Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Another beautiful day here, I love summer!! Going to pay some bills, plays some games and then decide if I am going to the pool or not. I am feeling lazy today so it is going to be hard to get moving. I am involved in watching Lost since I never saw it the first time around and I stayed up until after 1AM because I am on the last season and it is hard to stop. Babe and I will go to Mass and dinner so I will eventually have to shower and dress. B)

    Lin, it is like going to the dentist with a sore tooth that suddenly is better once there or having a great hair day when you are going for a haircut. Murphy's Law!!!

    Phoebe, with a new truck the A/C should be fine shouldn't it? I still love my fitbit even though I am not exercising enough. I start watching Robby the end of August, I know I will be active then. :)

    Anne, I don't have much of a green thumb so I never planted a vegetable garden. When Babe and I were together we had all our flowers in pots, it looked beautiful but an awful lot of watering was needed. He hasn't one thing planted since I have gone, his house looks so bare.

    Late start since I slept in so time to get things done. Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning Saturday Sneakers. It's less humid today so I'm copying LIN in the form of clearing out. Not momento's but old rugs which have got past their best. I was going to replace, but I sort of quite like the look, sans rugs. Scandinavian as I said to Lin on my home page, but maybe I'm kidding myself. The big off white rug I still have and was covered with aforementioned rugs to keep it clean is now revealed in all its glory, and with light wood for furniture and floor it does have a lighter, cleaner look. Maybe I just oughta put my specs on!
    Then, after lunch I'll be out weeding, watering, and picking some of those big red tomatoes! I love summer too SANDY but not the humidity which is most uncomfortable and I've only got the bath to cool off in!
    Anyway, I just want to wish us all a happy and blessed uneventful day.
    Cheerio, Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thanks Lin. I want to be able to do the stairs and the high walls of the stairway. I kind of want to wear out one of my vacuums before I get another one. Hope they send an intelligent technician to you.
    Anne I like the sound of your decorating style. Love the look of lots of light.
    Sandy, yes you do love summer! You remind me of my mother with her dark tans every summer. She would get too dark, but she couldn't resist sunbathing.
    Vacuuming laundry bits and pieces to get done today.
    Have a great day!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a gorgeous day yesterday it's been grey and misty today so not much has been achieved. It's my last day of house sitting and feeding animals for my neighbours as well as getting a thyroid pill down one of their cat's throats twice a day. I've just popped in and given him a big hug after administering the tablet and told him it's the last time he'll have to put up with me!! Enjoyed a walk on the moors this morning with my friend and took some video shots of our dogs that I'll hopefully load on to You Tube later. In the sunshine yesterday I managed to inspect the hive with my new family of bees and they look very content with lots of brood that will produce thousands of youngsters so I'm delighted. There won't be honey to extract this year but that doesn't matter because my intentions were always to do my bit to help the little creatures survive as numbers fall and consider honey a bonus.

    Lin ~ I imagine your hairdresser wanted you to have a cut to remember her by if you won't be going back!! Spikey is fine if you have bright pink Punk streaks so that could be your next step! It truly is Murphy's law that your connection is ok when someone is finally going to check but they must surely know when it goes down unless the problem is in your property. Are you keeping a log?

    Anne ~ Your Scandinavian style sounds lovely and bright and I'm sure if you kick off your footwear each time you go into the room your carpet will look great. I've been contemplating a Danish style bookcase on Ebay but the seller is in Burnley and the courier service would be twice the price of the item so I think I'll carry on looking locally.... I'm enjoying the auctions.

    Phoebe ~ Hopefully the fact you are keeping busy today means that injection has helped and you're skipping about like a young thing!!

    Sandy ~ When I first retired I started to watch a series called Spooks that had been going for about 7 years so decided to catch up on the ones I'd missed and did just as you are with Lost, sat up all hours because each time I got to the end of an episode I couldn't wait to find out what happened next.... it does take its toll the next day.

    I'm missing so many of you in this post but must get myself something to eat and then George out for his evening meal. He's just finished his evening snack and is now bumping me with his bum to let me know he's ready for his denture stick so it's becoming impossible to type......

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello everyone - well, the service tech was here and disagreed with everything the online tech guys had said but when I showed him that just touching and moving the splitter caused the TV signal to not only disappear but buzz, he said I know what to do. So he worked and worked to adjust the signal strength and replaced the splitter and then ran outta here like he was being pursued. I tried to stop him because my router wouldn't come back on. He just called over his shoulder that I hadn't given it enough time to come online. Hey buddy, I know my router. Anyway, he ran away and I had no Internet service. Tried to call the provider and there wasn't even an option to leave a message or to do a follow-up on my service call ticket. I then called a local tech company and got assertive about a service call TODAY. They came out, did a lot of testing, and yes, there's nothing wrong with my router. It's the Internet connection. It's on, it's off and I am still doing the same reset procedure. At least I feel better that I have their testing and while they were here they fixed my connection issue between this laptop and my printer (once I did a reset and had the Internet working again). They will come out and replace the router when I need one and will make sure all the devices I have hooked to it are functioning before they leave so I'm okay with that. Oh and while they were here they fixed my old laptop's settings for printing. I'd lost the ability to print on it and he fixed it in no time whatsoever. There was a minimum charge for coming so he said he might as well do something else. Ha.

    So for now, I'm online. How long it will last? :#

    I've been to the library and picked up a number of DVDs I had on reserve. Had a lovely late lunch and now I'm baking a few purple sweet potatoes again.

    I'm not serial watching anything right now and you can guess why right?

    Tomorrow is church and I may try to stop at a friend's home on the way back. I got her b'day gift wrapped in the midst of the chaos this morning. :smiley:

    I'm going to another farm leasing seminar on Monday morning and should be home mid-afternoon.

    Jackie - I know here the cost of having something brought to your home is very expensive so looking in the local sales seems the most reasonable thing to do. I like prowling around as well but for now, I've given up on garage sales at least. Ha.

    Sandy - I never watched Lost either. Are you watching it on Netflix or did someone lend you the DVDs?

    Phoebe - I was just looking for something light that would help me clean along edges, in-between the refrigerator and the wall, blinds and things like the stairs. Nothing I had really worked for any of those areas. One of my Dysons is on its last legs and the canister is still too heavy for me when trying to do the stairs. Which one are you looking at?

    Marie - how are you feeling today?

    Anne - I have a vision in my head of your living room with a few pieces of furniture and a large white rug. Maybe there's a bit more?

    Take care everyone.

    Hugs +

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    smiley-happy032.gifSandy sent out a search party so here I am to let you know that I am alive and well. The more active I am, the less time I spend on the computer. My latest passion is downloading audio books from the library to listen to on my phone so when I walk in the morning, I can listen to a book. I'm listening to books I've read in the past so the story line is easier to follow since I know the characters and am faintly familiar with the story. Nothing else has changed. I still get up before 4 AM to walk the dogs, eat breakfast, and walk the dogs again. I go to line dance classes three mornings a week and meet different friends for walks at least once a week. I walk the dogs again in the afternoon and watch TV with Jake while I ride the exercise bike and watch TV. I am still calling my 92 year old cousin who is now in a nursing home. It is unclear how long she'll be there or what the status is of her apartment, but my commitment is the daily call. She is sometimes confused and thinks she has been there only a short time or thinks she's at a restaurant or motel but we have a pleasant conversation and I assure her that I'll call again the next day. She is in New York so there's no chance that I'll be able to visit her or be useful in any way except this daily call. She has no siblings or children and only a few friends.

    smiley-computer004.gif Today I sat at the computer for a really long time reading all the posts I've missed (several hundred) and heard about all your challenges. I'll try to check in more often.

    950031uf6l9pd3ly.gif Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here's the link to my video of this morning's walk with the dogs and Scruf's mum!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh what a grand walk, Jackie! The doggies were having such a wonderful run. Beautiful country, adorable dogs, and gorgeous horses! Thanks for sharing.

    It remains quite hot here. The worse part is how it simply leaves me without any energy. I do feel like wet limp rag. John and dogs are downstairs napping. I can't seem to do that . I also keep seeing things that I should be doing. Soon I will complaining loudly about the wet chilly weather. All my flowers look cooked. Limp sad leaves even after they are watered.

    Using larger Porto Bella mushrooms tonight as a sort of hamburger. Found the receipe somewhere but you just use a bit of balsomic vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper, sauté in olive oil, serve on whole wheat bun with the usual hamburger fixings. We are having them with baked sweet potato fries. One of John's faves. Nothing exotic but easy and good.

    Anne: I wish I could follow your lead and have an uncluttered home. My own crazy sentimental nature works against me. I even keep old cards and letters for years. To make matters worse, John is as bad as I am. He saves boxes of correspondence. We have books everywhere. We are constantly reading several at once. I think you can see the issue here. We are determined to lighten up and give or throw away a lot of this stuff.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, Scruff is a Character! George appears so calm and tolerant. Lol, and you didn't stop George from his roll in fox poo! Lol, I am quick to stop Honey from the Rollie pollie!
    Barbie, good to hear from you!
    Patsy, lots of wilting in the heat here. Plants and people. One of our drivers collapsed Thursday, thought it was his heart but he had no blockages so it must have been heat related.
    Well, I'm ready for sleep. Night
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015
    Been out or pocket all day ]ike lin had computer problems. Alice just left at 10 Pm talking to geeks guys. from Best buy. I think they got my computer so I will not have to sign in every time I go to a site/ See in the morning. Went to grandson Wedding shower nice meeting Katie folks and friends, And getting to spend time with Kylee.

    Swelling has gone down some still has a way to go yet. But looks much better.

    you guys on Facebook see my kittens playing soccer. So cute.Too bad we can't play video here on my fitness pal.
    Way pass my bedtime so good night and sweets dream.

    Barbie glad you pop in.Being a charter member remember you are always welcome here with us Sneakers Tanks for the update on your 92 year old cousin. Bless her heart.

    Jackie thank George and Scruff for a tour of your lovely moors walk Beautiful and the ponies are munificent. Would never see anything like that her in Mesquite. thank you for sharing. Maybe I will get Alice to check in on the You tube and see if we can do that.

    Oh by the way We had hamburger's I had a Black beans Burger Without the buns at chilli. Was delicious Glad to find one available in our neck of the woods.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yes LIN, there's quite a bit more lol. Nun or cell like I am not. Well, I HAD a big off white rug for all of 8 hours and then Mark and Mary Jo asked me if I'd like to go to the furniture store with them and yes I would, and I came back with a small rug I liked so I am no longer scandinavian as you'll see.
    I have lots of pictures on my walls including an enormous Bateman print, and I have the Toby's and a small collection of ceramic English cottages, plus a few plates dotted around. Not a lot of stuff though, not like one of my friends who is surrounded with hundreds of tweety birds of every description ever since she said she liked tweety birds and promptly got deluged with them. "See" you all tomorrow, Anne.
    P.S. What happened! I thought I was following LIN and when I pressed save post, you all appeared! What super little dogs JACKIE, and it was lovely reading everybody else. I'm no saint PATSY, forgive me if I gave that impression!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Two points of added discussion; I got a shark when I moved here, and I love it, both on bare floors and the carpeting! And easy to empty!
    And as for the "backups", Actually I have them in folders I placed as icons on my desktop after retrieving them from "my computer, drive C". There are thousands of files, and I probably will get rid of many I no longer care about!
    OK, my DS had a lovely phone chat with me today and he already loaded Windows 10 onto his computer. Microsoft gives us a month to try using it, and all I can say is he is returning to Windows 7! And he's a computer expert! So that's my report for today.
    Comcast is really screwing around with their outages. My e-mail is sort of nuts! But I got one today from someone younger than I, with much wisdom inside! Here are just a few suggestions included...
    "1. It's time to use the money you saved up. Use it and enjoy it.
    Don't just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it.
    Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son or daughter-in-law with big ideas for your hard earned capital.
    2. Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren,
    And don't feel bad spending your money on yourself.
    You've taken care of them for many years, and you've taught them what you could.
    You gave them an education, food, shelter and support.
    The responsibility is now theirs to earn their own money.
    3. Keep a healthy life, without great physical effort.
    Do moderate exercise (like walking every day), eat well and get your sleep.

    There were a number of other common sense items, but these are the ones that cause me the most angst! The other one is "Where the heck did I hide DH's driving keys? "...time to get to bed as soon as I finish 2 birthday cards I must make!
    Goodnight all..
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2015
    Buzz ~ I may have mentioned that my brother has friends who check out all new programmes for large corporations so I asked him what advice he was receiving on Windows 10 and this was his response

    Yes, you will see a little widow at the bottom right hand of your screen. That is your invitation to download windows 10. Best advice is leave it there for now. You have a year to decide what to do.
    Let others go through the early stages of getting it right and getting any errors corrected. We have time. There will be nothing after windows 10 so we might as well get used to it. It will have a lot of good features once it is running properly. As far as we can make out it will remain a free service. Just do nothing for a few months and i think once the glitches are ironed out it will be good. Nothing could be worse than 8.1 believe me. I will keep you informed as time goes on. So do nothing for now. All those going back to 7 and vista etc will find eventually their updates stop which leave them vulnerable to hackers. So patience dear sister, all will be good. I hope.

    Lin ~ What a nightmare with these engineers which sounds similar to my experiences with our internet suppliers now contracting out work to those who don't really care if the problem is solved or not, it's just another job ticked off!

    Barbie ~ Good to see you checking in and I completely understand how life gets too busy for the internet otherwise I have to ask what I did before these machines found their way into my home!

    Anne ~ Well, your Scandinavian moment didn't last long but I'm sure the new rug will look stunning!

    Phoebe~ I was true to my word and popped George under the shower as soon as we got home from our walk and he's shampooed with blow dry and good brush so when he found the same spot this morning I dragged him off!!

    Patsy ~ Like you I find it so hard to let go of items that have even just a hint of sentimental value and I hang on to letters because they have that same attachment. A cousin in Australia wrote the most amazing descriptive poems about his life in that country and sent me copies together with any he wrote in his 90's before passing away last year and although I didn't meet him in person he meant the world to me. Then there's letters from good friend Mollie who was in the land army during the war and was a prolific letter writer, usually telling me how to live my life but then she probably had a point!!

    Marie ~ My laptop has a programme called "Moviemaker" that allows me to take a direct route to You Tube once I've put my video on to it. It's more luck than judgement that I've managed to work it out believe me! I'd love to see your kitties playing if you can manage it.

    Glad to see you all enjoyed the stroll across the moors with the dogs. It's not always as calm if Scruff meets other dogs or decides George is there for a bit of rough and tumble, something he doesn't comprehend, but on the whole we love to take in the clean air and views.

    Housework has taken over my morning and half the afternoon but I'm now heading into the garden to do no more than potter and soak up some warm sunshine. Enjoy your Sundays.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Today I am meeting friends at my old complex and we will have a pool day there. I will bring snacks and lemonade and later maybe order a pizza. We used to do this every Sunday when I lived there so it will be like old times.

    Jackie, I love your video, George is beyond cute and your accent still fascinates me. The horses were so beautiful and just seemed to be walking free, where was that? My son who is a Computer Troubleshooter has also told me to just stay with Windows 7 until the kinks are worked out of 10. I use Google Chrome as my browser because Internet Explorer has just stopped working on my computer. It will not open any windows so I gave up.

    Buzz, I think your friend gave good advice, I do have a few things that I would like to leave my kids but I will not make my life any less to do so. My mother lived in a trailer with the heat low and wore a sweater, she watched her pennies just so she could leave us a little money. I was angry as were my siblings, she shouldn't have denied herself just to leave us money. We should enjoy our lives to the fullest but not squander it to become homeless.

    Anne, when you say a white rug, do you mean white carpet throughout the house? Or just a big area rug that you are now covering with another rug. I am confused, but that is nothing new.

    Marie, glad Alice was able to get your computer fixed and hope it was made easier for you to log on. How wonderful to be spending time with Kylee, how old is she now? I will see if it is at all possible to get your kitties video on here, we will see.

    Phoebe, like your description of rollie pollie, all animals seem to want to do that, is it to mark there spots??

    Patsy, a Porto Bella mushroom sounds like the perfect size to make a burger. I however do not like mushrooms so will stick with the original.

    Barbie, thanks for checking in, it was great hearing from you, I have missed you.

    Have a great Sunday.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Here you go Marie, no sound but at least we can see them play.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Lovely Sunday, yes it's a very big off white rug almost covering the finished LR wooden floor SANDY, but to relieve the mass of off white, I've now got a super thick multi coloured rug to go under the coffee table and in fact my toes are cosied into it right now. Love it! Like the rest of you I keep certain letters from those I've loved or love AND I've got all the cards and stuff the boys made me when small and their present day cards. I've got a tiny bean bag in the form of a small black cat complete with huge stitches grandson Derek made me at school when five, and all Derek and Devins cards so you see I'm not totally immune from the collecting bug. They are all in the blanket box in the photo. I've even got a note from 5 year old Derek which reads, "grandma, will you please come over and play with me". I just don't keep many knick knacks. For instance my friend Flo has literally hundreds of Tweety Birds in every form you can imagine. They peer at you from every shelf, nook and cranny. They are on her tee shirts, and bed wear and coffee mugs and she can't seem to part with them. That's what I meant when I said I'm not a hoarder! Lol.
    BUZZ, I am following your advice with the purchase of that rug!
    I've just eaten my very first sun ripened tomato. Tasted good, smelt good, and who cares about arthritis at this moment.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay Sandy! The for getting the kits on here. There is sounds but not much talking by Marie and you have to turn up the volume.
    Be back later
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin the vacuum is the Shark Rotator lift away. Coz I can go up the stairs with the detachable part. anyway, I'll wait a bit for it.
    Vegetable soup cooking, fresh tomatoes and canned ones. fresh corn, peppers, okra, etc. cornbread. I'm not in the mood for a big heavy meal, but I don't want to get the ingredients for a big salad either. picky me.
    I made banana ice cream last night in my little oster ice cream thing. No ice or rock salt to fool with, that's the best part. Good ice cream.
    I've let this day get away from me, got to check on the soup and get some audiobooks loaded for our trip, which we leave on tomorrow, I think.
    take care
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We've been having Comcast outages, and I have large sections of emails and web pages missing, and I can't figure out what is going on. Right now, it's pouring very heavily, so I may lose the internet again. Nice hearing from BARBIE and glad all's well. Calling her elderly cousin is something I can truly appreciate! Oops, thunder so I'm off this thing!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thank you dear Sandy for puttin my kitties at play on here they are not to active today. Play to much with
    Alice yesterday. Taking a rest day like me.