Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2015
    PATSY, My son gave me an iPad for my birthday, but other than downloading 57 free books I hope to eventually read, I really don't use it! Mike's DD, the musician, sends pictures of her daughter, the photojournalist, but I doubt I'll ever show them around. I'm not into carrying cell phones, texting and taking pictures. Mike's DDs took us out to dinner tonight and the entire conversation centered on their iPhones and the pictures they contained! Maybe it's a generational thing!
    JACKIE, I truly love my 17" Dell laptop, even though it's driving me slightly loony now! I keep it plugged in when I use it, so my battery is always full! There are mostly 13" and 15" laptops now, and of course everyone seems to own iPads, Kindles etc. I have them but prefer my laptop! ...We once upon a time had a bee's nest in a sun parlor, running through three walls and once we discovered where the bees were hiding and opened it, I cannot tell you how much honey was inside those walls! We called a beekeeper to save them!
    MIKE just informed me he lost one of his hearing aids tonight! IYYYyyyyyyy! Please let me have strength to deal with this one!
    ANNE, Having more frequent house cleaning help is a secret wish of mine! Like every couple of hours! It has become the most annoying chore for me now!
    SANDY, sorry about your neighbor's friend's burn, but I chuckle when I think of her mentioning he prefers vodka! Oh la la! About your desktop size, do you prefer a desktop computer to a laptop? I never thought about that, but perhaps I should!. They make very few laptops with an electricity capability now; everything is Wi-Fi.
    PHOEBE, you funny lady! I say that to Mike all the time, lol !
    LIN, if the mat you ordered is the special one (expensive!) for backs and knees, I loved mine in my former kitchen and eventually had 2 long ones running in front of the two walls where my counters and cabinets were. I never had another problem with my back; of course we also indulged in an air mattress (ComfortAire) similar to Sleep Number. Neither of us has had a bad back in over 13 years!....We love our Bose player and yours is the first story I've heard about a CD not loading!
    MARIE and SHIRLEY, hi there; you both sound in good humor today. I'm off to hunt the carpet, sofas and area where DH may have lost that hearing aid! I may not replace it since it's almost always a fight to get him to wear them at all!
    Think I'll try getting some sleep tonight...
    <3 Buzz

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I'm gonna mark page. It's the first time its been cool at night. Feels good. Hi from Laguna!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    I visited with my MIL yesterday she is 89 and still doing well. She is still cooking and driving but not very much driving these
    days. I worry about that. She has lost a lot of weight after Janet passed away and has kept it off. I have been so busy
    I usually go and see her every Wednesday and bring her a coffee, decaff black, but have been so darn busy this summer
    there wasn't the time but I made time yesterday.

    Today I got on the evil scale >:) and I gained 3 pounds from being away and no scale. I was not surprised and will not
    beat myself up about it. After all these vacations are done I will be back at it.

    Not much happening today just finishing up cleaning the downstairs and get my exercise in sometime.

    We have our club party on Saturday called Corn Roast and one of the members makes margaritas (frozen) for the
    occasion. We plan on staying overnight on the boat with the AC on since it will be warm ;) and get up and
    come home and pick up my MIL and head up to the cottage which is a 5 hour drive. Kathy, Fraser and Isacc will be
    coming for a visit toward the end of the week. :D I planned two Yoga classes while I am away and will walk everyday.

    Enjoy the day it's 70F no humidity and a light breeze.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Meeting day so not a lot of time this morning. The movie Southpaw was great, even though it was about boxing, the story line was really good. I predict it will be nominated for an Academy Award. I did not win at bingo and once I start sitting 5 days a week I am going to take a hiatus for a while. I am spending too much money trying to win less than I spend. I hope to add the music and finish the DVD between today and tomorrow so it will be done for the party on Saturday. Tomorrow, Babe and I are meeting his brother and his wife for lunch, which I always enjoy.

    Shirley, you would think we would lose more weight during the summer being so active but like you it is harder for me in the summer. Three pounds isn't awful, just frustrating and I am sure you will get rid of them. Once I have Robby and can start walking with him again, I feel confident in keeping my goal. Enjoy your weekend and time at the cottage, it sounds wonderful.

    Phoebe, confused me with marking your page, I assume you mean because you are on the road.

    Buzz, I agree with vodka remark, I think he would have been grateful for beer just as well. His hand was fine when I gave him the bottle, so my guilt is relieved. I do prefer a desktop if I plan on spending any time on the computer.
    My screen is 24 inches and if it ever goes out I will probably buy a bigger one, although my next desktop will be an Apple. Right now I have a Lenovo from the recommendation of my son and it serves me well.

    Lin, it really was quite easy to lite the pilot light, all I had to do was read the direction posted on the tank. You really are one busy lady with all that you do, how is your knee doing?

    Marie, glad you were able to fix your computer to not lose your posts. How are your legs doing???

    Patsy, try going to and put in Samuel Berber name to see if any of the music is the one you are referring too. Good luck.

    Jackie, hope all is well with you today and it is a perfect day.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Still at my sisters. She got very bad news yesterday. Her cancer is metastatic. There are cancer cells in the pleural fluid now as well. She will be getting a second opinion in Seattle next week. I am heartbroken.

    But, it is a nice day today and I am determined to find good things everywhere I look. I need to be strong and stay positive.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JERI, I am so very sorry to read your bad news. Life can be so hard for us poor humans, and the animals too if it comes to that. I often wonder why we are designed this way, or evolved this way. It's so cruel, and maybe even harder for us who have to stand and watch, and be so utterly helpless. I can well imagine you are heartbroken, and unfortunately most of us know that feeling all too well. You are her rock right now.

    It is a beautiful day today. I've been out in my little garden cutting back the foliage and enjoying the early flowering chrysanthemums and pyrethrums. Little yellow finches were hovering over the pink pyrethrums, I think they feed on the seeds. The ants were busy collecting from the fallen and bitten into (squirrels) apples, getting their stores in for the coming winter. Earlier, "my" little wild bunny was nibbling the clover in the lawn. It's amazing the activity one can see in a small garden if one just stands and stares. I was busy this morning too. Vacuumed, and mopped, and polished the furniture and now I'm all ready for the grocery shop tomorrow and the weekend which we are told will be HOT.

    I wonder how LIN is getting on at her State Fair and historical walk? I hope she tells us all about it when she returns home.
    Well friends, I'm just wondering what to cook for supper, oops I've just remembered, I bought a lovely tasty looking spinach quiche at the bakery yesterday, Mmm, Mmm.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri I am heart broken for you. Such bad news. glad you are getting another opinion.

    Thanks to phoebe,S he sent the babies kitties a box full of toys and they are having a ball Thank you phoebe. So sweet of you. we are callin 'em PJ and the boy is Bubba They are having a ball.They sent you a hug back

    we drove to Garland, Texas and got my hearing aids.

    Our AC went out this morning And it is so hot. We have a guy looking for the parts If unable to fine one we will be out a new one unit. We do have a small one in the window in the bedroom. So we will be fine sleeping. tonight

    Love to all
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! We now have overcast and that is wonderful and much cooler than last night. No one slept well here last night. It reminded me of zombies roaming aoround in the dark. John and I as well as the doggies were desperately hunting for cool fresh air. Finally the clouds and a bit of a marine layer rolled in and the temps dropped like a stone!

    I am slowly slogging around getting a few things done before I give in to a nap. Or as my grandma used to call it...a toes-up for a bit. She was nothing if not colorful.

    Thanks for the YouTube idea, Sandy. I do get possessed by various pieces of music. Everything from the Eagles to Mozart, I have a wide range of music tastes. Not too taken by Taylor Swift, however. One of my guilty pleasures is to watch Jerry Sinfeld on the little YouTube series, "comedians going for coffee in cars." Really! that is the name of the series. Jerry goes for coffee in classic cars with various comedians and they chat. Okay! I admit it sounds weird.

    Load of wash is ready for the dryer with my homemade dryer sheets plus wool dryer ball. Thanks to Lin and Phoebe for info on this. So far our allergies like the change as well.

    Jeri, when I was diagnosed with cancer I went to three doctors before we came up with a plan. Some doctors are just naturally pessimistic. Others take different approach and attack! Never give up, things don't always go as expected or feared!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, I meant to mark the calendar. It's not cool now, 113 in California desert.
    Jeri, thank you for updating, it is very sad about your sister. I hope she won't have pain and discomfort with her treatment planned.
    Your welcome, Marie. I'll call them Twocats. That what I called mine way back when we only had two.
    Yes we are traveling.
    Have a good night
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Long day.....lots of walking.......historical walking tour was nice and learned interesting tidbits about a number of buildings at the Fair BUT the walk was much too short. It was a media frenzy however as the governor and lieutenant governor were on the walk. I saw a bit of myself in a video clip on the news this evening. It was sunny and turned hot and while I drank three bottles of water I still got overheated and a bit dehydrated so I came home. I was there long enough though. After having lunch at home I went down to Farmer's Market and picked up my veggies. It was quite hot at that point and there was no breeze. Picked up my Rx refill on the way home (yes, they finally called) and put all my lovely vegetables away just in time to eat again. I'm pooped out and plan to watch a couple of TV programs and sip some tea.

    Talk to you tomorrow.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another Friday already but I forgot to weigh myself, no doubt a sub-conscious message crept into my brain because I have eaten the occasional flapjack! After an early trip to the local store to stock up on fruit, veggies and a few necessities I arranged to meet my friend and her dog at the car park on the edge of the moor for a walk knowing it might be a little windy. Well it turned out to be full blown gale and the usual route a running river after 24 hours of torrential rain but George was in his element because he loves splashing in puddles and these were more like lakes! At least the wind has blown the thick clouds away and we're beginning to dry out. My Amazon order for 3 novels has arrived so I'm all organised for my quiet time in the next few weeks. With so many moving over to Kindle books, paperbacks and even hardbacks are being offered at amazing prices so I spent less than £10 for the 3 but more importantly was delighted to have searched for and found one I'd read a review on in a magazine a couple of weeks ago while sitting in the consultant's waiting room but was called into his office before I had a chance to write a note for myself. "A year of Marvellous Ways" by Sarah Winman is my kind of story but I've also thrown in a couple of thrillers to liven me up!

    Anne ~ Your garden sounds delightful with so many little creatures popping in for a visit. The bees will love your clover too.

    Jeri ~ There have been amazing advances in cancer treatment the past few years so hopefully your sister will receive encouragement from her medical team to remain positive while they do their good work to see her through this difficult time. She's also got the best support ever in you. <3

    Must get on, I've a long list of tasks so should at least get started!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    This has been a very busy week preparing for guests. We had this one room that had collected everything that we did not have time to deal with. Two weeks ago, I began to go through everything in the room. I've disposed of a ton of "stuff" during this past two weeks, organized the "stuff" that is still there, added a bed, beautiful bedding, and curtains. It is now a proper (and very pretty) guest room. Our guests arrive this evening.

    Jeri - I am so sorry to hear about your sister. It's wonderful that you can be there with her and be so supported as she goes through this. I certainly agree with Jackie that cancer treatment options are truly amazing these days. Will be think about the two of you.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jeri - My heart goes out to you and your sister. A difficult time for family. <3 I hope she gets a better prognosis from
    the other doctor.

    I got in Dave's car this morning to find the battery was dead. We have a 2014 Dodge Caravan and he has driven it
    for 16 months now. Now he is looking at purchasing another battery. Our neighbor checked it out and said it was gone.
    He is a mechanic and has all the computer bells and whistles to do this. He still has to fix my anti loc brakes again in my
    car which is much older. A chronic problem in the Buick Century's. So I took my car instead to Yoga class.

    The humidity is back again and the AC is back on too.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have a slight drizzle this AM and was so glad to see a bit of moisture in the air. Reading about our weather in various parts of the planet makes me crazy with worry.

    Watched a fascinating program on PBS on wolves. We don't have wolves here but we do have coyotes...lots of them. Also the flower bed was visited this AM by two hungry deer. They just stomped a lot of my flowers and ate all the roses. They are beautiful but really!!!!

    John is in charge of car repair and maintence. As lovely as that sounds, he is constantly fussing about some minor performance issue. He really does remind me of that funny guy on the tv show Home Improvement. He loves being under a car working with tools. After a long career as a college educator, white shirt and tie, it is interesting that he is in pure heaven when he has oil and grease all over himself with his head inside of a car motor. Actually he has always loved tinkering.

    Trying a new flavor of coffee. Chocolate! Almond! Wow! No sugar but the flavorings are intense and delicious. Sits me up for the day's activities. Weeding and trying to repair the sad damage in the flowers then I will be in the art dungeon until dinner. I have a baked chicken and asparagus ready so I'm set for tonight.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my kittens are vestigating the computer. just lost my first post Gonne slap there butt.
    They love to follow the mouse around on the screen.

    Staying pretty cool this morning.

    I hooe our 100 defree days are gone for good.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Funny, Marie, cats do love chasing mice!
    We've loaded our spinach and we're heading home. Lin, I think fairs are better in real fall weather.
    Have a great weekend!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mad rush, for a change, but must make 3 comments:
    JERI, hugs, hugs, and more hugs! We are ALL hoping for better news!
    SANDY, thanks for the input; I think I will follow up on your suggestion for looking for desktops!
    and SHIRLEY, I can't fathom that I am the same age minus 1 year as your dear MIL! Is there a forum for white haired sneakers? lol! Everybody, enjoyed your posts!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening – another sort of busy day. This morning my handyman sent a text that they would be later than anticipated so I ran a couple of errands and then came home to get everything set up for when the handyman did arrive. Then moved on to clean vegetables and make a nice big salad and do some other misc. cooking. I had several people come to the door which is kind of unusual. Anyway, after lunch I swept out the garage and started de-webbing my house, deck, etc. I don’t know where all this stuff is coming from but nasty sticky web is just appearing everywhere. In the corners of my porch, along the porch lights, over my utility meter, in the corners of the deck, under the windows, etc. etc. It was nasty work as I hate getting all that web on ME! Got through part of it and the handyman and his assistant showed up. Finished it after they left.

    It was very hot this afternoon but they got through my entire list of things for today. YEAH! I have my pretty blue metal pegboard installed and I’ve been working for hours on putting up various hooks and stuff to display my dad’s and my grandpa’s old tools. Of course I do not have enough to put up everything right now because the extra set of hardware I ordered are the wrong color. I thought I was ordering white, but ended up with black. I can get white if I order from a different company but I’ll have to return the black ones and my order slip has disappeared. And the white ones cost more. I don’t know if I want to spend more just to get a match. Of course it is tempting to just use the ones I have in hand right now and have the project finished.

    Cabinets hung and things moved into one of them. They looked so nice and a good quality so I ordered the matching 72” tall cabinet to replace the falling apart old plastic cabinet. My handyman is recommending I have him install overhead storage in the garage as well but I am hesitant to do that since I don’t know how many years I will want to go up and down a ladder to get things. I’ll have to think about that.

    Oh and now that my knee is feeling better, he did get the grab bar installed in my bathroom. But it will be there for the next time I do something stupid to hurt myself. And there’s always a next time.

    And as a last thing, they got the new weather strip on the bottom of my garage door installed and it seals up quite nicely. The old one was torn and tattered which was allowing more rain and snow in as years have gone by.

    Jeri, I trust your sister will get the best advice available and an appropriate treatment plan will be crafted. I also pray she has a very good and optimistic attitude about treatment. I have four friends at church who have had cancer and all have been in remission until recently. Several are now doing additional rounds of chemo but they remain resolutely convinced they will be back in remission soon. I also have a relative who now has a relapse and evidence of metastases and a treatment plan of chemo and radiation has been formulated and she is pursuing remission with persistence and an upbeat attitude. You are a Godsend for your sister. Hugs.

    Jackie, I understand avoiding the scale. It can be quite depressing to get near those torture devices. I am happier only visiting it once in a while. I can see George marching through the puddles. Oh such a dear little dog. But I can see why he gets his share of baths. Glad you got your books in hand. It’s always good to have a nice stock of reading matter close at hand.

    Patsy, I hope your time in the dungeon was not too horrific. I see your DH all smeared in oil and grease and smiling. Quite a picture………has he thrown out all the old white shirts? What project are you working on now that is keeping you in your studio on such a regular basis? Or do you just make it a habit to go to your studio each day? Have you come down from your coffee buzz?

    Marie, stay cool and don’t let the kitties drive you crazy. Bad kitties to lose your posts!! Still making your beans every couple of days?

    Phoebe, well we have our local Renaissance Faire a bit later---starts Labor Day weekend I believe and runs for a number of weekends. But our State Fair has always been just as kids go back to school and fair weather is notorious for roasting everyone. The lemonade vendors love the hot weather. Well I suppose the beer vendors feel the same. Ha.

    Shirley, I hope you have a lovely weekend and trip to the cabin.

    Sandy, I’m sure you’re busy readying things for Robby’s party. Enjoy.

    Buzz, many things from our library with their anti-theft strips and ID thingies cause problems with my equipment. Many DVDs will not play in my player. But this was a first for me with the CD not working but I didn’t try too hard. It was trying to load for a while and I didn’t want my unit damaged so I just ejected the CD and took it back to the library.

    Hugs to everyone. I’m writing this without re-reading the posts so I am sorry if I missed major events. Oh, one thing that made me feel a bit better today was that the handy man told me that another lady that he works for just three houses down from me has problems with her Internet connection all the time as well. He thinks it’s this location and the green connector box dealie that we’re all on. He could be right!

    Good night, sleep tight.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2015

    My purchase at the fair yesterday. A berry bowl (the saucer under it is *not* attached) and a rice bowl. Not a great picture but I really like these.

    Lin :)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I like them too. Pencil chopstick? Is the Berry bowl ceramic? Mines plastic but I like it