Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    <3 Oh Buzz, almost missed your birthday!
    Happy birthday, dear sweet soul. I wish I could help you with all the things you are handling so well. I'm glad you tell us how you are feeling. Everyone needs to be able to talk about the things that stress us.
    Still with tummy ache, and yes, my tests today were unpleasant.
    Night, Phoebe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz me too almost missed your Birthday
    <3<3 Buzz <3<3 love you dear.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe when will you know something? you and Jim have had a rough year. Bless you
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    HOT! HOT! HOT! Here in Oregon today. No air conditioning but we do have fans. It sounds like an airport in our house. We are okay. The dogs are lying right in front of the fans enjoying the breeze and an afternoon nap. John watered everything outside and even did some gardening. I was the family wimp. I did clean out the frig and mopped the kitchen. Did laundry and cut up a big watermelon to munch on during the weekend. It is to be a scorcher this weekend.

    Now about your interest in ghosts Anne! I do have a personal somewhat modern ghost story. A few years ago John accepted a position as Dean at a large 2 year college in Cheyenne, Wyoming. We bought an elegant big older house in the older part of Cheyenne near the park. We loved the area. It was the only area in Cheyenne with big pine trees. The house needed painting and upgrading. The odd thing was that every room, including the inside of the garage was pink. John was in charge of updating plumbing and wiring, I was in charge of paint, new drapes, new carpet and refinishing the mahogany woodwork. I had just finished painting the dining room a lovely creamy yellow and stood back to enjoy my hard work when I saw the most amazing thing I had ever seen. The paint started blistering up in giant welts. I was dumbfounded! I gathered up paint brushes and paint cans and exclaimed out loud to the deceased widow we perchased the house from...."For crying out loud, Frances, you've got to let me decorate this house to my tastes! Not everyone loves total pink!"

    When I came back the next day to continue working, the paint was totally unblemished and had a ever so slight pink tinge that never went away! It was the same in all the rooms. We heard footsteps at night, the furnace would turn on mysteriously, the most courious of all was the empty parking spot where she always parked her car NEVER became snow covered. Cheyenne has snow, folks! Lots of deep snow! The special locking closet where she kept her furs would come unlocked/locked on its own. We talked to her constantly and we never felt frightened, just never quite alone. That's my story, and I am sticking to it!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Patsy thanks for a real life Ghost experience. I think I would have been scare. How long did you live in that house?
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh! We lived there 61/2 years. Strangely, it took a whole year to sell the place. Everyone loved it but then backed away from buying. I never mentioned Frances, the widow, and we moved to Oregon before it sold. The guys that bought it did even more remodeling but friends say they only stayed one year. I googled the address and it is for sale again. Of course it is quite large and that may be the issue. Big old houses don't sell as quickly as modern 3 or 4 bedroom houses.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh boy PATSY, I've just woken up at midnight because Tabitha woke me by being sick. I live in an old house, however I have yet to see a ghost. I just was looking up old interesting places after LIN showed an interest in castles and Burton Agnes Hall was the nearest old Manor House to where I was born. Everyone swore that ghost was real and not just a tourist attraction. I remember staring at her portrait for ages, but didn't feel any coldness in the air or see anything out of the corner of my eye.
    BUT your ghost PATSY, brrrrr what HAVE I started. BUZZ you are a day older now, hope your special day was wonderful and you got well and truly treated.
    Goodnight all, I'm going to bury myself under the bedclothes now!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, careful of those ribs! Maybe try taking it easy for a bit (without feeling guilty!)?
    JACKIE, here's wishing Bill away from your Islands! I haven't opened your card yet, as the day was hectic, and I love enjoying those beautiful cards leisurely ... thank you so much! As far as the computer, I stripped it all the way down! When I realized my Task Manager was messed up, I attempted a System Restore going back just a few days, but it didn't work properly so I just killed everything in it and restored programs, discs, drivers, folders, files, and everything else I could think of. My email programs were the most difficult, as all the deleted messages were still held by the servers! They sent me every last one... over 28,000 messages. Plus I had to change Comcast email ports as the had gone from POP3 to IMAP and I was unable to simply edit the existing accounts. Had to export what I needed, delete the old accounts, start new accounts and import back in the highlighted messages I was saving! My son sent me an I-pad for my birthday and the thought of downloading and learning to use it makes me shudder! I'll go to a couple of classes starting in September before I mess it up! Why didn't I just learn to play cards like the other elderly ladies around me? They seem to have so much more time than I!
    PHOEBE, from what I read, the knee is healing well; what's with your bladder? Since the 24th is over, how did you make out?
    ANNE, your posts bring back wonderful memories of our visits to the UK! Castles, famous universities, moors, but I think the thing that I cannot get over were the gardens, just private gardens with flowers simply everywhere! I had never seen such beauty anywhere before or since as those English gardens (right in the middle of London!).
    SANDY, So happy for your relationships again! Who can resist you? No one!
    SHIRLEY, JERI, MARIE, I must go back to find more posts from you as the site has changed on my computer. Starts in a weird place. But I think of you all, and am surprised I don't see BARBIE lately!
    PATSY, a gal after my own heart! It's not a cake if it's not chocolate! My friends brought the birthday cake for our special dinner tonight, and it was (hold your breath!) chocolate fudge, chocolate mousse , and chocolate ganache!!! OMG!!! Unbelievably delicious! When is your birthday?
    My birthday was uneventful and wonderful...I'm here to enjoy another celebration. I want to thank you all for your warm wishes, graphics, and most of all, for being so terrific! You all have a special place in my heart! Now, off to sleep so I can clear up for my cleaning gal in the morning!
    <3 Buzz
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Birthday to Buzz! Hope you had an amazing day. From Gayla and Dave. Also thanks to Marie for the note and the birthday reminder.

    I will try to go back and check on everyone but just in case I get lost I will say Hi to you all. I do think of so many of you and hope life is being good to you.

    We are plugging along here in Saskatchewan. It has been a very dry Spring for us so hoping for rain. Neil is mostly well and happy. He still comes home most weekends and is very happy to get out on his bike.

    Owen is growing up so fast, already two!

    I have just been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease which e plains all the back pain I have been having. Happily I am sleeping better the last week or so and hope that continues. I always told my Mom that getting old was not for sissies and now I need to remind myself of that. In my head I feel young but my body gives a different message. I have been very committed to my daily walk in hope that by next year I won't have to call the family home to plant my little garden. So glad they are so good to me.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling! Gayla
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ahhhhh! Just lost a long post as I was shouting at a pop up to go away, this in the middle of my cottage's ghost story so I'm assuming Violet is still playing her games!! Can't start again at the moment as I really only popped in for a glass of water because it's steamy hot and humid today but will do my best to return once gardening finished, dog walked again and I've eaten.....busy, busy!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh no JACKIE! The suspense is killing me!
    When I lose a post on my iPad I find if I press the sideways < at the top of the page it all comes back. If that makes sense.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Sun is again shining but I have my meeting today so no pool. I have some errands to run after my meeting and then meeting around 20 people at a restaurant to see a performer from my past. He used to perform at the restaurant of my ex sister in law, the same one as my ex husband ran when her husband died and she moved to Las Vegas. Chuck Salvo is his name and he is probably my age, he has a son who also performs so it will be fun catching up with him. We will have dinner first, so I hope there are some healthy choices.

    Gayla, so good to hear from you but so sorry about your back. Is it possible to do surgery to help relieve the pain?

    Jackie, you gave us a teaser with Violet, it sounds like you have a ghost living with you, could this be true??

    Buzz, what a mess with your computer, I think I would have paid the $100 and let Best Buy erase everything and let them install it all. Of course I have a son who can remotely work on my computer and I have complete trust in him.
    Glad your birthday was wonderful even if quiet, those are the best kind. By the way, the IPad is much easier than a computer, there are no programs to install.

    Anne, I have to tell you as I tell Jackie, your English language makes me smile. I can hear your accent without even hearing your voice. Love that you buried yourself under the "bedclothes" as we would say blankets.

    Patsy, Bryanna's boyfriend is from South America and he claims he can feel a ghost spirit in homes. He felt that Babe's wife died in his house and also that Bryanna has a ghost in her house. He supposedly has seen and talked to him and I swear he is not on drugs. A little too spooky for me.

    Phoebe, please give us some good news with your tests and that your tummy problems are better. I am worried about you dear friend and keeping you in my prayers.

    Marie, did you try to restart the computer to see if the black screen went away? Hopefully, it wasn't the dreaded blue screen.

    The morning is sneaking away, time for breakfast, have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, you got me thinking.....dangerous! Why do YOU say under the blankets and ME, the bedclothes. With tongue in cheek I can only think that pre central heating in a chilly island, bedclothes ran the whole gamut as in: under the: sheets, blankets, eiderdown, quilt, duvet, bedspread, the dog, bed socks, bed warmers, hot water bottles, the cat, well you get the picture. Do you think that makes sense? Blankets are much simpler! Enjoy the restaurant AND the performer, Chuck. Happy memories!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Good Morning

    Buzz -Happy Birthday - late, but truly felt

    Having health problems again. I all boils down to long trips cause me problems. Lots of pain in my hips at night. I wake up full of pain about 2:30 and toss and turn for the rest of the night. Have a sore leg muscle as well. I want to exercise but definitely have to be careful I don't overdo it. I think I guess have to let it go and I will gradually recover. Darn

    Lin - my fingers are crossed for you. Our first offer on my Mom's place fell through but the second one went without a hitch. Good luck.

    Here's a photo from our trip. It was taken at the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado. What a wonderful place for families. Everyone was having sooooo much fun. Besides the sand there was a wide, wide shallow creek you had to wade through to get to the dunes. It was like the seashore but in the mountains. Kids splashing, playing in the water, building sand houses, etc. fun, fun, fun.

    Have a great day.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I love tour photo Jeri look likes scenes in a movie. I hope you get to feeling a lot better soon

    Gayla thanks flor popping in on sneakers. Good to hear Neil is still enjoy his bike.
    Seems like the older we get the more pains we have do hope you get better soon.

    Sandy my computer is doing better at first it did not turn off and back on but that is working ok now. I just don' have patience. With it. Buzz I don't know how you handle all of yout computer yourself.

    By the way how old are you now.? I think you are 3 years older than me so maybe 87 or is it 88 . I will ne 85 in November.
    Jackie, Lin, Anne , pasty hello.. Oh and Phorbe like to have miss you

    <3 Marie I am on my I pad

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Oh my, chatty bunch. That's good!
    Hi Gayla, long time no see um!
    Jeri, about 15 years ago, I woke with that dreaded hip pain, a throbbing pain. I was sleeping on my little cousin's bunk bed. I actually pulled the sheets up to see if I was sleeping on a board! Anyway, I didn't go back to sleep, except in a chair after two advil. When it bothers me now, I get a soft pillow to lie on. Hope it helps you.
    Buzz, that cake sounds like what a good dream should have in it. Glad you had a great day.
    The farmers market was busy today. They were sold out of tomatoes when I arrived. Jim said two buses were there when he drove by. That's where the tomatoes went! I was happy to get peaches,blackberries, sweet banana peppers, green bell peppers, cabbage, boiled peanuts, and sorbet, yum, peach and also sugar free creamsicle for me.
    I have had overactive bladder for a long time. It is getting worse, I've had these tests before, but there is a treatment they want to try. I have another test next week, and the Dr appt to get results a week later. Please don't worry about me. I am OK. Physical therapy today was a bit tough. Many of the exercises were slightly altered enough to make me work harder!
    I love these ghost stories. Jim's cousin's son is a , oh dear, I forgot what it's called. He tracks ghosts,spirits, etc. He coauthored a book, and told about his first encounter.
    I'm going to visit my aunt tomorrow. She has lost one of her remote controls for her TV, so we will probably find the cable company office and get another one. She got a little lost yesterday and missed her appointment with the cable guy.
    I'm going to take her birthday gift in case I'm not here for it. It's a book and a costume jewelry bracelet. It's red white and blue patriotic themed, and cute as can be. The book is Robin Roberts autobiography. She doesn't need Anything else in her little apartment, so I will keep it small.
    I've chattered long enough for now. Have a great tomorrow,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Hello friends - crazy busy day yesterday and came home to storms and massive amounts of rain overnight. Our area is flooded and rivers are still rising. Hard to get around with lots of roads closed. My sump pump is humming along and I have my home repair guy coming next week to check my gutters---one didn't seem to be draining in this last storm.

    Closing for the acreage has been called off for tomorrow. I don't care at this point but we'll start on it again next week. Still several outstanding issues to overcome but I think one is settled. The deed is drawn now as well.

    Anyone have an opinion on how much $$ to discount the sale price for 18-year old carpet where stains were found when the furniture was removed? Not much was evident with all the furniture in place and honestly most things were in place since the home was constructed. There's something "not perfect" in almost every room and I was charged for about 1300 sf of carpet cleaning. My broker says I have to give in on this but I don't want to be foolish. There couldn't be that many years of use left in it anyway. My attorney says it's worth it to close the sale and not have to deal with the property and the holding costs of the property (which I understand but it seems everyone says it's just money when they are spending my proceeds) but I don't think more than a couple of thousand dollars would be appropriate. Opinions please?

    Tomorrow the guy is coming to measure for the wood floor for my family room.

    I am sorry so many people are having health problems. I'm glad you had a nice treat for your birthday Buzz. Phoebe, we'll likely worry about you no matter what you say. Jeri, I am sorry for your pain. Patsy, hope you are feeling better too. Anne, no time to read about castles right now so I'll probably ask you about them again some day. Marie, sorry you're on your iPad and that your computer isn't working right again. So frustrating. Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about your bees. So odd that they flew their coop so to speak. Sandy, sorry you weren't able to get to the pool today. We expect rain again soon I guess but today here was pretty much wet and overcast with just bits of sunshine. Gayla, great to hear from you and thanks for an update on Neil. Sorry for your health issues too. We all seem to have one thing or another. Darn!

    Hugs everyone. I am going to try to get extra sleep tonight. So tired last night but was up a number of times with storms and my ribs were aching so bad I couldn't sleep for a while so all in all, not a lot of rest.

    Talk to you soon. LOVE that picture by the way Jeri. WOW. I've never seen anything like that.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just a quick note.

    Thanks Phoebe, for your advice. I am usually propped all around with pillows but I'll try your trick.

    Lin - you will be so glad to have everything all over. Hang in there.

    Went for a short walk today. Here's a photo I took. Small Round Leaf Orchid

    Have a great day tomorrow



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just returned home from dropping a friend off at car dealer to pick up her new car and now going to walk George but wanted to suggest to LIN that perhaps check on line a carpet supplier with measurements and relative cost per meter and work out replacement price. All the fiddly negotiations about piddly amounts drive me mad because it's not something I'd do but be patient but also don't be pushed into offering too much. They obviously want the property but I think definitely trying it on!!!

    Back later with stories of Violet..... if she lets me!!!

    PS Is it Diane's birthday? Will check later.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, I tend to agree with JACKIE on her suggestion as to replacement carpet price, and these buyers are most definitely trying it on. I sold 2 houses in the UK with NO agent at all, maybe a different system 40 years ago when you just put your own notice up in the garden and I know nothing of the American system, but being the person I am I would have said "take it or leave it AS IS" by now. My son and his wife had the same problem earlier with her late dads house. The would be buyers wanted them to leave virtually everything (furniture, cutlery, you name it) in the house as part of the sale. My two wanted rid of the house quickly as well, but they took the bull by the horn and said no way, house only, and it worked for them, for within a week they had sold it to a genuine buyer. This made my son and his wife equally compliable and they gave the new buyers all the gardening, snow blowing tools etc.
    Anyway, I'm no expert and I shouldn't be giving you advice, just stating how I would react, and I'm afraid, just like I did with my scammer I would have told them to take a hike by now and taken my chances.
    JACKIE, the suspense is killing me with regards to Violet the controlling ghost. Can you threaten her with a visit from the local exorcist or priest?
    I too am so sorry for everyone with health problems. The wild orchid is so beautiful JERI. I remember a similar one in the UK. I believe it was called the spotted purple leaf orchid?
    Shopping day, busy, busy day. Bye everybody.