Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh JACKIE, one sweet George.
    Oh SANDY, one sweet Robby.
    Aren't we all lucky! We used to go to Lusty Glaze beach in Cornwall, Jackie. Brought back memories!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, that was a fun video! Happy birthday to George! He isnt a bit afraid, but it makes me wonder how he would react to a large wave.
    Sandy, Robby is so cute! I see mom is giving his raspberries? She will encourage him to eat healthy from an early age. Great idea! What is the green cake? Is it a minion? Glad you had a pretty day.
    Anne, I didn't know that about cedar. It is a great bug deterrent. If you grind it into mulch, place around plants near house.
    Nap time.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Jackie, you have become quite an accomplished videographer and George is darling

    :) Sandy, Robbie's party looks great and you look slim and beautiful

    smiley-sport017.gif I completed my new weight training routine wearing wrist weights to accompany my dumbbells to add weight to the lifts. My new adjustable dumbbells will be here next week and then I'll be able to lift even heavier.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    LOVE the video of dear George. Darling. Did you get all the sand washed off?

    Sandy, Robby is growing so! Lovely party and thanks for sharing your pictures.

    Anne, glad you were not doing more tree work today. I was always told that cedar has too much sap and it would product problems in any wood stove/fireplace as it burns dirty and produces resins and other nastiness in the chimney which can ultimately lead to a fire. My ex-in-laws did burn cedar and had some type of a burn in the chimney pipe of their wood stove. Luckily it did not set the house on fire.

    Barbie, you are making great progress in your weight routine. Congrats.

    Patsy, you are just too talented and that's why people are always asking you to take on projects. Not a problem I've ever had.

    Getting together a lunch to take along in the car tomorrow. I may also get together with a MFP friend who I've known a long time on this site and through e-mail. We'll see if she can fit it into her schedule after I'm finished with my business.

    Take care, won't be around tomorrow.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: just a thought here on Your Tree Remains...when we had our roof redone they stripped off the old shingles and brought in a big dumpster for refuse. They let us put some tree trimmings in their large dumpster to take away. Since they are getting paid a lot to redo your roof, they most likely will let you do this or even throw the stuff in the dumpster for you. Anyway it was just a thought.

    Lovely weather today. Didn't get much done but I did decide not to take on the concert poster commission. It is like singing someone else's music. I hate doing it but it is nice once it is done. It is fun to see my designs all over before a concert. No one cares or knows who designs a poster or concert program. Decision made! On to more uplifting activities.

    Wow! Great party for Robby's birthday, was that a Cookie Monster cake? Adorable little boy! Sandy you looked pretty glamorous in that long skirt. I have been thinking of getting one or two for fall.

    George looks so much like our son's dogs, also same breed. They are a charming little dog breed. So smart yet playful and happy. They play tricks and games don't they?
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    My "grand dog" Runtie!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    My other grand dog Miski. They look a lot like George.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Oh boy, I'm starting to want a George or a Miski or a Runtie!
    That's a brilliant idea PATSY, the roof dumpster!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Love the pictures Patsy. Darlings and I agree, they look like George. Aha Anne, you've been bitten by the darling dog bug.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gosh, my teen nickname was Buzz, and it went so well with my town's name when I had to choose an email ID, I just became delraybuzz! Actually, my name is Barbara!
    Loved all today's pictures, Robby, dogs, video of George, which stopped at 26 seconds, but I nudged it to 54 seconds, just in time to see him lift his leg! Cute as can be!
    We saw 2 movies today, worth seeing. Al Pacino, Annette Bening, Christopher Plummer and other great talents in "Danny Collins" (I wish I knew if it was a true story!) and "Far from the Madding Crowd", a charming remake of a real classic, and JACKIE and ANNE should love the location, since it was filmed in Britain. Even Mike stated he wished they had gone on and on! We are very fortunate here with the movies shown in out auditorium!
    And now to bed. Everything I touched today seemed to spill or mess up otherwise, so time to call it quits!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Monday!! :) One more week before I start sitting for Robby. I will only do Monday and Tuesdays until the end of September when her parents go to Florida, then it will be 5 days. My cleaning girl is coming today and at first I told her that after today I would only use her once a month but after thinking about it I decided not to do that. My house always looks clean and if I change things who knows what will happen. I know I won't want to clean after watching Robby all day so I am leaving things the same. I hope to get to pool today but the weather forecast is calling for rain this afternoon so we will see. My DVD of Robby's first year was a success and now I am making one of his birthday party. Back to the bike today, the weekends are not kind to my weight.

    Buzz, found this for you:
    Danny Collins is a 2015 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Dan Fogelman in his feature directorial debut. Inspired by the true story of folk singer Steve Tilston, the film stars Al Pacino, Annette Bening, Jennifer Garner, Bobby Cannavale, and Christopher Plummer.

    Patsy, omg, your granddogs are just precious. Years ago I had a Lhasa Apso because I loved Old English Sheepdogs and thought he was a small version. lol He wasn't so sweet though and loved to pee on my bed pillow.
    The pictures are just perfect and makes us all animal lovers jealous. BTW, thanks for the compliment, I bought three skirts from Walmart and love them. They look great with a t shirt and are so comfy.

    Lin, we are all in denial that Robby is already one and walking all over, where does the time go?? Have fun on your lunch date today.

    Barbie, thank you for being so kind, I just wish I had your discipline and routine.

    Phoebe, actually those were grapes, but yes she encourages him to eat healthy. The theme was Outer Space so her SIL made that smash cake to resemble something from outer space. Robby didn't like it, his mom said it is green so he probably thought it was a vegetable. He did like the regular cake.

    Anne, I can see why you would fall in love with those puppies as well as George. All of Jackie's pictures and/or videos are just beautiful.

    Jackie, love, love, love the video of George. He is one cute and very smart puppy and like Buzz, loved his lifting of the leg, made me laugh out loud.
    Happy 3rd Birthday George!!

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well I see I have 30 posts to catch up on already.

    Dave found WI Fi for me after all. We paid for 55 days so i can keep in touch and keep up with everyone.

    32C today and I am sweating already sitting here in the cottage and soon will be outside with the wind at least.
    No AC here so we are sweltering. I did get a 40 min walk in today and had to wipe myself down after that.
    There is a beach at the end of the road and guess who forgot their bathing suit. :s

    Tomorrow our friend Tom will join us and i have my first Yoga class in the City of North Bay.

    I will try and catch up on your posts outside.

    JACKIE- Love the video of George, what a cutie. PATSY - Your dog is adorable too! SANDY - Happy birthday to Robby!
    I can't believe he is one already I remember when he was born.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi All

    Still in Seattle. My Sister has an all day appointment with the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance tomorrow. Here's hoping for at least 'a little' positive results if not a lot. Hopefully we'll have a plan of attack. However she still needs to have a brain scan this week.

    I'll check in later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015
    my Bubba waiting on the computer mouse to fly by.Dont't know where PJ is hiding out at. I guess she is bashful.


    I order a new book today called Knifes over forks A plant diet book today.
    Also found this site today and really like it

    Love all the doggies pictures. Happy Birthday George.

    Sandy tell Robby to share some of his cake with me. Sandy you are surpose to be getting older looking and not glamour and younger looking Hats off to you. My dear. Do you realize we all will be starting our7th year pretty soon. That's a long time to be together. And we cold not have had a better leader than you Bless you.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi - home again. So incredibly happy that I took my plug-in Garmin GPS with me today. In vehicle system failed again and road construction was brutal. I would never have found my way out of the area without it. I met my pal at a mall and we went to a restaurant and talked until I think they would probably charge booth rent. Ha.

    Very nice day. As always, happy to be home.

    Jeri, thinking of you and praying and praying for some good news for your sister.

    Shirley, glad you have WiFi but also wish you had air conditioning.

    Marie, there are loads of wonderful books aren't there? You are definitely heading closer and closer to my odd way of eating. Ha. Enjoy FOK---!! That family is great. I saw Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn at a presentation a while back. Loved it. His son Rip is amazing. And I love the picture..........!

    Buzz, thanks for the explanation of your nickname. I always love to hear about stories!

    Phoebe, is the spinach delivered?

    Sandy, so green is not Robby's color. Love it. The little kids here do love Minions (which look like standing Twinkies to me). Maybe a Minion next year??

    Time to get moving........have been sitting in the car too long.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin I love the kindle books. I can even read in bed without glasses on next to the last size. and not to heavy to hold. my I pad I read out of in the day time to heavy to hold in bed to read.
    I have made out a general diet guild this afternoon. its a lot like WW as far as writing stuff down
    2 fruits a day
    4 veggies, 5 grain, 5 protein.2 fats , So it should be easy for me. Still be on the gluten free diet

    Jackie was sure right about these kittens carrying things off and I can;t find them, Wow!

    Better go back and join Jerry and the kittens.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jeri, glad to read your post. Any goods news is welcome now isn't it. Hope you will be able to continue helping her.
    Love the photos. Marie, little Bubba is a doll.
    Yes Lin, spinach delivered. Got my 2nd injection today. Now I'm pooped.
    Have a good evening
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    Phyllis - I think I totally missed your birthday so if you're reading these posts I hope you'll see this.
