Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Good evening - a sort of busy day. After church, I went out and cut and pulled all the volunteer trees that have been growing along in the inside of my back yard fence since the people doing my mowing are not taking care of it. While I was at it, I cut back the neighbor's tree that was on top of my fence again. I cooked some quinoa, baked some more sweet potatoes and made crackers. Made an appointment for an eye exam tomorrow and then searched the house for my last exam information from a few years ago. Finally found it (after tearing the house apart)! Yeah! Paid a couple of bills, made some photocopies, and sorted out some of my dad's papers to throw away.

    And the day is gone once again.

    With all the discussion about insects I note two things this year----we have no fireflies here. Where did they go? And is that only happening here??? Second, we have many many more wasps and hornets this year. They are always flying around my deck and I noted yesterday at my friends' home there were again, many of these bugs flying around. My friend took out her spray and quite a number of them dropped dead onto the deck but there were still more alive and flying around us. Which is when I got in my car to leave! So Patsy---I don't have "Beeville" but I think I have "Waspville" instead. And Marie and Anne, I've heard no crickets this year either.

    Jackie - I hope the bees stay!

    Jeri - have a safe trip.

    Sandy - I swear there is a pool no matter where you go! I hope you enjoy your visit.

    Well, I need to move along.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I posted my version of the bean burgers on the Plant base discussion topic. I still need to work on it to get it firm up some way to jucy for a burger But I will probable just top it off with a salad till I figure out a way to make it more firm. Anybody got any ideals how I can I know it is not clean eating but it is vegan and gluten free. and that is what I am out for right now.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Forgot to check in from Portland. Arrived safely, went to a cookout at my son's friends and had a good time. Since it is over 90 degrees we stayed in today to play some board games. Have plans during the week so will check in when I can.

    Good night
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Some sweeping and vacuuming to get out of the way today. We've had pouring rain and are expecting more. I'd better keep moving or I won't stay on schedule. Hugs my friends!

    One bean burger tip I've used is to mix everything up and then put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before making your patties. I bake mine on parchment paper and flip them over halfway through the cooking time. I find I use too much sweet potato puree so I add oatmeal if they are too runny.

    See ya later.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    When I made the burgers this weekend with chick peas, they were too runny and I did like you LIN, added stuff to make them less so. I'll use less mashed chick peas next time I guess but they ARE tasty. HOWEVER, I had a can of Heinz original baked beans in the cupboard from way back when. Decided to use it up on my very first try last week. I drained the tomato sauce off, and they turned out perfect! Very tasty. I'm not sure if this is "clean eating" however! Your tip about putting them in the fridge for 2 hours is something I do, and also when I'm making fish cakes which I really love.

    So what's for dinner/lunch today friends, for me a nice omelette with Parmesan cheese.

    I'm still being plagued by the Rev Canada scammers, but mainly on the answering machine. Got caught this morning though when I thought it was Michael calling. The funny thing is, I got a letter in the mail last Friday saying the Gvt. owed ME a further $100 and I would find it deposited in my bank, which I did. Lol. Still no sign of the police on my doorstep as the scammers threatened! Lol.

    Back to the ironing board, Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I don't think we are missing any bugs here. Yup, heard or saw most of the ones you've mentioned. Hummingbirds too. I changed their water and they liked that. Spiders of all shapes and big sizes.. I think I saw one called a wolf spider. I don't kill unless I know it is a poisonous one.
    Got a call from insurance lady at work this morning. She wants to know how I'm doing and if I am coming back to work, lol. I'd love to say no, thank you, I'm not coming back. I know my Jim is enjoying getting home every night and weekends off. I guess they want him to go back to the long trips. They are veery short handed now, can't get and keep drivers. The drivers these days go where the top money is. Our company does not realize that, or does not care.
    Jim is taking today off, he is going to the chiropractor. While he is there, I want to vacuum and mop, so I should get going.
    Have a great week
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I don't believe it! I've had 3 calls from the scammers and it's only mid day. All threatening me with legal action but the "God bless" ending has disappeared, now I'm told to have a "good day"!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another hot day in Portland (wish they had a pool) so we are going to see Jurassic Park and then to dinner. Lots of eating, don't think I will be happy when I go home, but loving it now. Their cleaning person is coming later so my son and are going to lunch to get out of his way. I forgot to mention that Barb Price contacted me and if possible we will try to meet up sometime this week. Lisa sends me pictures of Robby everyday because I already miss him.
    Time to jump in the shower.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Got to go fixed lunch but a quick trip to the powder room first. be back after lunch. my new favorite blog site been there all morniing
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    anne you asked what for Breakfast lunch and dinner
    Breakfast..... Bowl of oat meal with a small handful of raisins coffee with creamer
    Lunch..... 2 toasterdas with a helping the pinto and sweet potages spread over the tortilla a small container of avocados spread 1 c of fresh cherries I did not get a picture of it to post. I miss cheese on it but the avocado help that out.
    Dinner.....some raw English cucumbers, raw slice radish cup of butterbeans q1/2 c of pickle beets
    Snacks fruit
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am back from my trip to the eye doctor and the every other month "shot in the eye." I stress about these appointments every time. I try to have stern talks about this to myself. So far, I've not been too successful in getting my courage up each time. I feel like a I six year old going to the dentist. Waaaaah this is going to hurt! It doesn't but it might....

    Still hot and muggy here. It is too hot to enjoy being outside. However, good news!!!! It is to cool off later in the week. Yea! I've been running the fans non-stop. We've even talked about air conditioning if the weather really does change in this part of the country. John planted a gift peony from a friend. I had little hope for the poor little thing but today it had perked up, and new leaves have sprouted as well as new little branches. In just three days!

    While the weather is impossible, I am dusting places that I really never dust unless we are having a party or special guests. Under and on top kind of dusting. Not my favorite but it must be done upon occasion. This is the occasion.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm not sure where Monday went but go it did! Walking, shopping, vet for George with a tic on the edge of his eye that I wasn't sure how to remove. It's a free service to take the nasty little thing off and then send off to labs for research and I've also bought a relatively new drug in the form of a pill to give him that is going to keep tics off for 3 months.... we'll see!

    Common sense took over and I didn't bid on the bookcase I'd seen because it was again not exactly what I want and anyway I've now seen a couple of pieces at another auction and will view today and hopefully go back tomorrow to bid if suitable. ANNE, they have a Churchill Toby jug but it's Royal Doulton and the catalogue photo isn't too complimentary!

    I've been waiting for early morning rain to clear and can see the sun is doing its best to shine through so will head out with George for our walk before traveling to the auction house. The local pool is closed to the public for a school swimming gala so no swim today unfortunately... I'll just have to walk further!

    Have a good Tuesday.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello everybody, today my wandering, vacationing family get home from Europe, and this old witterer can stop wittering about bombs on planes, the Greek economy, volcanoes erupting etc. Mind you, it's not much better here, busy, busy roads with the PanAm games in Toronto, little thugs running around with guns, forest fires to the west (the huge Oregan fire fighting helicopter is here in Canada PATSY so don't expect it flying over your land) deer on suicide missions darting onto the roads, and really just a normal day in the life of mankind. To be honest I'm not sure I COULD return to the past and sleepy village life in Yorkshire!

    Yes JACKIE I've seen the Winnie Toby jug, and he won't be sitting on my bookcase in the near future, even if he is a bargain. I only buy what I really like in everything, hence me being a somewhat shabby Anne, with a fairly sparse home etc. however, if I spot something I truly love, it's all systems go! I think you are very wise in the bookcase hunt, something will eventually pop up, and anyway it gives you a super hobby and when you finally stumble across that perfect piece a lovely warm glow of accomplishment. Poor George, I'm ever so glad you spotted the tick.

    Today I'm going to cook the Anne version of Chinese. No self respecting person from China would recognize my version, so no MARIE, I won't pass the "recipe" on. However, I like it and I guess that's all that matters as I have no spouse to stare at his plate in disbelief.

    I think the rice is cooked judging by the smell drifting from the kitchen.

    Bye everybody, Annie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Another day of part-time Internet. Saying hello---wishing everyone well. Hugs to everyone!!

    I think the glasses I ordered yesterday are ready to pick up already. And I need a few things at Walmart. I think I'll look for some lunch so I don't get crazy while doing my errands. (Well, crazy hungry that is!)

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another hot day in Portland, but I will be sitting by my son's friend pool this afternoon, while my DIL plays scrabble with the friends son. We went to see Jurassic World and it was very good even though I kept jumping. After we went to dinner but my DIL suffers with migraines and got really dizzy with one and had to lie down on a bench outside. We just got our food and we were willing to box it but she insisted my son and I finish our dinners. She took her blood pressure when we got home and it was low. We want her to go to the doctor today but she is being stubborn because she has an appointment next week. She has suffered with migraines since she is little and has had every test and no one can help her. I feel bad for her. Hopefully, she will feel better today, but still wish she would go to doctor.

    That's the news from Portland. Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello sneakers Been sort of a lazy day got my nose in a book and just readT hanks for the update on your trip
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Marie. I visited my aunt today. Her memory is very bad now. She also gets confused . She doesn't remember my last visit when I took her to a bunch of stores.
    I can't stay awake tonight, Phoebe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    refresh my memory Phoebe, Your auntie move into your town now. so you are sort of looking after her. you care of number 1 and that is you.. how long have you and Jim been driving together?. how Honey and his side kicks the cats. my memory is fading at a pretty good pace. I think staying active on these groups has really help me to focus a lot better

    Jerry is out cutting grass tis morning 40% chance of rain later on.. I am trying to keep sugar out of my diet and of course gluten Still on the vegan plan.
    get rested up
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We are going to Mt.Hood on another beautiful day in Portland. We will have lunch on the highest point that they let you drive and seeing as I don't hike I don't plan on hiking to the top. We will also being doing some geocaching, which is my son's favorite hobby. Yesterday I went to the pool and it was wonderful just floating and relaxing.

    Have to run.
    One Day At A Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! We have one of our famous marine layers today. (Fog) There is even rain in the forecast later in the week! Yea! I know that too much of anything is bad, even if it is sunshine, rain or birthday cake.

    The yoga is very good for the joints. I notice John is walking odd. He has stiff joints and he is holding his neck forward as he walks. That stresses his back. I am often stiff and my knees are "loosely-goosey." So we are trying to watch posture and work on exercise that addresses flexibility. It seems we have truly gotten to the patch! Patch! Patch! Stage in life. We are taking to heart that advice about always learning something new. Good for our brains and really good for our disposition.

    Phoebe: sadly it might be time to look for a permanent nursing care facility for your dear auntie. Like with my mother-in-law, it was a difficult decision but we found one very nearby and we were there daily. We often had lunch or dinner there with her. It really was a good and safer place for her. Just a thought... I know it is alarming to see our sweet family members struggle with memory loss. Bless you for trying to look after her welfare.