Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello friends, I hope you don't mind but I've got a question for you concerning strange day Friday. I go to 5 stores and everything is slow and lethargic in four of them. The only speedy service I get is the self serve bank machine. Here's the question. I go into the bakery store. It has a long counter with the bread at one end and the cash register at the other. I would like a country loaf I say to the young male propping up the register. "Huh? Which ones that" he answers. I point and say third shelf down. "Duh?" He enthusiastically says. I plod over to the end, lean over and point at the loaf I want. "Which?" He says. "Look", I patiently tell him, "I'm an old lady who can no longer leap over counters and pick it up for you, why don't you come down yourself, pick it up and charge me". This he decides to do. The question is, did he want to charge me for it first, then pick it up and wrap it, JUST in case I was a shoplifter and would leg it with it as fast as my 79 year old legs would let me? Am I misjudging him for being a little short on brain power when in fact the store has suffered a slew of elderly people cramming muffins and cup cakes inside their folded umbrellas? Beats me, what's the answer folks. We then had a long conversation on how much change I should receive for my $20 bill. It's as if the young are so used to credit and debit cards they no longer seem to understand how much change it involves. I am just a cranky oldster I guess, but I would still be interested in your answers to his motive. I WANT to be a kindly old thing but it gets increasingly difficult!
    Anne, the out of touch one?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Another hot day, which probably means another storm later. Waiting to see if Robby is coming to my pool, otherwise I might go to my friends pool. I went to Mass and then stopped to see Daisy last night. She is just too cute and the groomer does a great job of keeping her white and grey. She hates the hot weather and after playing ball outside for about 5 minutes, she wanted in to the A/C. Now me, I hate the A/C but it is so hot and humid I have to have it on, much prefer to have the windows open.
    I need someone to kick me in the butt to get me motivated to ride my bike, the weight is sneaking back up and it is my own fault. I get so lazy in the summer, which is why I am here for over 6 years. Not really, I just love our group and no one judges me for good or bad. <3

    Now Ann, if the kids running the registers today didn't have automatic change they would take forever to figure it out. Sometimes I confuse them by giving them dollars and a coin and they just can't seem to figure what I am doing. As far as your dude at the bakery, he is a moron. You should have asked for a manager to see if he/she was any smarter. And they wonder why their business shuts down when they hire kids at minimum wage that have no clue how to run a business. If you are out of touch then so am I.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello friends - it's a nice Sunday here---not as hot today but sunny right now at least.

    Anne - I think that guy was totally clueless and obviously was paying no attention to what he was doing. And if he had a cash register that didn't automatically tell him what change to give you, now that would be unusual. After your long go-round with him, I trust if you cross paths with him again that he will know how to wait on a customer properly. I don't know how that shop stays in business if everyone is treated that way.

    Sandy - another hot day for you but perhaps better weather is on the way. We are expecting more reasonable temperatures for the next few days so I hope it's coming your way. Glad you were able to visit with Daisy. She is a doll!! Since my body is still aching I can't kick you in the butt 'cuz I cannot kick at all.

    Buzz - I'm not on Comcast so I have no ideas to offer you. I hope you get it straightened out.

    Hugs to everyone. Time to do my lunch dishes.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    All food is cooked and I'm so pooped! Jim helped with slicing peeling, even went to the store for more onions. Marie, your kind of cooking I think, or it would be. Turnip greens, roasted sweet potatoes, pinto beans, corn,tomatoes cucumbers onion,and cornbread. Dessert is sponge cake with fresh peaches and homemade whipped cream.
    Buzz, I've never heard of that kind of problem with Comcast.
    Lin, I'm sorry you go thru these painful days. Have you ever researched acupuncture? I would like to try it just to experience it.
    Marie, you know, I think Buzz may be right, the multi colored one may be female.
    Anne, after years of being frustrated with bad manners and poor service, I have almost learned that I don't have to do anything about it, eventually they'll be gone, probably because someone else got frustrated enough to complain. It lets me let go of the stress.
    OK, time to shower and go.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Buzz, I think part of the problem is Windows 10.....I still use Windows 7 because my son said the new ones still have too many bugs. Google the problem, there should be answers there for you.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Anne: I will not be the first to tell you are so cute, so funny, so charming that you would indeed charm these clerks into doing whatever you want. Darling folks like you don't even know that about themselves. I've seen it before. I just wish I had that kind of personality. I fall into the...she is so ODD, catagory.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz Alice did not want me to go to even go tp 8. Ihave spo much problems anyway Mostly what I create.

    Well today I did it. What I dreaded most. I fell on my knees. They are sore as they can be, don't think they broke or not but really sore . T can still walk Jerry could not get me up by hisself had to go get a neighbor to get me up

    " da" boys have been in the sitting room all day having a ball? I have not check their rear end really don.'t know what to look for.

    Thank you al l for the cute graphic on our anniversary . So sweet of all of you. My gratitude to each one of you.

    Good night folks. I did want to check
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oh shoot, I myself deleted this long message! I simply closed an entire window, 2 websites, trying to get this address off the page with downloads from Microsoft...about 500 free eGuides given by the following:
    To Download Microsoft's great, free eGuides. >

    Microsoft's software is just about everywhere and does just about everything, but it doesn't always work the way you want. The next time you run into trouble with a program, or you're ready to learn more ins and outs of the upcoming Windows 10 or dozens of other Microsoft products, take a look at the largest collection of free Microsoft eBooks available online. Then follow Kim Komando's instructions. I thought CONNIE and PATSY might be quite interested, and others interested in how things get done!

    I also mentioned ANNE's experience as being all to common today! Perhaps he would have responded to
    texting? :s Could it be many have never learned to communicate due to being latchkey children?

    LIN, PHOEBE's suggestion of acupuncture may be worth following up. I found relief for my awful leg discomfort in my one and only experience (in San Diego). It felt wonderful at the time!

    SANDY, I still use WINDOWS 7, too. 10 will be available free July 29th, but the download could take a whole day or more! A disk may be available for a fee. I enjoyed them all except VISTA...ugh!

    JACKIE, long article in Palm Beach Post on return of bee hives en masse! Very successful this year, despite the hive collapses of the past few years! People are selling queens to many others trying to start their own hives!

    Time to relax now, and I may spend some time with Carbonite staff members figuring out how to replace my extensive backups! I feel so stupid! Stay well, dear friends...
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    Oh Marie, I am so sorry about your fall...................... :s:s

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Oh Anne: I will not be the first to tell you are so cute, so funny, so charming that you would indeed charm these clerks into doing whatever you want. Darling folks like you don't even know that about themselves. I've seen it before. I just wish I had that kind of personality. I fall into the...she is so ODD, catagory.

    Patsy, I'm right there with you---so ODD! <3


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OOPS! Our posts bypassed so I'm a day late, li'l Sis! Please accept my apologies and best wishes for the coming year!

    I hope your knees are OK!!!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Me too buzz. By the way I had Jerry to check the "da boys" out and he says indeed the caliekitten is female so I will have to change names I never knew that.. Well we live and learn
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning sneakers! I'm feeling slightly ashamed of myself on this "promise to be hot, hot, hot, washday". I really couldn't understand the young chaps attitude in the bakery store on Friday, but, what if:

    He was normally a much happier BAKER..
    Being probably the youngest: Maybe he'd been sent to the register whilst the usual clerk had gone to the washroom.
    Therefore, he really DIDN'T have a clue what he was doing.

    Fortunately, I wasn't too hard on him apart from telling him I was too old to leap over counters to fetch him the bread. That makes me feel a bit better, but tells me to think things through before yet again "leaping" to conclusions". We really are "never too old to learn" or to walk in another's shoes.
    Thanks for the feedback, helped me think things through and by the way, they don't come much odder than me PATSY! PHOEBE has a good attitude for dealing with frustration on a hot day, I'll try and emulate her.
    So back to the washboard and scrubbing brush, just joking, back to the washing machine!
    Oh MARIE, I'd heard calicoes are females, and ginger cats are always ginger toms.
    Cheerio, Annie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Therapy, then going to my nieces for a haircut followed by a no chip manicure in my own neighborhood. I will check in later since I have to get moving to be ready for therapy.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anne - nice what-if's but often if someone is just filling in they'll immediately tell you something like I'm sorry, I'm just covering for someone right now. Bear with me. Or something like that. I don't think you did him much harm. I wouldn't worry about it a bit.

    Sandy - sounds like a busy day for you today. I have a few errands to do later on. Just did one this morning and now it's drizzling. I'm packing up a few things as I'm travelling North again tomorrow for my haircut and a few other odds and ends.

    Marie - your kitties are cute--male or female--. Just makes a bit more work to make sure both are fixed relatively quickly. I hope your knees are better today.

    Well, both the Internet and my cable TV are on and off--sigh--so I hope I can post!!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin that is frustrating. I could accept it going off during storms but not for long. They owe you an explanation
    Marie, bad as I hate it, ice will reduce the swelling. Sorry you've fallen.
    Good time last night. Nap time now, been going since 7 this morning.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well I scanned the posts I had 50 to read. You guys have been busy this summer I can't seem to keep up.

    We got home from the retreat at Shanti Retreat on Wolfe Island in Kingston, ON. It was beautiful there and peaceful. Right on the St. Lawrence River. We arrived on Friday night, we took the 5 pm ferry and wanted the
    2pm but we had some hiccups getting there and I will explain later.

    After we arrived on Friday night we had a dinner which was all vegetarian and very delicious. The Nutritionist there is the manager, her name is Lacey and the Yoga and meditation were done by Wendy and Darin the owners.
    We had a meet and greet to get to know the other guests there. We saw a movie on nutrition and Lacey did a talk about that with any questions. Not sure how many people but I would say at least 30 if not more. They had the main house and cabins, two ladies tented, they were sisters I guess to keep the cost down. Saturday morning breakfast was at 7am, a 45 min walk at 8am wit Darin outside the grounds, then Yoga with Wendy. Lunch was after that then a talk on meditation by Darin and a 20 min meditation. We did have some free time in between to do what you wanted. The rooms were nice and large and we had our own bathroom. Another session of Yoga with Darin. We had dinner after that and a workshop with Lacey the Nutritionist. She will be sending me their Newsletter as I gave them my email address. Sunday morning was a light breakfast, meditation walk on the grounds with Darin in a circle. He said this was the largest group they have had. He said we did well, sometimes
    its a train wreck. Yoga with Wendy after that and then a brunch. We didn't stay for the brunch we wanted to
    catch the ferry to get home.

    Now I will tell you want happened prior to the retreat. PHOEBE, you have cats so you will understand this.
    I reached Kristina's apt. Thursday night to stay and get a good start on Friday. She was sitting on her steps
    which was unusual. I got out of my car with my bags and proceeded to see her. She had blood on her feet
    and scratches on her arm and a puncture wound on her leg with more scratches. Izzy, her cat, saw another cat
    on the balcony and went crazy and attacked her. It's called REDIRECTED AGGRESSION. Her phone and lap top
    were in the house and Izzy was still hissing with back up. I talked to him threw the screen door so she could
    get her shoes. I got my tablet and she made calls to several organizations to get him out of the apt. she was
    terrified. No luck at all, so we ended at her friend's house and they had company. So the guys went back to
    the apt. with Kristina so she could get her bags, phone and accessories. We later stayed the night at her
    friend's, she was so scared to go back. She had blood on the floor, couch, bathmat, walls etc. Friday morning, we
    took her to the walk in clinic to the doctor and she got antibiotics. So in turn we were late getting the ferry to the
    island but we made it. She did all the activities but by Saturday night her ankle was swollen and red and warm.
    I was concerned but we left it until morning and there was improvement. She skipped Sunday's activity and rested.

    So after getting home my husband and our friend Tom, who were up at the cottage fishing, met us at the apt. and got Izzy into the carrier and he is now at the Animal Shelter. He is in quarantine for 10 days and if no rabies, which he was an indoor cat, he can be adopted again. Sad story but had to be done.

    On a happier note, she is doing fine now and recuperating. She went to work and cried at the shelter but
    this had to be done. She has also had racoons on the balcony in the past.

    Now today I am doing laundry, I had Yoga this morning and trying to catch up on things.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dropping in for a quick catch up before taking George out for his evening walk and thank goodness the thick fog and drizzle that's been hanging around has finally lifted. I've got a funny old week because although I usually never see a doctor I've already been today to give blood for a health check, then tomorrow I have to go to our hospital that's in Plymouth for a consultation after my mammogram test wasn't right. Don't know if there's something showing that shouldn't be or they can't see what is there, anyway I could do without it as I'm booked in quite early so have to deal with rush hour traffic, something I've not done in years and know the influx of new people to the area is clogging up the roads! Then on Friday I have the health check itself to see if I'm living healthily and not heading for dementia so have been practicing counting backwards from 100 in 7's as well as the alphabet from Z - A because that's apparently what's asked!! I probably won't even know the day of the week by the time I get there. LOL

    Marie ~ Sorry to read you fell on your knees which really is a painful way to go down. Take Phoebe's advice about the ice and rest them.... maybe curl up with those cute kitties for the day! Brother and sister, how delightful.... just as well Jerry knew where to look!!

    Anne ~ There's no excuse for rudeness to customers and I'm afraid your experience was just another example of a generation lacking in social skills. Goodness knows how their children will be communicating because they probably won't get spoken to at all in the home, just grunted at as mum and dad stare at the latest computer game!! Last week I was paying at a store and the girl at the checkout was so busy gossiping with a colleague next to her she dumped my change into my hand together with a screwed up receipt and didn't draw breath to tell me how much I was being given so I made a point of standing in the way of the next customer while slowly counting out the coins.... I don't think she noticed the hold up!!

    Lin ~ I hope you're not paying for a full service if you're constantly getting cut off. Keep a diary and see how those times add up and then insist on a refund then you'll probably find it will be worth their while to fix the problem. My neighbours and I had a similar issue with our water supply a couple of years ago when leaks half a mile away kept bubbling up into the road so we were cut off while it was repaired time and time again until I phoned their head office to explain I why I wouldn't be paying my bill and not only got a big refund but within a couple of weeks a huge hole appeared in the road and the pipes were repaired properly.

    Sandy ~ I'm delighted to read you are still seeing Daisy regularly because you must miss each other.

    Buzz ~ Bees are struggling here in the UK, possibly because of the milder weather we're getting in the winter months not allowing them time to hibernate and rest. Who knows, it's all going a bit pear shaped in the environment isn't it. You may have seen news coverage of the St Andrews' open golf tournament over the past few days that has had floods, high winds and just about everything thrown at it by Mother Nature more akin to winter!
    I didn't have a problem with Vista but Windows 8 was a nightmare so I was delighted when I had my laptop converted to Windows 7 which seems to be alright. My brother told me recently that after Windows 10 there won't be more updates but advised I wait until he lets me know as a friend is a top IT person who works for big corporations and checks all these new programmes out. I'll let you know if I hear more.

    Time to take George out before it gets too dark!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shirley, I'm so so sorry about what happened to Kristina. I'm sure she has mixed emotions, but I think you've done the right thing. Fortunately, it has never happened to me. I am concerned about one of ours, he's one we found at about 4months old. He has found a way to get out thru the electronic pet door! When it's locked! . If he encounters a feral cat and fights, I'm afraid it will affect him similar to Izzy.
    Jackie, heard about that bad day for golf weather there. Also heard about SNOW in Hawaii !
    We're getting rain from a thunderstorm, we'll take it!
    Leftovers tonight, lol, ooops, power out,maybe cold leftovers, yuck.
    Anne, go back to the shop and put your mind at ease, he is fine and may be able to serve you better. Really!
    Sandy how are you and Bryanna now?

    Getting textx from my aunt's daughter. Her primary care visit with her new doctor was today. He gave her a short memory test, and he said she should not be driving. So it begins. More tests, late August appts.
    See you tomorrow!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My MFT started way back today, so I caught up on LIN's question about my dates. She had included a link in a comment, and I clicked on it after checking with security. Almost immediately, I received an answer with the new (old) count and that was it! I did mention my absence was due to my computer being down, and they simply took care of it! Thanks, LIN! Also, Windows 10 is still not ready. I put in for my order, but I will not be among the first to receive the download, as they are aware my internet connection is not fast! It could take several days to download, so I may get the disk ( not free!). Perhaps JACKIE's brother can save us all from a disaster! My email in Windows Live Mail needs to be reinstalled!
    Anyway, I woke up after 9:30, and had breakfast around noon! Wasted day, since I then had to call doctors, make appointments, make Lab appointments, etc......and so go the Golden (tarnished) years. I must also call my deceased friend's children, though I never met them. Dinner hour shortly, so better run!
    MARIE, the kitties look adorable. SHIRLEY, your story was a disaster! Do I recall you also had a cat named Izzy? PHOEBE, SANDY, PATSY, ANNE, BARBIE (got your comment so I know you didn't disappear!), JERI, GAYLA and MAUISUE (aloha!) Huge hugs to all! And hope I didn't leave anyone behind inadvertently
    <3 Buzz