Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good day – the Internet on/off thing is driving me somewhat nuts today. It’s off more than on and I lost a phone call when a shipping company was trying to speak with me. I called them back on my cell phone and after lots of busy signals got through to them. I ordered a wall cabinet for my garage and they have to call to schedule delivery. That’s new…..I’ve never had that before so tomorrow they’re to deliver so I guess I have to stay home and wait for them.

    I’ve been roasting combos of veggies almost each day lately. Good way to use up all the various things I get in my CSA box but today I messed up. I put too many Jalapeno peppers in the mix and my mouth is on fire!! Yipes. I have some of the cutup peppers left for tomorrow so I guess I’d better fish out some of those hot ones.

    I need to make a trip to the post office and then need to re-arrange things in my garage so that delivery can be stored in there until the handyman can put up the cabinet and the metal pegboard (which has already arrived). I have a few things I want to move out to the little storage box I have under my deck so I guess I’d best scoot along.

    Sandy, I am glad both Robby and Daisy are doing better. Enjoy your pool time. BIG clouds are rolling through here right now.

    Anne, did you make the walk to town and back? Or are you waiting for our sunny weather to shift your way?
    Jackie, I had to giggle I’d not heard anyone say “contemplating my navel” for quite some time. It is somewhat difficult for me to do that with my rolly polly tummy in the way. I hope you keep spending some time with a cup of tea. It does a person good to have some quiet time. Of course, also living alone, I have a lot of quiet time each day.

    Marie, glad to hear from you and also glad your temperatures are not quite so high right now. We are having lovely weather but they say it will heat up a bit again the day the State Fair opens (which is Thursday). But only around 90 I think.

    Hugs to all. Hope to hear from everyone soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin are you going to the state fair/
    I have not been in years. It is usally raining during our state October. Bring on the fair.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Fairs are such fun, we used to go when our daughters were young. Hello to all and its raining as we speak. We had a dowpour
    yesterday too. I am glad our plants and flowers need it.

    I am having trouble with my plants outside, I have a bug and a lot of them. They look like a small cricket and jump. I think they
    are eating my plants in the front. The ones that come up every year. I sprayed insecticide today and then Raid again after I still
    saw them jumping around. Does anyone what they are ? Now that its pouring out it will probably wash all the insecticide off.
    I can't win.

    Not much going on here I did some ironing and finished up laundry, not much for change. I did get in a 12 mile bike ride and it
    always like an accomplishment when I am done.

    Now its time to get dinner started.

    Have a good evening everyone.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    No LIN, I didn't go on the downtown trek after all. Two different stations on the tv, one said rain this afternoon, one said rain this evening. It's an open walk downtown with no places to shelter on the way so I chickened out. Took a leaf out of JACKIES book and spent the afternoon more or less lolling about contemplating MY navel! The joys of retirement, tomorrow is another day! You might guess it DIDN'T rain after yesterday's downpour. Beautiful blue sky with white clouds floating past. I'm now editing this because I've just seen SHIRLEYS post and she got the rain we didn't! Isn't that strange! No wonder the two TV stations couldn't make their minds up!

    Fall must be in the air with State Fairs appearing? Are they a Fall event in the USA? Back in my UK days we knew autumn was around the corner with the appearance of the huge Nottingham goose fair. (Dating back to medieval times) All the tiny fairs dotted around the UK assembled together for this, and after a week there, they then packed the big top, the carousels, the Dodgems and shooting stalls etc. and travelled up to our area in Yorkshire and that was the last fair of the year. My dad took me when a small child, mom didn't like fairs, and later I would go with all my friends when in my teens. The circus was the big thing and I wonder if that's where I developed a deep suspicion of clowns PATSY? I remember the puny teenage boys in our group trying their hand at the hammer and ring the bell thingy. I don't remember any of them managing this feat of strength, all accompanied by much hooting and derision from us teenage girls! We had to be very careful not to spend all our cash because it would have been a very long walk home if we missed the last bus! Thanks for another happy memory! But not so happy the memory of being gloriously sick after staggering off the "shamrock", a giant swing thing.

    And now you have all got that unhappy event imprinted on your brains, I'll go and have my tea! Evil laugh!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am back at it! I am often reminded that a leopard doesn't change its not true. I am trying to figure out how to stay living a somewhat ordered life and not become a maniac. Not easy for me! I am desarately trying to change my crazy spots into something a bit more relaxed. I excel in crazy!

    The dogs are relaxing downstairs with John. I am up stairs going from one half done task to another half done chore. When I get one completed I will try to call it a day and start working on my writing for the day. I try to put in some time each day on writing and or painting. Tonight is veggie medley night. It is so easy and I just love the fact that some of the leftover veggies go into the doggie bowl. They love broccoli, Yukon potatos, spinach and sweet potatos but of course I have the list that the vet gives out. The no-no list!

    Watched an amazing show on PBS on the London tower. Good grief, what a grim history for such an interesting building. I loved the secret ancient religious paintings on the wall. Did anyone of you see this show?

    The bumble bees and I are having a discussion on what I am allowed to do. They literally chased me away when I tried to cut away the dead blossoms and weeds. Where are the sweet little bees like Jackie has? These guys are rude and nasty!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I saw the London tower on PBS Patsy. Been there. We took the boys when young, less tourists then I think. I bet Jackie has been as well. Anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2015
    Popping in for a minute. Our State Fair is always around the time school starts. I am planning to go for a little while on Thursday. They are are having a special walk around the grounds pointing out historic background of many buildings/areas at the Fair and I'd like to go on that if I get up in time, wade through traffic and find a parking place.

    I did not see the PBS show about London tower. It sounds interesting.

    I am ready for the cabinet delivery tomorrow as I shoveled things out of the garage (haaaa) and I have an appointment scheduled to have my couch picked up later this month about a week before my new one arrives. And I've checked into prices/values/repair costs for my old snowblower. Oh and checked on a *maybe* new mat for my kitchen (an anti-fatigue mat). Hope to get down to look at the colors tomorrow and I can't believe it, I asked for their best price and they'll knock of $40!! Wow! I wonder what the catch is? And I have looked them up online and priced them several places and this really is a discount. Excitement.

    Patsy, I think it was a hornet that didn't want me to return my books in the after-hours drop at the library this morning. What is with the little insects with big attitude?

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shirley, might they be locusts? I think they jump. I know they eat a lot but I don't think they stay for long. Do those tennis racket bug zappers actually work? If so, maybe that will work. You'd sure get a workout!
    On the road again. Jackie, to contemplate my navel, I'd need my mirror for more than a small amount of time,else my neck would snap.
    Silly Honey, now completely spoiled, is on the bed with me. The truck bed, the narrow bed. She is having panic attacks and must be near mommy. I am her enabler, since I don't mind her being here- as long as she holds her breath, lol.
    We are stopping at the Chinese buffet for dinner. I like the green beans and broccoli, then noodles and fried rice. Dessert is tiny cakes with coffee in them for me.
    Be safe this week.
    Oh BTW Lin, yes they made an appointment for Jim's wood chipper delivery. Hope yours gets placed inside your garage. Ours was a curbside only, so we had them deliver to our work address. They had forklifts and a loading dock if they needed it.
    Nite all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Lin, we are very careful about water but there are many in our neighborhood who ignore all the suggestions and water whenever they want and for much too long..I have to curb my inclination to be "the water police"

    :) Anne, we have a provision in our will for the adoption and care of our pets...we have people designated to adopt them and money designated for their care..we've done this since we first wrote a will.

    :) Shirley, one of the biggest reasons I've been able to keep my weight down is by seeking recreation that doesn't include food and when I absolutely have to go to a restaurant, I've learned what to order that stays true to my eating plan

    :) Phoebe, our dogs have always slept with us and frequently it is very crowded but I don't like sleeping without them.

    2157045gp85zev8ri.gif I revised my weight training plan to make it more efficient and less complicated.....I've done it four times already this month which is keeping me on track with my goal of doing it twice a week.

    :) Jake just bought a Microsoft Surface 3 Tablet and is learning how to use it.....he talks to it a lot and thinks out loud so I can't tell if he's talking to me or the tablet...I think he's having fun with it.

    467951tm2bg9ann8.gif for the line dance performance at the fair we are wearing different hats for different songs and one of the songs is about chocolate so the leader got brown plastic hats and asked each of us make a hatband with chocolate candy wrappers....since I don't eat candy, I bought an eight pack of Reese's peanut butter cups and I'm using the wrappers and Jake is eating the peanut butter cups...each time he eats one, he tells me that he's eating just to help me.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where it is another ordinary day in Utopia
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another Tuesday, so of course Microsoft downloaded many updates but when I logged on to install what was supposed to be 14 updates, I saw whizzing by me numbers like 488, 873 and finally the number 41726!!! Then a text telling me not to log off while 14 updates were being installed!! So here I am, trying to type a straight message with something that cannot be controlled once more! Words I never typed with format I never put on! I'll try a virus scan and then go to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, somehow it all got put together correctly! It's got me baffled and concerned and I keep feeling I need to replace this beloved laptop with the pink cover! Should I buy another 17 inch one?
    At least I did get to read all your posts, and know at least a couple of you are being rational about medical choices. Good luck to ALL of you,
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz, would you ever consider an iPad? We have three and they are easy to work and most people feel as we do that they are reliable and Rock solid. They have a lot of memory and a really good camera. John is as devoted to the iPad as I am. He has a laptop and a huge desk PC for his photography and special effects. I also have a big desk Mac. So we are Apple folks and we love them. Far less issues than the PC. A good built in firewall. Just a suggestion....
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After our usual walk on the moors this morning in glorious sunshine I've enjoyed a large cup of coffee, more contemplation and an early light lunch and will soon head outside to continue tidying before a threatened thunderstorm tonight. After the dog groomer's visit on Monday afternoon George is looking gorgeous and definitely coping with the warm weather easily now his thick coat has been removed.

    Shirley ~ Those jumping insects of yours do sound like crickets but I don't know what they eat to confirm they're the culprits damaging your plants. Insecticides aren't something I use for fear of killing innocent bees and other "good" insects but can't imagine what you can do to get rid of them. As I sat outside with my coffee this morning I saw one little cricket by my foot but by the time I leaned forward to take a closer look it flew through the air and was gone!

    Anne ~ Tavistock on Dartmoor holds its annual Goosey Fayre in October and I'm planning to visit this year for the first time in about 20 years! It's very olde worldy with old fashioned stalls and entertainment as well as the occasional goose!! When I was growing up we kids went to the Blackheath autumn fair in London and just as you remember, we'd have a great time either trying to pick up bobbing ducks with a magnet on a stick, knocking down coconuts or shooting at a line of tin creatures running across the back of a tent! Rarely headed home with a won cuddly toy but that wasn't the point!

    Patsy ~ What with your painting and writing I can't imagine how you find time to even think about housework and tidying. The Tower of London was on our school list of must do trips when I was a teenager and I remember very well the Crown Jewels, impressive moat and gory stories of torture and murder down in the dungeons. I expect the documentary explained that until Tudor times it was a beautiful place of residence that the Normans built to make the point that they were here to stay and intimidate the locals! We mostly hear about the horrors that went on during Henry VIII's reign and poor Anne Boleyn's demise after a short stay in the Tower.... hence the song "With her head tucked underneath her arm, she walked the bloody tower", but the most evocative thing I remember as a teenager was the sign over the small entrance from the river Thames where prisoners were taken by boat that had Dante's "Abandon hope all ye who enter here". Are we more civilised today? I'm not so sure!!

    Lin ~ Some stores are having to compete with the internet to survive so it's definitely worth shopping around and asking the question about discounts. Hornets certainly aren't something to take lightly. George's groomer was telling me how she and her partner found a nest in their garden and after spraying it with insect repellent he started to poke inside with a stick until she said to him "please don't tell me you're really doing that"!!

    Barbie ~ When our pets are part of the family it's only right to make sure arrangements are made just in case.... Our rescue centres seem full of animals that have ended up there because an owner has died and I often wonder why a member of the family hasn't taken it on, although I know that does happen sometimes. I love the image of Jake talking to his Tablet and if you had seen, or more importantly heard me before our walk this morning talking through everything from mobile phone to dog poo collecting bag, treats and car keys to be put in my pockets, you'll know I do an awful lot of talking to myself! Waste not, want not when it came to those peanut butter cups so I expect Jake will be looking forward to the next food inspired outfit!

    Buzz ~ I use a 17"laptop and gather they are quite rare now although popular. Mine certainly saves me the effort of peering at the screen even with glasses on the end of my nose! When mine begins its download of updates I have to walk away otherwise, like Jake, I'm constantly talking to the screen!

    Battery running low so I'll plug in and get myself outside before the storm arrives.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, that was a lovely long interesting post from you. You mentioned the Tower of London being a beautiful place of residence before the horrible Henry V111's time. That man has so much to answer for! Today, thankfully, it is again a beautiful place and let's hope that Anne Bolyn now finds peace when she walks the bloody tower. I was rather impressed with the Crown Jewels! Like you, I'm afraid we are NOT more civilized as a species! Yes, you could win a goose at our fair, but I never did, never won anything!
    I've just got back from my half hour walk downtown and my half hour walk back. From a shopping point of view it wasn't worth it. I managed to get to the bank and a bakery, and I picked up some oven mitts, but the 3 favourite stores I wanted to pop into are no more! Victims of too high rents! It was quite shocking, "for lease" signs everywhere. Very sad. Whoever owns the downtown has probably shot himself in the foot with greed.
    I don't use insecticide either SHIRLEY. I have to wonder about the birds that eat the insects, not to mention all the beneficial insects doomed to an awful death.
    PATSY, if I was as talented as you I think I would get me a nice, comfortable cleaning lady a couple of times a week. Someone nice enough to have a quarter of an hour break with, coffee, a biccy, and a chat. Housework isn't worth giving up your painting and writing for! I bet William Shakespeare and Ernest Hemingway had ladies to clean up after them!
    Well, that's my tuppence worth for the day, so I'll sling my hook, and wish all a beautiful day. Anne with the aching tootsies, seeing she was daft enough to walk downtown in fairly new shoes!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Exercise does work, I lost a little more of those unwanted pounds and I am near my goal once again. Hip! Hip! Hooray!! We are going to see Southpaw this afternoon and then get something to eat. Tonight is bingo night so it is a busy day.
    After the pool yesterday I took a shower but had only lukewarm water. Texted my landlady and we agreed it could be the pilot light. I asked my neighbors boyfriend if he would mind looking at it to which he agreed. He got the pilot lite and in putting the cover back on he said he though he turned the switch the wrong way and said the pilot went out. In relighting it, he had a back draft and burned his hand. I felt awful, even told him to go to the doctor and I would pay. I checked on him a little later and his girlfriend said he was fine, they put ice on it and he had some burn cream from another burn. I told her I would get him some beer and she said he likes vodka, so I will be buying him a bottle today. I went to look at the hot water heater again and followed the directions and was able to light the pilot myself. Who needs men??? I really do hope he is okay, I feel bad I even asked him.

    In other good news, since I auto pay my rent from my bank I texted my landlady to ask if my rent would be staying the same as I had to set up the yearly deductions. She said yes and she would be by with the new least next week.
    That made me happy since I was afraid of a rent increase.

    Buzz, in my opinion the bigger the screen the better, especially on my desktop where I do all my work and hobbies.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have high thin clouds and the "slight" chance of rain. It has been so hot doing anything has been double effort. I put on a full 5 tray of my favorite classical CDs and now to work in my art dungeon. I have to tell everyone about my trip to the music store here. On the radio I heard this lovely Samuel Berber piece, not "adagio for strings" but it was like that, so heartbreakingly beautiful. I went into the store and was pawing through the CDs. In frustration, I asked a clerks help. I was describing the music to him and he said, "well, how did it go?" I started to try to hum the music and he got this horrified look on his face. "Ummm...I am sure we don't have that in stock. Now or EVER!" Musicians can be intolerant snots at times!

    John spent hours making a ramp for our old MoMo to climb into the car with ease. She took one look and told him in no uncertain terms that she will not be getting on that contraception, no matter what! Stubborn dogs and stubborn people...that is my life's challenge currently. I am losing this battle, dear sneakers. As the saying goes...I will go along, to get along.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, lol at the honest clerk! At least he didn't say 'don't quit your day job' !
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I clean out my favorite folders and now I don't lose my post nor do I get lock up and have to close down. and lose my site.


    Phoebe I thourht you were back to work?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening – so nice to read all the updates. Nice day here, sunshine and warm weather. My delivery arrived and the driver was nice enough to remove the shrink wrap and remove my order from the big wooden pallet. That would have taken up a lot of room in my garage! And I drove over to the kitchen specialty store and picked up a sample of the mat I wanted to order. Brought it home and it didn’t look as good as I thought it would given the picture in the book but it was the best of the colors so I took the sample back and my kitchen mat is now ordered. Got a bit of fresh fruit from Whole Foods, stopped by the library, and did some cooking.

    Now I’m sorting things out for tomorrow. Yes, I will try to get to the State Fair tomorrow and then it’s time to pick up my weekly veggie box later in the afternoon. Sometime on Friday the handyman said he’d show up and do my little list of things. But I have no idea when so I’ll be staying home I guess.

    I need a refill of my one and only prescription and called for a refill. It was to be ready today after 12 but never got a call from the automated notification system that it’s been filled. I wonder what happened. I’ve tried to pick up a refill without having heard from them and I’ve had to wait a long time as it’s not been filled. Guess I’ll wait another day or so.

    Buzz, I’m glad your computer ended up working properly. I love some things about my laptop and I love other things with my iPad—best of both worlds? Or problems from each? The most persistent problem I have is not having Internet service but then that is something that is apparently not correctable—I need to contemplate my navel.

    Barbie, yipes, chocolate. Poor Jake! Sacrificing to help you out. I actually have had a provision in my will for both a primary and secondary person along with a monetary bequest to take any pet(s) I might have at the time. Both folks have their own health problems now so my earlier plan might not be as good as I thought which is another thing that I think about when I feel the urge to get a pet once again.

    Jackie, I can just see George all trimmed and handsome. Lucky boy—he has such a wonderful home. I will be cautious about the stinging insects! Thanks for the warning.

    Anne, I’m sorry that so many stores have closed. That seems to happen quite regularly in my suburb but often the shops were not my favorites (thank goodness). I hope new stores fill the empty spaces soon.

    Sandy, wishing you luck at bingo tonight. Good for you—I don’t think I’ve ever re-lit my water heater. Just my fireplace, which is lots easier I’m sure. Congratulations on continuing to lose the pounds you want to shed!

    Patsy, I’m sorry you were unable to find the CD you wanted at the store. I suppose you could hunt through Amazon’s CDs? I found something I wanted to listen to and didn’t want to purchase it so went to the library and checked it out. To my horror, my Bose CD player/radio could not load the CD. I wonder if it was the extra label strip they put on it? Oh well. I can live without it because I’m still not interesting in purchasing it. I agree with Jackie, how about a cleaning person? The neighbors across from me have a weekly cleaning person and they are both retired and as far as I know, don’t have anything on their agenda except enjoying life.

    Hi Phoebe and Marie!!

    Time to try to post, fingers crossed again.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Read all posts and trying to keep up. I didn't check out bugs today to see how they fared after the rain. :/

    Not much going on here just Yoga class today and some cleaning, no I don't have a cleaning lady and used to
    when I worked.

    Buzz - Good luck with the computer I wouldn't be any help you are way ahead of me in technology.
