Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015
    Anne - So sorry to hear about your Tabitha, it will be hard for a while but the days will get better. <3

    Here are two pictures of Isaac I guess the first one is kind of blurry, sorry for that. They were taken
    on my phone.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jackie, we are all thinking of you and sending our very best wishes and positive thoughts. I suffered a year of recovery from cancer. There is an odd thing that comes with this awful condition. Almost everyone that has gone through this has a similar story. Somehow the process of recovery makes you stronger , happier, more confident and you treasure life in all its complexities just a bit more. Take heart my friend. While we all rail against the invasion medical science has upon our life, there are great advances and much more information available to us now.

    My vet sent this rainbow poem to me when we lost our other sweet sheepdog, Peggy. I love this poem and sentiment.

    My snapdragons have gone crazy this year. They are literally jumping out of the flower pots. I have never had them do this in the past. I always plant snaps and marigolds because they are hardy and happy flowers.

    County fair time here. I love going to the petting zoo and seeing the great crafts and 4H projects of the local kids.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    JACKIE, as you know, my thoughts will be with you tomorrow, and I wish you the VERY best, luv.
    My Figaro was named for precisely the same reason, because I wanted to warble "Figaro, Figaro here, Figaro there", but I was very young and giddy with a terrible singing voice and his name was rapidly changed to Figgy! I see the UK is suffering yet another scandal in the form of John Sewel. Well, I guess it takes everyone's mind off all the other stuff going on in the world! The Profuma scandal will always be remembered by us of a certain age; mainly because it took up all the space in the newspapers!
    PATSY, my snapdragons are growing everywhere in the garden too. They must like the dryness? Pretty flower and every colour you can think of and some bi-coloured all self seeded from who knows where originally. It will be dry tomorrow, 34 C predicted. I'm coping okay with a fan and open windows as Mark never got around to installing my window AC. My fault, I didn't think I'd need it! I didn't last year.
    I've emailed the rainbow poem to Flo and I guess she will be teary eyed as well!
    Good night everybody,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Can you believe Robby is one today?? Where does the time go? His party is August 9th but we wanted to do something special for his birthday so his other grandparents, his cousin, his sister along with me and his mom went to Red Robin and then to a kids place outside. It is really hot outside so we didn't stay long but it was great fun. I wanted to share a few pictures because that is what we grandma's do, right Shirley??


    Shirley, Issac is just a beautiful boy and grandpa looks really proud as he should be.

    Anne, that poem gave me great comfort when we lost our beloved dogs, especially because two of them had to have legs amputated and now I know they are whole again and running and playing.

    Patsy, I just love snapdragons and remember as a kid we used to love to snap them even though the people who had them in their gardens didn't like that idea.

    Jackie, you know you have all our prayers tomorrow and no matter what, with your great attitude you will be strong enough to handle any news.

    Time for dinner, enjoy your evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening friends - keep your fingers crossed, I might be able to post this.

    Patsy – I’ve not read the Harper Lee book and so far have no inclination to put myself on the list to borrow it from the library. I have mixed feelings about the book. I adore the pictures of your bright, sunny flowers. Do I see both snapdragons and marigolds? The complete opposite of our weather I guess. We are very soggy with over 2 inches of rain yesterday and well in excess of an inch today (haven’t heard updated totals). I was just happy that I heard no water dripping from the kitchen light fixture. In fact, I checked every room in the house with this latest downpour and found no water. Yes! It is very hot and humid now although it is still overcast. Tomorrow is to bring nicer temps. Meanwhile, many people in the state are dealing with flash floods.

    Jackie – Is anyone going with you to your appointment? I wish I was there because I’d volunteer to go. I trust the news will be positive and we will be here and anxious to hear from you my friend. Tell darling George to look after you a bit more. And you found nothing at the latest auction right? I mentioned I have my sofa ordered but have decided I cannot handle tearing my house apart and moving things around so I am giving up on having the flooring in my family room replaced. I did hurt my knee when moving furniture in this last flurry of activity in my house and it’s not getting better very quickly. You seem to be able to wrestle everything around just fine. I need your training program!

    Marie – I hope you feel better soon but I am very glad you have your new kitties and that you are having lots of fun with them. Hopefully they are not hiding too many things from you. I haven’t posted that cracker recipe but it does take quite a while to make and lots of fussing around as you bake them so I don’t think anyone was interested in them the first time I posted something on the thread about making them. Hope you’re cooking lots of delicious beans. Right now I’m on a lentil, quinoa, steel cut oats kick. I’ve planned to make beans but don’t really need them when I have all the other things.

    Phoebe – time to get back on the road. I hope you are close to ready and that Honey is as well. Are you going to try to keep in touch with your aunt when you’re on the road? Or just check in when you’re at home?

    Sandy – I cannot believe Robby is a year old already. What a cutie and so glad you had something for him today even though his actual party will be later on. How are Daisy and DH getting along these days. Any time I have a tummy problem for some reason I think of Daisy and her delicate constitution.

    Shirley – oh yes, what a handsome grandson you have. I am so glad you’ve been able to visit with him often. What great timing that your DH has retired just in time for you to be footloose and fancy free so you’re able to visit!

    Buzz – how are you getting along. I haven’t seen many posts from you lately. The 36 Hour Day? Oh my—I hope it is a helpful book. Is it my bad vision on my tiny phone (which I use more often than my laptop)? I hope you’re having less hectic days. I think of you as I hear of our now-retired Pastor. He retired to take care of his wife full-time but something happened and she became abusive to him and it got to the point that he finally had to take her to a care center after saying that was something he would never do. He goes to see her each day and most of the time she refuses to see him. Such heartbreak for him. This couple was so devoted to each other and he always treated her with love and respect. It breaks my heart.

    Anne – I know you’re in pain. Unfortunately we’ve all lost dear ones. I still cannot read the rainbow bridge poem without shedding a year. After my last dog was gone I had to immediately start looking after my dad so the question of getting another dog was impossible. Now it comes to mind from time to time but I’d like my health to be better before taking on that responsibility. If I do. It is difficult to say good-bye. Sending along more hugs…

    Hugs to all my dear friends.

    Lin (listening to the sound of the functioning sump pump)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I posted the cracker recipe in the thread Marie started.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Lin I will check it out
    Anne so sorry about your beloved Tabitha. she will be missed by you and us to.

    I have lost two great big long post. My computer lock up and had to shut it off and of course I lost the post
    But will tell you about my doctor visit. She put me on biotic medicated and a real powerful water pill So cutting this off before the thing lock up on me again

    Love to all.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Still at my sisters but we will be heading home tomorrow for about 1 week. Need to get prescriptions renewed and regain our sanity for a bit.

    After that back down here again.

    Bad news, it is cancer but we don't know if it is localized or metastatic. She hopes to get some tests that will narrow the scope prior to having surgery and planning a treatment program. My heart is broken for her.

    So a 2 day drive home. There for a couple of days and then back again.

    I miss all of you and I will catch up eventually.

    Sandy - the birthday boy is so cute.

    Shirley - you have a darling too.

    See you all in a bit again

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, thinking of you.
    Jeri, sorry about your sister's diagnosis. So good of you to stay by her side. I hope you'll have some good days together. We do miss you.
    The boys are beautiful. Isaac looks so alert. Do I see Robby holding a spoon already?

    Lin, I hope your knee is only bruised. I don't wish knee problems on anyone!

    My aunt was well but a bit subdued. I'm waiting for her to bring up the subject of her being advised to stop driving. I don't think she's going to stop unless she has an accident.

    Much to do tomorrow and Thursday. Mundane tasks mostly.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Here I am, almost 3A.M., reading such stressful things about such dear people!
    JACKIE, we are ALL there with you, and will be when and if you need us. Love you, dear!
    ANNE, hugs and deepest sympathy for your dear little Tabs!
    JERI, darn it, we were hoping it was a false alarm! Best of luck to your entire family, especially sister!
    SANDY, delicious 1 year old! And you look fantastic.
    MARIE, hugs and be well!
    PATSY, thank you for informing us! Your garden is pure gorgeous!
    LIN, such a sad story about your pastor, but I can see it happening every day. And there can be no rhyme or reason to personality changes so drastic! I see hour to hour changes, belligerence, and a sweetness when he becomes aware of who I am. I never know for sure what stage he is in at the moment! But he promised today to stop the wine (I won't have any), either, and anything containing sugar (he loves sweets) and tonight he followed through on both promises! But he will forget very soon. The uncertainty is a real anxiety producer! My problem is really not Mike, it's me and getting hold of my reactions and understanding although his behavior can be childlike, he is NOT a child and I must resist controlling his actions ! I feel guilt too often these days. The main rule is "don't argue", and that isn't always simple! Thanks for your input, helpful as always!
    PHOEBE, good luck with the new rig, and take good care of yourself.
    SHIRLEY, Isaac is adorable. Enjoy while you can!
    And I'm off to sleep. Tomorrow, we will have no electricity here as FPL is doing some kind of inspection and testing of all our new equipment. So we will go to a sister establishment, St Andrews North (there is also a South) for lunch and entertainment. Please everybody, stay or be well!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Our little group has been hit with so many thunderbolts lately words fail me! Thank goodness we have SANDY and SHIRLEY'S grandbabies to cheer us up, MARIE'S kittens, and PATSY'S beautiful flowers! We are all wishing JACKIE the very best when she sees the consultant today and then here's poor BUZZ seeing the old Mike who she loves so much starting to 'disappear' before her eyes and a new personality emerging. I understand a little bit about a personality change, it's confusing and frightening and alarming. And then JERI, I'm truly sorry that your beloved sister is again enduring this horrible ailment. I haven't a sister but if I had I'd want one exactly like you. You are truly remarkable and caring. PHOEBE, try to get your aunt to stop driving! My friend Dave started driving through red lights and also dangerous overtaking but his children only woke up to the fact that he was becoming dangerous, abstracted and forgetful when he wrapped his car around a tree with a passenger in it. Fortunately, neither badly hurt, but by subterfuge his children managed to confiscate the car keys. Poor Dave is now in a care home with Alzheimer's. LIN needs a new roof, and actually so do I. Mines leaking in the "apex" is it called? The top point anyway.
    I woke up at five thirty, old habits die hard! I've done my walk, and cooked my veggies, started a wash and am all set to take it easy today with no air conditioning and a promised 33C. Fortunately I've still got DIL Mary Jo's numerous books to occupy me. The load I got when she cleared her and Marks bookshelves. Methinks I'll never buy a book again with this load.
    I can only wish you dear folks all the very best, and rail against the fates which seem to have it in for some of us just lately.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) My landlady is expected any time now, she is coming to take part of the light on my balcony so she can replace the broken one. I managed to get ready before she got here but that meant getting up a little earlier than I wanted too, so I am tired. I have therapy at 11:00 and possible pool time after that, it has been a while since I have gone. I really need a nap before bingo, but we will see.

    Anne has said it all, it is so hard as we get older and all these health problems seem to take over. We are supposed to be in the prime of our life and enjoying life. I am grateful for my good health today, but one never knows what tomorrow will bring. I agree, that grandchildren keep me young and moving and always happy.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Patsy - Thank you for sharing the pictures of your marigolds and snapdragons. They inspire me for what I would like for my yard in the future.

    Sandy and Shirley - You guys are both sporting pictures of some awfully cute little boys!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello friends - yes, things go awry on a fairly regular basis don't they? But I don't necessarily think it's all to do with our age, I have younger friends who seem to have problem after problem, including health challenges. So we seem to be getting more than our share lately but there is no normal right?

    Internet was out last night and overnight and had to call in again this morning. Finally got it going but stayed on the line and asked for customer service who transferred me to tech services. No resistance this time, they have scheduled a service call for Saturday and gave me another number to call for reset services. In the past having a service call has not guaranteed a solution but I'll remain hopeful. At least I have my phone and the library (6 days a week)---that is a good thing. And I have a little tablet that works on 3G IF I can get it connected to T-Mobile. So I'm going to be calm about this.

    Anne - I hope you aren't sweltering today and are enjoying your flowers. I am so sorry you need a roof. A full replacement yes?? I think all I needed, at this time, was the fix my handyman did. He said the shingles looked to be okay. And I have had the entire roof replaced since I moved in so they should be okay but you never know with hail storms and all. Enjoy your flowers and books. I hope you are looking after yourself and are eating a bit....hugs.

    Buzz - still keeping crazy late hours. I think about you often and always hope things are going smoothly with DH but with severe memory issues I hear you---what he agrees to one day is likely forgotten the next one. Love you my friend. Please talk to us whenever you can.

    Sandy - your landlady is pretty darn good! I am glad you found that apartment. YES!! Pool time sounds good, nap does too! Good luck at bingo this evening.

    Phoebe - best wishes on getting ready to roll! Hugs. I hope your knee is recovering. Thanks for hoping I only bruised my knee but I don't think so. Unfortunately it's always been my right knee that gives me problems (lots of old sports injuries) but this is totally new--it's the left knee and it is buckling on me out of the blue multiple times a day. I hope it heals up. Right now I'm just walking moderately and am not doing as many flights of stairs right now. Biofreeze, compression sleeve. I remember trying to get my dad to surrender his drivers license. What a stressful time that was. I hope you have less drama with your aunt.

    Marie - hugs my friend. I think of you each day as well and imagine you and DH and the darling new kitties spending your days together. Wished you lived closer---I'd love to visit.

    Jeri - I am so sorry about your sister's health condition. You've really stepped up for her and we love you for doing that. I am sort of glad you're getting a little breather at home. I pray there is help and healing for your sister and that you have strength to see everything through WITHOUT any adverse effect on your own health. I know, I sound selfish--we want the best for you.

    Patsy - how is your project coming along? Did you tell us the subject of this book? I'm old, I forgot. Post pictures of flowers and gardens, and anything interesting at any time you feel like sharing because I LOVE THEM!

    Time to put some laundry away.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Thanks for the compliments on Isaac, we just love him and Sandy we grandma's love our grandsons and love to post pictures.
    I have to apologize for the size of the pictures, I don't know how to make them smaller on this tablet. :*

    Lin - I'm glad you have internt back again and I am sorry about your roof replacement or fix it can be expensive. It's hard to type on phone at least you have some options. Have you tried Holista, Restorativ Glucosamine & MSM Cream before? It is
    great for knees and sore spots too. You can order it on line.
    Jeri - I am sorry to hear the diagnosis of your sister and my heart goes out to you. <3 Try and stay sane, I know it can be hard.
    Patsy - Such lovely flowers you posted, they are doing well. The lady next to me in Yoga class today owns a florist shop and
    she won the Blooming award this year.
    Sandy - Enjoy your pool time and of course Robby he is so cute!! I can't believe he is one already. Isaac will be
    4 months on Aug 3rd.
    Buzz - My heart goes out to you too about Mike and his personality change. Unfortunately it happens with that disease.
    Yes I agree your hours staying up are very late, I don't know if I could cope. Hang in there my friend.
    Anne - How are doing today? I am sure you are missing Tabitha. o:) Every day will get better.
    Phoebe- On the road again I see and with your new truck and Honey in the cab. Enjoy your travels and be safe.

    I had Yoga this morning and I am trying to get in as many classes as possible because we are leaving again on Friday
    for another club cruise to the Scarborough Bluffs until Monday. We will take a couple more days after that and
    move to another port. I still have laundry to put away and change our sheets on the bed. I watered all the plants
    and the lawn with the grass seed on it. The Town did come and dig out the roots so now we are trying to grow grass again.
    Dave had to take his Mom for a bone density test in N. Falls this morning. Now he went to the boat to put in our A/C
    unit for our next cruise so we will have a good sleep on the boat.

    Well have a good day everyone and welcome again to Marcella, I hope we get to know you further.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Marcella, glad you found us and can't wait to get to know you better. In a nutshell, I am 73 years young, separated from my husband due to his selfish children (ages 50 and 53) but still love each other and see each other often. I have four children all married but one, six grandchildren and one step granddaughter that I haven't seen in three years due to her parents and one Old English Sheepdog that lives with my husband. I love the pool, summer, travel to visit my kids, gamble and over all have a good time.
    I did not go to the pool after therapy, I am going to try to take a short nap instead.

    Have a great rest of your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Patsy - Thank you for sharing the pictures of your marigolds and snapdragons. They inspire me for what I would like for my yard in the future.

    Sandy and Shirley - You guys are both sporting pictures of some awfully cute little boys!

    Hi JMarcella57---happy to see you! Yeah!! B)

    Hey Connie---I just got a Shark Vacuum. It's assembled and I'm trying it out. So far, I'm loving it.

    Back to work.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Nearly midnight here so heading for my bed but wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and good wishes. A charming consultant at the hospital was positive about treatment for my breast cancer and has booked me in for surgery in a month... nothing drastic at the moment. The cancer has a name but not unfortunately Gladys or Florence but DCIS.... not nearly as becoming!! PATSY is so right because as I struggled to make my way home through heavy traffic and jams on the bridge that carries us from Plymouth into Cornwall I sat and looked at the scene of sparkling water with tiny boats bobbing about in the reflected clouds below us and thought how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful part of the world. Beautiful flowers in your photos too PATSY that must so brighten your days.

    Must get to bed so will catch up tomorrow. No LIN, still looking for that elusive bookcase!!!
