Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2015
    I do try to read your posts as often as possible, but it seems to be getting more difficult finding time each day to do what I would like to do instead of what I must do! Right now, cleaning up after Mike seems to be taking over my time, so I suggested he stay out of the kitchen and ask me when he wants something. Otherwise he leaves such a mess I spend my time cleaning after him and resenting having to do so but I can't figure out how to get around the problem. He says his eyesight is quite bad. One thing I discover as time passes, is how little I understand about what is real and what is "excuse" ! Thanks for asking, ANNE. I'll try to at least let you know I'm OK! You folk are my sanity check right now!
    We do have bright spots, like last night there was a beautiful "cocktail" (non-alcohol) hour for a dear friend who was celebrating his 93rd (on hospice for the past year!) birthday.
    And I relish when DH goes down to work in our volunteer workshop for a few hours in the mornings, so I can repair his damage without interference!
    Oh, and I'm also trying to figure out where all the "hidden files" are from the backup I had for the computer. It's all in her, but where??? Carbonite sends one to another "affiliate" to unscramble the backup!
    I just received another call from that Washington area number, similar to Dell's phone number, that started my whole mess! Hacker's are taking over the digital world! I'll have to call Comcast again, since I seem to be unable to block that number! - - - - and life goes on!!!
    Love you all; don't give up on me :(
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My plan today is to do housework, gardening and visit the allotment to plant leeks that were started in a seed tray, so why am I sitting here sipping freshly brewed coffee?? Had a lovely walk this morning and managed to dodge threatening clouds to be mainly in sunshine. After ensuring the hens had fresh water and half a cabbage to chew on I then checked the new colony of bees who seem to be fine pottering about but walking back up the garden confirmed there's hours of work to be done out there but where to start??

    Anne ~ That walk down memory lane was a wonderful story and proved that so many people could be at their happiest making do although you didn't mention if dad and his mate had a bevy or two that evening before mixing the cocoa powder!

    Lin ~ Whoever supplied you with those glasses should be pulled up short and told to behave professionally because our sight is so important and if you're struggling with bifocals which is what it sounds like, you could have a nasty accident and threaten litigation... that might move them to do the right thing but after my experiences with a solicitor who ignores and then lies to me, I'm thinking the same, that nothing is run as well as it used to be,.

    My battery is running low on the laptop and I know will cut me off any second now so will wish you all a happy weekend and hopefully get back tomorrow although Wimbledon and the continuation of what doesn't get done today might tie me down. (laptop died at this point but phew, didn't lose my post!) Struggling to get it to recharge now so will get off and fiddle with plug.... bloomin' modern technology!! BUZZ ~You're a whiz with these things and speak to me in a foreign language but there are times I think I really should learn more!!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning!
    After being somewhat lazy yesterday (I was reading an engrossing book found in the pile the DIL gave me) and after the grocery shopping, I too must get down to housework and weeding. Crab grass sprouting up everywhere. I don't much like crab grass.
    Being an innocent little seven year old JACKIE, I can't remember if Dad and Les had a beverage or not, if I had noticed no doubt I would have been told it was "dandelion and burdock". I believe that was the name, is it still sold? What I DO remember, the strips came down quicker than they went up! Dad was very inventive, he was born in the wrong time I think. I didn't appreciate the enormous amount of things he did, but I do now. Very humorous and much liked by everybody in the village. I wish I was more like him. But that was then......

    It's going to be hot and humid so must "shift" myself.
    Bye everybody - Anne.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning,

    I see I have 51 posts to read. I don't know if I will get there to back track but I can try at some time.

    We got home from our week on the boat yesterday and we went to three ports in the Toronto area.
    I did get some biking in while I was gone and got my badge from Fit Bit for doing over 20,000 steps so
    I tried to keep active. It amazes me how much up and down climbing I do on the boat and just walking
    to the pools and bathrooms puts in the steps while we are docked. We had two ports with pools so that
    was nice to sit around and read and do some swimming.

    We ate well as usual, and tried to keep the snacking down b ut did have desserts once in a while.
    Our trip back was uneventful, I mean no engine problems, which was nice. We ended up motoring back
    with our friends who had their boat and he was having some engine problems so he kept a medium
    pace of motoring. We got home around 4 pm.

    Kathy, Fraser and Isaac came last night so we have been visiting with them. Kathy is going to a
    bachlorette party this afternoon so Isaac will stay here with us for awhile. I have my laundry basket over flowing
    with laundry and today is our Steak Roast party at the sailing club, but I don't think we will make that today.
    Some things are more important.

    My plants and garden did well with the help of my neighbor Maryanne. I did some clean up on the plants
    last night and Dave watered everything.

    The family are still sleeping so waiting for them to get up.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Still at my sisters. She has had test after test but no answers. Had a lung tap and an MRI yesterday. Still waiting on a PET scan. Scary stressful stuff.

    I'm doing the best I can to cope without screaming. LOL not much to do here but I did get in a walk yesterday. Problem is it is quite hilly and I don't do good in hills. However lots of walking around the house.

    My sister has the sweetest dog that I adore and her daughter and grands are coming today. I look forward to that.

    Have a great day

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jeri, I hope that no news is good news. Glad you can stay busy there.
    Don't know why I'm sleeping so much. Twelve hours I think. Woke at almost noon. I could go back to sleep now but I will resist.
    Jim repaired the vacuum, yay. My oldest cat, Possum, is the culprit responsible for pulling clothing off of the shelves in my closet. She is there now, trying to get comfortable. I picked up the mail today while out. Honey's paw protectors arrived. They are big enough for a cow! Oh dear, more shopping I suppose.
    I'm really sleepy, better stir a bit. Phoebe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just now got on My "big Daddy" what I am calling my computer now. been hanging out with Jerry this morning and afternoon.

    phoebe lad Jim was able to fix your vacuum. he is a good handy man. He is a keeper for sure. learning a little more about I the I pad I like it for deleting all of my junk e mail.

    Jeri my prayers are with you and your family. So glad you are able to be with her at her time of need.

    Shirley welcome home enjoy that grandson. Send pictues!

    Anne my project is to gather up all of those spices you have listed in your cauliflower soup and mix them all together and Look like I can uuse it any soup with vegetables. I might make and I will too as it get cooler.

    Have a great day sneakers
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015
    Sleepover at Grandma's house.
    Isaac's shirt says Life is good at Gram's.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    On the plane waiting to take off, just waiting for the caterer to bring something they forgot. This plane seems to have lots of kids and noises adults.Glad I downloaded a movie to watch on my IPad. Had a wonderful time in Portland, but ready for home. Lisa sent me a picture of Ronby walking, so cute, wish I could share with you but I don't want to put on You Tube. Finally taking off.

    One Day at sTime

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good afternoon – Internet problems again so don’t know if I’ll be able to post this. I’ve been watching DVDs rather than trying to stream anything. Some old Perry Mason TV episodes, Roy Rogers movies, and another series with the guy who played Inspector Morse, John Thaw. I bought a used DVD of Kavanagh QC with 3 episodes of the show. I enjoyed them very much. If I find any other bargains, I might buy some more episodes of that show. Anyone else ever watch it?

    Love everyone’s posts! Gorgeous picture Shirley! Enjoy the evening.

    Marie – good idea to pre-mix the spices so you’re ready to go anytime you want to make something like soup.

    Phoebe – glad the vacuum is fixed. Yippee! Sorry about Honey’s booties. Darn. And sleepy, hey, me too! I took a little nap the other evening from about 7pm to 10:30pm before I went to bed. I’d like to go to bed now. Maybe it’s my new mattress calling to me? Ha.

    Sandy – on the way home. Yippee! It’ll be good to get home again even though you’ve been doing lots of wonderful things on your visit.

    Jeri – glad you are there for your sister but sorry it continues to be stressful.

    Buzz – good to hear from you. You really have a lot to do with your care-giving and clean-up responsibilities. Hugs to you. I admire how you always help people.

    Anne – finding a good book to read is just perfect as far as I’m concerned. I somehow ran across an older series by Sue Henry. Alaska, Huskies, murder, and more involved. I’m reading the second book that I could find at the library now.

    Jackie – I hope your day went well. I was intimidated at that store as they acted as if I was making a fuss about nothing. It seems more often I find I am not satisfied with the services/goods that I receive for my $$. Grumpy old lady!!

    Will be gone most of tomorrow. It’s that ice cream social and temps are to be in the 90’s. I’m guessing I will be worn out when I get home. I wilt in the heat. Ha.

    Going to try to post now. Fingers crossed.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, if you think you are grumpy over bad service, meet me. I treated my eldest to a light lunch on Friday. We went to a restaurant we normally like. After sitting for quite a while along comes this waitress. Mike asks for coffee and I order an apple juice. After quite a while the waitress slouches over and slops Mikes coffee in front of him and a bottle of apple juice in front of me. Mike says "I think my mother would like a glass with ice in it please". She takes our order, eggs, pea meal bacon, home fries and fruit for Mike, soup for me and an egg sandwich. She then drops/slams a glass with ice in it for me and disappears, and disappears, and disappears. AGES pass and she finally brings our lunch. We had obviously been forgotten and our food had been left out by the cooks to be picked up by the missing waitress. We had seen her chatting to people she obviously knew. My soup was so cold it had fat congealing on it and my sandwich bread was dried out. Mikes meal was completely cold. We finally managed to get the waitresses eye and she took the food away. In all fairness, we got a replacement meal very quickly by the manager with apologies. However, when it came to paying the receipt, no way was I going to give her a tip! Mike was a bit surprised I refused I think, so how's that for a grumpy old lady. The first time I haven't left a tip. You were not making a fuss about nothing, like our tardy waitress, they were just too lazy to change things. Do you remember when the customer was always right!
    JERI, your poor, poor sister. On the plus side, She is so lucky to have a loving sister in you.
    Grouse over for the day, going to watch Miss Marples!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good evening dear Sneakers! Reading about all of your frustrations in restaurants and shopping, I realize this is a huge problem everywhere. We are having the same issues. My husband is livid more times than not when shopping. We have decided not to return to a favorite restaurant where we are well acquainted with the owner. The service, the food and value was simply not there. We assume it is because of the press of summer tourists. They don't have to try. The locals will be back in the fall. We are not pleased! I could regale you with other shopping tales of frustration. We are all in the same boat!
    We must take care to watch our personal data, you don't have to give your SS# just because they ask for it! demand resolution when given poor service or poor goods. ARRP tells us that and gives advice on these matters.

    Wimbledon seems to be wonderful tradition that I know nothing about. My husband played tennis in college and he and our son bang the the tennis balls around a bit but without "conviction" as my husband says. Here on the coast, a dry court is rare and they are poorly maintained.

    We are have a cool day with a few showers. We are sooooo grateful. The threat of forest fire is truly terrifying.

    I would get a fitbit like so many others but I fear I would never be able to understand it or make it work. Do any of you have one? Do you like them? Are they difficult to work and adjust?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anne what is pea meal bacon?
    Robby is walking, Sandy ?
    Lin I know we want have to worry about you eating a bowl of ice cream

    I am finding it easier and easier to say no to sugar. Gluten and animal products eveytime I see a juicy hamburger picture I see two eyes Beans looks better. and better.

    I am getting a kitten in about a week it is just 5 weeks old now. Now I GET to be Mommie again.
    I will set his bed up in here in the computer room so we can play together.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    After midnight, so I'll keep it short. Watched the 2005 movie "The Producers" this afternoon. What a hoot! A spoof of everything and crazy as only Mel Brooks can be! I needed a laugh!
    Quote JERI, " I'm doing the best I can to cope without screaming. LOL not much to do here but I did get in a walk yesterday. Problem is it is quite hilly and I don't do good in hills. However lots of walking around the house "... JERI, sending tons of hugs and just keep hanging in there. We're all rooting for things to turn out right for you!
    Welcome home SANDY;... JACKIE, you know and handle things many of us never dream about ... LIN, does your library lend DVD's? Cheaper than buying them, I think....ANNE, service today often sucks...everywhere! ... MARIE, enjoy your new kitty. ...PATSY, I think we are seeing a new attitude toward "serving" that seems to be permeating every area! Have we all become too lax about expectations? ...HAs BARBIE left us? Oh my!
    I received a call from a fraud bureau early today informing me that there is no way to trace these scam calls since they do not originate from the phone I.D. that appears! They could be from anyone, ANYWHERE!!! So we evolved from the "flower children" to THIS? What has happened?
    Sleepy, and nursing a sprained shoulder I got trying to encourage a curl in my hair! So goodnight, sleep tight...
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning everybody. MARIE, pea meal bacon is back bacon rolled in cornmeal before its sliced. Very lean. I think it's mainly found in canada.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2015
    I see my battery is running low again but will see how I get on. Lots of rain today so George and I only did a round of our section of village which takes about 40 minutes what with him having to sniff every blade of grass! Wimbledon men's final begins in less than an hour so I won't be doing much this afternoon although the vacuum cleaner is at the bottom of the stairs to be taken upstairs for a whiz around at some point.

    Anne ~ Dandelion and Burdock seemed to disappear for a few years but is now back on a wave of nostalgia, no doubt from our generation wanting things back the way we loved like real lemonade, ginger beer and Lovage!! Do you remember the Heath Robinson drawings showing amazing contraptions achieving incredible jobs, well I can see your dad would have been up so such inventions! In the UK the problem with lack of customer care in service industries seems to come from kids not being taught social skills anymore. Staring at a screen or monitor in their formative years just doesn't do it.

    Marie ~ A kitten, how sweet! Do you have a name for it yet?

    Jeri ~ My heart goes out to you as you try to maintain some sanity. A day at a time is all you can do.

    Phoebe ~ Perhaps your body is saying now you've been home a while you can relax and catch up on sleep.... make the most of it eh! My little cat Hebe does her best to sneak into the airing cupboard in the winter months if I don't shut the door properly and then makes a bed for herself on the clean towels!!

    Sandy ~ Hope your journey was a safe one and you are now home in your own bed!

    Buzz ~ I love Mel Brooks movies and also any interview he did as he has the most wonderful sense of humour.In the UK the phone company is doing its best to block the scam calls and insisting correct numbers are shown from businesses but admit if coming from abroad it's a problem. IF my phone shows number withheld I don't pick up, simple as that!

    Lin ~ What a blast from the past... Roy Rogers! As I get older I become more and more like my grandmother who used to embarrass me no end in shops as she'd argue the toss over everything. My tolerance level has dropped dramatically and I hear myself speaking out these days so yes, have definitely become "grumpy old woman" and loving it!!
    I infuse spices for pickled beetroot and a friend was mentioning on the phone this morning that she'd just opened a jar of my 2013 beetroot and is loving it!

    Patsy ~ A report by a medical group came out about Fitbits recently airing concerns at just how many people become obsessed with doing what something strapped to their wrist is insisting rather than using common sense. It's making them ill because it takes over their life.... just so you know.

    Battery warning here again so I'm off!!!!!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Just to go back to volcanos, ie Mt Hood, anybody notice that the Colima volcano in Mexico is erupting, also in Bali, and the British are setting up volcanic ash detectors to protect aircraft? Mainly for the Icelandic volcano I think. I find it all rather fascinating. There does appear to be more movement under the earth.
    Fitbits, I really enjoyed mine at first, but I find I'm discarding it more and more. I guess I don't like a device putting me on a guilt trip. One useful thing, my morning half hour walk is 3000 steps, but now I know that, I don't really need it anymore. Wish I could send it to you PATSY and save you some cash! JACKIE makes a good point. And JACKIE, good to hear the old favourites are coming back. Dandelion and Burdock!
    Cheerio, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Jackie Yes I have a name pick out. It will be PJ name after Phoebe for that is the way I see her name on
    facebook Even tho it is PI

    Anne I luv your sign off Cheerio

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited July 2015
    Marie, a cousin told me she quit sugar cold turkey and lost a lot of weight. She said first two weeks she was crazy, then it got better. You can have one of my cats, lol!
    Jackie, I wish it was just catching up on my sleep.
    Lin, don't melt before the ice cream!
    Patsy, I got frustrated with the fitbit band falling off. I kept bumping against things. So didn't want to lose it, I put it away.
    Buzz,hope you are OK. I've pulled a muscle in my back/shoulder and it slows me down. Makes me think less about my knees, lol.
    I think Barbie checks in on us, but doesn't want to be repetitive in her posts. Anne, it is interesting that so many volcanoes are stirring at once.
    Pea meal bacon sounds interesting. I don't quite understand what it is, so I'll Google it.
    Happy Sunday
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    PHOEBE - Peameal bacon - it's more like ham and apparently you can't get it in the USA, which is a shame if you like bacon.