Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I like them too. Pencil chopstick? Is the Berry bowl ceramic? Mines plastic but I like it

    Yes Phoebe they are ceramic. Of course I bought them fairly early on so lugged them around all day. The chopsticks I think she said are Japanese.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another pleasant day with lots of sunshine and a light breeze so after the morning walk with George I've done yet more tidying up in the garden pulling up the campion that's gone to seed and pruning anything that's beginning to fade. In a short while I'm off to the beach with friends so that George can enjoy his first swim, that's if he'll go near the water... a bit different to placid puddles!!

    I hope everyone has as enjoyable day as I'm having. B)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Just checking in I am hanging around the house this morning and still have to get in the shower. We are
    heading down to the boat after lunch and hang around there until the dinner which starts at 5:30pm

    We had a tremendous amount of rain and lightening last night. I jumped in the bed from the strike of
    lightening it woke me right up. :s

    I will be heading to the cottage tomorrow for a week and back on the following Monday.
    I will have no Wi Fi so I won't be connected.

    See you all when I return.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello girls (seeing Bob is missing for the moment) I am finding it hot and muggy today, so, I don't feel like taking off, or gardening, and I've done my chores for the day so whilst lunch is simmering on the stove I thought I'd pop in to say Hi. Wow LIN you had a busy and productive day yesterday. Very impressive, and I love your bowls.
    Me, I shall take it easy and read one of the books that my DIL gave me eons ago.
    Have an enjoyable Satuday, girls. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi there! It is cooler today. I have a ton of stuff to do but I am feeling pulled toward a self indulgent day of fiddling around. That means not doing much of anything. We were invited to a party, a bunch of musicians from the symphony are getting together for a pot luck. They always bring théir instruments and play jazz or little combo numbers. It is fun and neighbors drop by when they hear all the music. Now confession time.... I get tired of the competitive nature of these musicians vieing for their time "on stage." But there is something amazingly exciting about being around these professional music makers. They are divas and ego-maniacs however. We are invited because I have designed their programs and advertising posters for years. Plus they love to have an audience. I don't plan on being at the party very long. They do need to borrow my folding chairs however!!!! So that is the excitement for the weekend around here.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well, I didn't get to read my book after all. On a very hot day I'm outside with Mark and his friend cutting down the enormous cedar on the corner and hauling on ropes to keep it from the house, the power lines and Harry's truck next door. There was a cancellation for somebody else's replaced roof, so the roofers are coming in 2 weeks instead of mid September and the dying tree must go. We are having a water break hence me telling you all this. Never a dull moment.

    Anne, I am a lumberjack and I'm alright! Well sorta alright, a rather pink lumberjack!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Poor me do not have a berry bowls but do have a nice bowl from Walmart I like to used. phoebe hoe did you handle the fleas on your kitten.e I know they are too young for the pills yet? They have not been outside but twice and that was a very short visit. believe me me.

    We got a new A/C installed this morning and it really brought them Kittens to life. They love the cold air.

    I am going to have a nice smoothie made in a mason jar. I read where the base on your blender fit on a mason jar so going to give it a try I at cleaning out the heavy top. A mason jar will be much easy Will let you know how it turns out.
    Time to eat/

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oof, PATSY, did you ever hit a nerve! Mike's DD, the famous musician, came down to "visit Dad" lol! She gave us a couple of hours in a restaurant the first night, and 2 hours the second day when she had told us she would spend the day, so we arranged reservations including dinner. Mike was really looking forward (as was I) to introducing her to all our friends, many of whom have DSs who are also known world wide as conductors and musicians, but he has not voiced his disappointment so I keep mine to myself. You hit it right on the head, dear Patsy! Totally egocentric but exciting to be with! With little sensitivity to others unless it enhances their own needs! We do love her, and since her husband came with her for the first time, we found he's a truly nice fellow (Musician on Broadway theater, plus with her on European concerts)but without any ego at all! Well, I guess it saved us the cost of feeding them but we would have enjoyed being together. She wanted to go to Miami.They leave Sunday and we will have spent 4 hours altogether since Tuesday. I do recall our jazz fests (with my kids father)with students from nearby music schools when I was young, thin, and active,(such terrific vibes!) and we attended the very first Newport Jazz Festival schlepping 3 kids in a carriage! - A lifetime ago!
    LIN, one of the few serving articles I brought here were my chopsticks! I love them as stirring tools, besides eating implements. And they are so beautiful! I love your bowls! Simple and beautiful, and they must feel great in your hand!You have a great eye!
    JACKIE, I can almost smell the air you describe! Yes, enjoyable days are exquisite!
    MARIE, what a great idea to blend in a mason jar! Enjoy the new A/C and smoothie!
    My day is flying by and I almost forgot to make a greeting card for a couple celebrating many years together, so I'll sign off now. Hi PHOEBE, ANNE, and SHIRLEY, and I'm sure SANDY is somewhere around, too! love you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Anyone who wants to read about Mike's DD can access this article by copying and pasting the above link.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    And I'm back inside about to leap into a nice cool bath. I'm just plain mucky and sweaty! The two guys also rushing home to do the same. It took us 3 hours. Now, how on earth do I get rid of bundles and bundles of dead cedar and logs. They stretch across the front of the house, piled high. Maybe my Mowtown guys will help me out! I've just found out that the roofers are coming NEXT week so wasn't it lucky we got on and did this job! I think I would have preferred a musicians party to all this graft, but as I told Marks rather out of shape pal, "I'm a tough old bird".
    Goodnight to all. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day friends – a trip to the grocery store this morning as I didn’t want to go before church tomorrow as I had too many items I wanted to add to my stock of veggies. Then I zipped over to Home Depot to return the package of hooks/hangers that were the wrong color. I’ve ordered the color I wanted on line but not from Home Depot. They don’t carry that color.

    I treated myself to a little tiny watermelon from the store today (total impulse item). Oh my, I’m doing my best to try to not eat the whole thing. So far, doing pretty good but likely it won’t last beyond tomorrow.

    Did lots of walking around here and watched a string of health-related DVDs (which I enjoyed a lot). I baked some veggies again and may make another tray tomorrow. Also plan to make broccoli slaw as well. I cooked some Brussels sprouts and broccoli to have in the refrigerator for another day.

    Time for a nice shower and all the routine associated with it. And I think I may even try to figure out what I’ll wear to church tomorrow. I wish I knew if the broken air conditioning has been fixed. That makes a difference for sure.

    Speaking of which, Marie, I am glad your air conditioning is fixed and that the frisky kitties are enjoying it along with you and DH. How’s the pre-season going for your Cowboys? You know I don’t follow any football teams so had to ask. I’ve never had a berry bowl before Marie; I’ve never seen them in the store. I just liked everything this lady had on display and we had such a pleasant conversation. We both felt like we knew each other from somewhere but couldn’t figure it out.

    So glad your lumberjack experience is over Anne and also hope you find someone to haul away what’s left at your house. I am glad your roof will be fixed soon. As far as I’m concerned any time there’s a problem with your roof—better sooner than later! So now you can settle in and read your book tomorrow.

    Sound like some fun for you Jackie. I wonder what George thought of all the water. A bit different from puddles and a lovely like stream.

    Always so considerate to remember to make cards for all your friends and family Buzz. So I don’t think I ever knew how you came to be called Buzz. Is it because you really are so busy all the time?

    Patsy, well, I hope you enjoy the music but personally I don’t care to spend time with folks who are too self-centered and full of themselves. As we gathered for that little historical walk the other day, not only the governor and lieutenant governor were there but all types of heads of various departments and agencies showed up. I swear you could tell they felt very full of themselves as they walked up to join in the assembly. And of course, someone or many someones immediately gave them deference. Eeeck.

    Hope all is going well on the road Phoebe. And I know nothing about chopsticks. The lady told me the ends of the chopsticks indicate what type they are. Apparently there are blunt end chopsticks and then the more long tapered end chopsticks. When I got home I checked, the other ones I have are the blunt end type. I like the ones she included with the bowl. Definitely would starve to death if I ate everything with them though!

    Safe travels Shirley. So glad to hear from you before you left. Sorry you didn’t get better rest last night.

    Long church day tomorrow and if the weather is okay on Monday, I’ll probably drive over to Nebraska for that blood draw. We’ll see.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Marie, glad you got the AC fixed

    :'( Jeri, sorry to hear the news about your sister

    :) my newest technological accomplishment is getting audio books from the library to listen to on my phone while walking the dogs.

    <3 Barbie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Back from the pot luck! What a hoot! Lots of fun music and crazy people. I like jazz but in truth. I really like blues and R&B much better. I can tell you we didn't hear much of that tonight. For such fussy people they eat like teenagers or college students. Wine, beer, chips, cheesey stuff, sandwiches with lots of meat, lasagna and sweets. Nary a veggie to be found there. John and I almost cracked up laughing at these folks. They will knock you down and step on your ankles getting to the spotlight or in front of a mic. It's their reason for living I suppose. They are a talented tribe, that's for sure. They are to have a very ambitious concert season this coming year. 2 more concert dates and 2 different programs. This requires a huge preparation and planning. I will need to do several art designs so they can sell the concert posters at the performances. The programs will just be an adaptation of the poster art. I fear I have stepped into another big stomach ache of a project. I have no discipline. The money is okay but not great. The unreasonable demands from cranky people will be huge.

    John's advice was...don't do it if you think you will not enjoy doing it. If you decide to do it, go full bore and stop whining. Harrumph! I guess I will think about that for a few days.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    My fitbit is acting up. It showed it was fully charged but it was dead all day. I'm trying once more to charge it, then it will be toast if it doesn't work. Already have a new jawbone to try when I get home. I'll likely go with it or the pedometer I bought from Barbie's recommendation. I've never used it. The fitbit band kept popping off.
    Marie, the two brands I get for all of the cats are both prescription. They are Revolution, and Advantage Multi. Either one works to kill fleas ticks ear mites and almost all worm types. For kittens, I'd get flea collars made just for kittens. Even the herbal kind.
    Yes, Lin I'm working and while not really enjoying it, I'm not miserable. It's a routine and I am used to it. I always have books and music to listen to as I drive. I've filled a couple of storage devices with books, so I don't need any for now. I also have been trying the audible app on my phone. The sound is very good on there.
    Hi Buzz, sorry the visit was too short. People need to slow down!
    Anne, could you put a sign out front for free firewood?
    Time to nap

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Anyone who wants to read about Mike's DD can access this article by copying and pasting the above link.

    Enjoyed the article.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow Buzz! You have talented people in your family. I was completely blown away by the sculpture. It was beautiful, scensual and expressive. I love the use of that kind of wood, manzanita. We have some of it right here in Oregon. We have to understand creative people. They live on different planets. I forgive and forget many social gaffs perpetrated by creative people...As long as it wasn't mean spirited.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    My first reaction to your musical afternoon PATSY was, wow, I would love to spend Saturday afternoon listening to the musical folk and sit on a garden chair in someone's garden. And I really would. And then I thought but what would I REALLY like to be doing on that hot muggy day if I had a choice, and weird person that I am, spending 3 hours with youngest son Mark chopping down the cedar won hands down. My eldest son works on Saturdays so couldn't help but we had help from Marks long time friend and a little from Harry the guy next door. I was amazed by Mark who is normally a suited business man. His pal, a big chap similar in physique to my eldest son and equally big Harry were clearly struggling in the heat, but there was Mark, slight and fair skinned, haring up and down the ladder and wielding the big electric saw whilst the big guys hung on to an attached rope to prevent the tree parts bringing down the power lines. Quite an experience. My job was tying up bundles with string, and cutting up smaller pieces to fit into brown paper sacks. Well, it's done and all ready for the roofers, and I had 3 hours of laughter, heat, and a lovely bath afterwards.
    Johns advice by the way was priceless!

    Believe me PHOEBE I hope somebody WILL pick up the logs! I think I read somewhere though that cedar wood isn't good fire wood because it sparks? We are hoping the town will cart the piles away because it's "garden waste and brush day" this week, but there seems an AWFUL lot! Tell you one thing, it smelt like Christmas as we cut it down!

    Well today I shall put on my posh clothes and try and enjoy the book I didn't get to read yesterday! And I hope you all have a similar relaxing day with no worries, no trees to cut down and no aches and pains etc to mar it. God bless, Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) The party was a huge success in spite of the heat. The food was delicious and Robby enjoyed his first birthday party. I am going to Mass with Babe this morning so am keeping this brief and hope to get back later. Enjoy your Sunday, fun day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    And here's my baby enjoying an outing on his 3rd birthday!!!

    Have a good Sunday.