Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After yesterday's early drizzle I've had another gorgeous day in my garden putting finishing touches to the beehive area where I also grow rhubarb, asparagus and cherry and greengage tree although I fear the latter will have to go because it's not flowered or produced fruit in 4 years! New fencing is now up which will hopefully keep my friend's puppy away from the hives when I look after her next month for a few days because although my bees have gone there are plenty of "robbers" visiting to take any last bit of honey. Everything from back to hips to knees complaining so I'm going to make a light dinner of smoked mackeral, cous cous and salad and hope I can get George out for his late pee break around 9pm.

    Lin ~ You must of course do what you feel comfortable with regarding that wretched carpet so although I agree with Phoebe, if it's not in you to confront the interested buyers then you mustn't. You'll know what you're prepared to deduct from the sale price to get the deal done but try not to let them push you into a corner. My friend is loving her new car and the funny thing is now when we get back from dog walkies on the moors she's checking her shoes for sheep poo, something she didn't bother about in the old one!! Not sure how long this will last though with a Jack Russell puppy who gets nose and paws into every hole or muddy bog!!

    Anne ~ You do seem to be getting unsettled weather this year don't you and I see from a;message left by Shirley that it's currently raining at the wedding venue in Michigan, at least I think that's where she was off to. Just keep it on your side of the pond please!

    Marie ~ You were doing so well on the last diet but were you missing meat? My freezer only has fish and vegetarian quorn in it so I rarely eat meat myself but every now and then feel the need!

    Sandy ~ if Violet joined me for my cuppa she didn't let on!! I hate to say she's been quiet for some time because that's bound to wake her but I'll let you know if my mackeral and cous cous takes on the smell of cocoa, something she did many years ago when a friend and I were in the kitchen making Russian Draniki pancakes. That was the time I called out to her to stop mucking about and all the lights went out!!!

    Gone 6pm so I must get on before my backside refuses to lift from the chair.... Ooh-Argh, too many aches tonight!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    The reason I left my other diet is I could not meet my protein goal on the vegan diet and it was bugging the heck out of me. With only 10 % protein I will have no problems of meeting my goal. I think I was better off in not knowing/. Kind of wish I never
    started using my dairy. Time for lunch. it will be a nice broccoli salad with black beans on top and avocados

    Have a wonderful day Sneakers and Hello to all

    <3 Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    And now I'll be riddled with curiosity wondering if your mackerel really DID take on the smell of cocoa when you ate it round about now JACKIE! I hope you aren't thinking of chopping the greengage tree down by yourself, what with the hip/knee etc pain, and plus my dire warnings about my DILs dads fate! There was some talk at the time of his death about me moving out of this house and into his modern newly renovated one. The house would have been lovely to live in, especially the gorgeous kitchen, but I couldn't imagine coping with all the fruit trees and a HUGE garden. Worse, her dad was such a busy soul, and died so unexpectedly I was quite relieved when THAT idea went out of the window, because if anyone was going to haunt a house it would be him! Nice chap but I wouldn't have liked to have got up in the middle of the night to find him in HIS old master bedroom peering at me. Brrrrrrrr. Lol!
    Hi MARIE, you just beat me in posting. I was so surprised to see you suddenly pop up between me and Jackie, but a nice surprise I must say. For protein I eat lots of fish and eggs. Don't you like fish? I don't think I've ever seen you mention it. It's easy on the stomach, much easier than meat or beans. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello - I had a lovely time on my own today. I took my time driving across town to the Art Show. I got there early so sat and read my morning newspaper before ambling off to look at the various displays and talk to the artists. Artists were there from all over the country. Acrylics, oil, pottery, stained glass, jewelry, sculpture, leather work, woven baskets (had an opportunity to watch the lady making one), woven rugs, and more. I looked and looked and looked. Oh my, I liked so many things but I restrained myself as although everything was lovely, I really didn't want to spend any money and most everything was quite expensive, and I didn't want to bring anything into my house right now. You're not allowed to take pictures of anything or I would have taken one picture to share with you. One artist produced the most interesting pieces----a mixture of paint and stitching on fabric. I didn't understand if the fabric was attached directly to the frame or if the fabric was added over a canvas?? But I particularly loved one that reminded me of rain falling and the background was just a lovely mix of colors.

    Anyway, after lots of looking I took my time driving home and went through some very old neighborhoods with gigantic homes and massive old trees. Nothing like the long way home rather than the direct route.

    The weather was quite lovely and I pulled a couple of weeds, finally got the rest of the stuff out of my vehicle, sorted through things a bit in the house and promptly took a nice nap. Wonderful!!

    I've cleaned some vegetables and have beans soaking to cook after church tomorrow. Lots of greens to clean and chop sometime tomorrow as well. I'd forgotten I got a couple of little packets of garden peas in my CSA box this week. I'll definitely eat those tomorrow.

    Well, lazy Lin needs to go out and get the mail.

    Hugs for all my friends. I think I could get accustomed to just relaxing for a while!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It was such an unaccustomed hot, hot day I felt totally unprepared on how to deal with it. The doggies are napping right in front of fans. I convinced John to come inside and quit working in the garden. I have barely been able to move. 100+ degrees and the humidity must be over 75%. Miserable weather.

    I have been having great difficulty sleeping but I don't have sleep aids so I think eventually nature will have take its course. Sleep is something that evades most of us as we age. John is threatening to rock me to sleep with big rocks if I can't doze off tonight.
    I think this will be a nice salad night. A few watermelon pieces and my evening yoga. Done for the day.

    I have been thinking of 4th of July and watching "Yankee doodle dandy." I love those songs. I remembered where I stored our flag so I'll get that out tomorrow to hang up. We don't eat hamburger or hot dogs but I'll fix John something that looks like a picnic. Sadly, no ketchup or French fries either.

    I wonder if the the sun spots/storms could be the reason for our computer problems? They were to hit earth today and there were emissions earlier last week. They are known to cause havock with satillites. I think this whole business will require an aspirin.
    Stay cool my friends,

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Things are growing, nothing very exotic however. Patsy
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours.... hum along if you know it!! My walk with George this morning was in soaking fine rain with my head in the low clouds; couldn't see much at all and I was the only mad dog walker on that section of moorland, just a few sheep! George has had a rub down followed by brunch and is now doing what we call zoomies around the cottage with a squeaky toy in his mouth. He's still wet in spite of a good toweling but I'm planning to trim his facial fur so it should be easier while it's damp.

    Patsy ~ What wonderful Nasturtiams you have on your porch.... not a bramble in sight so you both did a good job there! Do you add the flowers to a salad to brighten it up and add that gorgeous peppery flavour? It seems John isn't ready to give in to any age issues just yet which is a worry for you, especially in such uncomfortable weather so what's the answer? I'm not sure there is one and who knows, he'll carry on doing what he wants to maintain property and garden until he's 100! Sometimes, as much as we want to, we can't wrap our loved ones in cotton wool.

    Marie ~ That broccoli salad sounds gorgeous and I'd say your food choices are great although fish would certainly add another dimension and more importantly Omega 3. I remember you showing us photos of your son and all the fish he caught a couple of years ago. If he does that again, fill your freezer!!

    Anne ~ My greengage tree is only about 4 years old and has never given me one little plum so although it seems to have put all its energy into shooting up and out I don't think it will be a major task to cut down, in fact most of the branches can be taken off with a lopper. My meal last night tasted as it should but here's the funny thing, about 10 pm and planning to stay up to watch England v Canada girls world cup football (never made it to midnight!!) I suddenly fancied a mug of chocolate, something I rarely drink. It must have been in my head after our post exchanges! I'd certainly not want a familiar ghost drifting about giving an opinion. I'm still dealing with a visit I made with recently bereaved friend to a spiritualist and what was conveyed, apparently from her late husband. I'm totally cynical about such things but left the meeting feeling stunned and am continuing to look for a logical explanation but so far can't come up with one!

    Lin ~ What a perfect day you had looking at all those wonderful art displays and holding tight to those purse strings!! Hopefully you're feeling rested and relaxed having enjoyed the show, lovely weather and most importantly the garden pees, one of my favourites!

    Whoa, nearly lost my post when the battery died so having plugged in for a recharge I'm now off to make myself some lunch. Happy Sunday everyone!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Sunday indeed. Whilst PATSY, who should be having pleasant summer temperatures is sweltering in the heat, ANNE who should be sweltering in the heat had her low set heat come on this morning and is shivering in the rain and back to wearing a long sleeved shirt. It started raining at noon yesterday and shows no sign of stopping so watch out JACKIE. I wonder if my baby tomatoes made it through the night?
    JACKIE, seeing your greengage is only 4 years old can you give it another chance for just one more year? Sometimes, like the fruit trees we have, absolutely nothing, and then suddenly, absolutely laden with fruit. My apple trees do that, nothing much last year, but this, the branches already bending under the strain of small growing apples. I too have always been cynical about an after life, but, after that meditation episode with my dad, I now wonder, and I'm still too fearful to try meditation again, just yet. Whatever, I think if I'd ended up in Joes house I would have been peering over the blankets/bedclothes half the night! Now you've got me wondering about the seance! By the way, when talking to LIN, I hope you meant garden PEAS. The mind boggles at the other! Oh LIN, you NEVER! LOL. Don't you just love the way the machine corrects us, often with hilarious results.
    And didn't you LIN, have a LOVELY day yesterday! I would have loved to have been with you.
    Well, it's communication day. My late cousins husband in the UK will be phoning me soon, I write to a cousin in Australia, talk to my pal in Ontario, you get the picture.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Good Morning! :) Beautiful sunny morning but possible rain later this afternoon. I am going to Mass this morning since I could not go last night. We had a good time at the party but didn't stay too long. I really wanted to see my brother and we had a nice visit, ate some food. let Robby walk around exploring (with someone holding one hand) and then went home.
    My brother is going to be 82 on August 8.

    Anne, my communication day is a video call with one or more of my kids. We have a family google+ call and all are invited but usually it is just my son from Oregon. Sorry about all your rain, Lin and I know how that feels and welcome all the sunshine we can get.

    Jackie, you reminded me of a time when my ex sister-in-law and I went to see Jeane Dixon the Psychic. She saw things in my house and described them perfectly to the color of my curtains, etc, but the scary part was she told my sil that her husband was going to die at an early age which was shocking. He did die in a small plan accident and it was something I never forgot. Spooky.

    Patsy, your flowers are beautiful and even though they are sideways from posting on your IPad, if one right clicks and opens in a new window they will be upright. If using an IPad they should be fine. My DIL sent me the predicted weather in Portland for the new week and for a time I will be there and you are indeed in a hot spell.
    I will love it, but then I do love hot weather. Do you have A/C to keep cool???

    Lin, your day sounds perfect and relaxing, I am so glad you took some time for yourself.

    Marie, I agree with the girls that fish is a good source of protein, do you eat fish? And if not Jackie gave you good advice with taking some over the counter supplement to help with your protein. You could also eat an ensure bar or drink to help with that protein, but you know what is best for you.

    I better again get moving so I am not late for Mass, have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
    009.JPG 1006.9K
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy wonderful family photo/ By the way I like your hair color much better Before it was too grey looking or silver looking like mine.
    Robbie is getting so big and cuter.

    Jackie I did not like that son caught. threw it all away I guess I am a born vegan. Hamburgers I see on TV looks less appealing to me now. but there is a bean burger I can handle just fine. might have to try that out. I done got where I don't want to eat anything that had 2 eyes. I will get my mega from avocado . And I never could eat my chicken that I cook. Too smelly Don't know what I am going to do for my enchicladas When cool weather hits.

    Well Blaine is making me a great grandma again They had a Buck or doe party last night and reveal its a BOY That boy needs to work as hard holding a job as he does making babies. I swear.

    A word with phoebe, How are you doing sure hope you got rested up
    And lin Of course How was your outing? Buy anything cute?

    Love to all
    pS Pasty love your flowers

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2015
    Had a great evening with Mike's Honor Flight Guardian and his wife at a darling Italian restaurant in Lake Worth last night. We are much older than either of their parents, but it was a magical connection!
    Today I drove through horrendous rainstorms thinking our drive to Hatcher Mango Hill would be a waste of time as they would probably close because of weather, but they were open, and we got a huge hug and greeting and bought a dozen of the best mangoes in the world! When people say they don't like mangoes, it must be because they have bought them in supermarkets and found them stringy and tasting like turpentine. These mangoes are a bit of heaven, and too juicy to eat without a bib!
    Thanks again for your birthday wishes (MARIE, I turned 88) and GAYLA and JERI (what an exquisite orchid!), it's never late!!! OXOXO!
    SANDY, I'm too cheap to go to Best Buy! Actually, I bought a 3 year warranty, so Dell was very helpful. And I hate to let a computer get the best of me!
    Today, I got a call from my bank, which I refused to accept. I called the bank back and sure enough someone had tried to charge several things on my Visa card the bank said was compromised last month! The charges did not go through. PHOEBE, I hope you had a wonderful peach for me! Sooner or later we all have bladder problems! But 2 of my friends have had to have some kind of mesh support removed, so do plenty of research! Your soft pillow solution for back problems reminds me that our ComfortAire mattress was the solution to back trouble about 16 years ago, and neither of us has had a backache since we went to our air mattress! Select Comfort was opened by former employees of ComfortAire and I imagine they are very similar! Each side of our bed has its own remote control for softness (for me) or firmer for Mike. JACKIE, Don't ALL Englishwomen have ghosts and poltergeists? But your cat story gave me goose bumps! And Anne's explanation adds to the mystery!
    I seem to have forgotten simple formulas for glitter graphics so if it didn't work...
    My iPad came and it is so intuitive and I was talking to my son on it in no time! Will I ever remember where everything is? My password is far too long, as they ask for it frequently and the keyboard takes me forever to print my password! I love it!
    Must go have a bite as it's late. SHIRLEY, PATSY, Hi to you, too! LIN, I kept trying to think of how I might have handled the carpet bit, but I just came up blank! That's how I know it's time to leave!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening - can't believe the day is over already! Church this morning and I got a surprise--I was added to the Stewardship committee and they had a meeting after church today. AND they are in charge of an ice cream social that is coming up soon AND there are lots of things to do to get ready so my friends, I have new things to do!

    I listened to a conference call, wrote to my cousin who's going to be away for a while helping her daughter and SIL move from Wisconsin back to Iowa. Wahoo........

    The rest of the day was kitchen duty. Lots of washing, peeling, chopping vegetables. Micro chopped some kale, added some balsamic vinegar and put in the refrigerator for the flavors to blend. Shelled the lovely PEAS from my CSA box but didn't cook them today. Baked some sweet potatoes and toasted some chickpeas. I'm putting together a list of a few things I plan to purchase at TJ's tomorrow and I have something to return to Walmart.

    Patsy - I love your pictures. Nasturiums! Gorgeous........sorry it is so hot there. Any chance you might get air conditioning any time soon?? Lovely lovely flowers.

    Sandy - lovely pictures and gorgeous hats!!

    Jackie - we're heard nothing more about book cases. Have you given up?

    Marie - bean burgers are delicious! I am too lazy to make them most of the time. I cleaned veggies a good part of the afternoon and still did not get around to washing up and cutting the bok choy or the small head of purple cabbage. Some good stuff!

    Buzz - you are a determined lady. Glad to hear you got your mangoes. You're right, the ones we can get here are not worth purchasing.

    Anne - I hope you had a nice chat on communications day.

    Take care everyone. Hugs.

    (Where are you Phoebe????)


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from very hot and dry Saskatchewan! It seems no matter how much we water our lawns stay dry. I call the lawn my straw.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Not sure what happened to my long winded post! Sorry, you are all in my thoughts. If I can recover it I will repost it.
    Take care, Gayla.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Gayla, that is our yard exactly!
    Lin, glad you had a good day. Hope your rib pain is better.
    Spent two days sewing, patching is more like it.
    Sleepy now.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    Our heatwave has arrived and temperatures soaring by the minute!! George has been walked and I'm now going to enjoy a light lunch and watch the start of Wimbledon before doing a bit of gardening.

    Marie ~ Someone once gave me a bag of freshly caught cod that I usually love but it seemed my eyes were bigger than my appetite and I struggled to use it up. It wasn't thrown out but the cats enjoyed the treat! Your diet is so healthy it doesn't seem you need to add anything and you've got me thinking about making bean burgers... yummy!

    Anne ~ Well now, a garden pee or garden pea, that could have been a Freudian slip, not that I pee in my garden but do occasionally have to find a quiet bush around the allotments, although not a prickly gooseberry!!

    Lin ~ Another enjoyable day for you which is brilliant as you've probably recharged your batteries. I'm still checking auction catalogues for that bookcase but nothing jumping out at me. There is an auction a few miles away on Thursday so I'll probably view their items at the sale room on Wednesday as there are no photos of a bookcase although a couple of nice looking G-plan style pieces. As PATSY said a few weeks ago, it's so easy to pick up items we never plan or probably need!

    Buzz ~ Oh dear, I wonder if that original scammer managed to get your bank details or maybe just sell on your phone number to another scammer. Once bitten and all that thank goodness but it's infuriating that so many have made a whole new industry out of conning innocent folk. No doubt a lot of English lady's ghosts appear after one too many gin and tonics and of course we can put it down to the age and history of our properties or perhaps no more than vivid imaginations!! Can't put any of those labels on little cat Muffin though as she was always very sensible and abstinent!!

    Sandy ~ I'm sure there are a few shystas out there when it comes to spiritual readings and I've always poo-poohed such things but my one experience when I only went with my friend to ensure she wasn't led astray by a lot of nonsense because she was in a vulnerable state certainly left me amazed as there were too many things picked up to be coincidence and if nothing else it gave my friend some comfort.

    Hello to everyone I missed but I must get on.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning, the sun is actually out. Unlike PHOEBE and GAYLA, my lawn is beginning to resemble the wetlands and marshlands. I expect to grow bulrushes soon! Oh BUZZ, I hope these scam (scum) artists haven't sold your info to each other!
    I think JACKIE's explanation that ghost sightings are related to gin and tonics, and since I rarely drink, probably explains why I've never had the dubious pleasure of meeting one! That coupled with fog, wind moaning down the chimney, creaky old pipes and floorboards could account for most British sightings, BUT, as JACKIE said, doesn't account for kitty Muffin or the smell of baking and violets. So like Jackie I remain open minded! Just plain doubting might conjure one up, and no thanks! Lol.
    PATSY, you had a "poorly" day yesterday, so I hope you are feeling more like the old feisty Patsy today. You have a real green thumb when it comes to flower containers. Beautiful. I haven't an air conditioner either, but haven't needed one so far this year.
    Sorry about your recent health issues PHOEBE, and LIN, is your poor rib cage on the mend? SANDY, SHIRLEY, MARIE. EVERYBODY, have a happy Monday.
    PS: I'm watching Last tango in Halifax on PBS.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will try and catch up later, as you see a busy time. Today cleaning and laundry.


    I just got back from Yoga class and now back to reality of laundry and cleaning since I was away for the weekend.

    We got back from Michigan last night, 6 hour drive and we were tired. The wedding was great, it did pour rain
    all day Saturday so much so the tent where it was held was beginning to get soggy. So we changed our plans
    on clothes and went shopping with another couple and I bought some pants and a top instead of my long
    dress and new shoes. The ceremony went off outside with no rain but cloudy skies and wind. Some of the
    bride's plans were cancelled due to weather. The food was good and we did have dancing inspite of the
    slippery floor they layed down. The Johnny on the Spot was only one and it filled up fast. Yuck!
    All in all we had a good time. It was too bad the next day the sun was out and it was beautiful and warm.
    They provided heaters in the tent because it did cool down. The sun did manage to come out around
    dinner time.

    Now back to reality and laundry today and cleaning. I did get on the scale this morning and of course I am up
    b ut that was expected. I did record it and will be chipping away to get back to my ticker weight again. A
    real challenge this summer.

    We will be leaving again on Thursday with our club cruise and our sail boat and will stay for a while after the long weekend.
    Our boat engine is fixed and hope all goes well on our next venture since it will be a 5 hour crossing on
    Lake Ontario.

    I will try and check with you all this week before I leave. I will have my tablet on the boat with me since Wi Fi will
    be available at all ports.

    Have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jackie I need to look up a recipe for bean burger for some reason I do not want to eat the frozen ones with all that crap in it. So wonderful; hearing from gayla this morning not to mention Phoebe too. My 2 oldest friends on the internet. over 10 years Love you two.
    We were all three posting on a thread and we were the maverite ( I don't think the spell check told me right) We three posted on a thread by our self. It was a windy plan. none of us made any headways It was My first forum

    have a great day all of the sneakers. What a bunch of nice gals.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Marie ~ I found this recipe for bean burgers earlier today after reading your initial post and plan to make a batch this week.

    It looks straight forward by my standards these days and I'll let you know how they turn out, or by all means try the recipe yourself and we'll compare notes!
    <3 Jackie