Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning - on my iPad this morning and I don't type too well on this. Anyway after I got home from church yesterday I kept losing my Internet connection and I realized a lot of my time is consumed with fiddling with it and calling in for a modem reset. This is definitely not adding to what I get accomplished each day.

    We had storms late yesterday afternoon/early evening so I shutdown my laptop and never started it up again. Thank goodness for my tiny phone. At least I can keep up on the news feed fairly well.

    I leave soon for the seminar on farm leasing. Need about an hour to drive there. Will leave a bit earlier because I understand parking is quite limited and I don't want to miss any of it.

    I loved the walking video with the doggies. My dogs always rolled in anything that appealed to them. Someone told me they want to disguise their own scent so they can better hunt. I don't know but it seems universal! And Marie--love the kitties playing!! I can see how they may lose things since they like to scoot things around so quickly.

    I am sorry for your outages Buzz. It is so frustrating.

    I will have to look up that model Phoebe. Then I will know what I missed!! But I am happy with what I have. If you are starting back on the road today. Travel safely. Being Midwest I don't understand anything but central a/c and fans! Let us know more about your backup plan.

    Remind me Jackie, is that a herd of wild ponies? They seem quite gentle.

    Are you home now Shirley or still cruising?

    Hope you enjoyed your pool party with your old chums Sandy.

    Have you melted Patsy?? Are your plants all drooping?

    I am glad your room is not too bare Anne. It is lovely and looks so comfortable. I will picture you there with your shoes off.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I am not really happy after getting on the scale and seeing I gained 3 pounds from all the salt and crap I ate this weekend. Sure is a wake up call to start watching what I eat and getting back on that bike.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I plan on enjoying my life by being healthy.
    We did get rained out yesterday, although by the time I got home the sun came back out. It was fun while it lasted and we will probably do it again. The big storm came last night and it was a lightning show. I am not fond of storms especially with lightning so I am glad my blinds kept most of the lightning hidden. Although today is beautiful, I want to grocery shop after therapy and have to get laundry done. My cleaning girl comes around noon and I like to stay out of her way, even out of the house so might go to pool for a short while. We are meeting later at JC Penny to have Robby's 1st year pictures taken as well as family picture with Rob, Lisa, Bryanna and Robby. I have a great coupon to save lots of money.

    Have a great Monday!!
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happy Monday from me as well. I'm doing the laundry even though it's our Civic Holiday, mainly because I'm a cheapskate and today, in celebration, it's low rate electricity. We had the storm last night as well SANDY. Branches and leaves everywhere when I had my morning amble. We so badly needed the rain though, and it smells lovely and fresh this morning. I was lucky with no outages. The bad news my leaking roof needs fixing. Not too bad, but I hope the roofers make it by fall!

    Yes, I would say I tend to be cosy in decorating LIN, but only because it's so darn cold and snowy in the winter I like warm bright colours to cheer me up. My LR is painted a warm butter yellow with lots of white woodwork on doors, rug, etc. This sort of horrified my more conservative friends at first particularly Mary Jo's mom who didn't speak much English but got her point across by vigorously shaking her head and muttering "no, no". However it was rather funny because by the time she and Joe died, alas, guess who had butter yellow walls! I have pale yellow on my bedroom walls to continue the theme.

    MARIE enjoy your kitty kids, they grow up so fast. The little boy looks like my Tabitha Daisy, and as for George and the mischievous Scruff and their encounter with the lovely moorland ponies, thank you JACKIE for sharing.

    Everybody, have a lovely Monday, cheers from Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Monday, good to go! Like that old Momma and PaPas song from the 70s. I am going to was h a few windows and sweep up the deck. Then what little energy I have left (which will be very little) I am back to work on the writing. I love doing it but I have no stick-to-it ability.

    I have a long standing bad relationship with my daughter. It makes me crazy sad and I seem helpless to change anything. I have to drive right past her house most days. We live on the same road that we must use to travel to town. I have not been invited in her house in 6 or 7 years. This is so awful. We have a great relationship with our son. Oh well, I will keep trying to break down that wall with love and positive vibes. I sometimes get her to answer the phone. Isn't it interesting that the person (me) that dreams of having a close family has such a schism with the daughter and her family? There is drama in all families, I know.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    PATSY, that's so sad. I'm the same in also loving family. I was awfully clannish when it came to the same generation in my family, and now I miss the good humour and the banter we all shared because sadly they are all now gone. Fortunately I have a good relationship with my boys and their partners, and it must break your heart for we all would love to have a daughter to share laughs with, not to mention shopping etc. My eldest cousins daughter decided she wanted nothing to do with HER mom, it broke my cousins heart, my cousin never did understand what caused this, she was quite bewildered by it, and they still weren't reconciled when Eileen died at 93. She attended the wake but what good was that! The only thing I can suggest is to keep persevering, be a pest, don't drive past the house every time, if she doesn't answer the door, leave a note "hey it's me, Mom, I'm baaaaack" sort of thing. Now this might be terrible advice, but for me good humour, and ignoring bad humour, usually works. I so hope you can overcome this, because in my books you are a lovely, interesting person and I wish you could be MY Mom, but that's not possible because I'm older than you! God bless, Anne.
    P.S. Just had a thought. My cousin was mayoress of her town, bubbly by nature and sang in operatics. You write and are a successful artist. In both cases, could it be jealousy?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I am still boating and will be heading back on Wednesday to our home port. It has been a great time so far.
    We are so lucky we are healthy to enjoy this.

    Jackie - I just read your post and want to say my heart goes out to you, may things get better with time. I hope you have
    support because you will need it. All of us on this thread support you and that goes without saying.

    I have 48 posts to catch up as of today so I hope to read some of these while here. I just found out on another
    thread I am on that one of the ladies husband's was killed in a car crash I found this out on Facebook.

    So much going on in the world, enjoy every minute because life is so short.

    I will read later and try to catch up.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yes back to work! Read the posts and hope to keep up.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just a quick hello, since I got to bed this morning at close to 5 A.M.! But I got such warm responses to the cards I was finishing, it was well worth it! However, since I'm falling on my nose, I cannot comment on todays' posts, and I leave you all with love in my heart!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes back to work! Read the posts and hope to keep up.

    Phoebe do not Overdue it at all. When do you expect to be home again? My Kit cats are so playful. I am glad you sugest I GET 2 .THEY ARE A JOY TO BEHOLD.and so cuddly Love to be held. they took to the litter box real well not one accident yet. Always grooming theirself. Perfect little kittens.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Beautiful pool day and I will be going myself since Robby and Lisa can't go. We went for Robby's 1st birthday pictures and I just have to share. These are just the proofs so not great quality but I just can't wait. Don't be shocked by Bryanna's hair, it is the current color of the month, it will change again soon. Robby is my grandson but you have to admit he is one cute kid.


    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Sandy: you are right! That is one very cute kid. Actually your whole little family there is a very good looking group. As far as the hair color goes...just think back a few years to our poodle cut hair-dos, all of the ruffle slips under our full skirts. Dancing to American bandstand on TV. Wow! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    great picture Sandy. You did a great job of raising your kids. Glad you got to visit all of them this summer. That Robby is as you said one cute kid. he is going to be grown before we know it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2015
    I agree with Patsy and Marie.......beautiful family. Nothing but gorgeous folks in your family tree dear Sandy. Thanks for sharing the pictures. It was great that you found that good deal....!

    I made my first ever trip to the Social Security office this morning. Good Lord. People were standing in line 40 minutes before it opened and by the time they door was unlocked the line extended from the door and the sidewalk halfway through the parking lot. I'd forgotten they'd search my purse. Ooops. Nothing too horrible in it. Got my answers and my authorization code to set up my on-line account. Now I can see what my benefit would be at various ages. They had stopped sending out those paper statements, to me at least.

    I've also gotten the gift for a baby shower I plan to attend at the end of the week and made a stop at both Lowe's and Home Depot. I have a devil of a time in those stores. I'm not well versed in home improvement items. But I did come home with a grab bar so will call the handyman to see when he might be able to install it. Hope what I got will work. Ha.

    Well, time to do a bit of walking around and hope to do some research on garage storage cabinets and things like that.

    Talk to you soon. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, what great genes you have! Bryanna and your son look just like you and I think I see you in Robby, too? Your progeny are just wonderful!
    MARIE, glad to read your plea to PHOEBE! I guess she'd too young to retire, but sitting in a rig is not easy! Must make the bed, which I hate doing as sheets these days don't fit as easily as the good old flat ones did. I always break a nail! Then fold washed sheets and get down to dinner!
    Sun finally appreaed a bit late, but who wants to go out into the heat?
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning everyone. Beautiful morning. One thing I love about summer, and me being an early riser, is to go out for my half hour walk and watch the sun come up. Very few people about at that time, just me and the birds and the squirrels. Tomorrow should be interesting, the roofer is coming over to measure and give us an estimate on the price of replacing it and the garage roof (raccoon damage). I hope they replace them soon, although I fear for the plants with the old tiles being slung off each roof in cheerful abandonment. All workmen are the same in this respect! Before they come to replace, son and grandson are going to cut down the dying cedar at the corner of the house, with me and DIL acting as work crew cutting the branches into manageable pieces for the garbage men. I should be as snug as a bug in a rug come winter. We had three terrific rain and thunderstorms yesterday, but thankfully Marks earlier patch held and I wasn't running around with buckets.
    Yes, Robby is a very cute and bonnie little child, and aren't they all at that age bless them, human babies and ALL creatures great and small.
    Bye, things to do, things to see, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy few days for me what with swimming, auction viewing, walking, shopping and doing my best to get some weeding done between showers. To cap it all George managed to find more fox poo during yesterday evening's walk but I managed to drag him away before he got too smelly. It's a doggy thing to not want to smell of gently scented shampoo! Our weather seems to have galloped into autumn with high winds, cool temperatures and showers so I've decided this afternoon will be a time for fighting my way into the spare bedroom to box up my books and anything else destined for either auction or car boot sale.

    Lin ~ Isn't it an eye opener to see how social services have to deal with such large numbers on a daily basis and at a time for you when your economy is supposedly expanding!

    Anne ~ A friend recently had the roof of her garden room repaired so the buckets have finally been put away and she said it's a joy to be able to now sit and watch the rain without fear of the drip, drip, drip. Go carefully with the log cutting however small they are.

    Marie ~ Those kittens of yours are definitely giving you hours of entertainment and it sounds like they've found the perfect home and mum!

    Patsy ~ It's so sad that you and your daughter have a broken relationship right now but it seems to happen in many families. In my mind my family was what I used to refer to as disfunctional compared to those of friends so I do know how it can come about....not that you strike me as anything close to disfunctional!!!

    Sandy ~ Lovely photos as ever and Patsy is right, we have to remember how we dressed and what we did to our hair when younger and to be honest I probably still break the mold whenever possible!

    Now the sky has got darker, the rain is pouring and the wind howling down the chimney so I will move upstairs and start that tidying.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello All! The weather report from oregon is...warm but I see some possible rain clouds in the south. I smell moisture in the air. That is good. We had a wildfire that was quickly dealt with but it did burn 27 acres of beach grass, salt cedars. And other pine trees. Scary stuff! We have a campfire ban in the state parks and the big national park nearby. With our own little forest of many many large trees, we are watering much more now. I will be happy to see fall weather return.

    I am taking my own advice and emulating the cheerful and positive attitudes of you all, I vow to quit whining about my daughter and live my life as best as I can. Thanks everyone for letting me complain and listening to me. You are all good friends.

    Today I am getting my hair cut. Good grief, it is in my eyes and just plain silly looking. I am not looking for a trendy style but wouldn't mind something that would help me look less like a total mad woman. John teases me..."well, don't expect a miracle my dear!"

    John is excited, his beloved weekly football games are to start soon. That will mean that on Sunday afternoon, all life revolves around the TV. I am glad he enjoyed it so much. I sort of tune in and out but we do have popcorn during and I confess to being more interested in that than the game. Hall of Fame game with the Steelers.

    Our old MoMo the magnificent, sheepdog is having difficulty jumping into the car. She has a bit of arthritis like we all do. John is building a special ramp for her. She loves to go on errands with John. The hardware store and the post office are her favorite. She is allowed to go into the hardware store and is often treated to a doggie biscuit and ear scratch from the guys that work there.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Busy day today, after therapy I went to Babe's house to pick up 9 folding chairs needed for the party Sunday. I then brought them to Lisa's parents house, stayed for a while to play with Robby and his cousin Gavin who is two months younger. Went to Walmart and then to Walgreens and now home and catching up on computer until I have to get ready for bingo. I guess that is what keeps us young, always keep moving.

    Patsy, your ramp reminded me of the ramp we had to put on our back stairs going outside, I just can't remember which dog. We had two with amputated legs and the other with degenerative mylopathy. It served its purpose and was much easier for the pup.

    Jackie, yes I remember all the fads I went through, it is just harder to watch when we are older and wiser. Hopefully, after seeing the pictures she will change it, because we all think she looks so much older than her years with this style. No one wants to tell her though, we are cowards.

    This day is flying by and I still have to shower and change. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello friends - mid-afternoon already! Today was catch up on cooking day and a bit of laundry. Then I got inspired and sorted out a couple of boxes of extra stuff from my kitchen for Goodwill. I hope to get a couple more boxes packed in the next few days as I hate to make a trip with such few things.

    Soon it will be time for me to jump in the shower and then off to stand in line to go to the movie project this evening. Groups of people get a set of things apparently---a prop, a character and something else, I forget, and then they have 48 hours to make a movie. I'm going to the screening for one of the groups this evening. My friend's son has been involved in this for years and I've never attended so tonight's the night. I need to go early and save a seat for her as she has a dog club meeting and will likely be late.

    Tomorrow is Farmer's Market and then a class at the library on fraud prevention. Friday should include another service call from my Internet service provider although lately I've been able to get it on again without calling for a reset so I don't know if I want to go through the hassle again. I'm driving an hour North on Friday evening to go to that baby shower. Saturday, I may help with a Vacation Bible School program. Sunday is church and Monday I'm taking my car in for recall work (I have one of those potentially exploding airbags).

    Just got my mail and was a bit floored. I got the bill from my handyman (who hadn't billed me in a long while). Yipes!! The bill was much higher than I would have anticipated but I never know how much anything costs until he sends a bill after the fact and I think it's been 6 months since he last billed me. He is indispensible.

    Wishing everyone well and will post before I lose this. Internet and TV were off earlier and since then the Internet service has been a bit wonky.

    Hugs and best wishes.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I guys. Another lazy day spent with Jerry and TV. I think We watch 3 movies this morning all Westerns. We are getting my wash done.
    Lovely lunch of black eyes peas, boiled cabbage, and green beans
    Just wanted to let you guys know I was still here. So just checking in.
    Love marie