Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi there! Just read all the posts. Not too bad. First Marie, it really is too soon.when your weather cools down to where you are comfortable sitting outside, stay out with them. They will feel safe with you there.
    Leaky leg? Is it like fidgeting?
    We make a quick trip to Phoenix then on to southern California and back to Georgia. My insurance approved the injections that the doctor has been trying to get for me. My first one will be on Monday. Then we'll make another trip. This will happen two more Mondays. The Dr office manager called to tell me, she was so excited that they were approved. Funny.
    Got groceries to put away. Then hit the sack. More tomorrow
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Party for Robby has been postponed until next Saturday. Yesterday he was running high temps of 103 and even though he is better this morning we decided not to take chances and let him rest. Luckily we were able to reschedule the food and the cake so it all worked out. The doctor had them alternate tylenol and motrin for 24 hours and to make sure he was drinking enough so as not to get dehydrated. It is a rainy day here so it all worked out for the best.
    We had a good time at Babe's brother's, it was great to see a lot of the family members I have not seen for a long time. They are all happy that Babe and I still see each other in spite of his son.
    We are going to Mass this morning since we couldn't go last night so I don't have a lot of computer time this morning.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all, morning, I'll be back
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So far it's been a bit of a lazy day because all my plans seem to have gone out the window due to low energy and a lazy time. I've told myself I'll catch up tomorrow especially as the dog groomer will be visiting with her mobile unit which will give me a couple of hours free time.

    Phoebe ~That's great news that you can get those injections covered by insurance and I do hope they help you.

    Lin ~ When I travel to a new destination I make sure I have a google map with directions on the passenger seat because I've never bought a sat nav.... it would drive be nuts to have that voice talking at me throughout the journey. Buzz said it, a home should be just that, comfy and relaxing rather than a show place. Yours sounds just right. When I was polishing some brass earlier and using old cloths I thought of your comments about your gran hanging on to everything. My mother was the same having gone through the austerity of wartime and she instilled into me the idea of never throwing anything away that might one day be useful.

    Shirley ~ You and I seem to have a similar battle with our weight and getting ourselves into a healthy BMI level but I recently read that it's not now considered as important as so-called experts once thought and they now want us to ensure we don't have excess inches around our waists. Well that just moves me from one battle to another! Thanks for asking, I'm fine and dealing with the recent news without feeling stressed so generally getting on with my life and routines. In the last week or so I've received several letters and booklets from the hospital explaining everything I might need to know about where I need to be and what will be done on each visit so all I have to do is turn up on the right day and on time!!

    Buzz ~ My problem has been my tendency to shop around and try different stores on line that show pictures of amazing looking clothes which unfortunately don't turn out to be of great quality so I'm now moving towards Marks and Spencer, a store my mother and gran used way back when so that must say something! At least I know there's nothing wrong with the quality of their items.

    Sandy ~ Sounds like you had a great visit with Babe's brother and his family and I bet they wish Babe had stood up to his son because they are obviously very fond of you. Never mind, you are settled now and enjoying life so that's the most important thing for you. At least Robby isn't going to be particularly aware his birthday party had to be postponed so won't get upset and there's hopefully a good chance the weather will have improved by next weekend. Plans are in place for me, George, the cats, hens and just about everything we can think of for when I go into hospital and more importantly get home again. The option is available to either stay the first night with friends or one will stay with me and there again I might feel fine and stay here on my own although I won't tell the hospital staff that otherwise they won't let me out.... don't know until we get there!

    Chicken and veggie stir fry this evening and I might even be naughty and cook a few Chinese noodles. Expected rain has held off so far but I'm looking out at grey clouds and thinking it will arrive just as George and I set off on our evening jaunt!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I been trying to work on my pantry. I can only stand a very few minutes till my back gives out and have to stop and rest. So probable an all day job. But will sure feel better when it is done. Jerry is no help but to hand me things.So I guess he is some help.
    I had oatmeal, canned lite apricots (love those things) glass of skimmed milk That's Meal #1 #2 meal will be pintos, spinach and green beans. I am going to try this 2 meals a day for a few days And see how my body takes to it. Maybe a milk shake before bed time.

    Jerry is getting quite fond of the kittens.As I am.
    Hugs marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, if you have a chair or stool to sit on some of the time, that is how I do it.
    Did laundry, starting supper, vegetables and cornbread.
    Watching Poldark episodes. a lazy day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, pleasant Sunday with friend recuperating from knee replacement and he wonderful niece, who is spending months taking care of her aunt. Two delightful people. Spent ages searching for DH's wallet...again! Catching up on missing emails (?) and all sorts of trivial things that are time consuming. Opened MFP to see how everyone is doing, and sorry to see Robby was sick for his party, but SANDY enjoyed Babe's family again! JACKIE, I do hope someone is going with you when you check into the hospital! And it would be a good idea to not be alone when you return. We never know how anesthesia affects us initially. What date do you go in?
    PHOEBE, great news about your coverage and it's OK to have a lazy (?) day once in awhile!
    MARIE, I was under the impression that diabetics do best with 5 snacky type meals a day. Two meals might leave your sugar bouncing around between hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic, which can be very dangerous! Take good care of yourself, love!
    Did I mention My DS and his ladyfriend (future wife?) are coming here over New Year's? I reserved a visitors suite for them for 6 days! Yay! Next week Mike's DD is visiting with her husband, and the following week my middle DD is spending several day with us. I really love that they have the privacy of guest suites here!
    I doubt it will last, but the scale has been kind this week! With company, who knows???
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'( Anne, I don't think I have told you how sorry I am for your loss of Tabitha Daisy....I remember all your loving posts about her and know that you must miss her very much....what a caring vet you have.

    B) I have faithfully logged food and exercise for several years and it's the only way I can keep an eye on what foods might be adding calories that I don't want. I weigh and measure everything.

    :) Marie, after years of having cats that could go outside, I'm much happier with Bernie indoors all the time.

    :) Shirley, you have inspired me to go look for my yoga videos...I do some stretches but haven't done real yoga in a long time.

    :) We had a little bit of rain this morning which is a great blessing after all the dry days and voluntary water rationing.

    <3 Barbie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BARBIE, thank you so much for your kind words. It was particularly hard losing Tabs because she was my last pet after never being without a four legged friend before. I shall enjoy other people's pets from now on. Because we are a very small family, and I aren't getting any younger, I would spend my time worrying what would happen to another beloved pet when I can no longer care for it. Lovely to read your posts again and your dedication to health and fitness.
    The roof will be replaced in September and today I expect to hear boots clomping on it, as opposed to raccoon scratching, as temporary patches are applied to keep me dry. My youngest son came over yesterday to sandpaper the windows and doors and apply primer, so come the end of September I should be one smart looking old lady, if only as far as accommodation is concerned!
    I so envy you shopping at dear old Marks and Spencer's JACKIE. I think I mentioned that I've got a beautiful pin tucked blouse and a pair of jeans bought eons ago and worn frugally I love them so! Superb quality considering how reasonably priced they were. I notice you mentioned polishing your brasses, must do mine! They tend to get neglected come summer.
    Well EVERYBODY, must get on. I actually managed to sleep until 6:30 this morning! Have a good Monday,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Monday!! :) I have a doctor's appointment for my shoulder this morning and this afternoon Babe and I are going to see Southpaw. I wanted to see the Gift but once this boxing movie came out I chose this one for him.
    Robby still is running a slight fever on and off so I hope he is better for Saturday. He had his year shots last Monday but the doctor said it would be too soon for those to cause a fever. I tend to disagree with her, but wouldn't say that to my DIL.
    Uh oh, change of plans, Babe just called and said Daisy is sick with diarrhea so he is taking her to vet. She was up all night and he sat in his chair outside with her all night. Nine episodes warrants a trip to the vet to be sure she isn't dehydrated. We will go to the movie tomorrow.

    I did well with weight on Saturday but this morning my Wii scale says I have gained a little over a pound. This is a never ending battle but one we all are on and will continue to fight. I know I am not exercising enough so a gain is my own fault.

    Have a good day, drink your water, watch your calories and do a little exercise.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Feeling sort of strange these days. I usually look around at tasks that need to be done and tackle one. They all don't get done but I normally feel okay about that. Today and for some time I have been feeling buried by mounting chores and tasks. John still refuses to have any help come in soooo there we are. I really know about that advice of staying in touch with family and friends. I am so isolated of late. Odd, I am the social one and John is the lone wolf. We really butt heads on these different lifestyles. This is my current challenge. I will figure it all out. Retirement puts a huge spotlight on personalities and living with the differences.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    from Sandy

    Have a good day, drink your water, watch your calories and do a little exercise.

    One Day at a Time [/quote]

    Good advise Sandy Very good. What did you do with your shoulders? maybe you should not be lifting Robby too much.

    I got a heart doctor appointment for the 31 of august
    Hope she can get me straighten out.This is a new doctor. for me.
    Phoebe have you got your new shot yet? Hopes it help you.

    Pasty we all go thru period discontents

    hello Buzz, Lin,Anne, Jackie, and anyone else I may have left out.
    Hugs to all.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Finding it hard to keep up with all the chat sessions because we are gone so much but I think I am doing pretty good.
    I miss connecting with you all so I will keep at it until things calm down and maybe I can keep up everyday so i don't
    see so many posts to read.

    Yesterday Isaac came to visit grandma and grandpa at the boat. He had on his anchor pants and anchor diapers, so cute!
    He is getting so big and heavy. We carried him around to the other side of the basin showing him off to the other
    members that were there. Dave and I took turns.

    Today was lunch with my friend Donna and we ate at Olive Garden. I tried to eat light with the Mediterranean flatbread and
    salad. I have not weighed myself yet and won't until Thursday for the challenge and Pound a week. I am not expecting
    any real changes. We have two more vacations left and then after Labor Day I will start changing my weight on MFP
    and starting again to get to my goal. I had Yoga class today and meditation and will be able to get a couple of classes
    in when I am up at the cottage. It's about 25 min to the Mall where they have the classes and then I can go shopping. ;)

    It is pouring rain here and my plants and flowers are loving it!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi came by to to check in again. I am happy to report that I have gone too full days of not losing a post. or a Jam up ( Shut down) whatever it is called! Yippee
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, yes, I got my shot today. It is some kind of silicon stuff, it won't make a big difference until I get all three shots, they say. I see you just posted, Marie. I'm glad your having some good behavior out of your computer.
    Patsy, that is the norm for me, only I'm the introvert. I can only suggest that you seek other people's company. I am happy to see my Jim off doing things he enjoys. Your John will probably feel the same for you.
    A day without Lin is too quiet! Lol, hope you are fine and your Internet too.
    Sandy, it sounds like the shots doesn't it. If so, he should be getting better by 10 or so days out. I hope so. Hopefully, your appt went well about your shoulder. Do you think the physical therapy is helping, or is it too soon to tell?
    Hi Shirley, Buzz,Barbie, Anne. Hope I haven't missed anyone.
    Ready(not) for work in the morning. So I better get to sleep.
    Have a good week
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening – I’m so far behind. I apologize. Several busy days, wonky Internet again….oh my!

    Did get to the dealership today and got my recall taken care of. My car was one of the millions with a faulty airbag inflator. So that’s done and I had them look at my GPS as well. They couldn’t find anything wrong of course because it was working fine while there. The thing is the disc reading error occurs more often when I’ve entered an address and it is doing active navigation. Oh well. They said call any time it’s malfunctioning.

    The church pool party and potluck was nice yesterday. I stayed for a couple of hours and then came home as my sinuses said it was time to get back into the air conditioning.

    Marie, I’m glad you’ve not lost any posts recently. That is wonderful. It is so discouraging to have written something and to see it disappear. I hope this new doctor will be very helpful for you
    Sandy, I’m sorry Robby hasn’t totally recovered and also very sorry Daisy is having problems again. Please let us know how she’s doing.

    Shirley, sometimes it is just too difficult to get caught up and you just have to jump in! Happy you were able to spend time with Isaac on the boat. What a cute outfit he had on. Haaaaa. Love it. Did you take a picture of him in it? Glad you had lunch with your friend today. It’s always great to spend time with a friend.

    Patsy, I am sorry you’re feeling discontent or a bit out of sync with things. Maybe the summer has been too hot and you’re worn down a bit? Or too much writing lately? I wish you happiness and contentment.

    Anne, I am glad they are getting some temporary patching done on your roof and glad you scheduled for September. Good to have that out of the way before winter. I am glad you slept a bit later today. When I had two big dogs I got up very early in the morning to walk them and my friends were always concerned that I was out alone in the dark. I am so sorry that you will not be getting another kitty. I was just talking to a friend today who’s very close to her 80th birthday. She currently has 2 dogs and is talking about getting involved in fostering dogs. We have so many dogs and cats at our local ARL that they actively seek people to foster animals pretty much all the time! I wonder how that program works. Maybe that’s something I should look into. So could you still shop online from Marks & Spencer? It’s nice that you kept something that you loved so much.

    Barbie, hello, and good to see you. I didn’t know you were doing voluntary water rationing. We did that several years ago but they didn’t get very good compliance.

    Buzz, you are always so kind and looking out for people. What an example you set. I am sorry your DH continues to lose things. It takes so much time to hunt things down. I did that for years with my dad and once in a while I do that myself. But so far it’s usually nothing I use each day, it’s more something I haven’t used in a long time and am so sure I know exactly where it is……….and sometimes, I do not.

    Phoebe, a lazy day is good. I’ve not watched any Poldark. I’m hooked on Father Brown on PBS and the OLD Father Brown on Acorn. I’m glad your coverage for injections was approved. My dad tried some injections—it was a set of three, one week apart. I can’t remember the name of the drug they used. They only tried that once. They went back to the type of shot you only get every 6 months I think. How is Honey?

    Jackie, I too am being Mother Hen and hoping you have someone with you at the hospital and to take you home. Okay, I’ll shut up now. Meanwhile, yes, I was having printer problems but managed to have some written instructions. I haven’t wanted to use my phone because it’s a tiny screen and for me would be more difficult to use than following written instructions. So polishing brass, that sounds like work. I have no brass, only a bit of silver. My grandmother was indeed a person who had been through hard times and my parents were children who went through the depression and they also thought if you might use it someday, do not get rid of it. That was handed down to me, so I’m third generation of “waste not want not.” Did you cook your Chinese noodles?

    Time to try to post this, fingers crossed again.

    Hugs. And sorry for everyone I’ve overlooked.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning all. Beautiful far. I had given some thought LIN to fostering an unwanted animal, but you know it would be just as traumatic for the little thing, should I no longer be able to care for it, for it to end up back in a cage in the shelter after having known love and being wanted for a short time. Life being what it is, full of quirks, who knows though, I might end up pet less for the next 20 years!!!
    I join all us mother hens hoping you will have somebody stay with you overnight JACKIE.
    This is just a quick hello because I feel like walking to the down town area today, do some window shopping, pop into the bank, try and find youngest son a birthday gift and card etc etc.
    Cheerio, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm about to go into the garden to cut the grass but wanted to quickly check in with you all because I remembered (finally) that some of you had asked about the ponies on our local moors that were shown at the end of my video. They are semi wild because over the years traveling gypsies have left their domesticated ponies as they've moved on that have then bred with the wild ones so we've ended up with quite a mix. When they have young foal about you wouldn't want to get too close because they will kick out to protect them but on the whole we can walk close by and they take little notice. That day in the car park a family had arrived with their riding ponies to take for a run and it seemed the locals wanted to check them out!! George was groomed yesterday and looks very neat and tidy but late in the day he developed a bad limp so I didn't walk him and again this morning before I went swimming but did leave the back door open so he could go into the garden but what did the little tyke do?..... went up into my bedroom and messed right in the middle of my bed as what I can only think was a message of disapproval. More washing to be done!!

    Patsy ~ Do you have friends close by that you could visit occasionally just to keep you in a sociable frame of mind? Living on my own I'm very aware that I can become too comfortable in my own company so make a big effort to meet up with friends or drop into an elderly neighbour or two and feel so much better for it. I hate to say it but think getting older can have us feeling overwhelmed by tasks we see in front of us. You wouldn't believe how many times in the past 5 days I've told myself I'm going to cut the grass in the garden and then clean out the hen house but then find myself sitting on the swing seat with a cup of tea contemplating my naval rather than setting to because it all seems too much when it really isn't at all.

    Lin ~ Polishing brass is one of the easiest jobs to do since I can sit in my little conservatory and watch the birds or cats and sometimes both (!!!) as I rub the Brasso in and immediately see a sheen appear.... no effort at all. Last word on my hospital visit, all is arranged, friends falling over each other to have George of course and I won't be silly about staying on my own if I feel in the least bit unwell, promise!

    Phoebe ~ Are you enjoying Poldark? It was filmed a few miles away from my home and the ponies that were used, kept in fields just a short walk away. I did find it a bit melodramatic in the first few episodes but they got into their stride as it went on and I became hooked!

    Anne ~ Even M&S have dropped a lot of their UK suppliers for cheap imports these days but do still insist on decent quality so it can be done!!

    Sandy ~ Do let us know how Daisy is won't you. Could she have eaten something she shouldn't or does she have a delicate stomach anyway... some dogs do I know.

    I know I've missed lots of you but must now get that grass cut, this time for sure, because we have thunderstorms working their way towards us from the Bay of Biscay and they can be pretty wild so the hens will need a nice clean house as well.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) All good news today!! Robby is fever free, I have lost over a pound since I made an effort to ride my bike yesterday and Daisy is on the mend. The doctor thinks Daisy must have eaten some geese poop so he gave her two shots and put her on a antibiotic. Babe said she slept well all night but doesn't seem to have an appetite which is okay for now. He is calling the doctor for the results of her blood work and if all is well she should be good. Jackie She does have a very sensitive stomach and is on prescription dog food.
    As far as Robby, I do believe it came from his one year shots and although Lisa's doctor said it was too soon I have to disagree with her. Trying not to be an interfering MIL I kept my mouth shut and am just happy he is better today. I needed the extra time for the DVD I am making of his first year so it all works out. We are again postponing the movie until tomorrow, so I will go to the pool this afternoon to keep up with my tan.

    Enjoy your day, remember, calories, water and exercise.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I indeed agree a day without Lin is no fun. She keeps my spirit high/But know somedays without MFP is a necessity. love all of my dear little friends

    Gotta run for now