Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Caught up with the posts. It's been a long few days. Take care
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited July 2015
    Jeri I think Ed deserves a hug from all of us for being so kind and thoughtful. And another from us to you and your sister. It's wonderful that you can be with her. It will make a difference.
    Lin, hope you've had a great day, you deserve it. Just imagine a year from now, you'll probably be bored. Lol! Not likely!
    Jackie, our independence day is tomorrow. We don't really celebrate our freedom From anything, just being free. It occurred to me that the original independence day was a celebration of being free from England's rule. Ha! I wanna go home! Lol. I'm ready for national healthcare
    Been dealing with insurance company, not pretty, not a bit. I asked Jim if he was ready to return to long haul(what we do as a team). He asked me if I was bored at home I said, NO! Then he talks about next week like he will still be on his own.
    We finally got rain! It came as heavy thunderstorms, but it soaked in. People couldn't believe we've had no rain at our house in about two weeks. The ground was like concrete!
    Marie, did you find gluten free buns? Maybe you could call the stores.
    Sandy, so glad you are visiting your kids. Have a fun trip, and maybe you'll see sunshine while you're there. I'm falling asleep again, more later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Friday!! :) Lots of people are off today due to the 4th falling on a Saturday. I hope the pool won't be too crowded when Lisa and Robby come. She said he woke up late so he will probably take a later nap so it sounds like we will be going to pool later this afternoon. That is fine with me as I am washing clothes and going to start packing. This vacation will be more quiet than with my daughter, for one they do not have a pool and two they are more conservative than my daughter and her friends. I think we will be doing a lot of board games, mostly scrabble which I never win. I am going to try to hit some tennis balls with my son, my shoulder doesn't hurt at all since the shot, makes me wonder if I should cancel therapy. This will also be a test for my new knees.
    Not starting out on this vacation with a good weight, I gained 2.5 pounds this week but I am hoping it is a salt gain and will be gone tomorrow. I have just been too lazy to ride my bike so it is my own fault. I sure do miss those walks with Robby, not a fan of walking by myself.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    Off to the store. Ian thinking about making lentil chile today.
    Any ideals I probable just dump as I usually do?

    Jeri thinking of you and your family

    Be back later to. Cha
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Got my lentils pick over and ready to get them started. I hope my chili turns out good . I used to make bulgur chile Buti think it is not gluten free need to check it out

    Jeri my heart goes out to you and your family's hope you get some great news. And Phoebe is right. You got a wonderful husnand hang on to him .

    Phoebe. My Walmart carry the gluten free hambuger buns and so do a small health food store close to us so I will not have any problems with finding corn tortilla is gluten free, so if the chili turns out ok I will be able to make me some homemade Mexican foo.. But now is time for a salad with black beans& corn . I should have been born as a Mexican . I love
    Their food at least the American version of it Phoebe I started buying the ole slaw. as a base for my chopped. Salads I buy 2 bags a week fixed 1 at a time making each one difference and will last me all week

    Sandy have a great time with your son.i know you will. Are you going to Portland or Arizona?

    Anne Thank you so much about telling me how many protein you eat in a day. I was afraid I was not getting enough I But we are are pretty close to the same proteins. Grams you told me how many
    I am thinking about opening up a plant foods
    topic here since there are at least 3 of us on plant foods. So maybe 4 of for I know Phoebe eats lots of veggies I am really liking this plant food and not having to cook meat

    Lin I should have listen to you a long time ago. Bless you and thanks for your help too.

    gayla glad to see you popping in more I would love to see a picture of owens . I remember you saying you throw things in a pot and called it soup. Well that is just about what I am doing now. and having fun doing it. Only I might just called it my plant meal.

    Jackie could you tell me what page yout bean burger is located. Or better yet post it on the plant food topic. I am fixing to open up thanks

    Chatting with you all
    <3 Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello, beautiful day here and quite a busy one running around. MARIE I've posted a soup recipe on your new plant food topic. Just popped by to say, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY tomorrow to all our friends south of the border. I'm really looking forward to reading how you all spend it. HAVE A GREAT TIME!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    Good evening. Some Internet problems today and a laptop issue too. So where do we find this plant food topic??

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin my computer is down and I don' know how to copy and post on this I. Pad to send a link to you

    But you should be able to search Plant food topic. . I think that is how I worded it if not I will send you a PM for the correct name.

    Seems like you and I have more computer problems. I know. Or think I know I push the PC back and think I pulled a conectionout for pulled a wire out of plac. Get back with you real soon

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh duh, I thought I was looking for a thread outside of this group and I could not find it. Got it now---it is a new thread but within our group.

    I just got invited to a picnic tomorrow. Better late than never. Will be heading to the store first thing tomorrow to get some food to share.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Jeri ~~

    So sorry I didn't get myself on to the site yesterday to send best wishes. I know you are dealing with a lot at the moment but hopefully you managed to enjoy your day.

    Bon voyage
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    To all my MFP friends in the US of A. Enjoy your day of celebration.


    <3 Jackie

    PS ~ Phoebe, come on home any time you like, I'm sure I'll find a bed for you. LOL
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    Jeri ~~

    So sorry I didn't get myself on to the site yesterday to send best wishes. I know you are dealing with a lot at the moment but hopefully you managed to enjoy your day.

    Bon voyage

    Jeri - I am so sorry I missed your birthday yesterday. I can't get anything to paste here so just wishing you happy days. God bless you as you travel next week to be with your sister.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERI. I seem to have lost our birthday reference list on the Sneaker page, and I'm sorry I missed yesterday. Like LIN, best wishes for next week.
    I haven't got a clue on how to paste the graphics, or even where to find them! And it's so nice to view these new age "birthday cards" etc. from everybody. Hints most welcome.

    I've decided to join our USA friends in celebrating Independence Day by just doing all the things I like to do best. That is, virtually NO housework, definitely NO weeding etc. but sitting reading my newest novel out in the garden, sipping my coffee etc. etc. Of course I did that on Canada Day and St George's Day as well, (any excuse) and there won't be any fireworks here, but Tabs and I can live happily without THEM! I'll even make the burger patties JACKIE, and dig out my "sort of Stetson" for sun shade. Heavens, I'm really getting excited about today. I won't be able to change my accent though, it appears to be a permanent feature! So I'll keep the mouth shut instead and wish EVERYBODY:


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thank you Jacke, Lin and Anne. I had a good birthday. Our dd and her two boys came in to visit and we went out for supper with a good friend. It was a good day. Today my aunt and my cousin's daughter come for two nights. Tomorrow we are going to see Charlie Pride. My aunt is a big fan and she bought us tickets. That should be fun.

    The Annual Calgary Stampede (a huge rodeo) started yesterday. Generally 10 days of lots of fun. Too bad we are leaving on Monday. Generally we go to lots of Stampede Breakfasts (I bring my own pancakes) and go down to the grounds to wonder around, see all the exhibits and maybe take in some rodeo events. People dress western and it is lots of fun. We like to watch the chuck wagon races every night on TV. Stuff goes on all week around town.

    But I have to go. Got to get ready for company and get ready for our trip.

    See y'all later. Hee Haw


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy belated birthday Jeri! I always love everyone else's birthday but hate mine. I don't like to add on to my birthday number. BUT I love that b'day cake. Travel safely and I know you will be a comfort to your sister right now.

    John put up the flag and I will make a picnic lunch for us. I will have watermelon and those bean burgers we are all talking about. I watched James Cagney in "yankee Doodle Dandy" last night. What fun! I'll be humming James Cohan songs all weekend. The neighbors will be shooting off fireworks all weekend so that will stress the dear old doggies. All of us will enjoy the day in one way or another. The truth is that children love fireworks. Actually John would be shooting fireworks if the doggies weren't so afraid of them.

    I remember as a youngster running madly around with sparklers, yelling and screaming in delight with my cousins on July 4th. I lived out on a ranch near Ranger, Texas. I will not be doing that but I will try to email or call some of my cousins. The actual reason for the celebration seems irrelevant now. We are celebrating Liberty in general! Enjoy the day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    I am so sorry to be late, but glad your birthday was great. Prays going with your for your sister and all of you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Have a wonderful 4th!! I will be checking in from Portland during the next week.

    Have a great weekend!1
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Quickie from me again. First batch of bean burgers I made, great. This batch sloppy. I've had to add flour to bind. Just so y'all know! Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Can you cook the bean burgers on a grill?

    Happy belated birthday Jeri. I must get into the habit of checking the birthday list.
    Raining here. We needed it. I'm sure lots of kids are disappointed.
    Sandy, safe travels.
    Lots of fireworks last night. I didn't go outside to look for them. I crashed by 10:30PM.

    Anne, go to . when you find what you like, scroll down, click on the box that says To post etc etc ,use this BB Code. Like this,

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I ended up frying the burgers like "bubble and squeak". Very tasty, though not exactly burgers PHOEBE! I used different beans this time. Maybe add the mashed beans slowly until you get the right consistency? Duh, that would work Annie, rather than dumping everything into the mixing bowl. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a go.