Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Odd orange glow in the air from all the fires in eastern Oregon. Pretty but ominous! We know what is causing this lovely golden hue in the air. Can't smell it however.

    Still no word from our son. I have a mental time line now. I will have a plan of escalating effort and phone calls as the days go by. If he is just playing too much to remember to call his parents...great! I am now ready to contact some authorities. But it might be a tad embarrassing for him. I am praying this will be the case. I want him having a marvelous vacation but the silent email communication and missed phone calls are disturbing. It is very unlike him!

    I will get very busy today and channel my energy to something positive while planning my next effort to contact our son. They are always our babies, no matter the age.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quiet day here. Just checking to make sure everyone is OK, and hoping to hear from PATSY! Yep, these little bundles of joy can cause all sorts of reactions, but lets hope only good ones now! BARBIE, interesting barbells. Mine needed for me to own a different pair for each size! I had no more room!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Storms will be rolling in soon according to the latest weather update. So I'll be logging out for the evening (just got my Internet service working again).

    Patsy - I hope you find your son. Is it typical of him to not respond to your phone calls? I sort of hope it is.

    Buzz - hello, finally a quiet day for you. Wonderful.

    Sandy - I liked the movie but with so many actors in it that are my favorites, how could I not like it.

    Off now.........hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey Did not think they were going to let me post.

    Sandy I just spray my little baking pan and Put them in the oven around 400 degree for about an hour I thought they turn out good A ended up after I found a recipes to cook brown rice in my little crock pot. So with a salad I had a nice dinner. I also found a vegan rice pudding I can make and have. Plan on making it pretty soon.

    Phyllis I forgot to mention your cute little grandkids. Their dress are so cute Did you make them I just love the light blue lace one, But they all are just too cute

    Good night folks
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, just had an early lunch (we are painting window frames etc this pm) and I made your roast veggie recipe exactly as you wrote, and thoroughly enjoyed a good mixture of potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, onions, etc etc, so thank you. Those poor deprived ice cream, pie, brownie guzzling parishioners haven't a clue what they are missing! Finally heard from my eldest who is floating somewhere off Barcelona! I hope you have heard from your wandering offspring too PATSY. Well, my youngest is a fingers to the grindstone sort of guy and the house will be all lovely and smart come fall, providing the masked bandits (raccoons) don't strike again. Leaving outside lights on overnight in the hope of deterring the smart little things.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good morning all,

    Nice day here. I managed to get in my 30 minutes of walking. We'll meet our youngest daughter and her family for lunch. Not the greatest for sure as we are going to McDonalds. Ironically they have lots of allergies but it is a safe place for them to eat. Oh well.

    Patsy - wondering as well how things are going and hoping you have made contact with your son.

    Glad to hear from Buzz, Lin, Marie and Anne. I'm sure the others will be around before too long too.

    Have a great day


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I started tutoring a little 5th grade boy today. Guess I'll be doing that every night this year. He wasn't happy to be locked up with me for an hour but his mom made all the arrangements and I think once he gets used to it he will be fine. He just wants to go home and PLAY after school. Getting his homework done promptly is not on his agenda.
    My son's wife is having a baby girl. or at least that is what the doc says. they plan to name her Talia.
    As for my house in America, I would love to live there. It is a town house, has someone that takes care of the yard, includes a pool and game room to share with other home owners. But for now I'll just be staying here in Egypt. Maybe some day I can move over and enjoy my little 3 bedroom town house.
    Today I sewed drapes for one of our rentals and made 6 little burp clothes for my daughter in law. It was a sewing day. I only have to hem up the drapes once we go measure the length in the rental.
    No Marie, I didn't make the dresses that my grand daughters are wearing. I bought them two different matching dresses when I was in the states. They looked so cute wearing them.
    About the BOO BOO on my little Fayrouzy's head, I hate to admit it but I took her out to play one day when she was here and she was riding a little wiggle bike down a ramp and forgot to turn at the bottom. Well there was a brick wall near the end of the ramp and she crashed into it cutting open her forehead. It required 3 tiny stitches but they had to put her out completely to do it since she was so small. I felt terrible. It all happened on my daughters birthday and the day that we had planned to have a joint birthday party for her and her daughter. In the end we still had the party and everyone had a great time. Before she went back to Abu Dhabi I removed two of the stitches while her mom held her down but the third on I could not get so they will have to get someone over there to remove it.
    Hope that you have heard from your son Patsy. That is the worst feeling when you don't know what those little. stinkers are up to.
    sending a goofy pic of my and my goofy grand daughters. hope it gives you a smile today.ltohxca43j75.jpg

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yay Jeri's home. Missed your posts. Well, we are also very familiar with MCD's,lol. I've been walking Honey to the mailbox. She loves the walk but it certainly tires her. That isn't surprising since she is 10.
    The reunion was,as ever, a good one. So many faces we don't quite recognize. Good to visit in person with my Facebook relatives, lol, you know what I mean. The children are so much fun!
    Lin, you'll have a wonderfully clean garage, and may want to make it your 'woman cave' lol, I laughed the first time I heard that term for men.
    Anne, where do you get your energy??!! Your son as well. Wow, Barcelona! Your kids are smart to enjoy themselves. Re: raccoons, well, they can overcome most issues. The only thing we've found successful for any critter invasions is thin sheets of metal cut to size and placed over the opening they used. That only works if you know where the opening is.
    Dear Patsy, I imagine you aren't feeling too great, and not resting much. I am thinking of you, and praying for your son. It may have been a misunderstanding about when he plans to contact you, I hope.
    Marie, is it football season? Hope Bubba and PJ like watching with you. No, there wasn't a coconut cake at the reunion. Jim said he was going to 'confront' his aunt about it. One of his aunts didn't come, she wasn't up to it. I think we should make time for visiting.
    I'm folding laundry. Then I get to put together my 'media storage units'.
    Have a great Sunday
    P.s. Phyllis, didn't intend to neglect you! Missed your posts. Love your photos, you are so young. Okay, I'm falling asleep, lol
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Here's hoping we hear a good update from Pasty today, I too am on Pins and needles. On 11-11 my son was on a job traveling and was up in the air when it all hit. We did not know where he was at we knew he was not on either one of those planes. They rerouted his plan to Canada very scare that day. I still hate it that he has to fly so much.on his job.

    my menu for today at least a rough plan. of it.

    Breakfast .....1 c brown rice,Cinnamon, stevia. 1 T. of coffee creamer coffee

    Lunch Spanish rice. with black beans ,salad tea

    Smoothie with Strawberries


    Have a great Sunday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday!! Kind of a cool, cloudy day with the sun peeking out on occasion. I am going to stay in today and get things set up for Robby. Have to get out the portable bed, move the coffee table and cover it with a blanket. Trying to child proof as much as possible and give him room to roam. With tomorrow starting my early morning routine I hope to get to bed early tonight.

    Patsy, I had a video call with my son yesterday and he said how awful the smoke was and how it was affecting his wife's asthma. They left this morning to go to Canada for a late anniversary present to themselves. I do hope your house is okay and by now you have heard from your son. We are all worried with you and pray he is all right.

    Marie, my goodness, that must have been awful for you and your family on 9/11. Not knowing where your family is in times of danger is just too much. I am glad you had a happy ending.

    Phoebe, I am glad you had fun at the reunion and being able to have eye contact with family that you only see on Facebook. Honey is a good girl to walk with you even if she does tire, it has to be good for her to move don't you think?

    Phyllis, charming picture and I agree with Phoebe, you are so young.

    Jeri, good for you on getting 30 minutes of walking today. A little comfort food of Mickey D's is something you need right now, indulge.

    Ann, where do you get all this ambition, no wonder you don't look your age, you are very active.

    Lin, hope your day is going well and you have internet. I hope to watch the movie as soon as I can find time to sit long enough.


    Enjoy your Sunday, fun day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Phyllis, it is great to see you again....your granddaughters are beautiful

    :) Sandy, any lifting with weights is good....the plan is start with the heaviest you can handle....all the weight lifting sites show young, fit people lifting huge weights.....for the rest of us, starting with 3 or 5 pounds might be the beginning and then gradually lifting heavier (like going from 3 to 5 or 5 to 7)

    3fn5y5qecilr.jpg I used my new dumbbells today.....20 pounds in each hand...5 sets of 5 repetitions or three different lifts and two planks. My back feels like I did a good workout. The whole thing took about 40 minutes and I watched a good movie on TV while I did it. I finished watching the movie later while folding laundry. If you read "Strong Women Stay Young" the author says that for some, just doing the exercises with no weight at first is enough and later using soup cans (or Marie's kittens) or 3 pound weights would be the next step.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gif The line dance performance at the fair went great....I made a few mistakes but kept on going and had a great time. Someone took pictures so I may have one to post sometime soon.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello – just a quick hello and will try to post. My Internet is mostly OFF today and I have used my phone for short comments on the news feed etc.

    Long day at church and then visited a bit with some folks afterwards so got home late. Made broccoli slaw for lunch and added a cooked sweet potato because that was quick to put together and I was pretty hungry. Evening meal was a homemade cooked mix of onion, thick carrot slices, broccoli, and cauliflower. After all was cooked and combined I added onion powder, garlic powder, lots of ground pepper and some turmeric. Yumm. Had some blueberries, some chunks of banana and one more small sweet potato. The kitchen is now closed.

    Have read everyone’s posts and hope tomorrow will be a better Internet day.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) My friend who took photos at the line dance performance called a little while ago and I asked her for electronic versions of the pictures she took.

    turhf8pqgvjb.jpg I am the one at the right end of the picture (stage left)


    I don't know why these are sideways and upside down....sorry

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BARBIE, if you sent from your Phone or iPad, they come sideways and upside down! You look terrific!
    PHYLLIS, family is adorable and so are you!
    LIN. parishioners are people, and despite attending services, some harbor jealousies, too. I think there are more than a few people jealous of you and BARBIE and your self discipline and new found figures!!!
    OK, ANNE, no barefoot walking outdoors for you. Do you love your new roof?
    PATSY, hang in there, kiddo! Has this happened before?
    PHOEBE, you probably see and know more differences about this beautiful awesome country than anyone else here. Do you think the weather has become more extreme?
    Saw a kind of fun movie tonight with a super slim Helen Hunt demonstrating tremendous surfing skills and her usual acting ability! I think the name was " Dive" . Interesting and a bit different to ponder regarding Mother/Son relationship!
    Falling asleep, so g'nite dear everybody!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    You look great, Barbie. Was it hot there? Looks like all of you enjoyed yourselves. Have a good nights rest everyone.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good news! I got word from our son. He got tangled up with hurricane Danny. The edges of it took out the wifi where he was staying with friends. He tried to book an emergency flight out but of course not available. The hurricane has fizzled and will hit the island he is on with only heaven rain and a bit of wind. That was no fun for any of us. But as a guy who sails and surfs and dives...well I think his brain is water logged! He is a great son and very talented but he loves the adrenaline rush. Thanks all for the support and well wishes.

    Smoke from Washington fires is clearing a bit. John got to watch a football Pregame. Not very exciting but he is getting set for the season. I usually eat a bowl of popcorn and just sort of tune in and out. I am looking for an air pop popcorn popper. No salt or oil! I can put chili powder or garlic or ??

    I just bought the book Barbie talked about. "Strong Women Stay Young" by Dr.Miriam Nelson. Great info! Good book with good instruction and illustrations. She spoke at a conference in Portland.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, WHEW! So glad he's in contact
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Me too PATSY, wifi being the culprit with my Michael as well. I guess it was maybe easier in the days of wooden sailing ships and silence for months on end. Modern technology is both a blessing and a curse! I Keep forgetting to put my shoes on BUZZ, a lifetime habit is hard to break! I'm trying to remember. I LOVE the new roof. Just need to keep the little bu....ahem raccoons from destroying it again. Busy Monday so must move my rear, but THE VERY BEST FOR TOMORROW JACKIE AND A SPEEDY RECOVERY.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited August 2015
    So happy your son finally contacted you Patsy. We can all breathe again......

    Wishing everyone well. Got my Internet working for a little while here so must try to do a bit of banking and then there are errands to do.

    Happy first day with Robby to you Sandy.

    Oh and Barbie, I loved the pictures. I sort of stood on my head to see you properly. Loved the outfits!!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just remembered. Can you remember ages ago I mentioned that I'd read that tomatoes and peppers are a suspected cause of arthritis? Well I gave them up and the severe pain in my knee and finger joints disappeared. Now, it maybe wasn't the tomatoes fault, but in fact my walking every day was the cure. So.......I've just done a little experiment. I've carried on walking, but I've also eaten my home grown tomatoes for five days in a row and the twinges are back! Make of this what you will, but I'm a believer! I know the tomato plants will be on the compost heap later today. Pity, I like them but I'm pretty certain they don't like me!
    Anne - the late tomato consumer!