Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy here is how it was explain to me

    - Burst training is exercising at your max for 40 seconds then resting for 20 seconds and repeating for 20 minutes. It is supposed to burn fat for a long time after you are finished with your exercise. Just trying to see if something will work for me.

    it is just about what I do anyway when I do walk. the trouble is I am not consistence with it

    Just got back from the store. now to cook some of these veggies I bought. I am getting to eat just like Lin.

    Hugs Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2015
    Roasting vegetables

    I use a large heavy gauge pan—a jellyroll pan with sides. Many people then line the pan with aluminum foil AND top that with parchment paper. They do that so they don’t have to clean the pan when they’ve finished. I just use the parchment paper and don’t worry about cleaning the pan.

    Then chop into large chunks all the vegetables you want to use. I like to include onion and different types of peppers to add flavor (and I often include sliced mushrooms). Place the chunked vegetables on the parchment lined pan. Top with any seasonings you want to use. I just grind pepper over mine. Some people like onion powder, garlic powder, crushed red pepper flakes, whatever is your favorite.

    Bake at 375 degrees until the veggies are as done as you’d like them. I bake them about 45 minutes and then stir so nothing gets too dark. I usually take them out at an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

    Remove from the oven and plate/serve immediately.

    Anne - That's how I do mine. I don't use oil, I don't think there's any in the house. :)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sandy- Yes I am enjoying the cottage and friends despite the heat. I just don't get along with hot weather anymore.
    We had a lot of rain yesterday and it finally cleaned out the humidity and its nice and cool now and sleeping
    was great. I have central air in my house so being without air in the summer is not pleasant for me.
    I guess its what you get used to. You asked about the fishing, no I don't use worms I use a lure which
    they call a hoola popper and cast out with that.

    Marie - Be careful of that burst training if you are not used to it. It might be too much for your heart. Just saying.

    We are waiting for Isaac to come tonight they should be here around 9PM. Tom will be staying for dinner and
    then leaving after that. Dave is weed wacking the around the cottage now cleaning things up. I dusted today
    so all the furniture and pictures are dust free we just have to vacuum the porch yet.

    I got in my walk around the lake today and now just taking it easy.

    I will catch with comments when I return.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks LIN, I'll have a go tomorrow. I eat a lot of vegetables so this will be a change for me. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! Scary time here. We have a county-wide ban on all open flames including lanturns, candles, campfires and no smoking on beaches and state and national parks. Our fire danger is at extremely high. It is dry as tender here. Odd feeling really. We are used to so much humidity. The other troublesome and scary thing is our son is traveling. He made arrangements to call us from the Dominican Republic a week ago. No word! I am now trying to locate him. I will feel silly and a worry wort if I find him safe and having a lovely time. I will be terrified if I can't reach him and the hotel continues to insist he hasn't checked in. What gray hair I have left I will be pulling out soon. This is madness!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello – I have continued cleaning bits and pieces out of my garage and cleaned up some crusty dirt off the floor. My cabinet was delivered and the handyman is coming over later on to get it set up. Excited!! I made a quick lunch today—a bag of broccoli slaw (which I chop up more with a thin wooden spoon-like utensil), chopped red onion, extra shredded carrots, some wild balsamic vinegar and a Tbsp of pine nuts. Chomp chomp. So good. Tonight is leftovers PLUS fresh sweet corn---I’m in vegetable heaven.

    Marie – glad you like your new cookbook. I love eating plants!! A real cowboy wedding. Wow—now that sounds super. I’ve never been to one. I hope everyone has a wonderful time. I’m sure everyone is busy planning right now. Give the kitties a pet when they fly by you.

    Buzz – is the visit over now? I hope you are doing well and not wearing yourself to a frazzle with everything DH needs these days. Did you ever get any respite care or other assistance?

    Anne – ha, no discounts for me. My main reason for going to the Farmer’s Market every week is to pick up my weekly subscription box with my organic CSA. Sometimes I purchase other things there, sometimes not. I still make at least one trip a week to Trader Joe’s and/or Whole Foods too. And it’s starting to look like a need a trip to Walmart in the next week or so. Are the roofers close to finished? My roof took one day back when I had it done. I liked that.

    Sandy – thanks for hunting for the garage photo. I wanted to see the shelves you have for your totes. Now I have some ideas for additional storage. And yep, I’m probably quite defensive about the way I eat because I get crap most of the time from all sides. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but not only was I told that people don’t want to invite me to anything because the way I eat makes them uncomfortable but at our church’s ice cream social I was somewhat ostracized because I don’t eat ice cream or pie or brownies. Nothing like feeling like a misfit but I really don’t care because I won’t change due to outside pressure, only if I get nutritional evidence that I should make some tweaks. Now as for that movie---I’m so far behind times I have not even heard of it! Let us know what you think.

    Shirley – glad you enjoyed the second yoga class and found a few bargains. Maybe the weather will be temperate enough that you won’t need any additional pairs of shorts until next year. Enjoy the weekend. And congratulations on catching that bass while the guys struck out.

    Phoebe – I am sorry you had a bad day. It’s miserable when you can’t get pain relief. I hope and pray today is much better. Congratulations on your haul at Farmer’s Market.

    Patsy – please keep in touch. I know the fires are just horrendous and I so wish you’d get some rain which might help the firefighters. And my gosh, where could your son be? That’s odd. I hope you track him down soon. Hugs and best wishes.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    First, yes, we mostly enjoyed the DD;s visit, although I didn't appreciate her interference when Mike wouldn't cooperate with my asking him what to tell the server behind the breakfast counter when he preferred joking instead of answering he wanted eggs! DD thought I should have ignored the server and just walked away and let him go hungry. Sounds complicated, but I was not thrilled ! I'd like him to gain back some of the 28 pounds he lost! Otherwise, good visit...and short!!!
    PHOEBE, lucky you with 30 pounds of Georgia peaches to freeze! Mine always were delicious, as I cooked them after freezing so there was no extra liquid. Best peaches in the world are in your state!
    LIN, it isn't easy to have people disapproving your choices, but if you find giving in to some foods sets off a chain of desires, by all means just smile at them and move on! If I eat anything containing sugar, I desire more sweets! I try to avoid it but it ain't easy!
    PATSY, please let s know as soon as your son "remembers" to phone! There have been no planes disappear, and I hope he simply forgot his promise, but we're here with you!
    SANDY, Babe should do much better once his cataracts are replaced. Mike and I are now 20/20 vision. Your garage is just as I would have expected; beautifully organized!
    MARIE, interval training needs an OK from your doctor. We "over 79ers" can't follow many exercise routines we used to try! Love you and don't want problems happening!
    JACKIE, did you receive the email I forwarded? I think your address book has been hacked!
    OK, dinnertime, so have a great evening everyone.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    LIN the builders appear to my unprofessional eye to be very meticulous and good at their job. They only had a short lunch break and 9 hours later are still hard at work, finishing off I think. Its a funny shaped roof with lots of "capping" of joints. The garage is the same and they will be doing that tomorrow, anyway the boss is proving a mine of information. He's just been telling me, Mark and Mary Jo how to prune the two apple trees while busily munching on an apple. By the way, I used to have trouble with MY friends as well criticizing the way I eat, no shellfish, no red meat etc. If it helps, my 3 still standing friends (the others succumbed to the grim reaper) now say, "well YOU'VE always eaten healthy", forgetting the way they used to scoff at my "peculiar" ways. Just be yourself and do what's best for Lin. I don't mind being a misfit. The garage door has been open all day for access to the electricity, and I might have a tidy house, but I DON'T have a tidy garage. My next big job! Quite ashamed of it. Yours looks lovely SANDY!
    PATSY I do hope by now you are in contact with your son! You must indeed be very worried. My eldest is somewhere on the Mediterranean on a ship and can't contact me whilst at sea. I wouldn't worry normally but with all these tales of Europe being flooded by desperate people, I'm happier when in contact. Being a mom is quite a burden isn't it. Who knew when we cuddled our little bundles of joy that we would still be worrying about them in their fifties! Sigh.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member


    Yippee, my second dumbbell arrived today....but since it is after 5 PM on Friday after already walking the dogs for three and half hours and teaching the two hour line dance class and doing a small part of my weight routine, I'll just unpack the dumbbell parts and wait until Sunday to use them for my workout

    The point of weight training is to add muscle, speed up metabolism, and improve bone health....I'm not looking to be a body builder. These weights look imposing but they are designed to be adjustable so when I can do a lift with more than the 15 pound dumbbells I already have, I can set these up for 17.5 pounds, or 20 pounds to gradually increase the weight. "Heavy" lifting means to keep increasing the weight you lift to the heaviest you can lift.

    :) Tomorrow morning is the line dance performance at the fair. After several months of weekly practice, I think we're ready.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie good luck on the line dance at the fair. I know you all will do fine Busy day for me.

    I found a barging at the grocer store. The had a pack of veggies k BobsWhat ever it is call. (veggies on a stick) I cook 2 of them but one was all I could eat. So had the other one for Dinner Now Have 3 more for tomorrow Oh me. but was really good. all for 2.99 regular price was 5.99 If I don't want them tomorrow I will freeze them and add to a soup

    Have a great night . Me I am going to bed early tired
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Finally home again. For awhile, I hope. My sister had fairly good news at the cancer clinic. Her cancer is not curable but is treatable for awhile at least. It is wider spread than we thought but the doctor was encouraging about the new drugs out there for treating metastatic breast cancer and felt the side effects should not be too bad. Fingers crossed. Surgery is not an option. However she still needs to have a brain scan on Monday and will see the doctor on Wednesday. Hopefully he'll have the results then. If it turns out there is brain cancer then the treatment will change again.

    We left before she did the test or got the results as she felt she would be okay and told us to go home. She does have a very good friend who helps and her estranged husband has been helpful as well. We were exhausted and needed to go home and recouperate. If needed, we can always load up the car and head back down. It is tho, less stressful for her having a diagnosis and a plan of attack in place.

    It'll take a few days to get reacquainted with everything here. We'd love to go camping if we can. Summer just evaporated on us. Darn.

    I'll catch up with everyone eventually.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, sorry you're having to worry about your son. It is a scary time in our world, no matter where we are. Hope he is just busy. I was sad when I saw the news about the. wildfire in Washington state. It doesn't take much to set off a spark and people can be so careless and downright reckless! In California, for years, it's a big no no to throw a cigarette butt out of a vehicle. Once, my friend was pulled over, he was nervous, and he had a cigarette going. Without thinking, he dropped the butt to the ground and stepped on it. Well, he was standing in front of the patrolman. That went over well! We laughed a long time at our friend's expense.
    Lin, I think Barbie goes thru similar treatment. I think what I find most upsetting is that these are parishioners. That is sad. Believe me, I think your food is beautiful! I couldn't handle all those vinegars though. Yuk! Lol.
    Marie, do be careful. Look into working on muscle toning. That will speed your metabolism too. Barbie could give you some info. You can lift a kitten in each hand for starters!
    Buzz, sometimes having a little distance from relatives is a good thing. They want to help, but ultimately, they will go home , leaving you to deal with the aftermath. Yes, good peaches.
    Sandy, yes, easy as can be. I freeze them whole, unwashed, unpeeled in freezer bags. They are still good when I get them out. Sit out for appx 30 minutes minimum, then run under lukewarm water. They will peel quickly. Going to take some to my aunt.
    Shirley, you take advantage of summer to the best of your abilities. I think you are smarter than the rest of us, lol. Summer is for playing!
    Anne, so glad the tree mess is gone. Be careful, they sometimes miss nails they've dropped, even when they've used a metal detector.
    Barbie, hope you don't get any of these awful fire scares. Good work with your weights.
    Jackie, still thinking of you
    Tomorrow is family reunion.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE. I saw that many people had wished me a Happy Birthday. THANKS so much for remembering me. I did go to the states in June and visited my mom. ended up buying a house while I was there but I'm just renting it out.MOM IS DOING GREAT. When I got back my daughter arrived with her two little girls and they just left two days ago. I miss my grand daughters terribly. We went to the beach for a few days and did lots of fun things together before she returned to Abu Dhabi. I cry every day a little because I miss them so much. I wish they lived closer so I could spend time with them every day. My son's wife is expecting to deliver on the 6th of Sept and they live only blocks from me so I am excited to have them near by so I can spoil the baby.
    I tried posting a couple pics of the girls so I hope it worked. Also one of my daughter and me with the two little girls out in front of my house. e3ngsmeilj3c.jpg
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    one more pic of my grand daughter. I am obsessed with pics as you can tell. 005of7vq3dtc.jpg
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Quick good morning everybody before the roofers arrive to attack the garage this time. Thanks for the warning about stray nails PHOEBE because I do have the terrible habit of running around without shoes, even outside! I agree with you about parishioners of all people criticizing!
    PHYLLIS! good to hear (read?) from you again and to actually see you and your lovely family. My eldest sons birthday is on the 6th September, nine days after his younger brother. so I'm looking forward to your good news and to see if he and the little one share birthdays. Very glad your Mom is doing great, just having you for a few weeks will have put a new spring in her step. One of my cousins married a young Turkish man she met in university and they moved there for all of their married life. They had bought a small house in the north of England before moving and luckily they didn't sell it but rented it because she was widowed in her fifties and she and her 3 grown children moved back to the UK, and wasn't it a good thing they still had the little house. She eventually remarried in the UK, and two of her children have remained, but her eldest son moved back to Turkey.
    Well must get on before the men arrive, as in shower, hair wash etc. Have a pleasant Saturday, all you amazing and busy as little bees friends. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh what a lovely surprise---PHYLLIS, you're back!!! So good to catch up with all of your news and thank you so much for the pictures. So lovely--please share as many pictures as you want to. I love them! Wow, and you purchased a house while in the U.S., and your mom is doing better. All excellent.

    Anne, glad the roofers are back today. I found roofer nails in odd places around the perimeter of my house and stuck in cracks of the deck etc. for quite a while after the job was completed. Good of Phoebe to share that with you. I never go barefoot outdoors so no dangers but I still wanted them picked up.

    Jeri, I am glad you are home now and that your sister has a treatment plan (even if it may have to change going forward). I also hope you get to go camping for a while. You and DH need a break for sure!!

    Buzz, sorry everything wasn't perfect on the visit. It's difficult for someone to know how to act when they are in a situation for just a short time while you live with it each day and know so much more about behaviors and reactions. I hope no harm was done. I thought of you as I picked up some movies at the library the other day. I finally get to see "The Imitation Game" and the "Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" today/this evening. You've likely seen them ages ago!

    Phoebe, enjoy the reunion. And I hope you are not in pain.

    Marie, hello my friend. Thinking of you as I need to cook some veggies. I always keep some cooked in the refrigerator and I see I have nothing left in there! So I'd better get on it. Making a big salad for lunch and will have to go to the store tomorrow as I am running low on some salad fixings as well. Need to get some broccoli sprouts started again too......down to the basement to get some seed to soak.

    I'd best get moving. Have some things to posting early as later on they say we may have storms moving through with heavy rain. Also I had no Internet connection from last evening until I unhooked everything this morning and hooked it up again. Never know how long it will last. I tried doing that last evening and still couldn't get a connection.

    Hugs to everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Pasty hope you have heard from your son by now

    Jeri glad you are home to get some much needed rest. And hope things all turn out well for your sister.

    Phoebe will Jim get some coconut cake at the reunion. Did you get those pecan coconut cookies made.? I must say they look fantastic. I never been a cookie baker

    lin I don't think I need to cook anything today. Eat my left overs. Have got some beans I need to get frozen

    Anne one more noisy day. hopefully

    Buzz hi you get some rest

    My meals plan today

    Breakfast.....Oatmeal coffee

    Lunch... great northern beans.. Salad. 1/2 of small personel size watermelon
    Snacks, fruit
    Have a g great day


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :) Definitely a pool day today, they are predicting rain for tomorrow. I think the pool will start with the shorter hours on Monday, meaning they won't open until 4:00 and there is only two more weekend before it closes for the season. (Labor Day) Babe and I saw "The Gift" yesterday, it was not as good as I thought it would be but it was good. Today we are going to Mass and dinner, which means I stop to play with Daisy after dinner.
    I am all set to watch Robby on Monday buying all the supplies I need, I am looking forward to having him all day, we will see how long that lasts. lol

    Lin, how was the movie Best Exotic Marigold Hotel? Again, I apologize if I hurt your feelings, it was not my intent.

    Anne, one more day and you get back your peace and quiet.

    Phyllis, so good to hear from you and sharing the pictures of your beautiful granddaughters. You look great and those girls make you beam. I do see a boo boo on your older granddaughter, hopefully nothing too serious. I am also happy to hear your mom is doing great and congratulations on the house in the US. Do you plan on coming back here someday or was it just for an investment? Do you know what your son and his wife are carrying, a boy or a girl?

    Phoebe, have a great time at the reunion today, always great to be with family.

    Jeri, I too, hope you get to go camping, you certainly can use some alone time. Prays will continue for your sister and it sounds like she is in good hands with the cancer clinic.

    Marie, veggie bobs sound good to me, how do you cook them, on the grill?

    Barbie, good luck on your weight training, increasing to 20 pounds sounds hard, I can hardly handle 5 pounds with my back. Good luck with the dance performance at the fair, I know you will do wonderful.

    Jackie, I hope you check in before Tuesday so we can wish you the best of luck.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Thanks SANDY, MARIE, LIN and everyone else who has been sending me good wishes.

    Can you believe that we went through a few snow showers on our way home in the mountains and foothills. It is cool this morning but the forecast to warm back up to nice temperatures. Calgary has the wildest temperatures.

    Phyllis, happy belated birthday. I've been out of touch but saw your post and loved your family pictures. Wonderful.

    Barbie - Wow - up to 20 lb weights. Amazing. You always are my inspiration.

    Phoebe - enjoy the family reunion

    Marie - Sounds good what you have planned to eat today. Are you still eating gluten free?

    Well, I must run, clothes to wash, groceries to buy. I got a sore foot while I was away so I've down played my step goal. I'll try to work at increasing that but it will have to be gradual.

    Have a wonderful day everyone,

    Jeri in Calgary, Alberta
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    12:30 and the roofers are gone. It looks great, the roof, and the chap next door, into building before he retired, said he thought it a job well done, and a good crew, which of course is good enough for me! I've just got the dumpster left behind and a couple of packets of leftover tiles to be picked up so......I'm just about to put the lawn furniture out again to enjoy my morning coffee tomorrow! So yes, it's quite quiet SANDY after the hammering and the clump of work boots above me! Just thought I'd let you all know you won't be getting bored by roofs and raccoons, hopefully, for some time!