Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have Internet service right now so I'm going to try to post again! I'll be away from home tomorrow. I'm going to a day-long meeting regarding farmland in Iowa.

    Meanwhile, I want to do the food intolerance tests so I can start to target the exact foods I seem to be sensitive to rather than eliminating entire groups of foods like nightshades. And I was hoping to get on this right away but the nurse who called me today said my doctor doesn't want to get involved in this because he doesn't know anything about the particular test I want to use. I'm not sure that should matter. I'm not asking him to do anything, I just want to get a jumping off place to help myself. The nurse I spoke to understood that but my doctor just is not interested in alternative methods. He's drugs, drugs, and more drugs. I am a bit miffed about it. I still think I will order the kit in a week or so and then schedule a trip to the Omaha area for the blood draw. I'm going to call for a phone consultation with the California clinic as well. Hope to speak to someone in the next couple of weeks.

    I really believe everything we eat either helps support good health or hurts us--! Anne, you really know how medications can be a not-good-at-all idea!!

    I'm glad you are feeling better now that you've given up wheat Marie. Sorry you got tired today and hope you didn't overdo it with your knees. Walking is generally good.....

    Off to do my dishes and pack a lunch for tomorrow. They are serving a lunch and I'm paying for it of course, but I won't eat it......


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lin, it's a shame that the doctor doesn't want to be a part of something this important to you. Could someone who diagnoses allergies help?
    Anne, whenever I hear of someone who doesn't need any medications like you and Sandy, I hear the comment 'you must come from good stock'. Lol! I'm on several medications.
    I had therapy today, then picked up a few things at Walmart. I wasn't gone all day, but still, I didn't have any problems with walking. I get stiff while driving, then the soreness eases. I consider this progress and I'm pleased.
    Marie, walking is good but with your fall, it will be harder. I sure hope you have and use a walker or cane,preferably a walker. Watch the kits, they can get underfoot.
    I'm waiting for Jim to get home for a late supper. I may have to eat now.
    Hope Jeri and her sister are OK.
    P.s. Lin, I like the dryer sheets recipe :)
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello kind hearts and gentle people, I love the vinegar and homemade dryer sheets. I will be using that receipe and hope John quits being such a pill! He does have allergies and I am not allergic to much of anything. Naturally, I love cologne, air freshener spray, hot pepper sauce, okra, Cajun seasonings, Brussels sprouts! John tells me all those things will kill him! Hummmmm if I were a betting person, I would bet that some of those things wouldn't kill him atl. But since he is charge of lawn care and vichicle maintenance I better watch my ps and Qs.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooooops forgot to sign out above!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Stuck in the cottage while it rains so making raspberry jam, stewing rhubarb and looking up recipes. Feeling more comfortable after the biopsy procedure but pulled the tapes away that held padding over the area because I seem to be allergic and blisters were popping up that had me wanting to scratch.... NOT a good idea!!

    Lin ~ A tv programme called "Trust me I'm a Doctor" which holds a certain amount of cynicism in the title, last night covered the advice given to reduce cholesterol and they had 3 groups each trying a different approach. One cut out red meat and fats, the 2nd increased their intake of oats and the 3rd almonds. The presenter had high cholesterol so tried all three and after a period of time it lowered to a normal level. The 3 groups each had success but the outcome showed that we as individuals each react differently to foods so where I'm going with this is to say I know high cholesterol is not a problem for you but that you are right to go on your own journey to discover what is best for your health so don't feel you need a conventional doctor's advice, especially if he knows no better than to dish out drugs; go with your instincts.

    Marie ~ I'm so pleased to know you are able to walk after that nasty fall and as you say, it probably did you some good to keep those joints moving.

    I don't need anything to add to today's washing for a rinse because it's just had a good drowning on the rotary line when the heavens opened!! Thanks to all who posted supportive messages about my hospital visit.... I'm fine and feeling positive and must now get back to the kitchen and my jam!

    Have a great Thursday!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    I just been reading The things Jackie and Lin are talking about. with real interest I know from personel used of food that is true. The biggest of which is gluten I have had an issue with uncontrolled BM for years. And did not know what was wrong with me. after reading so much on the internet I gave up all wheat product and immediately It all stopped. So I will never go back to eating wheat and other grains that is not on gluten free list. No doctor ever told me that. I did know that carbs was bad for diabetic. If you ate too many carbs I have not seen any different in given up Meat and animal products maybe when I get my lab work back I will. I shold get a e mail about it soon. I often wonder why the medical is so far behind in nutrition's. GO LIN follow thru your plans and keep us informed
    Huggies to all
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Meant to tell you guys, I tried Jackies bean burgers yesterday, this time perfect. I added onion to the mix and Lins suggestion of oatmeal to help bind plus less crushed chick peas.
    Well, I guess I won't be meeting the bread man again after all. Had some of his delicious country bread for my lunch, and the day before, and guess what, back came the symptoms of severe stomach cramps. I'd eaten nothing else "different" so it had to be the bread. What on earth do they add presumably to prolong the shelf life. Sympathies MARIE! Wonder if it will affect the squirrels and birds! When I bake my own bread with wheat flour no problems. Back to the baking board!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anne did Jackie post her Bean burgers on our recipes topic? I have me a big pot of pintos and veggies cooking now. Jerry feed the birds and squirrels bread crumbs everyday Yes he eats bread does not bother him
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Had a great time at the casino, maybe too great of a time since I stayed up all night and got home at 7am. They wanted me to sleep there but there were 8 or more people in one room and I just didn't think I would get any sleep so decided to drive home. Bad mistake because it was morning rush hour and the sun was in my eyes part of the way home. Needless to say I was not in good form yesterday as I only slept 4 hours and couldn't wait for it to get dark outside so I could go to bed, which I did at 9PM and slept until 8am. I am just too old to keep up with my great niece, the rest of the family went to bed around 2 I think, but she cam back down and time certainly got away from us. To think I am going back to another casino on Sunday with my friends and spending the night seems exhausting today but I am sure I will be fine by Sunday.

    Jackie, love your positive attitude and I believe that is half the battle in any illness or surgery.

    Patsy, I use dryer sheets so I am no help, but I do know others who are just like your husband with allergies and even candles bother them.

    Phoebe, I do take over the counter pills mostly vitamins, like fish oil, calcium, eye pills for my macular degeneration and the muscle relaxer the shoulder doctor has prescribed. The last of course is a prescription but once I am done with him I won't be taking them anymore. I also take a low doze aspirin every day to prevent strokes and a generic for zyrtec even though I don't have allergies. A nurse once told me she takes a zytrec everyday to help her remain healthy and I have to agree it does help me. (knock on wood)

    Lin, sorry you can't get anyone to help you with a blood draw, could be they think you are a vampire.
    Sorry bad joke, but I think it would be hard to have anyone draw blood to give you a vial of blood without them running the test. Phoebe has a good point of maybe talking to an allergist about what you would like to do.
    Unfortunately, I did not win at the casino and my landlady is fixing my light and had the management fix our light in front of our building which was not working. She gave me the $20 it cost to have dyer vent cleaned and is just a great owner, I am happy I have her.

    Marie, I hope your knees are better from your fall and there was no damage done. Good luck on having good results from your lab work.

    Anne, Daisy has a very sensitive stomach and is on a special dog food as well. She can have no table food and only special dog treats. Our animals can get the same diseases as we do so they can get expensive if we want to keep them in good health.

    Shirley, I agree, if your daughter travels a lot with her job, she is probably better off without a pet for now.
    It is sad she feels bad about Izzy but she did make the right choice but time will help. Great news with your blood pressure, MFP does work.

    Buzz, I hope Phoebe is able to help you with the Windows live Mail, I presume you tried downloading Outlook Express. Congratulations on the three pounds lost keep up the good work.

    Time to get ready for my meeting, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Morning MARIE, I'm so glad the bread doesn't affect Jerry. I think it's the preservative that's added in my case, but it only affects a few of us, otherwise the bakeries would be out of business I guess. No problems at all using flour in my own baking.
    Yes, you'll find the recipe or the link to it on the food section you started. It was too sloppy as was, but just add the beans slowly, and oatmeal if needed to help bind. I have to confess I fried mine in olive oil, and it really was delicious.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Annie can remember Bread would mold will quick and get stale so easy. Now days it stays soft and fresh tasting. and I love it But a no no to me. I miss bread very much and my cheese. But getting used to it
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    These Posts about food allergies and sensitivities are really interesting. I know I live as organically as I can for my husband's sake. I most probably benefit from that as well. That said, I do feel that there are great medical advances that benefit us. I read health news all the time. The current advances thrill me. I may not ever use or need these meds but so happy they are out there for those who do.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had a great post and just lost it due to my tablet. I will get back tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. I found out sitting all day even if the information is halfway interesting is somewhat difficult! I'm glad I don't do that often. So I got some information and spoke with the farm guy I'd hoped to get in touch with. He was a friend of my dad's and they exchanged farm info.......I'd lost his contact information so I'm glad to have it back again. Nice conversation to catch up with him again and got an update on the sale of the farm that backs up to mine.

    Then I was off to the Farmer's Market. Made my supper and listened to a conference call. It's just ended and magically my Internet connection is working at the moment so thought I'd just check in.

    Hugs and good night........

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning,

    I will try again this morning with my post. I am off to Yoga Class this morning and then a weekend at our boat at our
    club. We will take our bikes and go on the trails sometime during the weekend.

    I have read all your posts and was interested in the forum about allergies and LIN, I would say go and do whatever you have
    to do to get results on your allergies. Doctors are not in tune with promoting healthy ways to stay healthy. Their job is
    to give out pills. Holistic and Naturpathic doctors are there to keep us healthy. Maybe you should check into that for
    some answers. I know they do testing on this this type of thing also.

    I mentioned to my doctor on my last visit that I am feeling better about joint pain since I have been doing Yoga. He asked
    me the name of my studio and said he would pass that along to his patients. I was a little surprised but good for him
    to think other ways beside giving meds.

    Well I will close for now enjoy the weekend.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all, woke at 7am, Jim was already gone to work. Called him, he left at 4:30am! I didn't wake, he must've tip toed. Anyway, I went back to sleep, so more to do now. Our new truck has arrived. I'll find out this evening when we are switching over. We leave one week from today.
    Shirley, I'm glad your doctor is willing to pass along your information on your yoga studio. I'm very glad that you are benefitting from it. Hope Kristina is doing OK. Have a beautiful weekend.
    Oh wow, Shirley! What timing! I have the local news on, there is a story about a wounded veteran who has found healing throughyoga! He lost both legs. He teaches yoga now. Great story.
    Sandy, hope your brother is doing well. When does Lisa return to work? School starts again soon here. Will you be taking care of Robby?

    Marie, hope you are feeling better and having fun with the kits. There are lots of gluten free breads and mixes in the stores. Will Alice be coming this weekend?
    Lin, I get stiff when I sit too long. I'm sore from my ankles up to my knees. It eases when I walk a bit. Did you post your cracker recipe anywhere? Maybe Marie could try it. Are you allergic to cooking oils? I ask because I noticed that you don't seem to use it.
    Anne, hope you're having a great weekend and no bad experiences!
    Got to get to it!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Internet is really terrible today and now my provider of cell service seems to have slowed down my data....apparently I'm using it too much.

    Patsy - I agree with you that it is great that we have so many tremendous medical technology, drugs, etc. And I'll use them if I need them. I just object to doctors not open to less expensive, non-drug options for the everyday kinds of things some of us have.

    Phoebe - I don't use oil, salt or sugar. It's a nutrition preference although salt always gave me headaches for some reason so I've not used that for a long time.

    Hope to post quickly before the router is flashing red at me again.....

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Life has so many lessons available for me. I feel like the ancient one sitting in kindergarten. We had lunch with a couple of friends then toured their new house. I was hit soundly in the face by a stunning fact of life. These dear folks are practicing to die. The husband is a very talented jazz musician. He also plays in the symphony and a quartet. The wife used to volunteer at the historical museum. They have pared their life back so far and their new home is devoid of pets, plants, mementoes, photos, music or art. It was like a hospital or sad nursing home. I know now that as we age, we must stay involved with the business of living. Cutting back is natural but finding that balance of activity vs comfortable gearing back is difficult.

    Dear old MoMo is having difficulty digesting her food. She often throws up. Now we will slowly change her diet with a special food for geriatric doggies. She is such a dear that I will cook for her if that is needed.

    Flowers are at their peak now. As warm as it is, I still feel that fall is on the way. I see leaves slightly tuning color. We are watering daily. Wildfires are happening all around us. No water shortage here so far.

    Good grief! I never realized how expensive essential oils are. Peppermint oil...$28 for under 2 oz! That stuff is like gold! They promised us some rain this week. They better be right! We have fires all over PNW. We need rain. CaIfornia needs rain! Eastern US has too much rain. What's up here?
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi PATSY, poor old Tabitha Daisy has reached the same stage as poor old MoMo. I've changed her food for a very expensive brand and so far, touch wood, she is doing really well, but she is also getting terribly thin, so I give her loads of love and expect the worst I'm afraid. Every morning I am so thankful to hear her yowling at me and telling me it's time to get up! And talking of which: It IS sad when people give up isn't it. It's even sadder if their expectations don't happen immediately and they spend the next 20 years sitting in their denuded home and waiting every day for the grim reapers knock! As long as we are able we should carry on with a glorious burst of the joy of living, like my Tabitha, as it where and I'm remaining at 50 years for the rest of my life which makes me older than my lads now!
    I'm sorry but you won't be able to see just what a little bundle of energy our Cinders is because like her name suggests she is mainly black, doesn't photograph well, and an absolute tear away of mischief. 6 months now and all of 14 lbs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Had therapy this morning which wasn't fun since I had some bad tomato juice that gave me some severe tummy issues. I was so glad when therapy was done but I felt better after using their facilities twice and was able to meet Robby and Lisa at the pool. (sorry if TMI) I am doing laundry now and just relaxing tonight.

    Anne, Cinders is adorable, she is definitely a keeper. <3

    Patsy, how sad for your friends to wait for the end of their lives, life is for the living and we should all do as much as we can and enjoy every minute. I paid a fortune for essential oils as well when my friend had a demonstration, but when I wanted more I ordered from groupon and got three bottles for the price of one.

    Lin, I don't know what I would do if I had your internet problems, I am online most of the day at least checking Facebook and other sites.

    Phoebe, glad you have another week to rest your knee and get things in order with your new truck. Lisa goes back to work the end of August and yes I will watch Robby two days a week until the end of September when her parents return to Florida, then it will be five days a week. They will return for Christmas and then go back again sometime in January. The good news is that this will be my last year of sitting as they will be out of debt in nine months and in the meantime will try for a second baby. Lisa will not have to work after this year and can stay home and be a full time mom. I just hope she doesn't give up her teaching and returns when her kids are older. Thanks for asking about my brother, he is doing well except for his macular degeneration, he cannot see well at all. He has the wet kind and is unable to have the shots so he had to learn to live with it. Funny how he saw those slot machines though. LOL

    Shirley, I do agree yoga is a wonderful exercise, but since I have a recumbent bike in my apartment it is easier for me to use that then to leave to go to a yoga class. You did terrific this week in losing weight, congratulations!!

    Have a wonderful evening and keep smiling.

    One Day at a Time