Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    phoebe what is vegetables meat balls?

    Jerry and I went out to Texas Steak house for our Father day meal. It is about 2 blocks from our house I had a vegetables plate.Very good Pinto beans, carrots, green beans, steam rice..Fried okra that I should not Have had. but so good and ice tea.

    Both of my girls are coming up tomorrow and we will be going to Black eyes peas for dinner

    Anne your yard is so preety and brightly color. Pretty pretty.

    Jackie. geogre has adopted pretty well to your way of living. Walking and gardening

    Patsy you seems to stay pretty busy,

    Lin you are always busy. Slow down and smell the roses.

    B has her own place to live. or what. You are wise playing tough love. We put our foot down with our grandkids. I just wish their Mom did too. Blaine and his new girl friend are expecting in January. Suppose to get married in Sept. I think they are planning a big wedding. They did buy them a house. Just wonder how long they can keep the house payment up.

    hope you all have had a blessed day.
    love uou Sneakers
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member

    Patsy – people just cannot manage to get along! My dad and his brothers had some type of problems in the 1960’s. My dad and one of those brothers never spoke again for the rest of their lives. One of his children even called my dad when their father died and told him sorry but you are not welcome at the funeral. So just do your best. I know it makes special days very stressful.

    Anne – good going (no problems when going out to eat). I think a change of restaurant was probably a good thing! And your garden is beautiful. Thanks for the picture. And good idea to drag out the answering machine again.

    Jackie – so glad you and George had fun on your outing yesterday. It is nice of you to collect seed for your friend. When I was a kid, my Grandmother and her relatives were always collecting and saving seed to exchange for flowers and vegetables. Her sister even took home some plum seeds in an effort to start her own trees. Radon—yep, it is everywhere now. That basement had not been open in probably 15 years so no doubt the level was elevated. If I open an egress window I will get in big trouble with the retest. Since I’ve already had to commit to paying for the remediation there’s no need to try to lower the level now.

    Sandy – I hope Bryanna finds a new job and the whole issue can be resolved. Time at the pool today looked great. I’m so glad I can see your posts on Facebook. We had sun today and now stormy weather is rolling in and through our state. I hope you’re having a nice evening.

    Phoebe – glad you found a good physical therapist. It would be nice to have your appointments with the same therapist consistently but that is difficult isn’t it? You cook some very interesting things my friend. Does DH like what you make or does he want different things? Do you plan to go back to work before the 4th of July weeknd?

    Marie – enjoy your day with the family tomorrow. Hugs and more hugs to you.

    I got a bit more moved around in the house today so the guy can get at the air ducts on Monday. Tomorrow after church I plan to clean the vinyl floors a bit and get the vacuum cleaner out. But today I was tired, very tired so I took a nap this afternoon. I tried to fight it and keep trying to work on the cleaning up but couldn’t manage it. I think I am lazy at heart. I had made a batch of my crackers and that was the first time I used my new oven. Interesting. And I did a bit of veggie cooking as well. I still need to clean some carrots and zucchini but will do that tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone well this weekend......


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, I guess vegetable meatballs doesn't sound right does it? Let me try again. They look like meatballs but are made without meat. I like Gardein brand. I'm eating morningstar farms brand until they're all gone. Then I won't buy them again. They are filling and taste great if you can find Gardein brand.
    Lin, Jim thinks I'm nuts,lol. He doesn't try new things often. He loves fruits and vegetables, but His way only. I'm used to it though.
    I've had a bad stomach ache today. Pnut butter sandwich around midnight, otherwise no dinner. Time to get some sleep, night,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member

    Good morning. Getting ready to return some materials to the library drop-off box and then to church. At least I don't have anything heavy to tote into church this week. Yippee!

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy day. Phoebe - I hope the stomach ache is gone today.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member

    A friend is coming to spend some time with me at the pool. Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Eating small meals today, stomach still achy...
    Hope you're all enjoying a nice Sunday. Ours is nice, and Hot. Just remembered, got to take a utilities payment to the dropbox. Bye
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Father' s Day to everyone. And happy life to every one of us. Right now I' m sort of functioning, but my touchpad is crazy, so I cannot control the cursor properly. I miss you all, and so much happening here, but I'll get in touch with Dell to fix what I have left to do. Bear with me, and for those with a radon problem, the stuff gave my dear Mother lung cancer. Came from granite in the hills of Boston! So sorry reading about SANDY' s heartache; she was such a devoted grandmother! Gotta fix cursor now. Luv ya...
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »

    A friend is coming to spend some time with me at the pool. Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time

    woman friend or male friend. Sandy?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Got to keep an eye on Sandy Don't we.

    phoebe hope your stomach bug is gone. I have not check into any of that soy meat flavor stuff.. I do want to try the soy milk out. they say it has protein in it. and low in carbs.

    Buzz~~ you are always so busy. all my electronic is working just fine now. I was having problem with my cursor But Alice got the Greek boys to run a scan on it and thank they got it fix. I was also having problems that this computer was not accepting my embroidery software but as they were doing a scan the red light came on it and it accepted our download on it. So I am a happy girl.

    had a great time out with my girls , Jerry and my son in law. Place was really crowded I had a vegie plate while the rest of them enjoy those heavenly smelling yeast hot buns Even tho they are vegan they are not gluten free, And I cannot handle gluten at all.

    I uess I done all the damage I can do here so I willsay good night
    <3 marie

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hello All,

    Had a fun couple of days. Yesterday we went hiking and took tons of photos of springs flowers then stopped off and had a coffee with friend. Very good day.

    Today being Father's Day, we went out to the Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum at Drumheller with our youngest daughter and her family. Her two little guys are 5 and 3, so much fun. Then home and I've been walking around in circles to get in my 10,000 steps and working on getting my computer organized. Big job.

    Here's another photo from our trip. The Indian Paintbrushes were so colorful.

    Have a great day tomorrow Jeri


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good morning - stormy day here. I started moving everything around upstairs and found out the air duct cleaning company is double booked and has to change my appointment so am out to do a couple of errands before I come home and move things as they should arrive between 11am and noon now. Forecast is for temps in the 90's and storms. Oh my......

    Jeri, what a lovely day you had! We had a special dinosaur show over the weekend as well as a carnival......magnets for children! I don't think I've ever seen an Indian paintbrush flower IRL. Thanks for the picture.

    Hope you're better today Phoebe.

    Marie--glad your computer is all straightened out now.

    Sandy - stormy over your way today as well?

    Anne and Patsy--where are you???

    Buzz - a friend called me yesterday afternoon and she's having problems with her AOL account and can't figure it out and doesn't know whether to just open a new one or try to get AOL on the phone to help her. I thought about all you've taken on---you are a marvel.

    Take care everyone. My ribs are just killing me today. Funny how sometimes injuries seem to get worse for a while before they get better. Must be pulled muscles......

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day but I have read everyone's posts in order to keep up. BUZZ, when a friend's computer was totally messed by those scammers she had to get a professional in to wipe everything and start again so I do admire your determination but do check nothing nasty is hiding away once you feel you have it beat!! A news story today on tv was quoting the tens of millions of pounds lost to such scammers annually so I can see why they won't go away! LIN ~ It could be you bruised your rib bones and that will take a while to come out. ANNE ~ So you were out at 5.30 this morning buying organic veggies.... now that's commitment!

    I see tropical storm Bill that has been giving you all such wet weather is now heading in our direction but because it's going to put a bump in the jet stream we'll get more warm winds from the south so hopefully the rains will have faded away by the time it gets here.

    After today my days look a lot quieter so I'll be able to catch up properly.
    Happy Monday everyone.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, not QUITE shopping at 5:30! Walking at 5:30. However I've just plunked down on the sofa after getting back from the veggie store and I've recorded another half hour, although it WAS more. Exhausted, hot and sticky out there, even at 8:30am so I'm glad I'm all done as far as walking and veggie shopping are concerned. I don't think the organic place opens before 9:00am, Jackie, lol. We seem to get the same weather as LIN to the west of us.

    My cousin in the UK told me of one of his neighbours who's just been scammed out of roughly $16000 or £8000 so beware JACKIE, although it will spread to here of course. Apparently she got a call from a "police officer" who told her that her banks computer had a virus so the police had been called in for safety reasons to contact everyone in order to move everyone's savings to new set up accounts. Of course she gave him her account number and received a new account number in exchange which of course doesn't exist and now all her savings are gone.

    Well, I now feel somewhat recovered so had better put my purchases away before they wilt.
    Hi and Keep cool everyone,
    Oh just remembered, I saw the first of that new series that Jackie mentioned, photographed in beautiful Cornwall. It was dedicated to Warren Clark who died last year and plays the uncle in the series. Looks good. Sorry forget the title, Pollard?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Just got a warning on my phone about storms in our area. Yesterday was so beautiful and a "lady" friend came to spend some time with me. She used to live in my old apartment complex but we have both moved but still remain friends. Today is wash day and my cleaning girl is coming around noon, other than that no plans except for definitely getting on the bike today. I continue to watch Lost, I am on season two of six, it is a long series. Have to start mentally packing for my Portland trip coming up soon, it will be nice to get away again.
    A friend from bingo has passed, so I will be going to her wake and funeral Tuesday and Wednesday. She was a very sweet lady but has been in and out of the hospital and on kidney dialysis three times a week. She was ready to die and is now finally at peace.

    Anne, that is terrible news about your cousin, is there no way to get her money back?

    Jackie, as long as you check in, we understand about being busy, life sometime gets in the way.

    Lin, yes stormy here as well and tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful. Such crazy weather.

    Jeri, I like Lin, have never heard of this flower but it is beautiful. Wonderful news from your doctor, how is your foot doing?

    Marie, don't worry Marie, there is no other man in my life, the friend was a girl. Glad your day was wonderful.

    Phoebe, hope you are feeling better today, you are such a kind lady.

    I better eat some breakfast and jump in the shower, have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Home again but no air duct cleaning today. The technician is ill and the owner is out of town so now I'm rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon! Meanwhile, I'm on the DAV route for Friday so I have to move a little chair and ottoman out onto the porch that morning. They will not come into anyone's house.

    I've decided on solid bamboo flooring for my family room and have signed up for an installer to come out and measure my family room. Should hear from him in the next few days and hope he can work me into his schedule. After he turns in his paperwork I should get a call from my Lowe's person regarding the details and finalizing the order which I then need to pay for I would imagine. I talked to a friend who's using a Lowe's installer this morning and they are finally getting their floor installed on the 30th which is a lot later than originally estimated. Three weeks later because their installer was so booked! Wow! I guess the home improvement business is doing quite well this year.

    You may be right Jackie, something must be bruised. I have lots of regular bruises on my hands, arms, knees and legs but I don't see any bruising on my ribs. Just pain.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    its me been reading all the post and a busy bunch of Sneakers.. I enjoy Reading all of the posting. Lin gettingher house all fix up. good for her jeri out taking lovely photo of indian paintbrushes [img] We have some in SOUTh Texas too and even some in out town in the spring marie[/img]
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    looks like it did not work correctly for me.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    MARIE, it did work and your photo is lovely. I love wild flowers. When we stepped off the plane all those years ago the first wild flower I saw in Quebec was the blue chicory. I noticed it flowering today on my walk and I still get a kick out of seeing it.
    I'm so glad you are finally solving all your food and computer problems. I've been virtually vegan for years. Just eat fish and eggs. My little garden is very ordinary. I posted the picture for LIN because she asked how it grew. My tomatoes are flowering though and I've got one small green one forming. However they are for my son. I won't eat tomatoes ever since I read about them causing arthritis. That goes for Bell peppers as well which is a shame because they are so tasty.
    Just a thought JACKIE, anything going on in your neck of the woods regarding the 800 years anniversary celebrations since MAGNA CARTA (1215)? One of my (ex?) sisters in law lives near Lincoln and apparently great things are going on there with suits of armour dotted around Lincoln Castle if I hear her correctly.
    My then little boys loved Lincoln castle and especially the dungeons! Actually they loved ALL the castles we roamed around and especially those with dungeons still intact. I think it was Tamworth castle that fascinated ME the most. All the carved inscriptions in the stone walls done by prisoners from our civil war in the 1600's.
    Sorry girls, here I go twittering on again! Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow!!! Dell got all my new drivers installed and my cursor is like a baby! I had to redo all my emails only to discover over 28,000 were removed from the hard drive into my program! But I survived, and though I'm on the way to dinner, I should find more time to get back with you all. Lots of heart by-passes here and I've done my share of emergency driving. As far as Mike...he hides his problems well, but I end up doing the cleaning up of his mistakes, which get more frequent ...thank goodness for the Caregivers Meetings, although they aren' t frequent enough. Old age ain't for the weak!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends
    Well, just dropped in to say hi. i am at the library using their computer and service. It is so fast but I only get here once in a while. I do go on to do my food diary so I can keep in touch on my phone. The things we go through. Oh well, my son and grandson have been staying with us and they don't drive so we take my son to his many doctor visits etc. They usually stay at my daughters but since school is out they are staying with us. I am really trying to make good lunches and dinners but sometimes my son cooks and I eat a little too much. I rejoined weight watchers and have lost about 5 lbs. I really need the meetings. Any way I want to tell you that I miss our conversations but we do what we have to do. I am checking on getting internet but haven't found one in my area that is worth the money. They are all slow. Anyway have a great day. Thinking of you all.