Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Our lap top is shutting down and I wanted to give Jackie a graphic.

    So instead I will say I am glad you are home and a speedy recovery for you. <3

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jackie: welcome home, my friend! We have all held you in our thoughts and hearts as you went throught this proceedure. So glad you are home. Stay positive, stay in touch! We love you.

    Good news folks! We are to receive the first significant rain that we have had since March. The weather alert said this weekend we might have over an inch of rain. This well ease the wildfire situation. Whew!

    I just received a long letter from a dear old friend. She is so depressed and angry. The underlying reason, it seems to me, is the isolation she has put herself into. I am grateful for the wonderful Golden Sneakers and the ongoing internet relationships we share. I will say this with confidence! These relationships here are life saving! Thank you all for including me.

    Our crazy son is still in the tropics and in the path of another hurricane, Erika. Good grief, I will not breath easy until this wayward son back in Portland.

    Going back to work on my earth paintings. It feels like a cross between carving and painting. A sort of relief process. The issue is the weight of the medium. Still it is interesting to experiment with a medium that is of my own making. Of course, I didn't make the dirt! Must dig out the art dungeon today. Bad vibes in there. It could be related to excess clutter, dust, trash, and STUFF.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome home our Englishman. Take care of yourself. You have brought such pleasure in my life with your stories. We all adored you. Take care and love you.
    ma <3 ie is this how you used to write my name, I think so. I have some wonderful memories of the Sneakers
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy thanks for telling me Jackie was home I too a nap and just woke up.
    I too been having pronlems MFPIn the mornińg I took a difference routethis morning and it help me
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We'll be going to the west coast of Florida for a few days on a bus trip with other residents. Maybe I ca sleep on the bus!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz why is it so hard for you to sleep.? You keep to much on your shoulder. Ease up and smell the roses. if you have any we certainly don.'t just barely see s few leaves. this been a rough Summer for the plants around here
    Enjoy your trip. I don't think a bus will be ver confort to sleep in. But I do take a lot of naps in my tv chair I tried not too. But had a very nice nap in bed this afternoon.

    Good night all. Heading to bed.
    Hugs Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning girls! My wandering boy (son) is on a plane heading for Canada at the moment PATSY and I for one will be very glad when his feet hits terra firma, and talking about feet, I had just settled down for a nice cuppa and my latest whodunit when I was startled to hear heavy boots above my head. The builder boss was up there on the roof yet again making sure everything was done correctly. I am very impressed with this firm. They replaced my old draughty front window frames, door frame and front door around 5 years ago and they still look good with not a stray breeze filtering in since, which can't be said about my ancient old side and back frames. I have yet to come across a discarded nail outside, quite amazing.

    I so envy you MARIE managing a nice nap or two. Like BUZZ I don't seem to need much sleep. Usually about 7 hours but last night I went to bed around 10, at 11:30 I gave up and collected up my book and finally I turned the light out at 1:30. By 5:30 I was up and raring to go. You COULD say Buzz and I spend too MUCH time smelling the roses instead of in the land of nod!

    Just love seeing all the beautiful babies, the latest being sweet little Rayhana and her lovely big sister.

    JACKIE, hope you are healing nicely and feeling more like the old Jackie. Does George arrive home today? Much face licking and tail wagging when he sees his Mum again I expect. He must be quite exhausted from all that house guarding though, lol. Wave to Michael, he should be flying over the UK about now, 9.35 here!

    Well EVERYBODY, have a most lovely and pleasant day, Anne.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Well I got on the scale this morning and my weight stayed the same. I weighed exactly what I did the day I left for the
    cottage. I am happy but losing would be better. I really didn't expect to lose so I will take it.

    Like I mentioned we have a wedding this weekend and my dinner is preordered so the rest of the eating will be up to me.
    It's only one night so damage will be minimal. :)

    Today I plan on a walk this morning and then after lunch I have a hair apt. We are going out tonight with friends to see
    a play and dinner.

    JACKIE- I hope you are healing and your spirits are good.

    PATSY - Your son is like my oldest daughter always going somewhere but we get all her particulars before she leaves
    so we can contact her if need be. We still have Dave's mom here who is 89 and anything can happen at that age.

    BUZZ - Enjoy your bus trip and hope you can sleep on the bus.

    ANNE - Your roofing company should be checking your roof after its done I think that is what they usually do.
    Glad yours is in great shape and you can relax now. Where is Canada is your son going to? Is he coming to see you?

    LIN- No the cottage is not closed up yet. We were thinking of going one more time with my oldest daughter but
    looks like our schedule in September won't fit. Dave will go up again in October to shut it down.

    PHYLLIS- Your granddaughter is so cute and petite. When I see Isacc he is a a chunky boy ,mostly his legs, but
    when he gets moving they will slim down eventually.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! I have also had a rather sleepless night. It must be the atmospheric change. We have a strong front coming with RAIN! Oh dear God! How we need it. The doggies have been up with me. The old dears are going to be exhausted, I know. They normally are tucked nicely in their tuffets at night. Right beside our bed. It serves at an obstacle course for us when getting out of bed.

    Fall is in the air. Cool nights and leaves are falling in great numbers. Right when we are to get a heavy rain we have a huge race with over 15,000 people running in relay from mount Hood to the coast, here. About 200 miles. It is a huge event every year. I really feel bad for the runners. We are to have our heaviest rain right during the race. There is always a big party on the beach in Seaside, Oregon. I fear this will spoil the fun for them. But this is Oregon and we normally have rain.

    I may collapse at some point and actually nap. Hope so. I get cranky if I don't get enough sleep.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi SHIRLEY, Michael is coming home from Europe, having crossed over Jackies place in his air canada plane on the way back I expect. I shall be glad to see him tucked up nicely in his home in Ontario tonight. I usually see him once a week, so I've really missed him.
    I wonder why, when one types USA, UK, or say Italy, MFP corrects and capitalizes other countries but doesn't bother with poor old canada? Try it girls, you'll see! Unless someone picks this omission up and corrects it of course!
    Yes, I would expect the roofing company to check once, but 3 TIMES! That's why I'm impressed!
    Enjoy the wedding, the forecast looks good for the bride and groom if it's local.
    Glad you are in for a good old soaking PATSY! The fire threatened forests and homes are more important than the runners. Let us know the number of people who participated in this marathon in the end. A downpour will surely separate the dedicated from the "lets have a go" folk.
    Must shut up and start cooking lunch. Actually it's my dinner in reality. It's teatime for me later in the day.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Morning

    Jackie - good healing and best wishes.
    Shirley - loved your pictures. And Candy Crush has kept me sane at times at my sisters when I was all stressed out. LOL. Glad to help you.
    Patsy - Fall is in the air here too. There is a calmness to it.
    Lin - just a day trip to the mountains. We had lots of fun getting out and taking pictures and enjoying natures. Unfortunately smoke coming up from Washington obscured the mountain peaks but it was beautiful none the less.
    Sandy - sorry about your friend, hugs to you
    Marie - I never told you how much I love cats. And kittens too. I am envious. However we have bad cat allergies in the family so I can only enjoy them from afar. Enjoy for sure.

    We came back from our day trip feeling great. Even stopped at the casino on the Indian Reserve and I won $2.14 and Ed about $30. That's a fortune for me. LOL

    Had a friend over for an easy supper last night, spaghetti and meat sauce. Couldn't get much easier. But it was fun.

    Today we are going up to the car dealership where we bought our new car. We didn't take them up on a trade in when we bought the new car in May thinking we would sell it privately. But the economy and a great lack of time while we were away in Washington leaves us with still having the old car. Ed talked to them Yesterday and we may still make a deal. Cross your fingers Hope to get rid of it. Only have a 2 car garage and have 3 vehicles right now.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day so not a lot of time. Went to bingo and my friends husband came so I was not alone. The memorial will be September 16 at their church. He said his wife is doing okay but it is just now the realization that her sister is gone forever. Dying is so hard on the living. :'(

    Babe's son is taking him for his cataract surgery today. It is a long story but once again his son stepped in to be the hero. I told Babe from now on with any health issues call his son, not me. I will just leave it at that.

    Jeri, glad you got a day to yourself and good luck at the dealership.

    Anne, good to hear Michael is on his way home and you can start sleeping better at night.

    Patsy, my son and his wife will be happy to hear about the rain, they are in Canada until the weekend.

    Shirley, enjoy the dinner/play with your friends. Robby has gotten taller so his little chubby legs are getting thinner. I made a DVD for the first year of his life and he sure has gone through lots of changes. He is so much fun to be with now, makes sitting much easier.

    Buzz, enjoy your time on the West Coast, you deserve a little fun. (and a nap on the bus)

    Marie, you are very welcome, I thought you might have missed Jackie's post.

    Enjoy this day and all that follow.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello friends – busy day. Got up a bit late, had to fiddle with both the laptop and the Internet connection to at least look at my email…..then off to pick up just a few things at Trader Joe’s. Home again, things put away and finished packing up a few boxes for Goodwill. Ran over and dropped them off and started my lunch veggies. Got a phone call from a journalist writing an article on farm rents and we talked for a while as she is including a quote from me (ack) in her article. On the plus side, I won’t ever see it as her articles are part of a daily newsfeed for professional grain trading operations or to farmers who pay for a subscription. Then it was time to mix up a lentil chili for my InstantPot. Had lunch and cleaned up dishes FOREVER! Now back checking mail, watching it drizzle and getting ready to head down to pick up my veggie box. Tonight I have to finish moving things so hopefully the couch will get out of here tomorrow. Unfortunately it may be a rainy day so it’s likely my carpet will get muddied. And I plan to listen in on another conference call on nutrition tonight. That’s about it.

    Can you tell I’m hurrying to post before I lose my connection again? Yes, I know, it’s rude of me.

    Maybe later I can write a more thoughtful post but I am glad to hear from everyone and hope Jackie is doing okay.

    Hugs to all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everybody. Anyone hear from JACKIE yet? AM rushing as dinner got screwed up for reservations ---and our bus trip may be called off due to uncertainty of Hurricane Erika! Oh well
    SANDY, hurrah for you! Finally taking care of # 1!!! Hope Babe comes through cataract surgery well, but he made his ridiculous choice awhile back and the consequences are his own choice!
    My internet connections seem to be a problem so I will try to get back later. Something to do with our building, they tell me!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi my big computer is acting up? So having to used my I pad which is a nice dependable pad but print is way to small for me. But it will keep me in touch with you all. I got my computer cut off now hoping it will clear itself up looking forward to hearing from our dear friend, Jackie again soon.

    Buzz look out for that hurricane.

    Thanks Sandy I do missed a lot at times
    Good for you letting son take care of his father. I wonder what they will do when Babe can't care for hisself.

    My eyes getting tire so singing off
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I have been checking audio books out of the library for awhile to listen to on my phone while I walk the dogs. This week, Jake and I figured out how he can do the same thing on his tablet or on the laptop. It took awhile but between us we figured it out.

    :) Barbie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Good for the both of you Barbie! Hope your library has a big selection.
    There are a Lot of computer problems here. Hope it isn't contagious.
    Working and traveling. We are all OK. Time for my nap.
    Have a good weekend.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Glad that Jackie is back home and recovering. Good news!!!
    I am heading to the beach in a few hours and we won't be back until Sunday.
    My husband needs this R and R so I hope he can relax a lot for the next few days. He works too hard.
    Toodaloo... Phyllis
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Our weather has been perfect, having the windows open with fresh air is just wonderful. We will see what the weekend brings for the pool, only two weekends left. It opens at 4 during the week but that is too late for me. Babe's surgery went well, he goes back for a checkup this afternoon. He is still suffering with a severe headache which the ear doctor said is from a sinus and ear infection, so he said he hasn't slept in three days. I told him to quit smoking and maybe he would feel better but to no avail.

    Phyllis, have fun at the beach house, hope your husband gets the rest he needs.

    Phoebe, loved the picture of honey and your cat in your truck, is honey still dieting?? lol BTW, I just found out about a new channel on Roku called Crackle and can't wait to try it. It has lots of TV shows and free movies. My friend told me about a Jerry Seinfeld show that I want to check out.

    Barbie, happy to hear there is a way to listen to books on a computer or IPad, can you share the information?

    Marie, sorry about your computer problems, but it is good that you have an IPad to use when you do.

    Buzz, sorry if your trip was cancelled, I hope hurricane Erica dies in her path. Yes, Babe made his decision and continues to go to his son when he doesn't like my answers so I am letting his son handle all his problems. We will see how long that last before he drives Babe crazy.

    Lin, how exciting to be quoted in a book even if you don't subscribe. Maybe she will send you a free copy for your kindness.

    Jeri, Patsy, Jackie and all who I missed, hello. Have a wonderful day everyone.

    One Day at a Time

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sandy, do you have a library card? If yes, go to your library website and look for digital download, library, ebooks, anything like that. It will guide you through the process. This works for anyone whose library participates.
    Honey is still dieting. She goes up and down, like me! Actually I found that the second bag of diet food was a slightly different formula. I didn't think to check the feeding instructions again. After she regained a pound, I checked. I had been feeding her one cup too much. Hope she loses now that the amount is correct. She enjoys walking with me. Some places are too hot, sand and pavement burn. We walk faster there to get her back in the truck. She has learned to jump on the bed, and she sleeps with me. When I drive, she sleeps on the floor on her cushions. She likes to look out the window. Okie loves her. He likes to hang out with her. She ignores him unless he finds a bug. (Not in the truck!) I love my babies. So sorry Babe has sinus headache. I have mine under control mlsomehow, but hated them and the nausea.
    Phyllis, rest well at the beach, hubby too. Your granddaughter is so cute, bright eyed and she doesn't look skinny as much as the boys photos look like little chubby babies. All good though.
    Marie, your computer must be frustrating you, wish I could help.
    Lin, hope your old sofa is gone by now.
    Shirley, I hope Kristina is doing OK now. That was a lot for her to experience. Hug little Isaac for me, I know you won't mind.
    Buzz, we saw a weather update , better stay home til Erika makes her pass over Florida.
    Heading to Georgia.