Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yes, Connie,


    I am glad you still visit us on occasion. Have a wonderful day.
    While I'm at it, I'd like to say that I am very grateful that so many of us are still here on MFP. No sense dilly dallying about it, we are trying to live forever, or as long as we please, but we know anything could happen anyday. So, I'd like to say, I love you all and enjoy you so much!!

    Not much getting done with me today, which is why I need to get off of this computer. Ordered an enclosed see thru tent for Okie, the mischievous mischief maker- to use outdoors, if he will. He was ok going outside until he started to go over the fence. Now he is pouting about it. Loudly.

    Buzz, sorry about Mike's diagnosis. As far as I can tell, based on a Facebook friend's experience, Alz and dementia are both mean cruel illnesses. They deprive so much from everyone. Prayers for you both. Your Iron is not missing, it is just being used elsewhere, you are a strong woman.

    Sandy, that makes sense, stop payment on the two checks. Like you though, I would worry about what they can do with a checking account number, check or no check. The bank should understand that.

    Lin, good for you, returning you glasses. I hope your next experience is better. I think when they give in it is because they know they've made a boo boo and can't win anyway!!

    I think I'm going to have to contact the insurance investigator for the state, although it isn't really an insurance issue now. The doctor I was seeing for knee injections and the pain from the knees was not an in network doctor. All of the other doctors in that group are in network, but not her. The appointment desk was responsible for sending me to this doctor, they said they were in network for my insurance. So, I will call them once more.
    Have a great day.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Still alive!

    For now, trying to keep up with just tracking food and exercise on diary. July has turned out to be as crazy as June.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I’m doing well in maintenance and keeping things in check. When needed I get more restrictive for a day or two.

    Look forward to participating a bit more in a couple weeks. Just as a glimpse….my calendar shows cardiologist, endontics, rheumatologist, hematologist, pulmonary re-eval, car in shop for repairs then out and now going back in next week (part had been ordered), 3 weddings near-term, multiple out of state family members arriving this week and staying til Aug., father-in-law dr appts etc etc etc. Baptism this weekend and grandchild sleepover the following week etc.

    Again – love seeing how well everyone is doing for the most part and glad so many are sticking with their own individual goals.

    Gosh the year is flying by!

    Best wishes to everyone! :)

    PS - I did have fun re-doing my profile. If you could only see Jeans face when she found me in the upstairs bedroom with my tripod taking multiple angle photos for my hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing selfie...LOL
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    BOB, that was a WONDERFUL surprise, me just casually checking in and finding you back! I like your new profile selfie, and now you've got me wondering if I can think up something as interesting and fun. It's just good to know you are okay and busy, busy, busy. It is much harder to keep up with the group in the summertime than in the winter when a lot of us northerners are stuck in with our noses pressed against the window peering at old man winter. Anyway, a great big welcome back. MARIE has started a vegan food plan forum as I'm sure you've noticed and it's just waiting for some of your ideas. Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good to see Bob back Missed you

    Connie happy Birthday Hope it was a good one in spite of the storms
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    On it goes! I am having the same issues with service and DR. Appointments that we all seem to be plagued with. Aaaaargh! It isn't pleasant but we must keep an eye on our business. There are times when I feel they are all out to get us! Paranoia runs in my family!

    I am delivering the last of the doctors paintings for the clinic. This is one for the grown-ups. It goes in the conference room. It has been fun to do this commission. Glad it is over now. Back to working on the book. The scary part is that I will be sending chapters and an outline to an agent. Not sure about this. It feels too organized and more like work than just silly banging out stuff on the computer. I am not a pro...but I do like writing and painting.

    I like the yoga. It feel like I really need more exercise. Sweat is good for us...right? It is funny to think that the hardest part of the yoga is getting up off the floor when I topple over. John comes in an sits down to watch. He says it is really better than watching championship wrestling. Teasing is one of his greatest skills. It is good that he can outrun me because...

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think I must have posted yesterday if I mentioned the doctor, and today DH is furious at our close friends who didn't offer to take us to the Dr when the battery died. He felt anyone who thought a card game is more important than helping a friend in a tight moment is not really a friend! He wouldn't listen when I tried to explain about card games and all the people involved, but since we don't play, he couldn't understand how games are more important than people! Anyway, new battery today and we're back in business!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear CONNIE! Forgive me but the computer is about to close down to install updates! I just signed up for Windows 10 for free installation, too. Am I too crazy? SHIRLEY is a lovely as that baby! And thanks for the scream offer, SANDY. I just might take you up on it, but I need more practice...oh, 30 seconds.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    GOOD Morning everybody. Here's a smile for you. We've all been talking about bad service, well apparently it's just as bad in Australia where nobody tips anymore, minimum wage being adequate. My cousin emailed me last night and her two elderly friends had gone to a restaurant and ordered a bottle of wine with their meal. Young waitress comes along and drops the bottle on their table. They suggest she take it back and uncork it. Young waitress takes it away and returns with it and plonks it on the table. They suggest it might be nice if she brought them wine glasses to go with it. Do you want one glass or two she asks. Laughing they said "well you COULD bring one glass and two straws." Young waitress returns with one glass and TWO STRAWS!
    Maybe they ARE out to get us PATSY! Seniors unite!
    Have a lovely if battle strewn day, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Drat, just lost my post and no idea why!! Can't retype all of it so will precise as walked this morning across moors with George, friend and her puppy and laughed all the way at doggy antics, especially chasing tiny butterfly that had Jack Russell flying into the air.... didn't catch the pretty little winged creature though. Another movie company taking over most of the car park with trailers, caravans and very posh cars so it seems our Cornish moors are selling themselves well this year!

    Anne ~ This year there's been a glut of gooseberries and only so many things to do with them and I still have a couple of kilos freezing in the pizza tray and will probably pop them in a bag and keep until winter when I might fancy gooseberry crumble!!

    Buzz ~ Oh dear, there's no easy way to deal with this condition and irrational thoughts can be a nightmare to cope with but a recent documentary I saw about carers dealing with it showed how going along with what's being said or thought rather than trying to explain what's actually happening and sometimes ending up arguing can be less stressful for all involved. I can't imagine you were ever a "yes dear!" person and completely get it that you see the same Mike in front of you but that's the tragedy of this illness. As I said, nothing easy about it, in fact just plain ghastly.

    Phoebe ~ Don't you dare go anywhere just yet because we all love you too and I for one would be very cross with you!! <3

    Lin ~ So you took a deep breath, walked back into that store and insisted on a refund which can't have been easy so I'm proud of you. Grumpy old women rule ok!!

    Sandy ~ Wow, I'm impressed that you even got on a tennis court so never mind the score! Just don't go building up muscles like Serena's.... goodness me, she's got some power in those arms!! Wimbledon was excellent this year and even the ladies matches held my attention, not something they always do and I'm feeling a bit lost this week although there will be a Davis Cup tournament between Britain and France at the end of this week.

    I'm waiting for a 2nd hand part to arrive from a breakers yard that I ordered last Friday for my car. It's the lever that pulls open the bonnet and I've read that it's a common fault for them to break in a Citroen. My own silly fault that I found it through a search website that informs how many companies have responded and for how much but because this supplier phoned direct and I gave them card details over the phone I'm now suspicious because here we are Wednesday and still no sign of it. Terrible that we now suspect everything to be a scam!

    Sorry I missed CONNIE's birthday (hope it was an enjoyable time) and lovely to see an extremely busy BOB popping back for a visit.

    Time for some gardening, there's so much to do I don't know where to begin.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Therapy this morning, then pool time with Lisa and Robby followed by bingo tonight.
    Will try to get back later, but have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Its me. dropping in for a spell.
    All is well and fine in my neck of the woods.
    Got to o make lunch in a few minutes. Will be making a Bean spread for my tacos I think I am turning into a Mexican food addict. But not a bad way to go. Its healthy, low calories and carbs are so good for you I do not used any sour cream or cheese just avocados and salsa

    Sandy nice to have Lisa and Robby over for a swim

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I found this on Facebook so I copy it for you guys that you would et a laugh

    A family is at the dinner table. The son asks the father, “Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?” The father, surprised, answers, “Well, son, a woman goes through three phases. In her 20s, a woman’s breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s and 40s, they are like pears, still nice, hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions.” “Onions?” the son asks. “Yes. You see them and they make you cry.” This infuriated his wife and daughter. The daughter asks, “Mom, how many different kinds of willies are there?” The mother smiles and says, “Well, dear, a man goes through three phases also. In his 20s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s and 40s, it’s like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it’s like a Christmas tree.” “A Christmas tree?” the daughter asks. “Yes, dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration.”

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    GRRRRrrrrrr! Jackie, my post just disappeared as well, a rather long one, and since I'm still sitting in my Pucci nightie (40 years old!), I'll just recap that my dear friend whom I may have mentioned had a return of CA in her brain and elsewhere died this morning and I admired her spirit so much and am both saddened and relieved for her that she is no longer suffering. It's only a year and a half since her husband passed on from a dreadfully painful gut infection! I'd like to believe they are together again!
    Woke to a lovely phone call from DD #1 and her 2 kids are both finally responsible working adults with decent jobs and separate apartments and DD and SIL are finally free!
    I'm still having internet and email glitches and I'm hungry, as I never got my breakfast, so I'll say HI and GOODBYE quickly and leave you with the grin MARIE brought to my face with her joke! (About Christmas trees?)
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Okay, things didn't work out exactly as planned. Just saying hello and will try to catch up sometime soon. After the carpet cleaning yesterday I ran some errands and when I got home I thought the house smelled odd. Then my skin started to itch and things sort of got worse from there. Today all my nerves feel like they are on fire, I have pain in all my joints and while walking to the mailbox my left knee just stopped working properly. I'm hoping things straighten out quickly. Meanwhile, I am sorry I missed your birthday Connie, I hope it was a good day. Shirley, I love your picture. Marie, I loved the joke. Jackie, I got virtually nothing accomplished today so I'm right there with you and I do hope you were not scammed on that order. Patsy - I didn't know you'd taken on the book project! Wow, best wishes. Anne - what a story regarding the wine. Amazing (in a horrible way)! Sandy - hope therapy went well. Phoebe - I hope you feel better each day. Have you been shopping the Amazon Prime Day? Buzz - I am so sorry for all the misfortunes you've experienced lately. And very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Bob - HELLO!! So great to see you. Jeri - I hope there is positive news about your sister's health soon.

    Hugs to all. Hoping for a good day tomorrow.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Therapy, then lunch, cleaning floors, walking dog, sorting stuff, now I'm pooped.
    Lin, feel better

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Walked and talked with my friend and her dog then delighted to see a parcel had been left for me that is the lever for my car bonnet, only trouble being it looks different to mine! The workings are sturdier but not sure it will fit my car so back on the phone and currently waiting for another breakers yard to call back. If all else fails I have a brilliant friend who does all sorts of mechanics and am sure he can cobble something together. It turned out the filming on our local moor yesterday was for the Doc Martin series with Martin Clunes and apparently Sigourney Weaver has a part in it. They'd all moved on by today so we had the car park to ourselves!

    Lin ~ You didn't say what that strange smell was but assuming it was something in the carpet cleaner. Hopefully today it's wearing off as it does seem a terrible reaction is going on in your body.

    Buzz ~ So sorry to read you've lost another good friend but can understand a certain amount of relief for her. We can but hope there's more to come after we shuffle of this mortal coil.

    Marie ~ Your Mexican food all sounds delicious and so healthy so no wonder you love it. Yesterday I made a quorn mince sauce with tomatoes, onions and chillies that I'd grown last year and frozen and that took on a very Mexican flavour. Delicious with steamed green beans and mange tout. Loved the joke!

    Anne ~ The BBC programme "Trust me I'm a Doctor" about the 3 ways to avoid dementia was aired last night and I had to laugh at the nitty-gritty bit you left out about the winning art classes because what that group did was life drawings and were terribly excited when they walked into the studio to see a naked man sitting with elbow on knee and chin on hand posing as their subject.... lots of laughter all round!! It was apparently the whole concept of traveling to the studios, standing for 3 hours at a time and social interaction that won the day. The occasional glass of red wine and freshly brewed coffee also do more good than harm!!

    Going to visit a dear lady who lives at the end of our track this afternoon and take George with me. Every time we walk past her gate he does his best to go in although her door is closed because she treats him with a tea biscuit so he'll be happy to see her and because her health is very obviously failing I pop in as often as possible, hopefully without tiring her.

    Have a good Thursday. If I'm brave I'll jump on the scales tomorrow for the pound a week club because next week I've got my free health check booked with blood tests Monday and half hour chat about lifestyle including a weigh-in and dementia test on Friday so I want to know if I need to move a pound or two before then.... cheating or what!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes JACKIE, I had to smile about the nude male model and how it seemed to have an effect on the old grey cells. I almost mentioned it, but wasn't sure whether to or not because "maybe" we are such a "genteel" bunch and it might have been best to let the gals read the report themselves. Now if MARIES joke had preceded my post, I would have done! The standing at the easel was very beneficial, well I do that here at home but the acquiring of the other accoutrements could prove difficult as I don't drink wine - gotcha! LOL.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Raining today which is okay because I have my meeting. They finally painted my balcony yesterday so hopefully I can get this gas grill and furniture out of my apartment soon. I know my landlady wants to stain the floor of the balcony so I am going to text her and see if she can get it done while stuff is still inside.
    Makes me a wreck with the grill inside but several people have told me just don't turn it on. Wise guys!!!

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATSY. Have a lovely dinner you two!
    That's Tabitha Daisy bringing you balloons! Couldn't find you a clown alas! XX
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Happy Birthday Patsy!!!!