Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I will catch up later. I am leaving to attend a wedding in Michigan. Second marriages for both and two kids each. Definitely
    a blended family.

    Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Diane ~~


    Here's a birthday cuppa tea just as your grandmother used to make!

    Enjoy your day. <3
    Hugs ~ Jackie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Walked in the woods this morning because we've had drizzly rain so again hooray, the onions will get watered!

    Buzz ~ Your prowess when it comes to delving into the depths of your computer's mind leaves me in awe although I do remember my first lesson in computer work when a card game was put up for me to play and I thought this isn't what I want to do but neither did I want to know the why and wherefore of it all, hence my occasional magical mystery tours that I'm lucky to get away with!

    Lin ~ More storms!! I do hope this one has now moved on and your pump has done what was needed in your basement. What will be will be and if the sale doesn't go ahead then it was never meant but the right family is just around the corner.

    Jeri ~ Another beautiful photo and I think like Anne, I've seen a similar flower here in the UK although probably in a hot house! Your painful hips sound similar to my struggle but I've managed to step beyond the pain and keep moving although my muscles complain constantly. A new mattress is high on my shopping list but I think I'll need to find a shop that's happy for me to do a test run and let me stay the night!

    Anne ~ Violet let me know she occupied this cottage soon after I moved in but usually with pleasant actions like filling a room with the scent of violets, hence the name, or playing games when I've called out to tell her to behave and she's turned the lights out for a few seconds. Lots and lots of incidents but none of them nasty or frightening so I don't feel the need to exorcise her. She was at her most active when the property was being renovated and returned to original features but since the work was finished she's calmed down so I'm hoping she's content with what's been done, in fact I'm sure she is because when the 1970's fireplace was knocked out to uncover the original chimney space the smell of baking cakes swamped the room.... couldn't ask for a nicer smell than that! When I spent time researching the old census records on line to find who'd been living here from the mid 1800's I was going through page after page of parish information and was about to give up when the screen began to roll at rapid speed without my fingers touching the keys and stopped showing the names Richard and Jane Carter at my address from around 1850. Jane spent many years on her own here after Richard passed away so I like to think it's her. Another time when I was upstairs getting ready to go to work the radio was on downstairs and the Police song "Every breath you take" was playing and suddenly the volume turned up by itself until the walls were practically shaking and if you know the lyrics they are along the lines every move you make, every step you take, I'll be watching you!!! It could all be a coincidence of course but after speaking to a neighbour about it a year after I moved in I had a phone call from the previous owner and it turned out her grandson worked with that neighbour and had been told about Violet so he told his gran who then called to tell me not to be scared of her because she had similar experiences and used to call out saying "I live here now so deal with it"! I've never felt the need to be that firm but when I find dainty little violets growing in the lawn or under a shrub I make sure I don't damage or remove them!

    Phoebe ~ I imagine the over active bladder isn't nice but from public service announcements we sometimes get on tv we're told to contact an NHS doctor if we think we suffer with it because there's lots that can be done to alleviate the symptoms so I'm sure help will be out there for you. Enjoy your visit to your aunt for her birthday. Her memory issues must be a worry but hopefully she is safe enough in her current environment.

    Sandy ~I'm sure Anne is right that our bedclothes come from the layer upon layer of sheet, blankets, eiderdowns and if a really cold night, a dressing gown across the feet if no bed socks available!! When I was a child I would scrape ice off the inside of my bedroom window on mid winter mornings but we were all healthy and rarely caught colds whereas living with central heating during my time in Toronto had me bunged up, sneezing and coughing summer and winter!!

    Marie ~ Hopefully your computer is behaving today and we'll hear from you.

    Must get on as the vacuum cleaner has been standing in the middle of the room doing nothing for too long.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes I am here Jackie and I so love reading your posting.

    Interesting about violet Really must be nice to have company at hand. I have never encounter any ghost But know there are many things in this universe we do not understand.
    I loved all of our chatting. Even Phoebe had a long chat with us this Bright and beautiful morning. I think some really hot days are ahead of us . So far we have not no 100 degree days yet. But know they are coming

    well I will make this short chat for my bladder is trying to tell me something.
    <3 Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Happy Friday!! :) Another rainy day, a good day for sleeping. I woke up at 6 am and couldn't fall back to sleep, even though I went to bed after midnight. I think a nap is in my future. The dinner/show was great last night, it was so good to see old friends and the entertainer was so happy to see all of us. It was a fun night and even though I had baked clams and veal picante I managed to lose 0.9 pounds which makes me happy.

    Jackie, what an amazing story about Jane/Violet, I am not sure if I would be scared or not. I can't imagine any of that being a coincidence it all seems so real. Do any of the critters seem to realize there might be a presence in the house? Bryanna will love to hear this story, she has a fascination with ghosts.

    Shirley, have a wonderful time at the wedding, safe travels.

    Jeri, forget about exercise until you feel better, you sure have had your share of health issues. That is an amazing picture, where does one start from when walking these dunes? I see no parking lot or buildings anywhere.

    Lin, I would figure about $5 a square foot for carpeting so I agree with you no more than $2000 for carpet allowance and if you can offer less even better. Was the house sold as is when your agent listed it?
    That would have been the best thing to do but if not it is too late now. You will get through this and never have to see the buyer again so just take it one day at a time.

    Marie, computers can be such a pain but such a good way to stay in touch with each other.

    Phoebe, I am a worry wart by nature, I just can't help it. I just hate to hear about any of you hurting or being sick etc. At least I know you are taking care of yourself and hopefully will be healthy soon.

    Hello to all I missed and have a wonderful day. Don't forget your water.

    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, that's a wonderful story about Violet/Jane. Maybe she just loves the scent of violets. Have you caught George staring into space at nothing like our dog Judy did in the Victorian house I was born in? We wondered at times but never saw anything. Anyway just to say, PLEASE don't exorcise her, she appears to be a harmless soul and fun too! In fact if I HAD to be haunted I wouldn't say no to Violet Jane. If I ever get to be a restless spirit I would definitely haunt this house I think because I have always enjoyed my little nest. However, it will probably suffer the same fate as the rest of the old houses down this street, hauled down for some monstrous mansion.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Just back from a sunny but windy evening stroll across the moors with George. The sheep have moved down from the top moor, possibly because they didn't want to get blown away and as you can see the lambs are staying close to mum!

    Cooking fish and chips for my dinner and then might get back later. Meanwhile, ANNE ~ George hasn't been particularly aware of Violet but the cats seem very receptive and one even sat on my bedroom window seat a few years ago and having heard a floorboard creak on the landing watched something move from the door into the room and although at one point I put a waving hand across her face she didn't look away from whatever she saw for several minutes. Now that did give me goose bumps but because the cat wasn't concerned I decided there was no harm in whatever it was!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mikes just left, but, like me, was very interested in Violet Jane. My very much loved mother in law reckoned SHE saw a ghost. She took my ex and his sisters (3, 5, and 8 years) for a brief holiday in Hornsea just prior to WW2 breaking out. The accommodation was a Romany gypsy caravan and attached, a railway coach for sleeping. They got there fairly late so she put the children to bed and she sat in a chair doing her embroidery (very gifted) when suddenly a man simply came through the wall. She said he had a brown fedora pulled low over his face, was dark skinned and wearing shirt, corduroys, and a brown jacket. Peeping out of the jacket was a tiny black kitten. He simply walked past her and through the opposite wall. She was so shaken, she immediately hauled the poor kids out of bed and set off for home. She and my father in law had a dairy farm and she was having a break from all the chores, including driving and delivering the pails of milk. Her theory was a gypsy caravan is supposed to be burnt when its owner dies and this caravan hadn't been burnt, hence the haunting. She was still talking about the incident when I met her years later. The Romanies helped on the farm at harvest time, and had for years, and that's maybe why she had the privilege of "seeing" her ghost.
    However, I have still yet to see one! Love the sheep! I miss sheep, very few in Ontario.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jackie - Wow. So interesting and rather unnerving too.

    Sandy - this is a shot from the visitor center. There is parking there and down beside the creek. You have to wade through Medano Creek to get to the dunes and that is part of the fun.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello Loves! Hot here again. We went out on the deck to have coffee this morning and stayed all of 5 minutes. It was just to blazing hot and uncomfortable. I need to cut the dead flowers from my flowering pots but will do it after dinner tonight. Yes ladies, I admit it! I am a major wimp!

    We are currently concerned about a toxic algae bloom that has shut down the clam, oyster, and crab fishing. It is darned ugly when it washes up on the beaches. Strange things going on in the ocean. Watched a great PBS program on the intelligence of birds. It was a nova special. See it if you get a chance. Remarkable intelligence of especially crows!

    I am enjoying the yoga. I see that one needs to couple this with some sort of aerobics. I am using my exercise bike. I have to lift weights as well. I am working so hard to keep my body operational that I hardly have time enjoy the benefits. HA! It takes me so long to do my regular tasks, I am hoping for a bit more durability and speed. I trail along behind turtles and snails.

    I am still dealing with John's determination to do everything himself. No hired help! This is a part of aging that I never anticipated. Male pride is an amazing thing. Our car needs to be clean and shiny at all times, lawn cut, weeds removed, blackberries kept at bay...on and on. I fear he will callapse with his hammer and shovel at his side. He says he is feeling fine and I worry for naught! But I think that is part of my worry!

    Reading the newest biography of Steve Jobs. There was more to that man than just a computer genius. My work continues. I hope to have this latest series of paintings ready to show by late fall. I am slow at my painting as well.

    Lin: selling real estate is a huge stomach no matter how you do it. The buyers always want a "deal." The sellers want to get the highest value possible, the agents want a closing and their fee so they can move on. Everyone has an agenda. Grit your teeth my sweet friend! It will be over before you know it!

    Sneakers, you are all so great! You are my best friends! Thank goodness you are there!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri what is a dunes. is it snow or what? sure is pretty tho
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Marie Sand Dunes. They are the largest in North America.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    My gosh, what a lot of interesting posts!! More sand dunes, beautiful orchid, ghost stories, sheep, and more! I feel I am so far behind once again. I lost my Internet connection on and off this afternoon and I lost a long post before I noticed that there were connection problems. DARN!

    DAV picked up the furniture items today and left a donation slip. Yeah! I love it when things get ticked off my list.

    The gentleman came to measure up for the bamboo flooring and spent a good amount of time talking to me about the installation process and options involved. Now apparently he puts together a bid and info on the materials needed, he reports that to Lowe’s and then they call me with all the details on ordering and pricing. Then I have to go to the store (to pay and sign for the order) and then I can schedule with the installer. Unfortunately they are so busy that installations are already a month out on wood flooring so it appears I will not be getting new flooring for quite a while.

    Thank you for the suggestions on how flexible to be on the carpet issue. Sandy, I wasn’t given any options on the listing---I refused to sign any type of condition disclosure report as it is an estate sale and it will be a court officer deed so my level of knowledge of the property is assumed to be lesser than that of a true owner. I said unknown on the lead paint disclosure as well since there’s an older garage on the property. I am told that if the buyer could not easily discern problems when putting in their offer on the property that they can change their mind and walk away on their final walk-through when they see something that was not visible before. That obviously is the case with carpet when furniture has been in place since 1997. I never said the carpet was perfect nor did I guarantee or warrant it. We were all just using our eyeballs. My attorney didn’t say they could not walk away if I don’t make an adjustment so it must be true.

    I’ve been working to unpack and sort out some of the final boxes of supplies and things I brought home the other day. I shouldn’t need to purchase things like KIeenex, paper towels, cleaning supplies, office supplies, and more for the next year or so and maybe I’ll never need to purchase a towel again! There are other things that will need to be sorted out and tossed. Made a bit of progress though.

    Also zipped over to the library and picked up some reserve items so I’m reading a not-so-good book right now “Wicked Charms: A Lizzy and Diesel Novel” by Janet Evanovich & Phoef Sutton. I always seem to read these when they come out as I usually put my name on the reserve list but I am not wild about this series. Anyone else read these?

    So Jeri, is the small round leaf orchid a wild flower in your area? It is gorgeous. I wish you could find a solution to your pain problem. Thanks for the extra pictures on the dunes area.

    Jackie, your friend got a new car? My, how exciting---was your friend bouncing about in the car on the way over? I would have for certain! And thank you for your comments, I think there will be a demand for a lot of $$ but I trust we can knock it down to a reasonable level. Oh my gosh, I’ve never had any experience with any type of presence in a house. Several people had mentioned to me when we moved to an old home (back when I was married) that the house was haunted because a gentleman had not only died in that home but that he was laid out for view in the parlor. Well, we used that room as an office and never heard a peep from him. By the way, I do the same thing, I get the vacuum cleaner out but then I don’t use it right away. It’s like a statue in the room. I took my electric broom with me the other day and it stopped working. Now I need to figure out if it is done for or if it just wasn’t charged enough. I’ll tackle that another day.

    Anne – how did shopping day go? Get everything you were after? Yes, I agree, I am being pushed but I have to ride this out one way or another. And I really feel we are just 2 ticks away from finished. I just need to keep my cool and live through the next week. Ha. I love your story about the gypsy caravan. Yes, they are to burn them when the owner dies right? I didn’t know that but saw it on a TV show once upon a time. I believe some sheep are raised in our state but I don’t see any these days. When I travel it’s mostly corn, beans or in the pastures, some cattle or horses, no sheep. I do drive by an agricultural college and they have a herd of bison/buffalo. I enjoy seeing them.

    Shirley – I hope you are having a lovely time at the wedding. See you when you get back.

    Sandy – I am glad you had a great time with your friends. It is nice when occasions with friends work out so nicely. I thank you for your advice but I will likely see these people. I am keeping the farm which surrounds that acreage and I will check on my property from time to time. And I would expect whether I want it or not, they will call if they have questions or concerns. I’m going to ask a neighbor to text me if he sees problems with the farm ground since the guy who rents the farm is a large farm operator who doesn’t get around to each farm often. He has a crew of guys who will check crop conditions periodically but I doubt I will be shed of these people as long as I retain my property. Did you get to the pool? We have sunshine now—whoopee!

    Patsy – I am a wimp too but I think there is nothing wrong with waiting for cooler weather to do your work. Sounds reasonable to me. Yes, indeed, men have different ideas of how to live life and what they insist on doing. My dad’s cousin who just turned 90 will not give up trimming trees and using his chain saw to take down trees out at his farm. His sons have no influence on him. He lives his life the way he wants to. A guy thing? Maybe but although I am very cautious, I still don’t want people telling me what I should or should not do. I hope your DH does not push himself too much. Sorry to hear about the toxic algae. These environmental things are so disturbing and we don’t seem to know how to reverse them. You are right, selling real estate is not a joy for me! I just need to get through it.

    All done rambling for today. I wonder if I’ll ever write a post that makes sense and doesn’t just go on and on. Hugs to all and thank you for being my friends. You are a blessing for certain.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Am I the first one here this morning. Been a long time since that has happen so wifi make this short before Some one beat me. Beat me.
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yep I made it. Had breakfast my coffee . Ready for what ever today brings starting a new plan this morning carbs 80%' Fat 10 % ! Protein 10% I will attemp this for 22 days. It's a lot of cooking so don't know if I am up to it. we shall see,

    <3 Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    A quick note to Lin, then I will finish reading the posts and be back later.
    Lin, if you feel like continuing with the reluctant buyers, here is what I would offer.
    I will Not give any allowance for the carpet. I Will purchase and install carpet of My choosing with no input from buyers allowed. Make it known that the carpet will be of no more current value than what the currently installed product values at Today. Basically, the least expensive to be found with no concern for style or color. Let Everyone know you are Not to be rushed into a quick sale, and most importantly- offer No excuses to anyone!
    OK, my 2 or more cents worth
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) There is a sun and it is shining bright!!! My niece will happy for that since she is having a family gathering this afternoon and it is always better outside than inside. Lisa and Robby are going with me since no one has seen Robby. Rob is not social due to his bipolar so he is staying home rather than be anxious. Lisa is fine with that and as long as she doesn't care than I don't care.

    Marie, you are the early bird this morning and are the first to post. Good luck with new food plan, did you get tired of the old one?

    Phoebe, the only problem is that then Lin would have to wait for an appointment and then wait again for the installers and she would like this done and over. I think a carpet allowance is the best, quick and easy. Just my opinion which is what makes us all different in our own ways. (are you singing it yet?)

    Lin, I forgot about the acreage so who knows maybe you will become good friend with your buyers. Anything is possible.

    Patsy, I agree, men are stubborn creatures. I would be happy to take some of your heat, our weather has been just awful. It is beautiful today though and I am grateful.

    Jeri, those dunes are just beautiful, what a great adventure.

    Jackie, having tea with Violet???

    Have a wonderful day, enjoy every minute.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just a quick good morning everybody from me. This is because the Internet has been down most of the morning presumably because we are about to be deluged with rain from 12 on until Monday I think. The sky is a sort of peculiar tinged green and there is quite a wind getting up.
    LIN, I for one find your story and dilemma interesting so don't quit confiding in us, or as YOU call it, "rambling on". It's the best way to think things through I find personally. And it is a dilemma. Personally I like PHOEBE'S solution, but then SANDY, you certainly make a good point.
    LIN, it's really weird because your story is so like my DILS. She is renting out the farmland her dad owned as well. The only difference, he rented out the land when he felt too old to manage it, then sold the farmhouse, and moved here to be near us after her Mom was dying from cancer, and it's THAT house that my DIL sold last year after losing both parents within 17 months. A word of caution to all the stubborn DHs. Her dad had been pruning fruit trees the day before he died. He'd been doing this all week for himself (12 trees at his new home) and also for less knowledgeable friends. Well I'm afraid he died in his sleep that night, he was 82. Sorry about that but better forewarned. His mantra was "I am a very strong man". I guess his heart wasn't. Very sad. PATSY, please show your John this bit.
    And that's me done. My youngest son, DIL and grandson set off yesterday for the Mediterranean (Derek's reward for doing so well at uni. and probably a last vacation as a family). I am missing them already because somebody usually shows up at my door over the weekend. However I saw elder son Mike yesterday, and the shopping went good LIN.
    Bye everybody. Keep dry if you are in this storms path!