. It seems the victim was extremely popular, quiet and thoughtful so goodness only knows what happened but sadly we have similar disfunctional kids turning to violence in the UK but with knives rather than guns.

    Shirley ~ I do well remember those days at school!! When I was at junior school (ages 5 to 11) we had a teacher who would regularly hurl one of those wooden blackboard dusters at any child he thought wasn't concentrating on his lesson and he'd aim for an ear or nose too!! It didn't do any of us long term harm and as adults we'd laugh about it. Enjoy your retreat and come back refreshed and supple as a rubber band!!

    Well it's now almost midnight and I can hear the rain beginning to pour outside so I will get myself off to bed. Hello to Lin and Marie, Barbie and Jeri.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    edited October 2015
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    hugs Jeri

    From me too Jeri! Glad for positive news. I hope you are enjoying yourself a bit now.

    Did laundry today, then chopped lots of vegetables and made my own little salad bar for lunch!! It was more fun than putting everything together in the bowl. You miss some of the lovely colors!! I had leftovers for supper this evening and in between I watched a webinar, cleaned and cut up some celery, cooked my usual combo of onion, garlic and mushrooms. Then messed about a bit making some steel cut oats (it was oatmeal day today). Added pumpkin pie spice, Ceylon cinnamon and when it was done I added a can of pumpkin purée. I put it in the refrigerator to cool. I am thinking of taking out a serving tomorrow and adding grated apple.

    Well, time to move on. I just watched the Charlie Brown classic--The Great Pumpkin. Love it! I am watching another webinar soon.

    Hugs to all. See you soon.

  • Lol Jackie! We wanted to give a man's car a jumpstart, it took longer than expected because we didn't know how to open the hood. Had to look it up in the manual. Took forever to find our fog light switch., even looking in the book! Guess they didn't expect anyone to be so blind.
    Traveling, Phoebe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Droping in to say Hello Dear friends.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Lin! I am so glad you mentioned The Great Pumpkin. One of my favorites as well. I love all Charlie Brown specials. The cartoon strip was so wonderful. I get weepy thinking that it is no more. Not sure if you ever saw the cartoon strip called For Better Or Worse. It was about a Librarian and her family. The artist is from Oregon. Wonderful little family humor situations. I always felt Charlie Brown cartoons were philosophical treaties on American life. Okay! I know I am sounding a bit like a dork.

    Your oatmeal combo sounds too delicious! I am making oven sweet potato fries and green bean, mushroom, onion casserole with a grilled chicken breast for John. As you all can see, John hasn't given up meat. Nor will he ever.

    Jackie! Once again, you are an inspiration. Positive thoughts equal positive results!

    Anne: dear friend, we are all like you. We are all concerned about our youth and their education. We fear for our law inforcement professionals. We want the best for our schools and teachers.

    Phoebe: how wonderful to help people out on the road. John would help but I would be of little use to anyone in need of assistance. Unless they someone to wring their hands and whimper...oh no! Not useful normally.

    We are expecting a huge storm this weekend. 9 to 12 inches of rain with wind. We will doubtless loose power and the kids will not be out trick or treating. I think we are as ready as we can be.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning everybody! I watched a Canadian programme last night and the new theory is, we put on weight because of bad bacteria or microbes in our gut increasing and killing off our good microbes, now there's food for thought, no pun intended! Anyway, after watching an hour of artificial gut demonstration at Guelph University (glad I'd eaten for the day) the answer was as usual, eat your veggies for good bacterial increase and consequential calories being consumed, and lay off the hamburgers, sugar etc. which the bad guys love, increase in number and don't contribute anything. It was all based on thin and fat mice, or a very thin aboriginal tribe who live on the fruits of the land. Same old same old really. I think I've got it right because the old eyelids started drooping near the end.

    PATSY love, I know we all want the best, and I know we are all very worried about what the future holds. I shouldn't have twittered on so especially knowing you are a teacher and it must have been frustrating for you trying to teach your expertise and knowledge to some un responding youth. Well, the old world has stumbled along without my help so far, so I'll go back to MY old self and leave the world to it.

    Yes JACKIE, you ARE an inspiration to us all. So calm, so level headed, and as Patsy said, positive thoughts equal positive results.

    Well girls, now I've climbed off the old soapbox, hopefully for good, I shall amble off to the "organic garage" for more parsnips, beetroot, broccoli, etc to feed my little pet microbes of which I've apparently got a whole zoo full down there waiting to be fed. Ugh!

    Anne (the subdued)
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Just stopping by to say how excited I am that our new washing machine will be delivered sometime within the next 3 hours. I've never been so excited to get to do laundry. Right now, my 2 sons and I are all negotiating for washing machine time today!

    Jeri - So happy to hear your appointment went well. I'm sure that must be a welcome relief.

    Anne - I very much enjoy feeding my little microbes. I have all sorts of goodies in the fridge for them!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,399 Member
    edited October 2015
    Happy Friday!! :) Short week with Robby but Fridays are always welcomed. Robby was great today, took two naps and was in Seventh Heaven with the lollipop I gave him. His mom approved this once since it is Halloween tomorrow.


    We won't get any kids in my complex, they had a party for the kids in the clubhouse a couple of weeks ago. Our buildings are secure and you have to be buzzed in to enter so I don't have to buy any candy. My son detailed my car for me today, including waxing and buffing. I gave him money but that is because Babe said he would pay for him to do it so it is protected through the winter.

    Marcella, congratulations on the new washing machine, you can tell we are seniors when we get excited about new appliances. :)

    Anne, your description of bacteria and microbes in our tummies was more information than I needed. lol
    Living alone I eat mostly Lean Cuisine or Smart One dinners which seem to be pretty healthy to me. It couldn't be any worse than all that fast food I ate when I was younger which eventually got me here. lol

    Patsy, that is a lot of rain you are expecting, I think it is good most of the houses there do not have basements. There would be an awful lot of flooding. I hope it lets up enough for the kids to enjoy some trick or treating.
    I love seeing the little ones in costume, but can't since I moved out of the house.

    Marie, hope you are feeling okay, I worry about you.

    Phoebe, at least your intent was good to help the man, did he get impatient?

    Lin, if I loved veggies as much as you do, your recipes sound wonderful. I wish I could be more disciplined with my eating but I just love food.

    Jackie, snoozing is good, discomfort is not, but your toll bridge story is funny.

    Buzz, I am so happy to hear Mike told his therapist he couldn't live without you, now you know he appreciates all that you do for him. I am more than happy that the poem is doing good and helping people understand what the patient is going though, helping one person makes me proud.

    Jeri, so glad your appointment went well and you can relax a little. Sorry about your sister and the fatigue but happy to hear the markers are down. Will keep her and you and your family in my prayers.

    If I have missed anyone I apologize, but know I care about each and everyone of you.

    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, succinct and to the point! I do remember when we appreciated our police forces and looked up to tem. Too many thoughtless killings today and one wonders exactly who is attracted to the career and why! I know so many wonderful "cops", but too many are gun crazy. We need new rules! By the way, with your native good common sense, I would never believe you were a poor student. You have such an inquisitive mind, and come up with answers to life's problems I would be incapable of imagining! Salud!
    JACKIE, it's always interesting reading your interpretations of culture differences. Especially since you have lived on both sides of the big pond! Are you getting news of the campaigns going on here? I'm curious about how we appear to the rest of the world. I really do think TV has colored our lives in ways we never imagined! By the way, with most of the fare on the media, falling asleep is probably just what the doctor ordered! You know we are all rooting for your complete healing!
    JERI, somehow I missed your post! I consider it terrific news and a huge relief! And with a bit of recovery time, we all hope Val's fatigue will lessen considerably! Have a relaxing and wonderful visit for you, Ed and your family!
    Hello, dear MARIE! What's going on that you are so quiet? Everything OK?
    LIN dear, I was thinking of you at dinner tonight where we had a choice of many many vegetables along with the main dish. The butternut squash soup was marvelous! The had fennel, kale , lima beans, onions, spinach, and I can't recall the 2 others. SInce I have cut out vitamins in pill form, I am delighted with the diverse offerings at the table!
    MARCELLA, I can relate to your excitement! Have fun with the wash!
    PHOEBE, Crazy story about opening car hoods! we need more of you!
    Oops, ere comes Blue Bloods! Can't miss Tom Selleck, even though I fall asleep immediately!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,354 Member
    :):) Today was the line dance Halloween party/class. I wore my pumpkin Halloween costume that I wear every year. Almost all of the 32 students who came wore costumes. We danced ten dances to Halloween theme music (Ghostbusters, Thriller, etc) and had a fabulous time. Before class and at the break people took pictures.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Our rains have started but so far not too much wind. I hear some high in the trees but so far so good. Loosing power makes me crazy. How did people get by with just candles. They didn't read much...that's for sure. Speaking of reading, I am in middle of Patrick Kennedy's new bio book. It is interesting. But not "riveting."

    Tomorrow is John's beloved college football game. If the power goes, he will be very fussy. He will try to take on some awful household task to while away until the power returns. Dog grooming is always a possibility. With our big battery lanterns We sit on the floor surrounded by combs, brushes, special fur conditioners, toe nail clippers and files. We also brush their teeth with chicken flavored toothpaste. Yuck! Dogs are not low maintenance, no matter the breed.

    I am going to try to start ordering Christmas gifts right now. I always wait and I am a nervous wreck by the time Christmas comes. Thank God for those little colorful sacks and pretty tissue paper to scrunch around and hide the gifts. Easy and quick. And pretty!

    The storm is increasing, more wind now!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a couple of days of rain and more rain this morning was mild and the sun was trying to peep through high cloud so our walk was delightful, also blew a few cobwebs away as I'm beginning to feel slightly hot and bothered while my body fights back the radiation.... nothing nasty, just blah!! My journey to and from the hospital was horrendous yesterday due to holiday traffic on the move after our schools' half term because with all the problems in the Euro tunnel between our coast and Calais, France where migrants try all the time to sneak into the Uk illegally therefore constantly stopping trains, more and more are staying locally for holidays. I made it to the appointment with minutes to spare and when I'd changed into gown and walked towards the treatment room one of the radiologists was standing with arms crossed looking severe in a joking way which made us laugh and calmed me down! After 5 minutes on the table I was then back out into the fray to make my way home again which took nearly twice as long but luckily my neighbour had taken George for his late afternoon walk so I didn't have to venture back out in the dark.

    Patsy ~ That's an awful lot of rain so I do hope you both stay safe and dry. Dog grooming sounds like a great idea to keep your minds off what's going on outside; I've promised George much the same today and also, if he'll let me, a trim of his fringe because at the moment he looks like one of the Beetles!!

    Anne ~ That programme you watched about what we eat sounds similar to those we seem to get bombarded with here although few take much notice. Probiotic yogurt is the best answer to good and bad bacteria doing its job in the gut but sugary sweet pots are far more popular.... I wonder why?

    Buzz ~ When we hear of your gun lobbyists asking for teachers to be armed or police to stand guard in schools we tend to react with shock and horror but it is as you say, a completely different culture and something your country has been brought up with so who are we to criticize? Live by the sword, die by the sword comes to mind though!! At the moment there isn't a great deal of interest shown in our media for your political campaigns although Mr Trump gets quite a bit of attention because we know of him after he developed a golf course in Scotland and in his own interminable way did his best to buy out the local community and bully if he didn't get his own way. I think he's now moved his plans to Ireland after doing his best but failing to stop an offshore wind farm in sight of his luxury hotel.

    Lin ~ Following your example I spent time yesterday in the kitchen preparing veggies for a variety of meals. Today I'm going to enjoy a curried apple and pea soup for my lunch.... in the next half hour in fact!

    Barbie ~ Love your photos and great to see you are once again walking those frisky poodles and dancing so take it the aches and pains have gone?

    Sandy ~ Those photos of Robby are delightful too; hasn't he grown so quickly!!

    Marie ~ Missing you sweetheart and hope all is ok with you.

    Must get on and do something, just not sure what. The clouds are disappearing and the sun appearing so I think whatever it is it'll be outside!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    IAm fine Jackie, you might called it forgetful on my part to post.

    I got up at seven this morning. Had my coffee and thinking about another snooz befor dinner. My son made it in yesterday, so good seeing him. Him and my brother has gone fishing this morning.. Tomorrow they all go to the game. Dallas Cowboy going to get me a pot of beans going before I hopped back in be

    See you later

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,354 Member
    t111078.gif the dogs didn't want to walk before breakfast and they may not want to go after breakfast either.

    No, the aches and pains aren't gone. I have a prescription from the doctor, ibuprofen, and a referral for a nerve conduction test to find out what's wrong. But I'm still walking and dancing.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Barbie: our wet wild weather makes me creaky but you are so right about keeping up your activities. I try to get in a session of calisthenics and of course that yoga DVD. I really am not great at exercise so I have to have a variety of strategies to keep moving. I also have my exercise bike and light weights (8 lb) and (10 lb)....all to keep things from "rusting shut."

    We never have any little Halloween visitors but I have a few little sacks with toys inside. I can't give candy! I would gobble it up before the kids get to the door. Sad but true!

    Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,399 Member

    Happy Saturday!! :) I slept in today, guess I was tired. It is a raining day so I feel sad for the little kids who might not get to trick or treat. A lot of our little towns have parties in their park districts, so that would be ideal on a day like this. Me, I might just stay in my pj's all day and do nothing except ride the bike and play on my computer. Will also try to catch up on my TV shows that are recorded. I do have to pay some bills but that is about all I plan for today. Rainy days are for sleeping aren't they???

    Enjoy your day and don't forget to turn those clocks back tonight.

    One Day at a Time
  • Barbie, you are looking Younger! Love both photos. I was thinking of you as I walked Honey in the rain. Now I read the dogs refuse to go out in it this morning. Lol! Still working