Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Marie, I found this easy looking recipe for bean burgers. Most of the recipes I've used take forever, use too many ingredients and make loads of burgers. This one looks simple.

    Bean Burgers by Jeff Novick
    - One Can Kidney Beans, No Salt Added, drained & rinsed well
    - 1/2 Cup Cooked Brown Rice (short grain works the best)
    - 1/2 Cup Regular Rolled Oats (or ~1/4 cup cornmeal)
    - 2 TB Home Made Salsa (or any salsa, ketchup, or BBQ sauce)
    - Spice (about 1 tbsp dried)

    Mash Beans by hand
    Add in all other ingredients and mix well
    Form into patties
    Grill (or broil) on each side till lightly golden brown
    Add in about 1 tbsp of your favorite dried spice
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy soggy Monday!! It was beautiful this morning but I had a doctor's appointment so no pool. I went for my shoulder which has been bothering me especially when I sleep. I figured it would be the same "old age" answer but he said it is rotator cuff with a possible small tear which happens to a lot of people over 60, so I was half right.
    He gave me a cortisone shot and 6 weeks of therapy. If not better than an MRI. He also gave me some home exercises to do since I am leaving Saturday and won't be able to start therapy until I return. I asked if I could still hit some tennis balls with my son and he said I can do whatever I want. The cortisone shot should help but was warned it will hurt more before it gets better for about three days. I am glad I went, I sort of put these things off because I think they will go away by themselves.
    It was sunny when I got out of office and after running a few errands I texted Lisa and asked if she wanted to go to pool. The sky was already getting dark but she came for about a half hour before the rains hit and hit they did.
    Stopped for now but more expected. What a horrible summer.

    It is already dinner time so I am just checking in, will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. I am sorry to hear of your shoulder problems Sandy. At least you know something of what is going on now. I hope you feel better soon and that the home exercises help while you're out of town.

    Shirley. My goodness another great event coming up soon. I hope you have a wonderful time and that the weather is cooperative.

    Gayla. Sorry you lost your post. It happens to all of us from time to time.

    Anne. Happy Monday to you. I hope you enjoyed your show. I watched a movie this afternoon which was pretty heart-breaking. It's called "Cake" with Jennifer Anniston. Has anyone else seen it?

    Jackie. Happy hunting in the sale venues. There's always something to look at. I heard from the company selling my dad's stuff. They've changed their minds again and instead of doing online auctions for the smaller items, she's now decided to include everything into a big sale she's having the 24th and 25th of July. I hope I don't have to pay storage indefinitely.

    Phoebe. Good to hear from you as well and sometimes my ribs feel better and other times it aches like crazy. I'm a slow healer though so nothing new.

    Hi Patsy and Buzz!!

    I posted on my news feed that I'll be out of town again tomorrow. This time it is for the closing. The HUD statement has been prepared and the buyers had their final walk through this afternoon. So I hope there are no surprises tomorrow morning. I asked for an afternoon closing so of course, it's scheduled in the morning. I have lots of things I'd like to accomplish while I'm there so I guess that is fine.

    Hugs to to you again soon.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I finally caught up with all the posts. Whew!

    So much going on with everyone. Love the ghost stories, my girlfriend Elli, who passed, was very intuitive and could see spirits.

    Today was mostly cleaning, laundry and cutting and freezing my Kale. I did take in a Yoga class and meditation and really
    needed it. Now tired and my back is sore.

    My washer decided to flood on the laundry room floor. Dave checked it out after he got home from the boat and I did
    two more loads and nothing happened again. I don't know what was with it. What a mess to clean up.

    I hope to keep up until Thursday when we leave again for our club cruise long weekend and extending our vacation too.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley Do you know how to find Hello Healthy? I can't find it

    Lin I copy and save that bean burger and will be making some this week. Thanks sweetheart
    Stay safe on the road. finish that business up. good luck on it.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Shoot! Lost a long post when I discovered I was on page 114 instead of 115. Now too sleepy too repeat it! Just think I should answer JACKIE's question about coincidence of card fraud and computer scam. I doubt they are related. Several seniors have received calls regarding "compromised" credit cars. They are strictly "phishing " calls from disgruntled employees, people who steal numbers from gas pumps, and other thieves. The credit card companies are overwhelmed trying to keep up with the fraud; and this is international, not just local! What craziness! I'm yawning widely, and off to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Marie, I found this easy looking recipe for bean burgers. Most of the recipes I've used take forever, use too many ingredients and make loads of burgers. This one looks simple.

    Bean Burgers by Jeff Novick
    - One Can Kidney Beans, No Salt Added, drained & rinsed well
    - 1/2 Cup Cooked Brown Rice (short grain works the best)
    - 1/2 Cup Regular Rolled Oats (or ~1/4 cup cornmeal)
    - 2 TB Home Made Salsa (or any salsa, ketchup, or BBQ sauce)
    - Spice (about 1 tbsp dried)

    Mash Beans by hand
    Add in all other ingredients and mix well
    Form into patties
    Grill (or broil) on each side till lightly golden brown
    Add in about 1 tbsp of your favorite dried spice
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Good evening. I am sorry to hear of your shoulder problems Sandy. At least you know something of what is going on now. I hope you feel better soon and that the home exercises help while you're out of town.

    Shirley. My goodness another great event coming up soon. I hope you have a wonderful time and that the weather is cooperative.

    Gayla. Sorry you lost your post. It happens to all of us from time to time.

    Anne. Happy Monday to you. I hope you enjoyed your show. I watched a movie this afternoon which was pretty heart-breaking. It's called "Cake" with Jennifer Anniston. Has anyone else seen it?

    Jackie. Happy hunting in the sale venues. There's always something to look at. I heard from the company selling my dad's stuff. They've changed their minds again and instead of doing online auctions for the smaller items, she's now decided to include everything into a big sale she's having the 24th and 25th of July. I hope I don't have to pay storage indefinitely.

    Phoebe. Good to hear from you as well and sometimes my ribs feel better and other times it aches like crazy. I'm a slow healer though so nothing new.

    Hi Patsy and Buzz!!

    I posted on my news feed that I'll be out of town again tomorrow. This time it is for the closing. The HUD statement has been prepared and the buyers had their final walk through this afternoon. So I hope there are no surprises tomorrow morning. I asked for an afternoon closing so of course, it's scheduled in the morning. I have lots of things I'd like to accomplish while I'm there so I guess that is fine.

    Hugs to to you again soon.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I didn't know I did the above. I was catching upup reading posts and next thing I know,, I've dropped my phone.
    Good morning to all but too early for me so goodnight, again
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The heat has arrived but with a sea breeze even 20 miles from the coast, it's perfect! Went swimming at the local indoor pool first thing and am now mixing a bit of housework with gardening as the mood takes me. This evening George and I will be walking with a couple of friends and their respective dogs around our local reservoir, taking a flask of tea, water for the dogs and a sticky bun for everyone!!

    Hope to return later tonight. Have a lovely day everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello sneakers
    Do you think I can shape those beans bungers to look like hot dogs. I have never been much Of a meat eater but I do like the processed meat I love wieners,, baloney, ham, sausage but not fresh meat Maybe I need to check into the soy ones.
    Be safe Lin on your trip and thanks for the recipe I got it save and plan on using it. Hoping to find some gluten free buns

    no I don't want to make my own.

    Sandy take care of your shoulders. I still have a neck pain need to get it check out

    Have a great day you guys
    <3 Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi, just me checking in to report I tried JACKIES veggie and bean burgers and I found them tasty. Enough for 4 burgers, so I've got tomorrow's lunch in the fridge. I tried Jackies recipe first because I prefer potatoes to rice, and it reminded me of fish cakes which I make all the time. I'll give LINS recipe a go at the weekend, and I bet it will be just as good. I didn't have to use a bun, the burger was filling enough without, what with the potato and carrots, and I will make it again.
    Bye everybody, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello folks, I am still sort of under the weather. Last night I had a dinner like I used to do in college! Bran flakes, milk and an aspirin before early bedtime. Of course, in art school that dinner was because I had spent an all-nighter getting some project or paper written the night before and no sleep. Cereal and milk is my "go to" meal when feeling pooky. This thing that has me down is weird. I feel like some mean creature beat me with a hammer in the night. I get up barely able to walk. After a bit, I loosen up and am on the road again, so to speak. I know! Whine! Whine! Whine!

    Have any of you ever sold any thing on eBay? I need to unload a lot of stuff that I am sure has value but really I am not wanting to do a yard sale. I wish I my daughter or my son had an interest in any of my collected stuff. It is some what unfair of me to expect them to enjoy my collections! We each have our own interests. Be it ever so!

    One of my favorite cookbooks for lively vegan receipes is the Moosewood cookbook. Not sure it is in publication anymore. I got mine during my hippy days in Colorado. We ate home baked bread, ate bulgar and sprouted our own sprouts! Raised veggies in a commune garden. Good times! Healthy way of eating. Both of our kids love veggies because of growing up with a vegetable garden.

    Lin: hope the closing goes along without a hitch. Your experience with your dads estate has me realizing I need to do more to organize and purge a lot of un-needed stuff around here. I know our kids would not be able to handle things like you did. You did a loving and responsibile job in regard to your parents estate.

    Another steamy day here. Not as bad as a couple of days ago but still unseasonably warm and no rain! We are dreading the July 4th weekend. Fireworks and a dry forest...bad combination.

    Creaky but still operational,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2015
    Marie - I get Hello healthy on my emails. They come to me from MFP.

    I had a chiropractor apt this morning, my usual, but in time. On the way home from the wedding I was getting a pain down my
    leg so I needed a treatment. Better now, I still have to put heat and cold on it.

    Doing ironing today and tomorrow packing. I picked up some groceries for a few days while we are away but forgot
    a few things that weren't on my list. So I will have Dave pick them up. I also gassed up my car and my usual
    pump place was being renovated so I had to go elsewhere. I also picked up my soaps from a lady who used to
    have a booth at the farmers market but I found out she will be moving to Northern Ontario. I got 4 bars and one free.
    I went to her house, it was beautiful and big and back in the woods. She said she found a place on the water,
    I wonder how much that cost them.

    Yesterday while doing laundry I went down to get things out of the dryer and there was a back up of sorts and water
    all over the floor. What a mess! Dave called the Town and they came out to check it out. They said there were
    some roots they saw so they will come back in a few weeks and dig it out. I went in the shower this morning and
    some of it was there too. It seems to be back to normal, they figure something was clogged and it gave way.

    I will be going to a restorative Yoga class tonight. I have been missing so many classes because we are always
    away. Good thing I paid for 20 classes, I did catch a class yesterday morning, my usual.

    Well have to get ironing.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found it Shirley on the side of news feed But have not run across the recipe yet
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shirley, do you get any swelling in your feet with the leg pain? I've had the sciatic nerve pain on and off for years, now I have lots of swelling in the left foot and ankle. The usual remedies aren't working. May have to make an appt. for my left leg.. falling apart!!
    Patsy, I've sold a few things on Ebay, not much and no real value to the items. I would do an Ebay search for what you want to list. Then you get an idea of the prices and the type of auctions.. Buy It Now, or make an offer or regular make a bid type of auction.
    Sandy, I know from Jim's experiences that the rotator cuff is a very sore spot!! There are easy exercises that will eventually ease the pain, unless it is going to need surgery.. then it may not ease your pain. Be careful at therapy.
    For some reason, my back is hurting in the sitting position I need to be in to use my laptop.
    Back later
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello – home. Dad’s acreage is gone now and I came back with a check. I’ve gone through the process of getting it deposited and now it must sit there while the bank makes sure it is okay so about 10 business days. The check is from the trust account of the law firm that held the closing. Apparently no check is trusted these days.

    Jackie – I hope your walk this evening was very enjoyable. It sounds great to me. Well, except the sticky buns--the walking sounds just fine. And I’m glad the weather is enjoyable. We are having nice temperatures but it is so smoggy from the smoke of the fires up North. The sun came up this morning and was just an eerie orange color.

    Marie – I think you should make your bean *burgers* in any shape that you like as long as they cook up okay. I only eat burgers that I make. I don’t care for any that you can buy in the store. Too many ingredients I care to avoid!

    Anne – I looked at the recipe Jackie posted but I am too tired to think of translating it to measures and temperatures over to things that I understand like cups and fahrenheit! I’m glad yours turned out well. Excellent! And I don’t claim credit for that recipe, I didn’t make it up! I just found it and it looked simple.

    Patsy – I am sorry you’re under the weather. And that you feel beat up. Very unpleasant for you my friend. Hey, I am still a hippie I guess. I love growing sprouts and I make my own yogurt (although I gave up bread making quite a while ago)! I’ve heard of the Moosewood cookbook and you can still get old copies of the first edition through Amazon. But new editions have been published and I almost purchased one a few months ago but since I’m not just vegan, but also do not use oil, salt, or sugar, I doubt the recipes would suit the way I cook. On another topic, I have never sold anything on eBay although I’ve purchased a number of times. Good luck on whatever you decide to do. I realize now that it is very difficult to sell things!! I still have some things on consignment and will be taking more in and have items to go to the antique shop and all the household stuff is in storage waiting to be sold. And I have kept a number of things in my mom’s collections and many of my dad’s wildlife prints but I’ll tell you that my friends have told me they’ve spoken to their children and NONE of them are interested in any of their prized possessions. It’s kind of sad.

    Hi Shirley and Phoebe. I’m getting too tired to see straight and want to post this before I lose it.

    Hugs to everyone.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wow Lin has a pile of Money yeah for her. Be careful about making it too public. you never know who is reading all of this. But certainly glad you got it all settle .now you can relax.
    As for me I am heading for bed see you all in the The morning

    <3 Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Thanks Marie. Changed my post a little bit. I guess it sounded kinda bad.....

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin glad you're home and with a little of the weight off your hands. What fires are these? I haven't seen the news except for Washington state fires. I'm up tooo late. We get up at 5am today, so nite all
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Phoebe the smoke is from fires far away. Canada I think they said.