Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. It's hot and threatening thunderstorms today so have walked in the woods and now getting myself ready to go to view the auction. A friend joining me as she wants to take a look at a 1st edition book while I rummage through the furniture. Last night's walk was dreamy with a gentle breeze and 3 dogs that had a ball running and playing, so much so I think it was the best time George ever had although the other dogs didn't quite understand his lack of social skills. Poor little man doesn't understand or know how to play so does his own thing rushing up the track and back doing his zoomies. Well done ANNE for trying that recipe already so I'll give it a try later today. MARIE, I'm sure you know how many naughty additives are in processed food so do be careful. LIN, I missed your original post but just delighted you have settled the sale and are home safe, the amount of dollars not important, just that you have lifted all that pressure.

    Got to run as being picked up at the end of the track and it's too long to be running along, especially in this muggy heat.

    Back later.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, very happy for you, very very very! Terrible stressful time and now hopefully a thing of the past. I hope life is plain sailing for you from now on.
    I had a lovely surprise yesterday, one of my sister in laws (they'll always be my sister in laws despite us having virtually no contact with their brother, my ex) sent me a lovely parcel of photos, some from way back, some from today's generation of their side of the family. I'm so glad to get these because my sons father took all his photos with him and the boys had nothing to relate to. Best of all, my mother in law who I was very fond of and died very soon after our break up, had written quite a lot about all she knew of her side of the family. It was a great read. So.....when I go shopping on Friday I'll pick up an album to put it all in, and then my boys who know all MY family history, will more fully learn about their complete roots. Sorry if that bored you all, but I was so pleased to get this peek into the past. I really thought the world about my MIL and my SILs too, and I'm still, after all these years, wondering what on earth happened so soon after emigration. "Nowt so queer as folk" as we say in Yorkshire! Like LINS recent trauma, it passed.
    I hope you enjoy the bean burgers too JACKIE. They were certainly easy to make and designed for the kiddies to help, so right up my street. Not much in the way of culinary skills - old Anne.
    PATSY, Canada Day and the dreaded fireworks, AND the setting the roof on fire worries!
    Well, aren't I an old witterer, enjoy the day everybody, Anne.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015


    Happy 4th of July to all my American Sneaker Friends !!

    LIN - So glad you have that stress off your back. Now to some me time for you. :D I hope the next few
    weeks of getting rid of the rest will be easier for you. <3


    I took in Yoga restorative class last night. Gentle postures but holding them longer like 10 min or so. I felt great after
    that. I have been stressed lately due to being gone so much. I have to pack again today for a week on our sailboat.
    I like going away don't get me wrong, but I also like some down time at home and putter around here. I have not had
    that opportunity since my husband retired. He is a go go all the time.

    I will be packing today and then do some other things. We will be leaving tomorrow morning. It rained here again last
    night and it is so soggy around the house. I hope we have decent weather while away. We have our club cruise
    over the long weekend then we are on our own after that. I will have my tablet to report in
    everyday on the Newsfeed.
    I may catch some fireworks tonight depending how the day goes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    July 1, 1867
    Canada Day in Canada. On July 1, 1867, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982.

    Enjoy your holiday all my Canadian friends!! <3

    Happy Wednesday!! :) Cooler day today which is fine with me. I am going to go get a mani/pedi and run some errands. Robby's 1st birthday is coming up and would like to get him an outfit for his party. Bryanna came over yesterday and we had a nice talk so all is good with the world. My shoulder feels better now that the cortisone shot has settled down. I booked my flight for Portland in February and it was too early for seating. This week I tried to get my seats online and all were filled. After calling United waiting 10 minutes, then cut off, called back and waited another 10 minutes I finally got a service representative and explained I was a senior with two knee replacements and needed an aisle seat. She did it with no problem so I was a happy person. I had visions of being stuck in the middle for four hours.

    Shirley, enjoy your holiday and I hope you have nothing but dry sunny weather while you are sailing.

    Anne, wonderful surprise and great for your boys. I have remained friends with my ex husband and his family, mostly for the sake of my children. My ex and I are friends, we just can't live together.

    Jackie, good luck at the auction, hope you find the exact bookcase you need.

    Phoebe, are you back at work now? I had no swelling of foot or ankle with my sciatic nerve, glad you are going to go to the doctor.

    So happy you finally closed on the acreage and can concentrate on Lin. It has been a long process but now you can enjoy what is left of summer.

    Patsy, so sorry to hear you are under the weather. I hope today is a better day but if not maybe a doctors visit is in order. I have never sold anything on Ebay only bought. My daughter uses Craig's list to buy and sell things.

    Marie, since you are not eating meat anymore I presume you don't eat the processed meats either, correct?
    I do hope you will get that pain in your neck checked out soon, better safe than sorry.

    Buzz, glad you got things working with your computer again but I am not convinced that your credit card fraud are not related. I would certainly change all the passwords for my important information to be safe.
    Just my opinion dear friend.

    Enjoy this day like no other, who knows what tomorrow brings?

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Packing all done and food will go into the cooler in the morning. Getting up early Dave wants to get an early start and
    we will have our friends Paul and Nan sailing with us. You never know after engine got fixed. This is a 5 hour sail.
    Better safe than sorry.

    We will be going to see the fireworks after all. Yay!

    Lin - That graphic is so cute!

    Oh, here is another picture of Isaac.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Shirley! Well my dear you are a "goner." That little boy has stolen your heart ...never to return it! What a charmer!
    Sandy: you have the same issue...a charmer grandson! These are such adorable little boys.

    I went to the wound care nurse about my foot. She thinks i am healed but still watching to make sure the wound doesn't open back,up. Back to exercising and trying like crazy to pare down the food intake. Too much company. Too much temptation. Too little exercise. There is nothing like sitting around with an old friend, snacks and wine. Talking about art and artists we've known. Books we love and movies we hated. Pretty soon the wine is gone, snacks are all eaten and the friend is on her way back home. I've gained 3 or 4 pounds! Like they say...the best of times and the worst of times.
    Happy 4th, happy Canada Day, happy summer fun.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    My day started out great. Ed and I went to the casino to celebrate my Mom's birthday. We went to the casino we would usually take her and had lots of fun. I managed a small win and we had the buffet lunch. I came home with a great smile on my face.

    Our girls hosted an anniversary party for us on Sunday and we've been getting great pictures of the event.


    I was helping Ed organize his computers/photos as he was getting very frustrated with it all when I got a call from my poor sister. You may remember she's had a very bad 2 years - my Mom's death, cancer, pending divorce, lots of health issues, etc., etc. Now a call from her doctor as she was experiencing a swollen breast - blood tests reveal tumour markers. How scary and no damn husband to hold her and comfort her. I am so upset and she is even more so. I am so scared. She hopes to have a CT scan tomorrow and hopefully she'll get the results asap.

    Send good thoughts our way, please.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    O Jeri So sorry to hear that about your sistet.

    On the happier side really love your and Ed pictures Happy 40th Anniversity/ We have such nice couples in our group Your grandkids are very Happy. always Smiling like the grandma.

    my prayer goes all out for your sister and to you. you have all of my blessing.

    <3 Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Canada Day, eh!

    We have been having so much smoke here that I haven't been out for my walk for a few days although we did drive to the mall and I did some walking there. It does seem to decrease the pain so I will keep at it.

    Phoebe -- be careful with that leg. You might need to get it checked out to be sure there isn't a blood clot there causing pain and swelling. Are you two still driving?

    Shirley -- your baby is adorable (I know you already know that!).

    Sandy -- I bet your little Robbie is growing and cute as ever. Are you still doing childcare?

    Jeri -- so sad to hear your sister is not doing well. It is scary to go through as you know. I will keep you both in my thoughts.

    Buzz -- hope you are well. We think of you and Mike often. We so appreciated the time we had together in Florida.

    Lin -- I hope one day your life will slow to a dull roar and you can relax for a bit!

    Marie -- I hope this new diet is great. Some of us just need to keep changing diets to keep it feeling fresh. Other folks will stay with one forever. Both ways can work well.

    I know I have missed people but will try to do better next time. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh dear, senior age is NOT for sissies, is it? Sorry for all the aches and pains but then I marvel at the gorgeous progeny and lovely couple in that 40th anniversary picture and feel it was all worth it!
    SANDY, I would agree with you on the fraud, but I may not have explained that the bank had already declared my card had been compromised along with hundreds of thousands of others BEFORE the computer crash! a large company's files had been hacked ! Happy you got that aisle seat as planes are so cramped now! LIN, enjoy that inheritance wisely. You more than earned it. PHOEBE, after computing, my knees and hips don't want to straighten out! JERI, please know we are all wishing hard for your DS, she's had enough already!!! Family is adoreable, and may the next 40 years be even better! PATSY, My sort-of-hippie ex and I visited Moosewood back in the days, and he ended up living near it after our divorce! In a YURT yet!!! JACKIE and JEAN, I can almost hear you two chatting with your lovely speech and better memories. And MARIE, my Eveready bunny li'l Sis, better luck with this new proportion diet, but watch the protein intake for the kidney problem!
    Got a concert here at 10 AM, so I must sleep a bit! Hugs to everybody. (Psst, I enjoyed the Canada Day Sugar Pie tonight :'( A BELATED HAPPY CANADA DAY TO OUR NORTHERN FRIENDS!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I won't be home today. Meeting a friend for an early early movie. Later meeting another friend for some talk time and maybe we'll walk around. If it's early enough, I may stop to look at a little side table I saw online. Be well.

    Jeri, I am so incredibly sorry for everything you sister has to endure. Hoping and praying for a bit of good news. Hugs sent along for you and for your sister.

    I'll try to stop by again when I get home.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JERI, I'm so very sorry to hear of your bad news concerning your poor sister. Life gives us some really bad blows and just the same as everyone else, my thoughts and good wishes reach out to you and her.
    The photos of everybody's families are incredible. What a handsome bunch you all are on this group!
    I lost the Internet today, it just froze, so I restarted the thing, then had to call tech support for a new password. This might seem not much to all you computer experts, but for me, well, I am incredibly proud of myself, said she modestly. Wirh one family out in the Mediterranean, and the other one hour away, I had to take care of it myself and I DID IT.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a busy day yesterday as well as watching a couple of great Wimbledon matches I didn't get back here last night. nor did I find time to make those veggie/bean burgers so intend to get into my kitchen tomorrow to make a mix and see what spices I might want to add. Nothing suitable at the auction viewing although I did see a stunning G-plan unit but it was incredibly long so wouldn't fit comfortably into my little cottage and anyway, nowhere to put my books. This is how dangerous auctions are when we get carried away and tempted with items we're not looking for! We had a fair amount of rain in Cornwall this morning while the rest of the country enjoys sunshine and after a soaking on my walk with George then had my free 3 yearly mammogram that the NHS offers to those of us between the ages of 50 and 70. A mobile unit is set up in a supermarket car park while they work their way through those of us in the area before moving to another district. I was in and out in 15 minutes and should receive my results in 2-3 weeks. A few days ago I also received a letter from my GP offering a free health check including blood tests and although I never go looking for problems am trying to be sensible so will book an appointment.

    I've caught up with posts and thinking how lovely to read LIN getting back to "normal" life, enjoying the company of friends, going to the movies and checking out purchases.

    Anne ~ That's so good of your SIL to send on photos so your boys and grandchildren will have a full sense of their ancestry. You must have so enjoyed looking through them all and seeing old faces again. Can't remember if I mentioned before that I'm trying to research and trace my dad's half sisters' descendants and regret not finding out more when those in the know were alive.

    Jeri ~ So sorry to read of your sister's news and do hope whatever is going on has been caught early enough, especially as she's had such a rough year already. Loved the photos and all those happy faces!

    Buzz ~ Canada Day sugar pie.... Is that as naughty as it sounds? Not that I can talk because after the mammogram I popped into the supermarket seeing as how I was so close to the store and amongst a few healthy salad items picked up a pack of double chocolate muffins that I'll try to eek out over the next few days rather than wolf them all down in 24 hours!!!

    A great tennis match in progress with Nadal and Brown so I'll sign off now, prepare a salad to make up for the muffin and settle down to watch.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    These late hours are knocking me for a loop. I may simply spend today reading and sleeping! Hi, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! Summer continues here in Oregon. We are running our fans and the doggies have staked out one floor fan as theirs. They nap in the breeze and love having their ears wind blown.

    One of life's sweet moments for me is to stroll through an art show and see a painting that has so much to say. My old art friend reminded me of a painting done recently by an artist I admire. There is such colorful movement one is tempted to see it as almost flowery. But looking longer, one sees that it is, in actuality, quite turmultous and violent. Then looking at the title, I see it is called, "gathering war clouds."

    Off to water the deck flowers. Pull a few weeds, then back to my art dungeon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    . Gayla how wonderful seeing you here.
    Have you been on any cruise lately. How is Dave and his boat.? , Neil Owens? Any more grand babies on the way.

    I have a great grandson on the way here in January

    <3 Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday!! I had written a post this morning and in my confusion I shut down MFP so lost the post.
    Went to my meeting, for a mani/pedi/wax of eyebrows and upper lip. Tomorrow is wash and packing day.
    If weather permits will probably take a two hour break to go to pool with Lisa and Robby.
    It is dinner time and this day is almost over and I don't know where it went.

    Did want to tell Shirley again how beautiful Issac is, we are lucky grandmas to have such beautiful grandchildren.
    Gayla, so happy to see you and hope you can post a picture of Owen for us.
    Geri, I am so very sorry about your sister, it doesn't seem fair that she has to go through so much, but there must be a reason somewhere. I will keep her in my prayers and hope for good news. Happy Anniversary, you both so look so happy and content.

    I will get back on the morning, too much catching up to do for now.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words. We've made the decision to head to Washington State to stay with my sister for awhile. We leave Monday as that is the earliest we can get away. She needs us. She has a ct scan and bone scan scheduled for next Thursday. She'll need all the support she can get. Hopefully those tests will be okay but none of us are holding our breath.

    Went for a great drive south of Calgary today. Ed thought I needed a break and he was right. Here's a photo taken on our trip


    See you all tomorrow


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone. Most of the smoke from the northern forest fires has gone. i did get out for a walk today and didn't need antihistamines so liked that.

    Marie -- I will try to post a picture of Owen but I no longer remember the instructions that Sandy gave me a very long time ago. See what I can do. He is growing so fast, happy and curious and a chatterbox. Takes after his Gramma in that regard. He has lots of beautiful curly hair which he gets from both parents. Sadly no more grand babies yet but haven't given up hope for them.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla